200 research outputs found

    Bilinguismo passivo na Península Ibérica

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    The purpose of this article is to describe passive bilingualism and the sociolinguistic situation in the Iberian Peninsula from the current perspective and to analyze the degree of passive bilingualism in this environment. In the first part, we introduce the reader to the problematic of passive bilingualism, and we attempt to define it using the contemporary theories made mainly in the field of Germanic languages. The practical part is dedicated to describing the hypothesis and the methodology that we applied when creating the questionnaire. In this part, we also include the demographic data of the respondents who completed the survey. Next is the analysis of the linguistic material, where we analyze: the number of correct and incorrect answers and the determination of success in different parts of the questionnaire; the possible causes of the wrong answer; the general level ofpassive comprehension in Galician, Catalan, Basque and Portuguese. In the discussion, we summarize, above all, the most important results of the analysis. Finally, we report on the pedagogical possibilities of the used languages.El objetivo de este artículo ha sido describir el bilingüismo pasivo y la situación sociolingüística en la península ibérica desde la perspectiva actual y, a continuación, analizar el grado del bilingüismo pasivo en este ambiente. En la primera parte introducimos al lector a la problemática del bilingüismo pasivo e intentamos definirlo de acuerdo con las teorías contemporáneas hechas en el campo de lenguas germánicas. La parte práctica se dedica a la descripción de la hipótesis y la metodología que aplicamos al crear el cuestionario. En esta parte también incluimos los datos demográficos de los respondientes que completaron el cuestionario. Sigue el análisis del material lingüístico como tal, en el que analizamos: el número de respuestas correctas e incorrectas y, a continuación, la determinación del éxito en diferentes partes del cuestionario; las causas de las respuesta incorrectas; el nivel general de la comprensión pasiva en gallego, catalán, euskera y portugués. En la discusión resumimos, sobre todo, los resultados más importantes del análisis. Por último, informamos sobre las posibilidades pedagógicas de las lenguas usadas.O propósito deste artigo é descrever o bilinguismo passivo e a situação sociolinguística na península Ibérica desde a perspectiva atual y analisar neste ambiente o grau de bilinguismo passivo. Na primeira parte, introduzimos ao leitor a problemática do bilinguismo passivo e procuramos defini-la utilizando teorias contemporâneas estabelecidas principalmente no campo das línguas germânicas. A parte prática está dedicada à descrição da hipótese e a metodologia aplicada ao criar o questionário. Nesta parte, além disso, incluímos os dados demográficos dos sujeitos que completaram a enquete. Em seguida é apresentada a análise do material linguístico que inclui: o número de respostas corretas e incorretas e a determinação do sucesso em diversas partes do questionário; as possíveis causas das respostas erradas; o nível geral de compreensão passiva do galego, catalão, basco e português. Na discussão, resumimos os resultados mais importantes da análise. Finalmente, informamos sobre as possibilidades pedagógicas das línguas utilizada

    Design and Implementation of IS for a Small Business

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    Táto práca popisuje tvorbu informačného systému pre novovzniknutý bar. Súčasťou práce je analýza podniku a jeho procesov a výsledný návrh systému. Jednotlivé procesy sú podrobne zakreslené vrátane zodpovedností. V práci je zapísaný vývoj od identifikácie firemnej aktivity, cez jej začlenenie do kontextu až po umiestnenie vo výslednom systéme. Návrhová časť pozostáva z modulového rozdelenia systému, popisu databázovej schémy daných modulov a diagramov navrhnutých transakcií. Prioritne sa pokrývajú aktivity s najčastejším výskytom a najväčším vplyvom na fungovanie firmy. Systém sa nevníma ako samoúčelný program, ale berie sa v kontexte firmy, ktorá sa stále vyvíja.This thesis deals with creation of information system for freshly opened bar. It contains business analysis, process analysis and final design of IS. Business processes are described in further detail including responsibilities. Development is recorded since identification of a business activity, its classification till its placement in final system. Design part consists of division of system into modules, description of database schema for each module and design of purposed transactions. There is focus on covering most frequent and useful activities. Information system is not considered as a standalone application, but as a vital part of the company which is still growing.

    Dřevostavby v Beskydech

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    V daném regionu valašsko-lašském se nachází několik příkladů staveb, kdy architekti snažili se prosazovat trendy dané doby v návaznosti na přírodní charakter oblasti. Především používali jednoduché tvary, jednoduché dispozice, prosklené stěny, přírodní materiály. Architekt Dušan Jurkovič navrhl a následně realizoval komplex budov na Pustevnách pro Pohorskou jednotu Radhošť ve Frenštátě, turistické stavby a jejich zařízení: Turistická ubytovna Maměnka, jídelna Libušín, kolárka, zvonice, tělocvičné nářadí pro hřiště, orientační tabule. Tyto dřevěné stavby, realizované v letech 1898 – 1899, jsou příkladem secese podporována jednoduchými ornamenty

    University Presses: An Australian Perspective

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    University presses in Australia share much in common with other university presses in the world in their missions, modes of operation and history. Since the reduction of higher education funding in the 1970s, affecting universities, their presses and libraries, they have been forced to experiment with new business models and publishing strategies. Despite those pressures, the world of university presses in Australia remains diverse and vibrant, with a number of active players with different approaches who publish across academic, academic-trade and trade sectors of the market, in print and digital formats

    Scaling Recurrent Neural Network Language Models

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    This paper investigates the scaling properties of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models (RNNLMs). We discuss how to train very large RNNs on GPUs and address the questions of how RNNLMs scale with respect to model size, training-set size, computational costs and memory. Our analysis shows that despite being more costly to train, RNNLMs obtain much lower perplexities on standard benchmarks than n-gram models. We train the largest known RNNs and present relative word error rates gains of 18% on an ASR task. We also present the new lowest perplexities on the recently released billion word language modelling benchmark, 1 BLEU point gain on machine translation and a 17% relative hit rate gain in word prediction

    Refugee-Related Political Violence in Asia and Africa

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    This work focuses on the analysis of one of the most discussed phenomenon of recent years, the reception of refugees. The authors of this work examine refugee-related political violence, a phenomenon that has not been explored in the last twenty years. The aim is to describe the occurrence of this phenomenon in cases from Asia and Africa. The individual incidents are categorised into six categories of political violence. The authors describe the type of political violence involving refugees for the last 15 years. They also analyse which type of violence is most common. At the same time, they devote to the analysis and description of frequency, intensity and persistence. They compare their findings with similar work that was published in 1998, and they explain why and what changes have occurred in the field of refugee-related political violence over the last 15 years

    The Ecology, Evolution and Future of the Monograph

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    Traces of the Italian Renaissance in Pär Lagerkvist's Dvärgen

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá románem Trpaslík švédského spisovatele Pära Lagerkvista. Román vydaný v roce 1944 se řadí mezi významná díla tzv. mobilizační literatury, která reflektuje politicko-sociální situaci Evropy v období 2. světové války. Lagerkvist do Trpaslíka nicméně zakomponoval mnohé odkazy na renesanční Itálii, na které se v této práci soustředíme. V první části je nastíněna autorova tvorba, a především motiv konfliktu dobra a zla, který je pro Lagerkvista napříč celou jeho tvorbou stěžejní. Následně v práci představujeme definici renesance na základě poznatků Jacoba Burckhardta a Václava Černého, které jsou využity při analýze renesančních odkazu v literárním prostoru, čase a také v případě vybraných románových postav. Cílem práce je ukázat, že román Trpaslík lze číst z několika perspektiv: na jedné straně představuje příspěvek k mobilizační literatuře, na straně druhé můžeme na dílo nahlížet jako na historický román plný faktografických údajů odkazujících právě na renesanční Itálii. Klíčová slova Pär Lagerkvist, Trpaslík, renesance, mobilizační literatura, švédská literaturaThe present bachelor thesis deals with the novel The Dwarf by the Swedish writer Pär Lagerkvist. The novel, published in 1944, is one of the important works of the so-called mobilization literature, which reflects the political and social situation in Europe during World War II. However, Lagerkvist incorporated many references to Renaissance Italy in The Dwarf, which are the focus of this thesis. The first section outlines the author's work and, in particular, the motif of the conflict between good and evil that is central to Lagerkvist throughout his work. Subsequently, the thesis presents a definition of the Renaissance based on the insights of Jacob Burckhardt and Václav Černý, which are used to analyse Renaissance references in literary space and time, as well as in the case of selected characters. The aim of the thesis is to show that the novel The Dwarf can be read from several perspectives: on the one hand, it represents a contribution to mobilization literature; on the other hand, the work can be seen as a historical novel full of factual data referring specifically to Renaissance Italy. Keywords Pär Lagerkvist, Dwarf, Renaissance, beredskapslitteratur, Swedish LiteratureÚstav germánských studiíInstitute of Germanic StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art


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    Traversability characteristics of the robot working environment are crucial in planning an efficient path for a robot operating in rough unstructured areas. In the literature, approaches to wheeled or tracked robots can be found, but a relatively little attention is given to walking multi-legged robots. Moreover, the existing approaches for terrain traversability assessment seem to be focused on gathering key features from a terrain model acquired from range data or camera image and only occasionally supplemented with proprioceptive sensing that expresses the interaction of the robot with the terrain. This paper addresses the problem of traversability cost evaluation based on proprioceptive sensing for a hexapod walking robot while optimizing different criteria. We present several methods of evaluating the robot-terrain interaction that can be used as a cost function for an assessment of the robot motion that can be utilized in high-level path-planning algorithms