17 research outputs found

    Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptorα Agonists Differentially Regulate Inhibitor of DNA Binding Expression in Rodents and Human Cells

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    Inhibitor of DNA binding (Id2) is a helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factor that participates in cell differentiation and proliferation. Id2 has been linked to the development of cardiovascular diseases since thiazolidinediones, antidiabetic agents and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma agonists, have been reported to diminish Id2 expression in human cells. We hypothesized that PPARα activators may also alter Id2 expression. Fenofibrate diminished hepatic Id2 expression in both late pregnant and unmated rats. In 24 hour fasted rats, Id2 expression was decreased under conditions known to activate PPARα. In order to determine whether the fibrate effects were mediated by PPARα, wild-type mice and PPARα-null mice were treated with Wy-14,643 (WY). WY reduced Id2 expression in wild-type mice without an effect in PPARα-null mice. In contrast, fenofibrate induced Id2 expression after 24 hours of treatment in human hepatocarcinoma cells (HepG2). MK-886, a PPARα antagonist, did not block fenofibrate-induced activation of Id2 expression, suggesting a PPARα-independent effect was involved. These findings confirm that Id2 is a gene responsive to PPARα agonists. Like other genes (apolipoprotein A-I, apolipoprotein A-V), the opposite directional transcriptional effect in rodents and a human cell line further emphasizes that PPARα agonists have different effects in rodents and humans

    Efecto citotóxico del extracto metanólico de tres ecotipos de Lepidium peruvianum Chacón sobre líneas celulares HeLa y HT-29

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    The search of natural compound with cytotoxic and antitumoural activities is one of the current priorities of the fight against the cancer; being necessary to analyze new extracts of plants. The objective in this paper was to evaluate the cytotoxic activity of the methanolic extract (ME) of the black, purple and yellow ecotypes of Lepidium peruvianum, Chacón (at present Lepidium meyenii Walp.), Maca, on the cellular lines HeLa (Human Epithelial Carcinoma) and HT-29 (Human Colon Adenocarcinoma). For the cellular line HT-29, the inhibitory concentration of 50% of the cellular growth (IC50) with the black, purple and yellow ecotypes was of 8,32 mg/ml, 9,28 mg/ml and 0,487 mg/ml, respectively; while for the cellular line HeLa was of 2,4 mg/ml, 1,93 mg/ml and 0,66 mg/ml respectively. Additionally, ME of the yellow ecotype was evaluated with two years of storage (10ºC) determining an IC50 4,29 mg/ml for HT-29 and 4,17 mg/ml for HeLa. We concludes that the cytotoxic effect of the yellow ecotype on HT-29 and HeLa went high to the showed by the black and purple ecotypes; that the most sensitive cellular line to the yellow, black and purple ecotypes is HeLa, and that the ME of the yellow ecotype conserved its cytotoxic properties in spite of the time of storage.La búsqueda de compuestos naturales con actividad citotóxica y antitumoral es una de las prioridades actuales de la lucha contra el cáncer; motivo por el cual el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la actividad citotóxica de los extractos metanólicos (EM) de los ecotipos negro, morado y amarillo de Lepidium peruvianum, Chacón (conocida también como Lepidium meyenii Walp.) (maca) sobre las líneas celulares HeLa (Human Epithelial Carcinoma) y HT-29 (Human Colon Adenocarcinoma). Se determinó que la concentración inhibitoria del 50% del crecimiento celular (IC50) para la línea celular HT-29, con los ecotipos negro, morado y amarillo fue de 8,32 mg/ml, 9,28 mg/ml y 0,487 mg/ml respectivamente, mientras que para la línea celular HeLa fue de 2,4 mg/ml, 1,93 mg/ml y 0,66 mg/ml respectivamente. Adicionalmente, se evaluó un EM del ecotipo amarillo con dos años de almacenamiento (10 ºC) determinándose como IC50 4,29 mg/ml para HT-29 y 4,17 mg/ml para HeLa. Se concluye que el efecto citotóxico del ecotipo amarillo sobre HT-29 y HeLa fue superior al mostrado por los ecotipos negro y morado; que la línea celular más sensible a los ecotipos amarillo, negro y morado es HeLa, y que el EM del ecotipo amarillo conservó sus propiedades citotóxicas pese al tiempo de almacenamiento, aunque éstas disminuyeron

    Tres nuevas especies de oribátidos de España Central (Acari, Oribatei)

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    En el estudio de la fauna edáfica de ácaros oribátidos de las zonas secas de la provincia de Toledo, he encontrado algunas especies que considero nuevas para la ciencia; tres de ellas, procedentes del suelo de los alrededores de Yepes, se describen a continuación por considerar que no debe postponerse su descripción hasta la terminación del mencionado estudio. Los ejemplares que me han servido para estas descripciones han sido extraidos por el procedimiento de BERLESE-TULLGREN, aclarados posteriormente en ácido láctico caliente y estudiados en preparciones de tipo abierto, en portas excavados. Doy sinceramente las gracias tanto al Prof. Dr. Carlos PÉREZ-INIGo por haberme acogido en su laboratorio y haberme asesorado en mi estudio de los oribátidos, como a la Prof. Dra. Dolores SELGA, por la ayuda que me prestó en todo momento.Peer reviewe

    Temporal variation of the total nitrogen concentration in aereal organs of nitrogen fixing and non fixing riparian species

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    Changes in nitrogen concentration was determinated in samples of Alnus glutinosa, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Populus x canadiensis and Ailanthus altissima leaves, petioles and branches periodically during a year. Maximum nitrogen percentage was found in diazotrophic species (Alnus and Elaeagnus) and the nitrogen retranslocation form branches was higher (2.5 times) in no fixing species.Se estudian 10s cambios en la concentración de nitrógeno en Alnus glutinosa, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Populus x canadiensis y Ailanthus altissima, en hojas, peciolos y tallos periódicamente durante un año. El porcentaje máximo de nitrógeno se encuentra en las especies diazotrofas (Alnus y Elaeagnus) y la retraslocación de dicho elemento desde los tallos es superior (2.5) veces) en las plantas no actinonizas

    Neuroprotective potential of verbascoside isolated from acanthus mollis l. Leaves through its enzymatic inhibition and free radical scavenging ability

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    The phenomenon of today’s ageing population has increased interest in the search for new active substances that delay the onset and development of neurodegenerative diseases. In this respect, the search for natural compounds, mainly phenolic compounds, with neuroprotective activity has become the focus of growing interest. Verbascoside is a phenylethanoid that has already presented several pharmacological activities. The purpose of this study is to isolate and identify verbascoside from Acanthus mollis leaves. Consequently, its neuroprotective ability through enzymatic inhibition and free radical scavenging ability has been analyzed both in vitro and in cell culture assays. The antioxidant capacity of verbascoside was evaluated in vitro through total antioxidant capacity, DPPH•, OH•, and O2•—scavenging activity assays. The effect of verbascoside on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels of HepG2 and SH-SY5Y cell lines was studied in normal culture and under induced oxidative stress. The inhibitory ability of the phenylethanoid against several enzymes implied in neurodegenerative diseases (tyrosinase, MAO-A, and AChE) was analyzed in vitro. Verbascoside neuroprotective activity is at least in part related to its free radical scavenging ability. The effect of verbascoside on ROS production suggests its potential in the prevention of harmful cell redox changes and in boosting neuroprotectio

    Temporal variation of the total nitrogen concentration in aereal organs of nitrogen fixing and non fixing riparian species

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    Changes in nitrogen concentration was determinated in samples of Alnus glutinosa, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Populus x canadiensis and Ailanthus altissima leaves, petioles and branches periodically during a year. Maximum nitrogen percentage was found in diazotrophic species (Alnus and Elaeagnus) and the nitrogen retranslocation form branches was higher (2.5 times) in no fixing species.Se estudian 10s cambios en la concentración de nitrógeno en Alnus glutinosa, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Populus x canadiensis y Ailanthus altissima, en hojas, peciolos y tallos periódicamente durante un año. El porcentaje máximo de nitrógeno se encuentra en las especies diazotrofas (Alnus y Elaeagnus) y la retraslocación de dicho elemento desde los tallos es superior (2.5) veces) en las plantas no actinonizas

    Phytochemical Analysis and Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Acanthus mollis L. Rhizome Hexane Extract

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    The rhizomes of Acanthus mollis have traditionally been used for the treatment of several ailments involving inflammation. However, to the best of our knowledge, their chemical composition and pharmacological properties have not been studied until now. As a first approach, this study analyses the A. mollis rhizome hexane extract phytochemistry and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities in HepG2 and RAW 264.7 cell culture assays. Chemical profiling was performed with gas chromatography mass spectrometry without the modification of native molecules. Free phytosterols (such as β-sitosterol) account for 70% of detected compounds. The anti-inflammatory capacity of the rhizome extract of A. mollis is mediated by the decrease in the NO production in RAW 264.7 that has previously been stimulated with lipopolysaccharide in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, HepG2 pre-treatment with the rhizome extract prevents any damage being caused by oxidative stress, both through ROS scavenge and through the antioxidant cellular enzyme system. In this respect, the extract reduced the activity of glutathione peroxidase and reductase, which were stimulated under oxidative stress conditions. Our results suggest that the extract from the rhizomes of A. mollis may constitute a potential source of natural products with anti-inflammatory activity and could validate the traditional use of A. mollis

    Efecto citotóxico del extracto metanólico de tres ecotipos de Lepidium peruvianum Chacón sobre líneas celulares HeLa y HT-29

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    La búsqueda de compuestos naturales con actividad citotóxica y antitumoral es una de las prioridades actuales de la lucha contra el cáncer; motivo por el cual el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la actividad citotóxica de los extractos metanólicos (EM) de los ecotipos negro, morado y amarillo de Lepidium peruvianum, Chacón (conocida también como Lepidium meyenii Walp.) (maca) sobre las líneas celulares HeLa (Human Epithelial Carcinoma) y HT-29 (Human Colon Adenocarcinoma). Se determinó que la concentración inhibitoria del 50% del crecimiento celular (IC50) para la línea celular HT-29, con los ecotipos negro, morado y amarillo fue de 8,32 mg/ml, 9,28 mg/ml y 0,487 mg/ml respectivamente, mientras que para la línea celular HeLa fue de 2,4 mg/ml, 1,93 mg/ml y 0,66 mg/ml respectivamente. Adicionalmente, se evaluó un EM del ecotipo amarillo con dos años de almacenamiento (10 ºC) determinándose como IC50 4,29 mg/ml para HT-29 y 4,17 mg/ml para HeLa. Se concluye que el efecto citotóxico del ecotipo amarillo sobre HT-29 y HeLa fue superior al mostrado por los ecotipos negro y morado; que la línea celular más sensible a los ecotipos amarillo, negro y morado es HeLa, y que el EM del ecotipo amarillo conservó sus propiedades citotóxicas pese al tiempo de almacenamiento, aunque éstas disminuyeron