518 research outputs found

    Expectancies toward the intake of alcohol in young adults of Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2005*

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    SUMMARY Objective: To settle down in young adults of Bucaramanga if the statistical and conceptual performance of the test AEQ-III is similar to the one reached in young adults from Mexico, and to describe the relationship of these expectancies with some variables of the context. Methods: Study of factorial validation and internal consistency. In Bucaramanga, Colombia, 156 young adults, answered 51 items of the alcohol expectancy questionnaire. A model of structural equation was developed to evaluate the goodness of fit of the factorial solution through the reason of verisimilitude Chi-square (X 2 ) and the half quadratic approach error (RMSEA). The global internal consistency and intra expectancies were carried out with the alpha of Cronbach. The scores for the expectancies were calculated with base in additives scales. Results: The value reached for the X 2 was 6921, with 1196 grades of freedom, p=0.000. The RMSEA was 0.18. The global internal consistency and for the factors, it was bigger in this sample with regard to the Mexican. Equally, all the scores means was bigger in each factor and the smallest variability (p<0.001). Conclusion: In young adults of Bucaramanga, the internal consistency in the eight expectancies is good. However, the statistical coherence is poor. It is necessary to adapt the questionnaire to Bucaramanga culture and in other age groups, before applying their results. Keywords: Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaires (AEQ); Alcohol drinking; Cultural factors; Psychometrics; Colombia. Expectativas hacia el consumo de alcohol en adultos jóvenes de Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2005 RESUMEN Objetivos: Establecer en adultos jóvenes de Bucaramanga si el desempeño estadístico y conceptual de la prueba «Expectativas positivas hacia el consumo de alcohol -AEQ-III» es similar al alcanzado en adultos jóvenes de México, y describir la relación de estas expectativas con algunas variables del contexto. Métodos: Estudio de validación factorial y consistencia interna. En Bucaramanga 156 adultos jóvenes contestaron 51 ítems del formulario AEQ-III. Se desarrolló una ecuación estructural para evaluar la bondad de ajuste a través de la razón de verosimilitud Chi-cuadrado (X 2 ) y el error de aproximación cuadrático medio (RMSEA). La consistencia interna global e intra expectativas se realizó con el alfa de Cronbach. Los puntajes para las expectativas se calcularon con base en escalas aditivas. Resultados: El valor alcanzado para X 2 fue 6921, con 1196 grados de libertad, p=0,000. El RMSEA fue 0.18. La consistencia interna global y para los factores fue mayor en esta muestra con respecto a la mexicana. Igualmente, todos los puntajes medios alcanzados en las ocho expectativas fueron mayores y la variabilidad menor (p<0.000). Conclusión: En adultos jóvenes de Bucaramanga, la consistencia interna en las ocho expectativas es adecuada. Sin embargo, la coherencia estadística del modelo es pobre. En este grupo de edad es necesario adaptar el formato AEQ-III antes de utilizarlo en estudios epidemiológicos. Palabras clave: Cuestionario de Expectativas hacia el Alcohol (AEQ); Factores culturales; Consumo de bebidas alcohólicas; Psicometría; Colombia. * This study was co-sponsored by the Epidemiologic Investigations Center (CIE-UIS) and the investigation grou

    Expanding Rural Elder Care Options: Models That Work

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    Rural communities and elders need better access to elder care options that enable them to continue to live in the community. Despite a larger proportion of the population over age 65 than urban and suburban America, rural communities lack the services and care coordination systems older adults need to continue living independently in their own communities as they age. In November 2008, the Rural Long Term Care Workgroup convened a national Rural Long Term Care: Access and Options Workshop to identify lessons and strategies for building and sustaining rural community-based elder care services. Finding and building on successful models is an important step towards addressing the challenges faced by rural elders seeking care options in their communities. These options include home, community, and facility-based care supported by care coordination systems that enhance autonomy and quality of life of rural elders. These proceedings of the Workshop are organized around the following topics: The challenges and opportunities for expanding rural elder care options; Five rural elder care models that work; A Rural Elder Care Options Model, a web-based, interactive tool that rural communities can use to customize the options to their specific community; The organizational attributes and strong partnerships needed to build rural community options for elder care; Strategies for increasing access and options for elder care in rural communities; and Steps to move forward in building rural communities that support elder care

    Genetische Variation in der Resistenzinduktion gegenüber Phytophthora infestans bei Tomaten

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    There are numerous instances in which induced plant resistance responses (IR) have been demonstrated. However, before IR can be made use of in practice it is important to understand as much as possible the ecology and genetics of the inducing agents and their interactions with plants and pathogens. Effects of host genetic background were tested with thirteen tomato varieties and two isolates of Phytophthora infestans. Isolate effects on inducibility were tested with six varieties and six pathogen isolates. Leaf disks of plants that had been treated with BABA (DL-3-aminobutyric acid) or water were inoculated seven days later with 20 µl sporangial solutions of 5*104 sporangia ml-1. All experiments were repeated three times with six replications each. Disease reductions due to induction ranged from 43 to 100% and were independent of the susceptibility of the variety to the isolates when not induced. The interactions between isolate and variety with respect to inducibility were highly significant

    Construction of global optimization constrained NLP test cases from unconstrained problems

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    This paper presents a novel construction technique for constrained nonconvex Nonlinear Programming Problem (NLP) test cases, derived from the evaluation tree structure of standardized bound constrained problems for which the global solution is known. It is demonstrated in a step-by-step procedure how first an equality constrained problem can be derived from an unconstrained one, with bounds imposed on all variables, using the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the unconstrained objective function and the use of interval arithmetic to derive bounds for the new variables introduced. An advantage of the proposed methodology is that several standard unconstrained global optimization test cases can be constructed for varying number of optimization variables, thus leading to adjustable size derived NLP’s. Further to this in a second step it is demonstrated how any subset of the equalities derived can be relaxed into inequalities giving an equivalent optimization problem. Finally, in a third step it is demonstrated how, by reducing the number of equality constraints derived, it is possible to obtain more complex expressions in the constraints and objective function. The methodology is highlighted throughout by motivating examples and a sample code in Mathematica TM is provided in the Appendix.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2016.03.01

    The right posterior paravermis and the control of language interference

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    Auditory and written language in humans' comprehension necessitates attention to the message of interest and suppression of interference from distracting sources. Investigating the brain areas associated with the control of interference is challenging because it is inevitable that activation of the brain regions that control interference co-occurs with activation related to interference per se. To isolate the mechanisms that control verbal interference, we used a combination of structural and functional imaging techniques in Italian and German participants who spoke English as a second language. First, we searched structural MRI images of Italian participants for brain regions in which brain structure correlated with the ability to suppress interference from the unattended dominant language (Italian) while processing heard sentences in their weaker language (English). This revealed an area in the posterior paravermis of the right cerebellum in which gray matter density was higher in individuals who were better at controlling verbal interference. Second, we found functional activation in the same region when our German participants made semantic decisions on written English words in the presence of interference from unrelated words in their dominant language (German). This combination of structural and functional imaging therefore highlights the contribution of the right posterior paravermis to the control of verbal interference. We suggest that the importance of this region for language processing has previously been missed because most fMRI studies limit the field of view to increase sensitivity, with the lower part of the cerebellum being the region most likely to be excluded

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Kualitas Hidup ODHA Pada Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya Solo Plus Di Surakarta

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    HIV / AIDS is a problem that must be addressed not only by people with HIV/AIDS but also by all persons or communities associated with them. The main problem experienced by people with HIV / AIDS is a decreased immune systems that affect the onset of disease and decreased their quality of life. In addition to the physical, public acceptance of the existence of people with HIV / AIDS is a related factor to their quality of life sosially. Public support for people with HIV / AIDS is indispensable to improve the quality of life. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between social support on quality of life people with HIV / AIDS in Solo Plus Peer Group Support Surakarta. This research is descriptive correlative. The samples are 60 people with HIV / AIDS with the determination of purposive sampling techniques. The collection of data obtained from questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The study concluded (1) social support to people with HIV / AIDS in Solo Plus Peer Group Support at Surakarta is moderately support, (2) quality of life people with HIV / AIDS in Solo Plus Peer Group Support at Surakarta is moderately, and (3) there is a positif correlation between social support and quality of life people with HIV / AIDS in Solo Plus Peer Group Support at Surakarta (p-value = 0.018) more and better social support, the quality of life people with HIV / AIDS is increasing


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    Es de todos conocido el problema de las restricciones para el desarrollo de trabajo y otras operaciones imprescindibles, cuando se cambia de escenario informático. Se enfrentan conflictos frente a las diferentes configuraciones de las computadoras que se encuentren disponibles, falta de privacidad, falta de privilegios para operar los equipos, limitación de instalaciones, problemas con desinstalaciones fallidas o incompletas, ausencia del software necesario o acostumbrado y, en consecuencia, una gran pérdida de tiempo. El uso masivo de memorias y discos externos por puerto USB facilitan y extienden la frecuencia de ocurrencia de los fenómenos anteriormente mencionados. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en presentar una respuesta adecuada a este problema. Para ello se recurrió a la búsqueda y análisis de información y software; programación de scripts; configuración de arquitectura, selección y evaluación de herramientas. Se logró determinar un conjunto general de más de 700 herramientas portables clasificadas en 20 categorías. Se precisaron reglas y requisitos para el correcto enfoque y funcionamiento de conjuntos portables.PALABRAS CLAVE:Portable, Herramientas informáticas, Eficiencia

    Comportamiento de la dimensión biopsicosocial del adulto mayor en consultorios de la Habana Vieja, año 2011.

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    Introducción: El envejecimiento provoca tendencias demográficas  preocupantes en la población mundial; en este estudio  predominó el sexo femenino, los de 80 años y más fueron los de mayor incidencia, la pirámide socio cultural demuestra que el medio psicosocial imperante  era regular; el factor de riesgo más significativo fue el sin trabajo con los jubilados, mientras el tabaquismo y el alcoholismo le siguieron, la morbilidad arrojó tasas elevadas para las artropatías, hipertensión arterial (HTA) y cardiopatía isquémica. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento de factores que afecten la dimensión biopsicosocial del Adulto Mayor en consultorios del médico de la familia (CMF) del policlínico Robert Manuel Zulueta de la Habana Vieja. Material y método: Se hizo un estudio observacional y descriptivo,  de septiembre a diciembre del 2011, utilizando técnicas cuanti-cualitativas, el mismo involucró los CMF 5 y 6 aplicándose encuestas; los resultados se recogieron en tablas aplicándoseles estadística descriptiva y la asociación entre variables cualitativas con el chi cuadrado de Independencia, la muestra fue de 262 individuos de 65 años y más. Resultados: Se tabularon la edad, 65-69(42), 70-74(56), 75-79(69) y 80 y más(95), el 55,9% fueron féminas y 44,1% varones, se constataron enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles (ENT) donde prevalecieron las artropatías en el 7,6%, HTA en el 7,5% y cardiopatía  isquémica en el 5,8%;  factores de riesgo como el sin trabajo (216) con los jubilados en mayoría  (48,9%) estuvieron en primer orden seguidos del alcoholismo (98) y el tabaquismo(45) y otros riesgos de su ambiente psicosocial.Conclusiones: Se identificaron factores que influyeron negativamente en  la dimensión biopsicosocial de estos adultos mayores.  Palabras claves: envejecimiento poblacional, factores de riesgo, factores sociales, dimensión biopsicosocial.SUMMARYIntroduction: aging provokes demographic worrisome tendencies in the worldwide population; In this study domino the female sex, the ones belonging to 80 years and more were the ones belonging to bigger incidence, the pyramid the cultural member demonstrates that the half prevailing psicosocial was regular; The factor of more significant risk was the jobless with the retired persons, while the tobacco addiction and the alcoholism followed him, morbility yielded rates lifted for the artropatías, HTA and cardiopathy isquémica. Objective: Determining the behavior of factors that they affect the dimension biopsicosocial of the Adult Principal in CMF of the clinician Robert Manuel Zulueta of the Havanan Old Woman. Material and method: They gathered aftermath in draw applying them to him descriptive statistics and the association among qualitative variables with the Chi squared of Independencia, the sign went from 262 individuals of 65 years and more. Aftermath: Tabulated him the age 65-69(42 ), 70-74(56 ), 75-79(69 ) and 80 and more ( 95 ), the 55.9 % were féminas and 44.1 % males, became verified ENT where prevailed the artropatías 7.6 %, HTA 7.5 % and c isquémica 5.8 %, factors of risk like the jobless ( 216 ) with the retired persons in majority ( 48.9 % ) were in first order in sequence of alcoholism ( 98 ) and tobacco addiction ( 45 ), and another risks of his environment psicosocial.Conclusions: Factors identified  themselves than had influence negatively in the dimension these adult elders’s biopsicosocial.  Key words: Aging poblacional, risk of factors, social factors, biopsicosocial dimension

    La gestión de información y la infotecnología en la formación del profesional de las Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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    Se analizó la gestión de información y su relación con la infotecnología para la formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera Licenciatura en Economía. Se evidenció la necesidad de desarrollar sistemáticamente la habilidad gestión de información durante el proceso formativo del alumno. Se elaboró una estrategia basada en la realización de actividades con el uso de herramientas infotecnológicas que fomente el conocimiento de mecanismos para: la navegación, la búsqueda, la revisión, el procesamiento y la socialización de la información en formato digital

    Convalescent Serum Therapy as Rapid Advance Treatment for Ebola in West Africa

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    The 2014 public health crisis in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone has brought Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) to everyone’s attention. Discovered in 1976, this deadly disease infrequently struck in remote areas of Africa. This article will critically review the literature and describe the pathobiology, transmission, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of EVDwhich, was predicted by the Centers for Disease Control to potentially infect 1.4 million persons in Liberia and Sierra Leone by January 2015 (“Questions and Answers”, 2014). Thankfully this worst case scenario did not occur and we may be experiencing natural burn out of the outbreak along with the results of aggressive education and supportive treatment as in Sierra Leone. There is no established treatment for EVD despite successes in non-human models. The WHO endorsed Convalescent Blood Products (“Potential for use of…,” 2014) after it showed promise in Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2014, American Ebola patients recovered after receiving Convalescent Serum Therapy (CST) with experimental therapies like Zmapp, TKM-Ebola, and Brincidofovir. We may have missed the window of opportunity to establish the efficacy of these potential therapies, which may have unprecedented implications for health status, healthcare infrastructure development in the future, and the economic viability of the sub-region for decades to come. Additionally, an endemic area will pose a threat to the rest of the world as a potential incubator/exporter of this dangerous viral illness