13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Application for Open edX Platform

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have recently emerged as a revolution in education. Due to the huge amount of users, it is difficult for teachers to provide personalized instruction. Learning analytics computer applications have emerged as a solution. At present, MOOC platforms provide low support for learning analytics visualizations, and a challenge is to provide useful and effective visualization applications about the learning process. At this paper we review the learning analytics functionality of Open edX and make an overview of our learning analytics application ANALYSE. We present a usability and effectiveness evaluation of ANALYSE tool with 40 students taking a Design of Telematics Applications course. The survey obtained very positive results in a system usability scale (SUS) questionnaire (78.44/100) in terms of the usefulness of visualizations (3.68/5) and the effectiveness ratio (92/100) of the actions required for the respondents. Therefore, we can conclude that the implemented learning analytics application is usable and effective.Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the "eMadrid" project (Regional Government of Madrid) under grant S2013/ICE-2715, the "RESET" project (Ministry of Economy and Competiveness) under grant RESET TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R and the European Erasmus+ SHEILA project under grant 562080-EPP-1-2015-BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD

    Pedagogical innovation and learning in Construction subjets in the Degree in Technical Architecture of the University of Burgos

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    [EN] One of the main challenges of higher education is knowing how to adapt the training of students to the continuous need for innovation and research, a fundamental pillar in our education, being used as a differentiating and valuable element. The arrival of the Bologna plan provided new changes in university management and planning, achieving classes with a higher practical percentage, thus complementing the scientific or regulatory and technical aspects. In Construction subjects, the cooperative teaching-learning method is used, providing the student with a greater degree of autonomy, involvement and responsibility. Working cooperatively with students in construction subjects is mainly focused on practical classes where study cases are presented in which a simulation of real problems is carried out before which the student must propose and select solutions among which consider more appropriate.[ES] Uno de los principales desafíos de la educación superior es saber adaptar la formación del alumnado a la continua necesidad de innovación e investigación, un pilar fundamental en nuestra educación, empleándose como elemento diferenciador y de valor. La llegada del plan Bolonia proporcionó nuevos cambios en la gestión y planificación universitaria, logrando clases con mayor porcentaje práctico, consiguiendo de esta manera complementar el aspecto científico o normativo y el técnico. En las asignaturas de Construcción se emplea el método de enseñanza-aprendizaje cooperativo, proporcionando al alumno un mayor grado de autonomía, implicación y responsabilidad. El trabajo con los alumnos de manera cooperativa en las asignaturas de construcción se centra sobre todo en las clases prácticas donde se plantean casos de estudio en los que se realiza una simulación de problemas reales ante los que el alumno debe plantear y seleccionar soluciones entre las que considere más apropiada.Ruiperez, C.; Muñoz-Arranz, M.; Garabito López, J.; Fiol Olivan, F. (2021). Innovación pedagógica y aprendizajes en las asignaturas de Construcción en el Grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Burgos. En EDIFICATE. I Congreso de Escuelas de Edificación y Arquitectura Técnica de España. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 175-185. https://doi.org/10.4995/EDIFICATE2021.2021.13553OCS17518

    Analyzing the Impact of Using Optional Activities in Self-Regulated Learning

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    Self-regulated learning (SRL) environments provide students with activities to improve their learning (e.g., by solving exercises), but they might also provide optional activities (e.g., changing an avatar image or setting goals) where students can decide whether they would like to use or do them and how. Few works have dealt with the use of optional activities in SRL environments. This paper thus analyzes the use of optional activities in two case studies with a SRL approach. We found that the level of use of optional activites was low with only 23.1 percent of students making use of some functionality, while the level of use of learning activities was higher. Optional activities which are not related to learning are used more. We also explored the behavior of students using some of the optional activities in the courses such as setting goals and voting comments, finding that students finished the goals they set in more than 50 percent of the time and that they voted their peers’ comments in a positive way. We also found that gender and the type of course can influence which optional activities are used. Moreover, the relations of the use of optional activities with proficient exercises and learning gains is low when taking out third variables, but we believe that optional activities might motivate students and produce better learning in an indirect way

    Embarazo-lactancia natural y riesgos laborales en España. A propósito de una sentencia: una misma trabajadora y dos situaciones preventivas distintas

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    Introduction. Article 26 of Law 31/95, of Spanish Occupational Risk Prevention, states that �the risk assessment of jobs include exposing female workers who are pregnant, recent childbirth or breastfeeding agents, processes or working conditions that might adversely affect the health of pregnant women, the fetus or newborn, in any activity likely to involve a specific risk. If the results reveal a risk assessment, the employer shall take the necessary measures to prevent such exposure.� The objective of this study is to assess the circumstances of a risk during breastfeeding claim and the different approach in its judgment in relation to pregnancy and breastfeeding situation, not being both comparable, therefore require preventive action from the company. Case description: female nursing in breastfeeding sit-uation requesting Mutual of accidents and professional contingencies that granted the benefit by risk for breastfeeding, under the existence in their workplace with exposure to biological and chemicals risks, without being exhausted the adaptive actions by the company. Discussion. Breastfeeding is directly linked to postpartum, but do not have the same regulations, as they are different risks that may affect the newborn infant, and that can be dangerous for the mother or fetus during pregnancy. This makes that the existing risk assessment has to be performed on an individual and different way, always in strict compliance with the preventative requirements until all company options exhaust.Introducción. El artículo 26 de la Ley 31/95, de Prevención de Riesgos laborales española, establece que �la evaluación de los riesgos de los puestos de trabajo, comprenderá la exposición de las trabajadoras en situación de embarazo, parto reciente o lactancia a agentes, procedimientos o condiciones de trabajo que puedan influir negativamente en la salud de las gestantes, del feto o recién nacido, en cualquier actividad susceptible de presentar un riesgo específico. Si los resultados de la evaluación revelasen un riesgo, el empresario adoptará las medidas necesarias para evitar tal exposición�. Es objetivo de este trabajo valorar las circunstancias de un caso de reclamación de riesgo durante la lactancia natural y el diferente planteamiento matizado en la sentencia en relación a la situación de embarazo y de lactancia, no siendo ambas equiparables, por lo que requieren una actuación preventiva diferente en la empresa. Descripción del caso: trabajadora de enfermería en situación de lactancia natural que solicita a la Mutua de accidentes de trabajo y contingencias profesionales que le conceda la prestación por riesgo para la lactancia, acogiéndose a la existencia en su puesto de trabajo de exposición a riesgos biológicos, químicos y de turnicidad, sin que se hayan agotado las actuaciones adaptativas por parte de la empresa. Discusión. La lactancia enlaza directamente con el postparto, pero no tienen la misma regulación, en tanto que son diferentes los riesgos que pueden afectar al recién nacido lactante y los que pueden ser peligrosos para la madre o el feto durante la gestación. Esto hace que la valoración de si existe riesgo tenga que realizarse de forma individualizada y diferente, siempre con un estricto cumplimiento de las exigencias preventivas hasta agotar las opciones de la empresa

    El accidente de trabajo in misión: legislación jurisprudencia española

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    The concept of occupational accident in Spain is included within the broader one occupational injury and encompasses any damage resulting from working, being connected, caused or aggravated by it. A basic aspect is the causality relationship between injury and developed work, that means it can be as a consequence or for the occasion of the work. The accident in mission term refers to those accidents occurred to the worker in the performance of a mission entrusted by the employer in a place different from their usual work, or on the way having to go. Its consideration can be controversial in cases of traumatic or sudden events, specially cardiovascular events, and even more in those cases of biological infection of a worker displaced to an endemic area. The Spanish Jurisprudence has been restricting the aspects related to working time when talking about accidents in mission. A greater international collaboration and the settle of homogeneous criteria should be taken in order to achieve improvements in labour risk prevention.El concepto de accidente de trabajo en España se engloba dentro del más amplio de daño laboral e incluye cualquier alteración de la salud relacionada, causada o agravada por condiciones laborales. Un aspecto básico es la relación de causalidad entre lesión corporal y trabajo desarrollado, que puede ser por consecuencia o con ocasión del trabajo. El accidente de trabajo in mision hace referencia al ocurrido al trabajador en el desempeño de una misión encomendada por el empresario en un lugar distinto al de su trabajo habitual, o en el trayecto que tenga que recorrer. Resulta controvertido para eventos traumáticos o súbitos, especialmente cardiovasculares, y más en contagio biológico de un trabajador desplazado a zona endémica.La Jurisprudencia Española ha ido restringiendo los aspectos relativos a tiempo de trabajo en accidentes in mision y sería recomendable mayor colaboración internacional y criterios más homogéneos en todos los países en materia preventiva