10 research outputs found

    Apoyo familiar en estudiantes del primer año de educación secundaria de la institución educativa privada San Antonio de Padua del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho

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    El actual proyecto de investigación, de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental posee como finalidad establecer el factor apoyo familiar en estudiantes del primer año de educación secundaria de la IEP San Antonio de Padua del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho – 2018. Se implementa una encuesta de Apoyo Familiar tomando como referencia la teoría Coleman (1969). La muestra obtenida en el estudio está compuesta por 53 estudiantes del sexo femenino y masculino, de distintas edades y se empleó un muestreo censalThe current research project, of descriptive and non-experimental design aims to establish the family support factor in students of the first year of secondary education of the San Antonio de Padua IEP in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho - 2018. A Family Support survey is implemented taking the Coleman theory (1969) as a reference. The sample obtained in the study is composed of 53 female and male students of different ages and a census sampling was use

    Synthesis and optical characterization of Er-doped bismuth titanate nanoparticles grown by sol-gel hydrothermal method

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    The Er-doped bismuth titanate (BiTiO, BIT) nanoparticles were synthesized by a combined sol-gel and hydrothermal method under a partial oxygen pressure of 30 bar. The composition and morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman scattering. They showed pure and homogeneous spherical BIT nanoparticles with a size below the 30 nm. The incorporation of Er ions showed a strong decrease in the lattice parameters, as well as averaged particle size. The photoluminescence up-conversion (excitation wavelength =1480 nm) showed an enhancement of the infrared emission (980 nm) as Er concentration increased, achieving a maximum for 6% mol, while photoluminescence spectra (excitation wavelength =473 nm) showed a strong green emission (529 and 553 nm) with a maximum at 4% mol

    Immune System Disorders: Hypersensitivity and Autoimmunity

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    The immune response is known as a physiological mechanism to protect the body, providing defense to different systems that compose it and allowing its proper functioning. The ability to keep the organism free from foreign agents depends on the mechanisms of natural resistance or innate immunity, as well as the resistance that can develop over time through adaptive immunity. However, when these defense mechanisms fail, it can trigger injuries and diseases in the tissues, such as hypersensitivity, which is characterized as an excessive and undesirable reaction, produced by the immune system; as well as autoimmunity, which refers to the failure of the mechanisms of immunological tolerance, causing the reaction of the immune system against the body itself

    Usuario mapuche: significado hipertensión arterial, Temuco, 2016

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    Objetivo: Conocer el significado que otorga el usuario mapuche, adscrito al Programa Salud Cardiovascular 2016, Consultorio Makewe, Temuco, Chile, a la hipertensión arterial. Metdología: Investigación bajo el paradigma cualitativo, con base en la teoría fundamentada. La muestra fue conformada por veintidós usuarios, no probabilística, intencionada de casos por criterios y conveniencia, de acuerdo con criterios de inclusión. La recolección de información se hizo mediante dos grupos focales y ocho entrevistas en profundidad, hasta llegar al punto de saturación, previa firma de consentimiento informado. El análisis se caracterizó por ser dinámico y creativo, basado en la estrategia de método comparativo constante, realizando codificación y análisis simultáneo. La validez se comprobó con criterios de rigor y fue triangulada por investigadores. La investigación fue autorizada por el Comité Ético Científico de la Universidad de La Frontera. Resultados: Para hipertensión arterial emergieron cuatro categorías: “Significado” (definición del concepto), “Causa” (percepción), “Convivir” (cambios) y “Tratamiento” (farmacológico, herbolaria, machi —curandera o consejera—). Conclusiones: Sin haber definido la patología, los mapuches la asocian a signos, síntomas y causas; confían en tratamientos otorgados por un equipo de salud, pero no en las/los machis, reconociendo algunas de ellas como buenas, las que por alta demanda y costo son inaccesibles. En general, se ha descuidado la Ley Indígena 19253 de 1993, que da lugar a la institucionalización del Programa de Salud con Población Mapuche (promap), dependiente del Servicio de Salud Araucanía

    Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline batio3 at various calcination temperatures

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    Barium titanate (BaTiO3) powders with particle sizes about 50 nm in diameter were synthesized using a hydrothermal route. The powders were characterized using various experimental techniques such as XRD, TEM and Raman spectroscopy, and they showed a good crystallinity and homogeneity without heat treatments. Also, Raman spectra showed the presence of the tetragonal phase. In addition, various calcination treatments were made to BaTiO3 powders with the purpose to improve their ferroelectric properties. In general, calcination treatments improved the crystallinity and homogeneity of the samples considerably but did not modify the internal structure of the BaTiO3, which was observed in the Raman spectra. On the other hand, from theoretical calculations were established that the cubic phase should be better dielectric in comparison with the tetragonal phase, but this latter would have better optical properties. However, experimental evidences are indicative that the cubic phase would predominate in the synthesis of the compound

    Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline batio3 at various calcination temperatures

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    Barium titanate (BaTiO3) powders with particle sizes about 50 nm in diameter were synthesized using a hydrothermal route. The powders were characterized using various experimental techniques such as XRD, TEM and Raman spectroscopy, and they showed a good crystallinity and homogeneity without heat treatments. Also, Raman spectra showed the presence of the tetragonal phase. In addition, various calcination treatments were made to BaTiO3 powders with the purpose to improve their ferroelectric properties. In general, calcination treatments improved the crystallinity and homogeneity of the samples considerably but did not modify the internal structure of the BaTiO3, which was observed in the Raman spectra. On the other hand, from theoretical calculations were established that the cubic phase should be better dielectric in comparison with the tetragonal phase, but this latter would have better optical properties. However, experimental evidences are indicative that the cubic phase would predominate in the synthesis of the compound.This work has been partially financed by: FONDECYT Grant under contract No 1110555. Basal Financing Program CONICYT, FB0807 (CEDENNA). MICINN Project ACPHIN (FIS2009-10150). E. C. is gratefully acknowledged for fellowship from CONICYT through Becas Chile 2010. Proyectos de la Dirección de Investigación (U. de Antofagasta), Grant DI-CODEI-2010-01.Peer Reviewe

    Usuario mapuche: significado hipertensión arterial, Temuco, 2016

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    Objective: to understand the meaning that the Mapuche user subscribed to the Programa Salud Cardiovascular 2016, Makewe Clinic, Temuco, Chile assigns to arterial hypertension. Methodology: the research was performed under the qualitative paradigm, based on grounded theory. The nonprobabilistic sample was made up of twenty-two users. The cases were chosen by convenience, following inclusion criteria. The information was collected through focal groups and eight in-depth interviews, until saturation happened, and all participants were required to sign consent forms. Validity was ratified using standard criteria and researchers triangulated the data. The Ethics and Scientific Committee of Universidad de La Frontera authorized the study. Results: four categories for arterial hypertension appeared: “Meaning” (concept’s definition), “Cause” (perception), “Living with the condition” (changes) and “Treatment” (pharmacologic, herbal, Machi— healer or counselor—). Conclusions: without defining the pathology, the Mapuche associate the signs, symptoms and causes to it. They trust the treatment indicated by a medical team, but not the one prescribed by Machis. Although they recognize some of these Machis are good, their high demand or high cost makes them unattainable. In general, the Ley Indígena [Indigenous Peoples’ Act] 19253 of 1993 has been neglected, even if it allows the institutionalization of the Programa de Salud con Población Mapuche (Health Care Program for Mapuche people– PROMAP in Spanish), a population that depends on the health care service provided by the Araucanía Region.Objetivo: conhecer o significado que dá o usuário Mapuche adscrito ao Programa Salud Cardiovascular 2016, consultório Makewe, Temuco, Chile, à hipertensão arterial. Metodologia: a pesquisa foi feita sob o paradigma qualitativo, baseada na teoria fundamentada. A amostra teve vinte e dois usuários, não probabilística, com intenção de casos por critério e conveniência, segundo os critérios de inclusão. A informação foi coletada mediante grupos focais e oito entrevistas aprofundadas, até atingir saturação, depois de ter assinado o consentimento. A análise caracterizou-se por ser dinâmica e criativa, baseada na estratégia de metodologia comparativa constante, realizando codificação e análise simultâneo. Comprovou-se a validez utilizando critérios correspondentes e com triangulação de pesquisadores. A pesquisa foi autorizada pelo Comité Ético e Científico da Universidad de La Frontera. Resultados: surgiram quatro categorias para hipertensão arterial: “Significado” (definição do conceito), “Causa” (percepção), “Conviver” (mudanças) e “Tratamento” (farmacológico, herbolária, Machi —curandeira ou aconselhadora—). Conclusões: sem ter definido a patologia, os Mapuches a associam aos sinais, sintomas e causas. Eles confiam nos tratamentos fornecidos por uma equipe de saúde, mas não nas/nos Machis, reconhecendo algumas delas como boas, as que por alta demanda e custos não são acessíveis. Em geral, tem se descuidado a Ley Indígena 19253 de 1993, que permite a institucionalização do Programa de Salud con Población Mapuche (PROMAP), dependente do Servicio de Salud Araucanía.Objetivo. Conocer el significado que otorga el usuario Mapuche a la Hipertensión Arterial adscrito al Programa Salud Cardiovascular 2016, Consultorio Makewe, Temuco-Chile. Metodología: Investigación bajo el paradigma cualitativo basado en la Teoría Fundamentada. Muestra, conformada por 22 usuarios, no probabilística, intencionada de casos por criterios y conveniencia de acuerdo a criterios de inclusión. La recolección de información mediante dos grupos focales y ocho entrevistas en profundidad, hasta llegar al punto de saturación, previa firma Consentimiento Informado. El análisis caracterizado por ser dinámico y creativo, basado en la estrategia de método comparativo constante realizando codificación y análisis simultáneo. Validez comprobada con criterios de rigor y triangulada por investigadores. Lo valórico resguardado por Comité Ético Científico, Universidad de La Frontera. Resultados: Para Hipertensión Arterial emergieron cuatro categorías: “Significado” (definición del concepto); “Causa” (percepción); “Convivir” (cambios) y “Tratamiento” (farmacológico, herbolaria, Machi). Conclusiones. Sin haber definido la patología, sí la asocian a signos, síntomas y causas; confían en tratamientos otorgados por equipo de salud; sin embargo no en la Machi, reconociendo algunas de ellas como buenas, las que por alta demanda y costo son inaccesibles. En general, se ha descuidado la Ley Indígena Nº 19.253, que da lugar a la institucionalización del Programa de Salud con Población Mapuche (PROMAP) dependiente del Servicio de Salud Araucanía.

    Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline batio3 at various calcination temperatures

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    Barium titanate (BaTiO3) powders with particle sizes about 50 nm in diameter were synthesized using a hydrothermal route. The powders were characterized using various experimental techniques such as XRD, TEM and Raman spectroscopy, and they showed a good crystallinity and homogeneity without heat treatments. Also, Raman spectra showed the presence of the tetragonal phase. In addition, various calcination treatments were made to BaTiO3 powders with the purpose to improve their ferroelectric properties. In general, calcination treatments improved the crystallinity and homogeneity of the samples considerably but did not modify the internal structure of the BaTiO3, which was observed in the Raman spectra. On the other hand, from theoretical calculations were established that the cubic phase should be better dielectric in comparison with the tetragonal phase, but this latter would have better optical properties. However, experimental evidences are indicative that the cubic phase would predominate in the synthesis of the compound

    Structural characterisation of slightly Fe-doped SrTiO3 grown via a sol-gel hydrothermal synthesis

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    A detailed structural study of the incorporation of Fe into SrTiO3 nanoparticles is reported. Slightly iron-doped strontium titanate nanoparticles with 0, 1, 3 and 5 mol% concentration of iron were grown using a sol–gel hydrothermal process and characterised using Raman scattering, X-ray photoelectron and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy. The amorphisation of the nanostructures was observed as the iron content increased, which was confirmed by the TEM images. The XPS results indicated that the oxidation states of the Sr atoms were maintained in 2+. However, a mixture of Fe3+ and Fe4+ atoms was observed as the Fe content increased, resulting in a significant number of oxygen vacancies in the perovskite structure. The analysis of Raman spectra indicated that the intensity, linewidth and frequency shift of the TO4 phonon can be used as an indicator of the Fe content as well as a local temperature probe for future thermal analysis.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the FONDECYT grant under contract No.1110555, the basal Financing program CONICYT FB0807 (CEDENNA). ECA and CMST gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO projects nanoTHERM (Grant No. CSD2010-0044) and TAPHOR (MAT2012-31392), as well as partial support from the Severo Ochoa Program (MINECO, Grant SEV-2013-0295).Peer Reviewe

    Synthesis and optical characterization of Er-doped bismuth titanate nanoparticles grown by sol-gel hydrothermal method

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    The Er-doped bismuth titanate (BiTiO, BIT) nanoparticles were synthesized by a combined sol-gel and hydrothermal method under a partial oxygen pressure of 30 bar. The composition and morphology were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman scattering. They showed pure and homogeneous spherical BIT nanoparticles with a size below the 30 nm. The incorporation of Er ions showed a strong decrease in the lattice parameters, as well as averaged particle size. The photoluminescence up-conversion (excitation wavelength =1480 nm) showed an enhancement of the infrared emission (980 nm) as Er concentration increased, achieving a maximum for 6% mol, while photoluminescence spectra (excitation wavelength =473 nm) showed a strong green emission (529 and 553 nm) with a maximum at 4% mol