66 research outputs found

    Isolation and Characterization of Indole-3-Acetic Acid Producing Bacteria from Cow Urine

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      Cow urine contains urea as nitrogen source, therefore it can be expected to isolate the beneficial bacteria for plants, for example indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or auxin producing bacteria. The objective of research was to obtain IAA producing bacteria from cow urine, to characterize bacterial isolate, and to measure its ability to stimulate the growth of green bean seedlings (Vigna radiata). The methods used in this study were collecting urine from cow cattle, obtaining IAA-pro-ducing bacteria from urine, measuring IAA using Salkowski method, and applying selected bacterial supernatants on green bean seedling plants. The number of IAA producing bacteria that was successfully purified was 18 isolates. There are five isolates, namely US 5, BS1, BS 2, BS 4 and BS 5 which have the ability to solubelize phosphate on Pikovskaya agar. The five isolates were also able to fix free nitro-gen on N Free media and did not show hypersensitivity on tobacco leaves. The results of the growth of isolates in blood agar showed positive for US 5 and BS 2 as beta hemolysin producers. Further-more, isolate BS 4 was chosen to produce exogenous IAA quantita-tively. Isolate BS 4 produced IAA 6.364 ppm at the 45 h incubation at stationary phase. The use of BS 4 supernatant on green bean seed-lings showed an effect on plant height and lateral root length better than control (without treatment) on 6 days after planting. Morpho-logical characteristic of isolate BS 4 was rod shape, Gram positive, endospore producing, aerobic, and had similarity with genus Bacillu

    Extracellular Protease Activity of Enteropathogenic Escherechia coli on Mucin Substrate

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes gastrointestinal infections in human. EPEC invasion was initiated by attachment and aggressive colonization on intestinal surface. Attachment of EPEC alter the intestine mucosal cells. Despite this, the pathogenic mechanism of EPEC infectior has not been fully understood. This research hypothesizes that extracellular proteolytic enzymes is necessary for EPEC colonization. The enzyme is secreted into gastrointestinal milieu and presumably destroy mucus layer cover the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of this study was to assay EPEC extracellular protease enzyme by using mucin substrate. The activity of EPEC extracellular proteolytic enzyme on 1% mucin substrate was investigated. Non-pathogenic E. coli was used as a negative control. Positive and tentative controls were Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella. Ten EPEC strains were assayed, seven of them were able to degrade mucin, and the highest activity was produced by K1.1 strain. Both positive and tentative controls also showed the ability to digest 0.20% mucin. Key words: EPEC, protease, mucin, diarrhe


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    Antioxidant Activity of Endophytic Fungi Cb.Gm.B3 Extract from Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) TwigsABSTRACTThere are many degenerative diseases that are caused by a free radical effect. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) contains cinnamaldehyde compounds that have activity as a powerful antioxidant and fight free radicals. Endophytic fungi can be found in cinnamon plants living symbiotically. Endophytic fungi produce a variety of bioactive metabolites including antioxidants. This research was conducted to isolate endophytic fungi from C. burmanni plant which is active as antioxidant. Endophytic fungi isolation was carried out using surface sterilization method and cultivated in PDA media. Antioxidant activity test was performed using free radical 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Selected isolates were then identified molecularly to determine their species. A total of nine fungi were isolated from cinnamon twigs. The result showed that the highest antioxidant activity was obtained from Cb.Gm.B3 with IC50 of 13.219 ± 0.755 µg/mL. The selected isolate Cb.Gm.B3 taxonomically has a high similarity with Neofusicoccum parvum isolate PEL23 (Accession no: KY053054.1).Keywords: antioxidant, Cinnamomum burmanni, 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, endophytic fungi, Neofusicoccum parvum ABSTRAKKayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanni) mengandung senyawa sinamaldehid yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai antioksidan kuat dan dapat menangkal radikal bebas. Dalam tanaman kayu manis terdapat kapang endofit yang hidup bersimbiosis. Kapang endofit dapat menghasilkan berbagai senyawa metabolit bioaktif termasuk antioksidan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengisolasi kapang endofit dari tanaman C. burmanni yang aktif sebagai antioksidan. Isolasi kapang endofit dilakukan menggunakan metode sterilisasi permukaan dan ditanam pada media PDA. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan menggunakan metode peredaman radikal bebas dengan reagen 2.2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH). Isolat terpilih diidentifikasi secara molekuler untuk menentukan spesiesnya. Sebanyak 9 isolat kapang berhasil diisolasi dari jaringan ranting tanaman kayu manis. Aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi (IC50) didapatkan dari isolat Cb.Gm.B3 sebesar 13,219 ± 0,755 µg/mL. Isolat terpilih Cb.Gm.B3 secara taksonomi memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang tinggi dengan Neofusicoccum parvum isolat PEL23 (No. aksesi: KY053054.1).Kata Kunci: antioksidan, Cinnamomum burmanni, 2.2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil, kapang endofit, Neofusicoccum parvu

    Peranan Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) Varietas Bonita pada Kondisi Salin: The Role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 on the Growth of Bonita Hot Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Variety in Saline Conditions

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    Hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is one of the food crop commodities that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Salinity stress can reduce the bioavailability of potassium and its uptake by plants, which will ultimately reduce plant growth and production. One way to reduce the effect of salinity and increase potassium uptake by plants is to use potassium-solubilizing bacteria. One of the bacteria that can solubilize potassium is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This research aims to study the role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 on the growth of the Bonita variety of hot pepper under saline conditions. This study used a completely randomized factorial design with four concentration levels of NaCl treatment: 0, 4, 8, and 12 g/L, as well as two levels of bacteria administration: without bacteria and with bacteria. The results showed that the application of bacteria, salt concentration, and the interaction of the two had no effect (p-value> 0.05) on the growth of hot pepper plants with the observed parameters namely plant height, number of leaves, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, and chlorophyll content

    Utilization of Root-Colonizing Bacteria to Protect Hot-Pepper Against Tobacco Mosaic Tobamovirus

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    Tobacco Mosaic Tobamovirus (TMV) is one of many important viruses infecting Solanaceous plants including hot pepper in Indonesia. To accomplish and improve the effectiveness of virus management, we used root-colonizing bacteria (rhizobacteria) isolated from healthy hot pepper. Eight rhizobacteria isolates were selected and their capacity in enhancing plant growth and inducing systemic resistance (ISR) against TMV in greenhouse trials were evaluated. The rhizobacteria was applied as seed treatment and soil drench. Bacterized-seedling showed a better growth vigor, fitness and a milder symptom than non-bacterized control plants. The protective effect of rhizobacteria was more pronounced after challenging inoculation by TMV, especially for plants treated by isolates I-6, I-16, and I-35. However, TMV accumulation was slightly affected by bacterial treatment. The rhizobacteria might improved ISR by increasing peroxidase enzyme activity but this depends on the species. Based on whole results, isolate I-35 was the potential plant growth promotion rhizobacteria (PGPR). The I-35 was identified as Bacillus cereus based on morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences of 16S r-RNA. Key words: root-colonizing bacteria, TMV, IS


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    Pengolahan inasua yang dilakukan masyarakat Teon, Nila, dan Serua di Maluku terdiri atas inasua tanpa nira kelapa dan inasua nira kelapa. Kedua produk fermentasi ini memiliki karakteristik sensorik dan masa simpan yang berbeda. Karakteristik sensorik bahan pangan sangat ditentukan oleh kadar asam amino dan asam lemak dalam pangan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi profil asam amino dan asam lemak dalam kedua jenis inasua. Sampel inasua menggunakan ikan gurara (Lutjanus vitta) sebagai bahan dasar yang diambil dari pengrajin di Desa Layeni, Maluku Tengah. Analisis kadar asam amino menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), sedangkan kadar asam lemak menggunakan Gas Chromatography (GC).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar asam amino dan asam lemak meningkat sejalan bertambahnya waktu fermentasi.  Kadar asam amino total inasua tanpa nira adalah 20,96 %, sedangkan inasua nira hanya mencapai 15,31%. Kadar asam lemak total inasua nira adalah 87,48 %, sedangkan inasua tanpa nira hanya mencapai  58,59 %. Asam amino tertinggi pada kedua inasua adalah asam glutamat, sedangkan asam lemak tertinggi adalah asam palmitat. Profil asam amino dan asam lemak diperlukan sebagai referensi untuk memperbaiki nilai nutrisi dan cita rasa inasua sebagai salah satu produk pangan lokal di Maluku. Kata kunci : Asam glutamat, asam palmitat, karakteristik sensorik, nira kelap

    Potensi Bakteri Proteolitik Aeromonas caviae NU-4 dan Aeromonas sp. NU-8 sebagai Pengendali Pertumbuhan Microcystis aeruginosa BT-02 pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio)

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    Sianobakteri merupakan kelompok fitoplankton yang umum dijumpai di perairan tawar di seluruh dunia. Sianobakteri menghasilkan toksin mikrosistin yang dihasilkan oleh Microcystis aeruginosa yang menyebabkan kematian ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi bakteri proteolitik yang berasal dari saluran pencernaan ikan nila GIFT dalam menghambat pertumbuhan M. aeruginosa BT-02. Isolat bakteri proteolitik asal saluran pencernaan ikan nila yang menghambat pertumbuhan M. aeruginosa BT-02, yaitu isolat i.e Aeromonas caviae NU-4 and Aeromonas sp. NU-8. Indeks penghambatan bakteri NU-4 (1,71) terhadap M. aeruginosa lebih besar daripada NU-8 (1,34). Mekanisme penghambatan belum diketahui. Aplikasi Microcystis aeruginosa BT-02 pada ikan mas tidak menyebabkan kematian ikan, tetapi menimbulkan beberapa perubahan histopatologi pada hati dan usus ikan mas.Kata kunci: Bakteri proteolitik, Aeromonas sp., Microcystis aeruginosa, ikan mas, tes toksisita

    Respon Pertumbunan Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Bradyrhizobium japonicum Toleran Masam dan Pemberian Pupuk di Tanah Masam

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    The use of acid tolerant rhizobacteria such as Bradyrhizobium japonicum is one effort for increasing soybeanproductivity in acid soil. B. japonicum is a N-fixing bacteria that can promote soybean growth through symbiosis with thehost plants. The objective of this study was to investigate the growth and production of soybean var. Wilis inoculated by B.japonicum and NPK inorganic fertilizer application in acid soil. Two isolates of B. japonicum that were BJ 11(19) and BJ11(wt) were used as inoculant for soybean. BJ 11(19) was resulted by transposons mutagenesis, whereas BJ 11(wt) is a wild type of bacteria. Both isolates of B. japonicum were acid tolerant. Soybean was inoculated with BJ 11(19) and BJ 11(wt)combined with compost and nitrogen fertilizer (with two rates). The field experiment was conducted at Cikabayan, Darmaga,in a randomized complete block design with 12 treatments and 3 replicates. The results showed that application of the acidtolerant B. japonicum BJ 11(wt), compost, and nitrogen fertilizer (10 g m-2) increased the plant height, dry weight of shootsand roots, nodule number, dry weight of nodules, nitrogenase activity, number of pod and seed, seed weight, and nitrogencontent of seeds in acid soil.Keywords: acid soil, acid tolerant rhizobia, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, compost, nitrogen fertilize