166 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Pendidikan Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Man) Kabupaten Bireun

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    In line with the sharp competition due to technological development and environment the that is so dramatically in all aspects of human life, then every educational institution need professional human resources of education in order to provide excellent service and value. In other words, educational institutions are should not only able to provide satisfactory service (customer satisfaction) but also oriented on the value (customer value). The research results show that the development of human resources of education in MAN Bireuen consist of improving human resource education through teacher training. The necessary training is tailored to the needs of teachers. The training was carried out to take upgrade teachers\u27 performance that was low. Several obstacle faced in the development of education human resources the lack of teacher training and teachers\u27 knowledge in the field of information technology (IT). To solve these problems can be done through training program of teaching profession (PLPG) which aims to create a professional teacher and Teacher Competency Test (UKG). The Indonesian government should improve the quality of LPTK as teacher producers, and conduct teacher training on information and communication echnology (ICT) intensively

    Aspek Hukum USAha Waralaba Di Indonesia

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    Hakikatnya kegiatan USAha bisnis dapat dilaksanakan dengan berbagai macam bentuk dan cara sepanjang kegiatan USAha tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan Perundang-undangan. Secara khusus bisnis waralaba di Indonesia telah diatur dengan Perundang-undangan yang khusus mengatur bisnis waralaba baik dari segi perjanjiannya maupun etika bisnis yang lazim di dalam bisnis ini. Peraturan yang digunakan adalah peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur tentang perjanjian yang terdapat dalam kitab Undang-Undang Hukum perdata (disingkat K.U.H.Perdata) dan peraturan lain yang mengaturnya ada didalam undang ketenagakerjaan. Undang-Undang pajak pertambahan nilai dan Undang-Undang pajak penghasilan serta Undang-Undang tentang wajib daftar Perusahaan. Selain itu perjanjian (Perikatan) waralaba dapat dikatakan suatu perjanjian yang tidak bertentangan dengan Undang­Undang, agama, ketertiban umum dan kesusilaan, karena itu perjanjian waralaba itu sah, dan oleh karena itu perjanjian itu menjadi Undang-Undang bagi mereka yang membuatnya, dan mengikat kedua belah pihak. Rumusan yang mengatakan perjanjian franchising adalah suatu perjanjian dimana franchisee menjual produk atau jasa sesuai dengan cara dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan oleh franchisor yang membantu melalui iklan, promosi, dan jasa-jasa nasihat lainnya. Pada tulisan ini kata franshisee diartikan waralaba, dengan demikian rumusan franchising tersebut diatas dapat diartikan rumusan waralaba. Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya kegiatan USAha waralaba belakangan ini yang menjadi kecendrungan para pengusaha untuk memilih alternative USAha yang am an dari resiko kegagalan USAha dikarenakan kebingungan untuk memulai suatu USAha dan menghadapi persaingan USAha itu sendiri. Lebih jauh tulisan ini ingin mengetatahui peraturan-peraturan apa saja yang mengatur tentang perjanjian waralaba selain yang terdapat dalam kitab Undang-Undang Hukum perdata (disingkat K.U.H.Perdata)

    Pilot modelling for airframe loads analysis

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    The development of large lightweight airframes has resulted in what used to be high frequency structural dynamics entering the low frequency range associated with an aircraft’s rigid body dynamics. This has led to the potential of adverse interactions between the aeroelastic effects and flight control, especially unwanted when incidents involving failures or extreme atmospheric disturbances occur. Moreover, the pilot’s response in such circumstances may not be reproducible in simulators and unique to the incident. The research described in this thesis describes the development of a pilot model suitable for the investigation of the effects of aeroelasticity on manual control and the study of the resulting airframe loads. After a review of the state-ofthe- art in pilot modelling an experimental approach involving desktop based pilot-in-the-loop simulation was adopted together with an optimal control based control-theoretic pilot model. The experiments allowed the investigation of manual control with a nonlinear flight control system and the derivation of parameter bounds for single-input-single-output pilot models. It was found that pilots could introduce variations of around 15 dB at the resonant frequency of the open loop pilot-vehicle-system. Sensory models suitable for the simulation of spatial disorientation effects were developed together with biomechanical models necessary to capture biodynamic feedthrough effects. A detailed derivation and method for the application of the modified optimal control pilot model, used to generate pilot control action, has also been shown in the contexts of pilot-model-in-the-loop simulations of scenarios involving an aileron failure and a gust encounter. It was found that manual control action particularly exacerbated horizontal tailplane internal loads relative to the limit loads envelope. Although comparisons with digital flight data recordings of an actual gust encounter showed a satisfactory reproduction and highlighted the adverse affects of fuselage flexibility on manual control, it also pointed towards the need for more incident data to validate such simulations

    Evaluating the Rationale for Folding Wing Tips Comparing the Exergy and Breguet Approaches

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    The design and development processes for future aircraft aims to address the environmental and efficiency challenges needed to facilitate the engineering of concepts that are far more integrated and require a multidisciplinary approach. This study investigates the benefit of incorporating span extension wing tips onto future aircraft configurations as a method of providing improved aerodynamic efficiency, whilst allowing the extension to fold on the ground to meet airport gate size constraints. Although the actuated wing tips are not studied in detail, the focus of this study is to compare two different methods of analysis that can be used to identify the benefit and limitations of adding such devices. The two methods considered are a quasi-steady implicit energy analysis based on the Breguet Range Equation and an explicit energy analysis based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics known as Exergy Analysis. It has been found that both methods provide agreeable results and have individual merits. The Breguet Range Equation can provide quick results in early design, whilst the Exergy Analysis has been found to be far more extensive and allows the complete dynamic behaviour of the aircraft to be assessed through a single metric. Hence, allowing comparison of losses from multiple subsystems

    Neural network based dynamic model and gust identification system for the Jetstream G-NFLA

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    Artificial neural networks are an established technique for constructing non-linear models of multi-input-multi-output systems based on sets of observations. In terms of aerospace vehicle modelling, however, these are currently restricted to either unmanned applications or simulations, despite the fact that large amounts of flight data are typically recorded and kept for reasons of safety and maintenance. In this paper, a methodology for constructing practical models of aerospace vehicles based on available flight data recordings from the vehicles’ operational use is proposed and applied on the Jetstream G-NFLA aircraft. This includes a data analysis procedure to assess the suitability of the available flight databases and a neural network based approach for modelling. In this context, a database of recorded landings of the Jetstream G-NFLA, normally kept as part of a routine maintenance procedure, is used to form training datasets for two separate applications. A neural network based longitudinal dynamic model and gust identification system are constructed and tested against real flight data. Results indicate that in both cases, the resulting models’ predictions achieve a level of accuracy that allows them to be used as a basis for practical real-world applications

    Geographical Indications in Maharashtra

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    38-41The present paper aims to find the current situation of the registered commodities in the state of Maharashtra, the registered commodities are from three different categories i.e. Agriculture, Arts and Handicrafts and Manufactured products. These commodities mostly belong to agricultural category, among agricultural category fruits have taken lions share. All the registered commodities since the implementation of the Act have been included in the study. The paper discusses the present condition of the registered Geographical Indications of the Maharashtra State. Since the implementation of the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, till now there are 34 products or commodities which have been registered with the authority of the Government of India. In this paper the authors have analysed the retrieved data by category of the product, involving districts of the products and chronologically registration of the products. Definition, purpose, history and genesis of Geographical indication have also been discussed. Some of the commodities which are not included or registered with the GI register are also identified by the author

    Cooperation of voltage controlled active power filter with grid-connected DGs in microgrid

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    Due to the excessive use of nonlinear loads and inverter interfaced distributed generators, harmonic issues have been regarded as a major concern in power distribution systems. Therefore, harmonic compensation in microgrids is a subject of current interest. Consequently, a novel direct harmonic voltage-controlled mode (VCM) active power filter (APF) is proposed to mitigate the harmonics in a cooperative manner and provide a better harmonic compensation performance of less than 5%. Due to the dispersive characteristics of renewable energy resources, voltage feedback based on a harmonic compensation control loop is implemented for the first time. This system can be smoothly combined with the current control loop. Our method proposes a better performance while mitigating the harmonics in comparison with conventional resistive active power filters (R-APF). Based on direct voltage detection at the point of common coupling (PCC), the proposed VCM-APF can therefore be seamlessly incorporated with multiple grid-connected generators (DGs) to enhance their harmonic compensation capabilities. The advantage of this scheme is that it avoids the need for designing and tuning the resistance, which was required in earlier conventional control schemes of R-APF for voltage unbalance compensation. Additionally, our scheme does not require the grid and load current measurements since these can be carried out at the PCC voltage, which further reduces the implementation cost of the system. Furthermore, the simulation results show the significance of proposed method

    Electrical conductivity retention and electrochemical activity of CSA doped graphene/gold nanoparticle@ polyaniline composites

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    AbstractThis paper reports the synthesis of CTAB mediated CSA doped PANI and GN/GNP@ PANI composite nanofibers. The as synthesized composite nanofibers were examined by TEM, SEM, XRD, Raman spectroscopy; UV–visible diffused reflectance spectroscopy and TGA. The CTAB mediated CSA doped composite nanofibers showed 59% higher DC electrical conductivity at ambient temperature than that of PANI, which might be due to the enhancement in the mobility of the charge carriers and reduction in hopping distance in the composite system. The CTAB mediated CSA doped composite nanofibers compared to PANI was observed to be showing enhanced DC electrical conductivity retention after various cycles of heating, suggesting an enhancement in thermal stability of the composite structure, which could be attributed to the synergistic effect of GN, GNP and PANI. Additionally, the composite nanofibers showed greater electrochemical activity and better capacitive performance and reduced optical bandgap than that of PANI

    In vitro evaluation of commercially available theophylline sustained release tablets in Pakistan

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    The dissolution behavior of five commercially available brands of sustained release theophylline tablets was studied in phosphate buffer solutions of pH 1.2, 4.5, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.5 at 37 °C using the USP dissolution apparatus II (paddle method). Drug concentration in the samples was determined spectrophotometrically at 272 nm. For predicting the release characteristics of theophylline from selected commercially available tablets the data obtained in the dissolution studies was fitted into various mathematic models defining kinetic parameters of drug release like zero-order rate equation, first-order rate equation, Hixen-crowell cube root law, Higuchi equation and Korsemeyer-Peppas model. Tablets were subjected to weight variation test, hardness, drug content and in vitro release studies. The present study revealed that drug release increases with the increase of pH of the dissolution medium and also varies from brand to brand. Among the five selected brands, B1 and B4 showed better pH dependency and drug release behaviour. It has been suggested that possible reasons for difference in dissolution or drug release behaviour are the difference in the manufacturing techniques and the quantity of hydrophobic excepients used by different manufacturers, which retard the penetration of dissolution medium and ultimately decreases availability of drug in the solution.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    In vitro evaluation of commercially available theophylline sustained release tablets in Pakistan

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    The dissolution behavior of five commercially available brands of sustained release theophylline tablets was studied in phosphate buffer solutions of pH 1.2, 4.5, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.5 at 37 °C using the USP dissolution apparatus II (paddle method). Drug concentration in the samples was determined spectrophotometrically at 272 nm. For predicting the release characteristics of theophylline from selected commercially available tablets the data obtained in the dissolution studies was fitted into various mathematic models defining kinetic parameters of drug release like zero-order rate equation, first-order rate equation, Hixen-crowell cube root law, Higuchi equation and Korsemeyer-Peppas model. Tablets were subjected to weight variation test, hardness, drug content and in vitro release studies. The present study revealed that drug release increases with the increase of pH of the dissolution medium and also varies from brand to brand. Among the five selected brands, B1 and B4 showed better pH dependency and drug release behaviour. It has been suggested that possible reasons for difference in dissolution or drug release behaviour are the difference in the manufacturing techniques and the quantity of hydrophobic excepients used by different manufacturers, which retard the penetration of dissolution medium and ultimately decreases availability of drug in the solution.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire
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