6 research outputs found


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    Research related to the stigma of women without children is still rarely studied, especially in Indonesia. The problem of childless women is a latent phenomenon. In some developed countries, childless women experience the psychological impact of the stigma they receive. Based on these factors, the researcher wants to examine two important aspects, namely how to experience the stigma faced by women without children. Second, how women without children manage the stigma they face. Researchers use the Stigma Management Communication theory approach to dissect the problem. This study used qualitative data by conducting interviews with 9 women who experienced childless conditions for at least 3 years since marriage. The results showed that informants experienced labeling as workaholic women, especially from the family environment. The informants used two strategies, namely accepting stigma and opposing stigma. The impact felt by informants after receiving the stigma was that they were optimistic, felt lonely, and lived a more peaceful life. Meanwhile, informants who oppose stigma have the effect of increasing self-confidence and focusing more on personal life. Researchers recommend that in the future there will be research related to ethnic culture.Penelitian terkait stigma perempuan tanpa anak masih jarang diteliti khususnya di Indonesia. Masalah perempuan tanpa anak memang fenomena laten. Di beberapa negara maju, perempuan tanpa anak mengalami dampak secara psikologis atas stigma yang mereka dapatkan. Berdasarkan beberapa faktor tersebut peneliti ingin meneliti dua aspek penting, yaitu bagaimana pengalaman stigma yang dihadapi perempuan tanpa anak, Kedua, bagaimana perempuan tanpa anak mengelola stigma yang dihadapinya.  Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan teori Komunikasi Manajemen Stigma untuk membedah masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 9 perempuan yang mengalami kondisi tanpa anak minimal 3 tahun sejak menikah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa informan mengalami pelabelan seperti perempuan workaholic terutama dari lingkungan keluarga. Informan menggunakan dua strategi, yaitu menerima stigma dan menentang stigma. Dampak yang dirasakan informan setelah menerima stigma adalah mereka optimis, merasa kesepian, dan hidup lebih damai. Sedangkan informan yang menentang stigma memiliki efek meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan lebih fokus pada kehidupan pribadi. Peneliti merokemendasikan agar ke depan ada penelitian dikaitkan dengan etnis budaya

    Efektifitas Antibiotik Pasien Demam Tifoid RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    To find out the effectiveness of antibiotics in typhoid fever patients at the SMF of Pediatric and SMF in Internal Medicine Dr. RSUP M. Djamil Padang. This study was a cross-sectional study with a retrospective type of data during 2012 and prospective from June to September 2013, with a descriptive analysis design. The number of patients who met the inclusion criteria were 11 patients. Percentage of antibiotic use in adult patients for ceftriaxone (60%) and chloramphenicol (40%). The percentage of antibiotic use in pediatric patients for ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, and cefixim are 60%, 27%, and 13%, respectively. Fever free for ceftriaxone and chloramphenicol in pediatric and adult patients, each of which is 2-3 days and 4-6 days; 3-4 days and 4 days. To be free of cefixime fever in pediatric patients is 2 days. The length of treatment required is ceftriaxone and chloramphenicol (children and adults) antibiotics, 6 - 13 days and 9-13, respectively; 11-14 and 7 days. For the duration of cefixime antibiotic treatment for children is 13 days. The results of this study indicate that antibiotics that are used effectively against typhoid fever patients are seen from the time of free of fever and length of stay


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    The  common stigma stick to the sex workers is the labeling that they are the cause of the emergence of HIV / AIDS. The stigma is getting compounded for transgender  who work as a sex worker. Apart from their work, they are regarded deserving of being infected with HIV because of their 'abnormalities'. Therefore, they face discrimination frequently. The experience of transgender living with HIV is known as overlapping stigma. This study is investigates transgender experience living as sex worker with HIV to confront stigma. Then how is the stigma management of transgender sex workers with HIV. The method used is a case study by conducting in-depth interviews with 8 transgender from West Bandung Regency. The results revealed that stigma experienced by transgender was in the form of physical, social, and moral stigma commit by the external and internal factors. In confronting the stigma, there are two communication strategies adopted by transgender sex workers who are also living with HIV. First, by accepting public perceptions of stigma. The second is challenging public perceptions of stigma. This strategy is manifest in two ways. The first way is to ignore the stigma. The second way is the response this stigma constructive and make it a self-motivation to reach achievements and positive self-concepts.Keywords: communication management, HIV/AIDS, stigma, transgender, sex worke

    Efek Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Sirsak Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah dan Kolesterol

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    This study aims to determine effect of the ethanolic extract of soursop stembarks in the increasing of blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Maceration technique has been used to extract the soursop stembarks with ethanol 96% as a solvent extraction. Furthermore, the ethanolic extract of soursop stembarks was prepared in a suspension form with Na CMC 0.5 % as a suspending agent. The suspension was administered orally at dose of 50, 100, 300, 1000 mg/kg BW daily to white male mice for seven days. The level of blood sugar and cholesterol were measured at 8th day using digital tools Nesco®Multicheck. The result showed that the blood glucose level in mice at dose of 50, 100, 300, 1000 mg/KgBW were 123.25, 129.75, 132.25, 121.25 mg/dl. The cholesterol level mice at dose of 50, 100. 300, 1000 mg/kg BW were 156.5, 118.5, 149.75, 156.75 mg/dl respectively. Biostatistically, the ethanolic extract of soursop stembark showed the decreasing of cholesterol level significantly (p 0.05).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak etanol kulit batang sirsak dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dan kolesterol. Pengekstrakan kulit batang sirsak dilakukan dengan metoda maserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Selanjutnya ekstrak etanol kulit batang sirsak dibuat dalam bentuk suspensi menggunakan Na CMC 0,5% dan diberikan kepada mencit putih jantan secara oral satu kali sehari selama 7 hari dengan dosis 50, 100, 300, 1000 mg/kg BB. Kadar gula darah dan kolesterol diukur pada hari ke delapan menggunakan alat digital Nesco®Multicheck. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan kadar glukosa darah mencit putih jantan pada kelompok dosis ekstrak 50, 100, 300, 1000 mg/kg BB adalah 123,25, 129,75, 132,25, 121,25 mg/dl. Kadar kolesterol darah rata-rata mencit putih jantan pada kelompok dosis ekstrak 50, 100, 300, 1000 mg/kg BB adalah 156,5, 118,5, 149,75, 156,75 mg/dl. Analisa statistik menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak etanol kulit batang sirsak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol (p0,05)

    Conversion of polypropylene-derived crude pyrolytic oils using hydrothermal autoclave reactor and ni/aceh natural zeolite as catalysts

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    The accumulation of plastic waste has urged researchers to develop methods of waste conversion into valuable products, which is fuel. This study aimed to synthesize Ni embedded onto Aceh natural zeolite (Ni/Aceh-zeolite) as a cheap catalyst which could be used in the reforming process to improve the quality of oil produced from polypropylene (PP) pyrolysis. Ni/Aceh-zeolite was synthesized from Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and acid-activated natural zeolite through impregnation and calcination. The catalyst was found to have particle sizes ranging from 100 to 200 nm of 20 wt% Ni content. The reforming process using Ni/Aceh natural zeolite with Ni loading of 15 wt% yielded the highest amounts of liquid product (yield = 65%) and gasoline fractions (C5–C12, 96.71%). However, the highest high heating value of 45.467 MJ/kg was found in the liquid product obtained with 20% Ni/Aceh-zeolite. In conclusion, Ni/Aceh-zeolite could be used in the reforming process of PP pyrolysis-derived oil, which could reach a quality similar to that of commercial gasoline

    Development of biosorbent derived from the endocarp waste of gayo coffee for lead removal in liquid wastewater—effects of chemical activators

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    This study reports the development of bio-based adsorbent by utilizing coffee endocarp (CE) waste as a raw material for lead (Pb) removal from liquid wastewater. The effect of NaOH and HCl as activation precursors on the characteristics and performance of the resulting adsorbents was investigated. The prepared adsorbents were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Surface Area Analyzer (SAA). The characterization results confirm the positive role of the activation by either NaOH or HCl in enhancing the surface properties of the resulting adsorbents. The chemical activations removed most of impurities leading to smoother surface, pore size enlargement and enhanced surface area to pore volume ratio, which result in an enhanced adsorption capacity and Pb removal efficiency. The raw adsorbent shows 57.7% of Pb removal efficiency and sorption capacity of 174.4 mg/g. On the other hand, after the chemical treatment using HCl and NaOH, the Pb removal efficiencies increased up to 63.9% and 89.86%, with adsorption capacity of 193 and 271.58 mg/g, respectively. Though both activated sorbents demonstrate better adsorption performance compared to the non-activated CE, overall results reveal that the NaOH-activated sorbent offers better characteristic and performance than the HCl-activated sorbent