433 research outputs found

    Exploring engineering skills development through a comparison of institutional practices in Mexico and Scotland

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    The future of engineering education does not depend only on the curricula designed by universities, but increasingly on the needs of society and the complex requirements of Industry 4.0. Now there is an urgent need to work on an educational approach based on the close collaboration of three stakeholders: the university, which facilitates authentic learning opportunities for students and professionals and ensures the quality of learning outcomes; the industry, which establishes the skill sets and competencies it requires of its workforce; and finally, governments and professional associations, which can influence, provide global collaboration frameworks to support transformation and funding for reskilling, upskilling, as well as institutional responses. This study presents an analysis and comparison of the engineering skills "eco-system" that considers not only the technical education in response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also the problem-solving needs of society and the human factors that shape the transition to the labour market in global contexts

    From the Manifest Motive to the Real Demand of the Patient in the Psychological Consultation [Del motivo manifiesto a la demanda real del paciente en la consulta psicológica]

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    AbtractSometimes it is confusing to determine why you go to a psychological consultation; for the interviewer, it is extremely important to be clear about the manifest and latent motives, as well as the expectations of treatment with a psychoanalytic approach. It is a qualitative study, with a descriptive-explanatory design, which includes the analysis of semi-structured interviews. Twenty medical records of patients who attended the Centers for Psychological Intervention (CISP) in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico; in order to identify the manifest motive and latent motives, as well as treatment expectations and disease awareness. A relationship between these will be established, and their relevance of knowing them will be demonstrated so that later it can be used in an effective therapeutic process.ResumenEn ocasiones resulta confuso determinar por qué se acude a una consulta psicológica; para el entrevistador es de suma relevancia tener claros los motivos manifiestos y la­tentes, así como las expectativas del tratamiento con orien­tación psicoanalítica. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, de diseño descriptivo-explicativo, el cual incluye el análisis de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Se analizaron 20 histo­rias clínicas de pacientes que acudieron a los Centros de Intervención Psicológica (CISP) en el estado de Zacatecas, México; con la finalidad de identificar el motivo mani­fiesto y los motivos latentes, así como las expectativas del tratamiento y la conciencia de enfermedad. Se establecerá una relación entre estos, y se demostrará su relevancia de conocer los mismos para que posteriormente se consiga emplear en un proceso terapéutico efica

    Caracterización de tecnologías aplicadas al tratamiento de agua residual industrial textil

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    Advances in research on the effect of certain pollutants, stricter environmental standards, and economic factors have generated new technologies. With the use of new treatment systems, in some industries practices such as waste storage and confinement have been left, which from the point of view of environmental preservation and protection of human health are by no means recommended (Garcés Giraldo & Peñuela Mesa, 2007, p.25). That being said, this research sought to generate a coherent and effective information base when it comes to requiring the choice of a treatment option for wastewater from the textile industry. To this end, a review was made of 25 documents from which information relevant to the case was extracted, such as variables that affect the different treatments. Following this bibliographic review, the analysis of the relationship and affectation of variables with the different types of treatment was carried out. to conclude in the characterization of the treatments found and the suggestion of the best treatment for this type of wastewater.Los avances en investigaciones acerca del efecto de ciertos contaminantes, normas ambientales más estrictas, y factores económicos, han generado nuevas tecnologías. Con el uso de nuevos sistemas de tratamiento, en algunas industrias se han dejado prácticas como el almacenamiento de desechos y el confinamiento, que desde el punto de vista de preservación del medio ambiente y protección de la salud humana no son de ninguna manera recomendable (Garcés Giraldo & Peñuela Mesa, 2007, p.25). Dicho esto, con esta investigación se buscó generar una base de información coherente y eficaz a la hora de requerir elegir una opción de tratamiento para las aguas residuales de la industria textil. Para lograr lo anterior se hizo la revisión de 25 documentos de los cuales se extrajo información relevante al caso tal como variables que afectan los diferentes tratamientos, posterior a esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó el análisis de relación y afectación de variables con los diversos tipos de tratamiento, para concluir en la caracterización de los tratamientos hallados y la sugerencia del mejor tratamiento para este tipo de aguas residuales

    Jusnaturalismo no direito colombiano

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    The discussion between morality and law provokes debates and legal positions that translate into iuspositivist and iusnaturalist currents. As society evolves, these conceptions change and should be reflected in legal institutions. The general objective of the research is to determine the nature and function of iusnaturalism in Colombian legislation. Accordingly, it is necessary to resort to the qualitative model for the purpose of understanding, interpreting and describing; desk research is adopted as a technique and the matrix as an instrument, based on authors and rulings. This contributes to achieving the specific objectives proposed in relation to establishing the nature of iusnaturalism, its evolution, recognition and function in Colombian law. Using discourse analysis, it is concluded that the role of iusnaturalism in Colombia is precarious; therefore, the proposed corrective measure is to position it as a preferential positive principle.La discusión entre la moral y el derecho suscita debates y posturas jurídicas que se traducen en las corrientes iuspositivistas y iusnaturalistas. Estas concepciones, a medida que la sociedad va evolucionando, cambian y deben reflejarse en las instituciones jurídicas. El objetivo general de la investigación fue determinar la naturaleza y la función del iusnaturalismo en la legislación colombiana. Para ello se hizo preciso recurrir al modelo cualitativo con la finalidad de comprender, interpretar y describir; se adoptó como técnica el análisis documental y como instrumento la matriz, según autores y sentencias. Esto permitió desarrollar los objetivos específicos propuestos, vinculados con el propósito de establecer la naturaleza del iusnaturalismo, su evolución, reconocimiento y función en el derecho colombiano. Por medio del análisis del discurso, se concluyó que la función del derecho natural en Colombia es precaria; la medida correctiva que se propone, por ende, es elevar a este a principio positivo de carácter preferente.A discussão sobre moral e direito provoca debates e posições jurídicas que se traduzem nas correntes juspositivistas e jusnaturalistas. Essas concepções, à medida que a sociedade vai evoluindo, mudam e devem se refletir nas instituições jurídicas. O objetivo geral da investigação foi determinar a natureza e a função do jusnaturalismo na legislação colombiana. Para isso, foi necessário recorrer ao modelo qualitativo para compreender, interpretar e descrever. A análise documental foi adotada como técnica e a matriz como instrumento, segundo autores e sentenças. Isso nos permitiu desenvolver os objetivos específicos propostos, vinculados ao propósito de estabelecer a natureza do jusnaturalismo, sua evolução, reconhecimento e função no direito colombiano. Através da análise do discurso, concluiu-se que a função do direito natural na Colômbia é precária. A medida corretiva proposta, portanto, é elevá-lo a um princípio positivo de natureza preferencial

    Diseño de un tutor educativo para apoyar el aprendizaje de la tecnología flashback (TETF)

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad profundizar y reforzar el tema de la tecnología flashback, sus conceptos, su metodología y ejemplos. La información recolectada será sintetizada, para crear módulos en idioma español, porque los módulos vistos en el curso se encuentran en idioma inglés, todo lo anterior se realizó con el fin que el estudiante pueda entender mejor los contenidos vistos en el curso. El estudiante podrá acceder a este tutor con el Zip, el cual una vez descargado podrá empezarlo a trabajarThis paper aims to deepen and strengthen the issue of flashback technology, it concepts, its methodology and examples. The information gathered will be synthesized to create modules in Spanish, because the modules seen in the course are in English language, all this was done in order that students can better understand those seen in the course content. The student may access this tutor with zip, which was once downloaded may start working

    “Characterization of technologies applied to textile industrial water treatment”

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    Los avances en investigaciones acerca del efecto de ciertos contaminantes, normas ambientales más estrictas, y factores económicos, han generado nuevas tecnologías. Con el uso de nuevos sistemas de tratamiento, en algunas industrias se han dejado prácticas como el almacenamiento de desechos y el confinamiento, que desde el punto de vista de preservación del medio ambiente y protección de la salud humana no son de ninguna manera recomendable (Garcés Giraldo & Peñuela Mesa, 2007, p.25). Dicho esto, con esta investigación se buscó generar una base de información coherente y eficaz a la hora de requerir elegir una opción de tratamiento para las aguas residuales de la industria textil. Para lograr lo anterior se hiso la revisión de 25 documentos de los cuales se extrajo información relevante al caso tal como variables que afectan los diferentes tratamientos, posterior a esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó el análisis de relación y afectación de variables con los diversos tipos de tratamiento, para concluir en la caracterización de los tratamientos hallados y la sugerencia del mejor tratamiento para este tipo de aguas residuales.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro - Facultad de Ingenierias y Ciencias AgropecuariasAdvances in research on the effect of certain pollutants, stricter environmental standards, and economic factors have generated new technologies. With the use of new treatment systems, in some industries practices such as waste storage and confinement have been left, which from the point of view of environmental preservation and protection of human health are by no means recommended (Garcés Giraldo & Peñuela Mesa, 2007, p.25). That being said, this research sought to generate a coherent and effective information base when it comes to requiring the choice of a treatment option for wastewater from the textile industry. To this end, a review was made of 25 documents from which information relevant to the case was extracted, such as variables that affect the different treatments. Following this bibliographic review, the analysis of the relationship and affectation of variables with the different types of treatment was carried out. to conclude in the characterization of the treatments found and the suggestion of the best treatment for this type of wastewater

    Neocortical tissue recovery in severe congenital obstructive hydrocephalus after intraventricular administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure and the presence of periventricular edema, ischemia/hypoxia, damage of the white matter, and glial reactions in the neocortex. The viability and short time effects of a therapy based on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) have been evaluated in such pathological conditions in the hyh mouse model. METHODS: BM-MSC obtained from mice expressing fluorescent mRFP1 protein were injected into the lateral ventricle of hydrocephalic hyh mice at the moment they present a very severe form of the disease. The effect of transplantation in the neocortex was compared with hydrocephalic hyh mice injected with the vehicle and non-hydrocephalic littermates. Neural cell populations and the possibility of transdifferentiation were analyzed. The possibility of a tissue recovering was investigated using 1H High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy, thus allowing the detection of metabolites/osmolytes related with hydrocephalus severity and outcome in the neocortex. An in vitro assay to simulate the periventricular astrocyte reaction conditions was performed using BM-MSC under high TNFα level condition. The secretome in the culture medium was analyzed in this assay. RESULTS: Four days after transplantation, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and scattered into the astrocyte reaction present in the damaged neocortex white matter. Tissue rejection to the integrated BM-MSC was not detected 4 days after transplantation. Hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC showed a reduction in the apoptosis in the periventricular neocortex walls, suggesting a neuroprotector effect of the BM-MSC in these conditions. A decrease in the levels of metabolites/osmolytes in the neocortex, such as taurine and neuroexcytotoxic glutamate, also indicated a tissue recovering. Under high TNFα level condition in vitro, BM-MSC showed an upregulation of cytokine and protein secretion that may explain homing, immunomodulation, and vascular permeability, and therefore the tissue recovering. CONCLUSIONS: BM-MSC treatment in severe congenital hydrocephalus is viable and leads to the recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions in the neocortex. NMR spectroscopy allows to follow-up the effects of stem cell therapy in hydrocephalus.España Instituto Carlos III , PI15/00619 (to AJJ), PI19/00778 (to AJJ and PPG), PI15/00796, and PI18/01557España Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU13/02906España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2014-16980España, FEDER Andalucía y Universidad de Málaga UMA18-FEDERJA-27

    Protective effects of Spirulina maxima on hyperlipidemia and oxidative-stress induced by lead acetate in the liver and kidney

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxidative damage has been proposed as a possible mechanism involved in lead toxicity, specially affecting the liver and kidney. Previous studies have shown the antioxidant effect of <it>Spirulina maxima </it>in several experimental models of oxidative stress. The current study was carried out to evaluate the antioxidant activity of <it>Spirulina maxima </it>against lead acetate-induced hyperlipidemia and oxidative damage in the liver and kidney of male rats. Control animals were fed on a standard diet and did not receive lead acetate (Control group). Experimental animals were fed on a standard laboratory diet with or without <it>Spirulina maxima </it>5% in the standard laboratory diet and treated with three doses of lead acetate (25 mg each/weekly, intraperitoneal injection) (lead acetate with <it>Spirulina</it>, and lead acetate without <it>Spirulina </it>groups).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that <it>Spirulina maxima </it>prevented the lead acetate-induced significant changes on plasma and liver lipid levels and on the antioxidant status of the liver and kidney. On the other hand, <it>Spirulina maxima </it>succeeded to improve the biochemical parameters of the liver and kidney towards the normal values of the Control group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It was concluded that <it>Spirulina maxima </it>has protective effects on lead acetate-induced damage, and that the effects are associated with the antioxidant effect of <it>Spirulina</it>.</p

    Educación y capacitación para el trabajo: contexto penitenciario femenil de nuevo león

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    Para las mujeres privadas de la libertad, la formación educativa y capacitación de trabajo son aspectos clave en su preparación, al permitirles acceder a mejores oportunidades para ellas y sus familias, así como para desarrollarse personal y profesionalmente. Este artículo aborda resultados de la evaluación educativa y laboral de 60 de 308 internas del Centro de Reinserción Social Femenil de Escobedo, Nuevo León, durante 2019. Se encontró que tienen una expectativa proactiva por el alto grado de interés de seguirse formando y capacitando durante su proceso de reinserción social, pero sin esta oportunidad se podría propiciar el volver a delinquir

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en los Municipios de: Colón Génova, Pasto y Sandoná.

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    Con la realización del presente informe se hace una aproximación al enfoque narrativo y un análisis de relatos y reflexiones para abordar subjetividades sumidas en contextos de violencia. Para ello, se tomó como base teórica los recursos del entorno práctico y la revisión de las lecturas de las 10 unidades disponibles en el entorno de conocimiento. Para el ejercicio de análisis se toma el caso de Carlos Arturo teniendo en cuenta una serie de preguntas orientadoras donde se pretende identificar al ser humano como ser objetivo e integral, así mismo, se formula un conjunto de preguntas de diferentes categorías para aplicarse a la persona que realizo el relato. Con este trabajo podemos analizar la situación de violencia que presento Carlos Arturo, este caso nos permite comprender la magnitud del dolor tanto físico como emocional y también nos invita a valorar nuestra convivencia, los desplazamientos hacen que una persona cambie su calidad de vida de forma drástica y eso hace que podamos actuar y manifestar que ya no queremos más violencia, queremos que nuestras comunidades gocen de paz y tranquilidad. Luego se analiza la situación expuesta de la comunidad de cacarica y se proponen estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial para poder potenciar sus recursos de afrontamiento y ayudar a la comunidad en la superación de sus experiencias e impactos negativos como producto de los actos violentos que tuvieron que presenciar. Al final, se presenta un informe analítico y reflexivo creado con la utilización de foto voz realizada en la fase anterior, y es aquí donde el enfoque narrativo nos permite considerar la realidad del conflicto de nuestro departamento de Nariño. Palabras claves: Enfoque narrativo, Victimas, Violencia, Estrategias psicosociales, Conflicto, Foto vozIn this report, an approach is made to the narrative approach and an exercise in the analysis of stories and reflections to address subjectivities immersed in contexts of violence. For this, the resources of the practical environment and the review of the readings of the 10 units available in the knowledge environment were taken as a theoretical basis. For the exercise of analysis, the case of Carlos Arturo is taken into account, taking into account a series of guiding questions where the aim is to recognize the human being as an objective and integral being, likewise, a series of circular, reflective and strategic questions are formulated to ask him to the person who made the story. With this work we can analyze the situation of violence that Carlos Arturo presented, this case allows us to understand the magnitude of both physical and emotional pain and also invites us to assess our coexistence, the displacements make a person change their quality of life drastically and that makes us act and manifest that we no longer want violence, we want our communities to enjoy peace and tranquility. Then the case of the community of Cacarica is analyzed where psychosocial support strategies are proposed to be able to strengthen their coping resources and help the community to face their experiences and negative impacts that arise from the violent acts they had to witness. Finally, an analytical and reflective report is presented as a result of the photo voice experience carried out in the previous phase, where the narrative approach is used to reflect on the reality of the conflict in our department of Nariño. Key words: Narrative approach, Victims, Violence, Psychosocial strategies, Conflict, Photo voice