75 research outputs found

    Konsep I'jaz BALAGHAY Dalam Perspektif Al Qur'an ( Studi Terhadap I"JAZ Balaghy Dalam Al Qur'an)

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    القرآن كلام الله المعجز في نظمه وأسلوبه، وقد تكفل الله بحفظه حيث أنه باق إلى طول الزمان، وقد عجزوا العرب عن الإتيان بمثله مهم أنهم من أصحاب القصحاء والبلغاء، فنزول القرآن حجة بلاغية لكافة الأنس والجن، وهو أعلى طبقات الكلام وجمال ألفاظه وحسن نظمه وسمو معانيه وتأثير في النفوس لأن القرأن صار معجز التأليف مضمنا أصح المعان

    Marriage Harmony: The Role Of Empathy And Forgiveness

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    The phenomenon of forgiveness is an interesting behavior to discuss, especially in marital relationships. This article aims to examine the factors that influence forgiveness behavior in a marital relationship as well as to find out whether empathy is related to forgiveness behavior. The method used in this study is a mixed method with a population of 30 families or 60 subjects. The instruments used in addition to interviews were the scale of empathy and the scale of forgiveness. The analysis technique used is the Pearson correlation. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between empathy and forgiveness behavior. Meanwhile, the factors that influence forgiveness behavior are empathy, social and religious norms, interdependence between partners, and commitment


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    Mutu pendidikan adalah kemampuan sekolah dalam pengelolaan secara operasional dan efisien terhadap komponen-komponen yang berkaitan dengan sekolah sehingga menghasilkan nilai tambah terhadap komponen tersebut menurut norma/standar yang berlaku.Manajemen peningkatan mutu pendidikan di sekolah adalah suatu metode peningkatan mutu yang bertumpu pada pendidikan sekolah itu sendiri, mengaplikasikan sekumpulan teknik, mendasarkan pada ketersedian data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dan pemberdayaan semua komponen sekolah untuk secara berkesinambungan meningkatkan kapasitas dan kemampuan organisasi sekolah guna memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik dan masyarakat.Penerapan manajemen mutu terpadu berarti pula adanya kebebasan untuk berpendapat. Kebebasan berpendapat akan menciptakan iklim yang dialogis antara siswa dan guru, antara siswa dan kepala madrash, singkatnya adalah kebebasan berpendapat dan keterbukaan antara seluruh warga madrasah. Pentransferan ilmu tidak lagi bersifat satu arah, akan tetapi melibutkan siswa hingga terjadi komunikasi dua arah antara siswa dan guru.Kata Kunci: Manajemen, Mutu dan Pendidika


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    This article study discusses a portrait of religious insights among students and teachers in high schools in South Kalimantan. However, the conducted research is based on the background that the spread of radical ideology can be channeled through education, in which high school students are targeted by radical ideologies. This study intends to answer the question of how religious understanding and the role of local wisdom may encounter radicalism among Islamic education students and teachers. This article study finds that: Firstly, there are three categorizations can be mapped related to religious ideas emerging, namely: (1) Respondents whose militancy and radicalism narratives tend to dominate; (2) Some respondents also have moderation narration that dominates; and (3) some others have an equal narration of militancy and radicalism and moderation. Secondly: the locality of recitation through religious institutions of the majelis taklim with the content of Sufism-based recitation has a significant role for the students and teachers in responding to each religious issue based on moderation narration.Riset ini membahas potret faham keagamaan di dunia pendidikan dengan fokus pada siswa dan guru di Sekolah Menengah di Kalimantan Selatan. Hal ini dilatar belakangi bahwa penyebaran idiologi radikal dapat melalui jalur pendidikan, dimana siswa/siswi sekolah menengah atas dijadikan sasaran penanaman idiologi radikal.  Penelitian ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana pemahaman agama di kalangan siswa dan guru pendidikan Agama Islam? Bagaimana peran kearifan lokal dalam menangkal radikalisme di kalangan siswa dan guru pendidikan Agama Islam?. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: Pertama, ada tiga katagorisasi yang bisa dipetakan terkait narasi faham keagamaan yang muncul, yaitu: (1) Ada responden yang narasi militansi dan radikalisme cenderung mendominasi; (2) Ada responden yang narasi moderasinya mendominasi; (3) Ada yang antara militansi dan radikalisme di satu sisi dan moderasi di sisi lain berimbang (equal). Kedua: Lokalitas pengajian melalui lembaga keagamaan majlis taklim dengan konten pada pengajian berbasis tasawuf memiliki peran yang signifikan bagi siswa dan guru dalam merespons setiap isu keagamaan dengan basis narasi moderasi

    Effect of Jet Lag on Postural Stability

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    Postural stability is essential in people’s daily life. Crossing time zones can disrupt our body clock and lead to jet lag. Some studies reported that jet lag affects human physical and cognitive functions. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, none of these studies examined the effects of jet lag on postural stability. Twenty-two healthy young adult males between 23 and 36 years of age who had a round trip flight planned between the United States and Saudi Arabia were recruited. Participants attended one preflight assessment and three post-flight assessments (within 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours). Participants were divided into 2 groups based on their selection upon arrival (group 1: post-flight visit 1 prior sleeping at home and group 2: attended post-flight visit 1 after sleeping one night at home). Participant’s postural stability was assessed using computerized dynamic posturography. A questionnaire was used to measure their experiences during the flight. Significant improvements in postural stability were observed in group 2 during the second post-flight assessment (p\u3c0.05). There was a no significant impact on participant’s postural stability while flying westward crossing more than ten time zones during the first twenty-four hours; however, it was improved within seventy-two hours. Many body systems contribute to support postural stability, one of which is the vestibular system. Vestibular rehabilitation has many terminology conflicts that can have a negative impact on patient management and general understanding of the content. Therefore, the author performed a literature review to identify several of these conflicts and provided recommendations for minimizing these conflicts


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    Buku ini di buat untuk memberikan pengetahuan kosa kata atau perbendaharaan yang komunikatif berkenaan dengan haji, dan disertai juga tentang menjelaskan kondisi dan busya Arab yang harus difahami ketika berada di sana

    The idealPosition System: Sebagai Solusi Pendukung Keputusan untuk Menentukan Pemain Bola yang Ideal Berdasarkan Posisi Pemain

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    In North Maluku, especially in Ternate, many football schools have been opened to train and find potential Indonesian National players. One of them has contributed to producing Indonesian National player candidates, namely Sekolah Sepak Bola (SSB) Tunas Gamalama. The problems that occur at this time at SSB Tunas Gamalama, managers and coaches are difficult to determine the ideal player to fill each position. Oftentimes, SSB Tunas Gamalama students choose a position according to their idol football players, and also because of the popularity of these positions. The tendency of SSB Tunas Gamalama students to be like this results in an imbalance of potential players in certain position. During this time the coach takes a long time and is often subjective in selecting players at every position available. In this research, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method was used as a method of decision support. This article aims to build a Decision Support System (DSS) in determining the ideal football player based on the player's position (The idealPosition System) using the TOPSIS method. This research produces DSS which can be used to determine the ideal soccer player based on the player's position

    Phrases in Arabic and Indonesian Language

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    This research is about differences and similarities of phrase construction in Arabic and Indonesian. The approach in this paper was a descriptive qualitative analysis approach. The findings of this study revealed that some construction of the phrase structure is the same. Subordinative noun phrases are equivalent to idhafah in Arabic, Indonesian adjective phrases are similar to na'at in Arabic, Indonesian coordinative phrases are similar with athaf in Arabic and Indonesian prepositional phrases are similar to syibhul-jumlah in Arabic. However, there are differences between both languages which can be found in Idhafah in Arabic, some vocabulary cannot be called phrases in Arabic, and vice versa. Differences can also be found in the use of athaf letters in the equivalent of coordinative phrases. The differences are also found in the numeral phrases and murakkab adadi. Even taukid and tarkib majazi do not have the equivalent in Indonesian. The differences are not only due to structural aspects, but also by differences in cultural concepts and expressions. This study implies that errors can be predicted in the construction of Indonesian student phrases and the production of translations of Arabic phrases that are different from the construction of Indonesian phrases. The differences were found not only in the structure but also in differences in cultural concepts. This study shows that mistakes can be predicted from the formation of phrases and the translation of Arabic sentences that are different from the structure of Indonesian language

    Comparative study between aortic valve replacement through full sternotomy versus mini-sternotomy

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    Background: The superiority of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement (AVR) over the standard approach is the subject of ongoing research. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of AVR through full sternotomy versus mini-sternotomy. Methods:  We included 60 patients who had AVR; 30 patients underwent AVR through J- or T-shaped mini-sternotomy, and 30 patients had a full sternotomy. We included patients who had isolated AVR and excluded patients who had a concomitant cardiac procedure, redo surgery, or those who needed annular dilatation. All patients had aortic and right atrial cannulation for cardiopulmonary bypass. Study endpoints were operative times, postoperative complications and duration of ICU and hospital stays. Results: There were no differences between the two groups preoperatively. Cardiopulmonary bypass time was longer in the mini-sternotomy group (median: 100 (range: 65- 170) vs. 85 (55-160) min, respectively; p= 0.024). Operative time was non-significantly longer in the mini-sternotomy group 5 (4-6) hours vs. 4.5 (4-6) hours in the full sternotomy group (p=0.62). Ventilation time was 10 (4- 50) hours in the mini-sternotomy group vs. 14 (8- 45) hours in the full sternotomy group (p<0.001). ICU stay was shorter in the mini-sternotomy group (2 (1-6.5) vs. 2.5 (1-7) days, respectively, p= 0.014). The total mediastinal drainage was 100 (50 400) ml in the mini-sternotomy group vs. 275 (50- 1000) ml in the full sternotomy group (p= <0.001). There was no difference in wound infection (p= 0.35), tamponade (p˃0.99), and hemothorax (p˃0.99) between both groups. Conclusion: Mini-sternotomy AVR had longer cardiopulmonary bypass times; however, there were no differences in the postoperative complications compared to the full sternotomy approach. Mini-sternotomy could be a safe alternative approach to the full median sternotomy for aortic valve replacement