60 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en Educación Infantil a través de la música

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    Con este trabajo se pretende corroborar la importancia que tiene la educación musical en el proceso formativo del niño y cómo es posible conseguir que éste adquiera las capacidades necesarias para seguir avanzando en sus aprendizajes y competencias, para formarse como persona autónoma, capaz de enfrentarse con éxito a la vida. Fundamentaremos esté trabajo haciendo un recorrido por algunas definiciones de psicomotricidad según algunos autores. Asimismo, tendremos en cuenta los elementos de la psicomotricidad y las características de los alumnos y su capacidad auditiva. Seguidamente, se pretende explicar los elementos de la psicomotricidad a través una serie de metodologías pedagógicas musicales llevadas a la práctica en un aula internivelar, cuyo objetivo principal es el reconocimiento de esta disciplina, a través de su aplicación en el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, concretamente con nueve alumnos de cinco años. Palabras Claves: Psicomotricidad, Educación Musical, capacidad auditiva, metodología, Educación Infantil

    Neocortical tissue recovery in severe congenital obstructive hydrocephalus after intraventricular administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure and the presence of periventricular edema, ischemia/hypoxia, damage of the white matter, and glial reactions in the neocortex. The viability and short time effects of a therapy based on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) have been evaluated in such pathological conditions in the hyh mouse model. METHODS: BM-MSC obtained from mice expressing fluorescent mRFP1 protein were injected into the lateral ventricle of hydrocephalic hyh mice at the moment they present a very severe form of the disease. The effect of transplantation in the neocortex was compared with hydrocephalic hyh mice injected with the vehicle and non-hydrocephalic littermates. Neural cell populations and the possibility of transdifferentiation were analyzed. The possibility of a tissue recovering was investigated using 1H High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy, thus allowing the detection of metabolites/osmolytes related with hydrocephalus severity and outcome in the neocortex. An in vitro assay to simulate the periventricular astrocyte reaction conditions was performed using BM-MSC under high TNFα level condition. The secretome in the culture medium was analyzed in this assay. RESULTS: Four days after transplantation, BM-MSC were found undifferentiated and scattered into the astrocyte reaction present in the damaged neocortex white matter. Tissue rejection to the integrated BM-MSC was not detected 4 days after transplantation. Hyh mice transplanted with BM-MSC showed a reduction in the apoptosis in the periventricular neocortex walls, suggesting a neuroprotector effect of the BM-MSC in these conditions. A decrease in the levels of metabolites/osmolytes in the neocortex, such as taurine and neuroexcytotoxic glutamate, also indicated a tissue recovering. Under high TNFα level condition in vitro, BM-MSC showed an upregulation of cytokine and protein secretion that may explain homing, immunomodulation, and vascular permeability, and therefore the tissue recovering. CONCLUSIONS: BM-MSC treatment in severe congenital hydrocephalus is viable and leads to the recovery of the severe neurodegenerative conditions in the neocortex. NMR spectroscopy allows to follow-up the effects of stem cell therapy in hydrocephalus.España Instituto Carlos III , PI15/00619 (to AJJ), PI19/00778 (to AJJ and PPG), PI15/00796, and PI18/01557España Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU13/02906España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2014-16980España, FEDER Andalucía y Universidad de Málaga UMA18-FEDERJA-27

    Osteonecrosis of the jaws produced by sunitinib : a systematic review

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    Tyrosine kinase receptor family is involved in tumor growth, pathological angiogenesis and the progression (metastasis) of cancer. Sunitinib (Sutent®) inhibits members of the tyrosine kinase receptor family affecting the induction of angiogenesis and tumor progression. It is not clear if sunitinib increases the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ). The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review about ONJ related to sunitinib, describing existing cases and possible associated risk factors. The PubMed/MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases were searched without date restriction up to September 2018. We included prospective and retrospective observational studies, cross-sectional studies, clinical cases and series of cases, involving only human subjects. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and Newcastle-Ottawa tools. A total of 13 studies fulfilled our inclusion criteria of which 7 were clinical cases, 5 case series and a retrospective study. All the articles were published between 2009 and 2018. Of the 102 patients treated with sunitinib analyzed in this study, 58 developed ONJ, being or having been treated with sunitinib and bisphosphonates or exclusively with sunitinib. In this systematic review, we found an increase of ONJ in patients who are medicated with other drugs different than bisphosphonates and denosumab. It is necessary that dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons as well as oncologists know the risk of ONJ that these antiresorptive drugs could have. There is a need to continue researching in this field with the aim of an increasing knowledge in this area and creating an adequate protocol of action for this population

    Diez años de innovación docente en Filología Clásica en la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (I)

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    Los últimos años han sido muy fructíferos en iniciativas oficiales de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente en el ámbito de la Comunidad de Madrid. Tanto en la Universidad, a través de los PIMCD (o análogos), como en los TMFP del ICE (o análogos), como en enseñanza secundaria, se han puesto en marcha diferentes iniciativas y proyectos con el objetivo de mejorar la docencia y la recepción por parte de los estudiantes de las materias relacionadas con el riquísimo legado cultural de Grecia y Roma. La Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos ha sido también una institución promotora a través de la convocatoria de premios anuales que reconocen el trabajo de los docentes y estudiantes de estas materias. Sin embargo, a pesar de lo mucho y bueno realizado, se echa en falta una labor que recabe toda la información dispersa, la estructure y organice y, sobre todo, la ponga a disposición, cuando ello sea posible, de los docentes y estudiantes. Por otra parte, los filólogos clásicos se han incorporado de lleno a la profunda renovación metodológica que ha supuesto la irrupción de las TICS en el ámbito docente, sustituyendo las antiguas metodologías basadas en la repetición por otras mucho más dinámicas y polivalentes. Nuestra tarea se restringe a los últimos diez años, los más prolíficos desde el punto de vista de la innovación en Clásicas, sin que ello sea obstáculo para que en convocatorias posteriores ampliemos nuestro abanico cronológico y geográfico

    Meanings attributed by university students to a teaching innovative experience based on social constructionism

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    [EN] Our study shows how students make sense of a teaching innovative experience at university, which develops the teaching-learning process based on social constructionism (Gergen, 2015). Their judgements were analysed from the emic perspective (San Martín, 2014), using ATLAS.ti7 software for qualitative analysis. Students (26) express that they have lived through an unusual educational experience, being flexibility its main quality, a finding congruent with pedagogical proposals linked to the co-construction of knowledge. The meanings given by students revalue face-to- face education, as the classroom turns into the arena where unusual learning and a boom of ideas can take place, highlighting its usefulness as a relational space which nourishes collaborative creativity. Challenges also emerge and invite for further reflection on how to keep designing innovative education proposals at universities from the perspective of relational generation of knowledge.[ES] El trabajo visibiliza cómo es significada por el alumnado una experiencia de innovación docente en la universidad que despliega el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje desde las ideas del construccionismo social (Gergen, 2015). Sus valoraciones fueron abordadas desde una perspectiva emic (San Martín, 2014), empleando el software de análisis cualitativo ATLAS.ti7. El alumnado (26) expresa que ha vivido una experiencia educativa inusual, siendo la flexibilidad la cualidad que reconocen como clave de la misma, en consonancia con propuestas pedagógicas comprometidas con la co-construcción del conocimiento. Los significados dados por el alumnado revalorizan la educación presencial, el aula es el lugar en el que se produce un aprendizaje inusual y un boom de ideas, subrayando su utilidad como espacio relacional que nutre la creatividad colaborativa. Emergen desafíos que invitan a la reflexión acerca de cómo seguir diseñando propuestas de innovación educativa en la universidad desde la generación relacional del conocimiento.Muñoz De Bustillo Díaz, MDC.; García Hernández, MD.; Romero, E.; Peláez Amador, Y.; Rodríguez Alonso, S. (2017). Los sentidos otorgados por el alumnado universitario a una experiencia de innovación basada en el construccionismo social. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 15(2):77-96. doi:10.4995/redu.2017.6063SWORD779615

    Red de Empleabilidad y Emprendimiento en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social

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    Este proyecto sigue las líneas definidas en el Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente de la Convocatoria 2016/2017, con el nº 109, con el tema: “El impulso del emprendimiento como competencia transversal en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social”, premiado en la VII EDICIÓN de PREMIOS EMPRENDEDOR UNIVERSITARIO UCM, en la 4ª modalidad de Premio Innova docente. Al mismo tiempo se ha implementado con el inicio de la experiencia del Proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio “UCM_MEDIMAYOR_ ALUMNI”, de formación en mediación a un grupo de mayores pertenecientes al Centro de Día Peñagrande del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. La responsabilidad social de la universidad, puede encontrase en esta función ya que se ha potenciado la adquisición de competencias profesionales

    Multicentre, randomised, single-blind, parallel group trial to compare the effectiveness of a Holter for Parkinson's symptoms against other clinical monitoring methods: study protocol

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    Introduction In recent years, multiple studies have aimed to develop and validate portable technological devices capable of monitoring the motor complications of Parkinson's disease patients (Parkinson's Holter). The effectiveness of these monitoring devices for improving clinical control is not known. Methods and analysis This is a single-blind, cluster-randomised controlled clinical trial. Neurologists from Spanish health centres will be randomly assigned to one of three study arms (1:1:1): (a) therapeutic adjustment using information from a Parkinson?s Holter that will be worn by their patients for 7 days, (b) therapeutic adjustment using information from a diary of motor fluctuations that will be completed by their patients for 7 days and (c) therapeutic adjustment using clinical information collected during consultation. It is expected that 162 consecutive patients will be included over a period of 6 months. The primary outcome is the efficiency of the Parkinson?s Holter compared with traditional clinical practice in terms of Off time reduction with respect to the baseline (recorded through a diary of motor fluctuations, which will be completed by all patients). As secondary outcomes, changes in variables related to other motor complications (dyskinesia and freezing of gait), quality of life, autonomy in activities of daily living, adherence to the monitoring system and number of doctor?patient contacts will be analysed. The noninferiority of the Parkinson's Holter against the diary of motor fluctuations in terms of Off time reduction will be studied as the exploratory objective. Ethics and dissemination approval for this study has been obtained from the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge Ethics Committee. The results of this study will inform the practical utility of the objective information provided by a Parkinson's Holter and, therefore, the convenience of adopting this technology in clinical practice and in future clinical trials. We expect public dissemination of the results in 2022.Funding This work is supported by AbbVie S.L.U, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [DTS17/00195] and the European Fund for Regional Development, 'A way to make Europe'

    Liver injury in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with urea cycle enzyme dysregulation

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    The main aim was to evaluate changes in urea cycle enzymes in NAFLD patients and in two preclinical animal models mimicking this entity. Seventeen liver specimens from NAFLD patients were included for immunohistochemistry and gene expression analyses. Three-hundred-and-eighty-two biopsy-proven NAFLD patients were genotyped for rs1047891, a functional variant located in carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-1 (CPS1) gene. Two preclinical models were employed to analyse CPS1 by immunohistochemistry, a choline deficient high-fat diet model (CDA-HFD) and a high fat diet LDLr knockout model (LDLr −/−). A significant downregulation in mRNA was observed in CPS1 and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC1) in simple steatosis and NASH-fibrosis patients versus controls. Further, age, obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2), diabetes mellitus and ALT werefound to be risk factors whereas A-allele from CPS1 was a protective factor from liver fibrosis. CPS1 hepatic expression was diminished in parallel with the increase of fibrosis, and its levels reverted up to normality after changing diet in CDA-HFD mice. In conclusion, liver fibrosis and steatosis were associated with a reduction in both gene and protein expression patterns of mitochondrial urea cycle enzymes. A-allele from a variant on CPS1 may protect from fibrosis development. CPS1 expression is restored in a preclinical model when the main trigger of the liver damage disappears