632 research outputs found

    Influence Of The Rainfall Movement On The Required Volume Of Storage Reservoirs

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    Temporal and spatial variability of rainfalls have a significant impact on the operation of urban drainage systems. Stormwater retention reservoirs are particularly sensitive to these variations. This paper presents the results of research on the impact of the direction and speed of rainfall movement over an urban catchment (of total area 560ha) on required volume of the retention reservoir. Calibrated hydrodynamic model has been used to simulate rainstorms movement (software: SWMM5). The whole catchment was divided into sectors of 600´600m, which facilitated the calculation of time shift between sectors for assumed speeds of rainfall movement (vop= 2, 5 and 10 m/s and stationary storm). Simulations comprise four directions of rainfall movement. Simulations were carried out for various outflow-rates from the storage reservoir - four different values were taken: Q0=2000÷8000 dm3/s. The volume of stormwaters that overflowing the edge of the designed reservoir was used to compare the obtained results. The results make possible to draw the following conclusions: the maximum peak flow-rates for the dynamic conditions can be larger than a few to up to 30% (depending on the td and vop ) higher than for the stationary variant, influence of the direction and speed of rainfall movement on the shape of inflow hydrograph to the reservoir is significant, which has a direct impact on the calculated volume of stored stormwaters. the impact of the movement of precipitation on stored volume is closely related to outflow rate from retention reservoir (i.e. for Q0=2m3/s the difference between static and dynamic variants is less than 10% while for Q0=8 m3/s it reach over 90%). the maximum volume of stored stormwaters occurs with rainfalls whose velocities are close to flow velocity in the conduits (2 m/s) and parallel to general direction of flow in the drainage system

    Kids, Cognition, and Confinement: Evaluating Claims of Inadequate Access to Mental Health Care in Juvenile Detention Facilities

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    In the United States, almost 60,000 juveniles are incarcerated in juvenile jails and prisons every day, and, as of March 2021, at least seventy percent of juveniles in the juvenile justice system have a mental health condition. For many young adults, prison and detention centers have “become the avenue of last resort” for treatment of those mental health conditions. However, juvenile detention facilities lack the support and resources to provide adequate care, which has led to high recidivism in the juvenile population. Juveniles, and individuals on their behalf, can challenge inadequate access to mental health resources by bringing claims under the Eighth Amendment and the Due Process Clause under the Fourteenth Amendment. In evaluating these claims, federal courts are split on whether to use the Deliberate Indifference Standard or the Professional Judgment Standard, which requires a lower standard of culpability than the Deliberate Indifference Standard. This Note argues that, because juveniles are an extremely vulnerable group, the Professional Judgment Standard should be applied in evaluating claims of inadequate mental health care in juvenile detention facilities. By using this standard, more institutions could be held accountable for inadequate care, which could lead to improved access to mental health care in juvenile detention facilities

    Hydrodynamic Simulations Of Vacuum-Driven Storage Tanks

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    As a result of urbanization, stormwater runoff flow rates and volumes are significantly increased due to increasing impervious land cover and the decreased availability of depression storage. Storage tanks are the basic devices to efficiently control the flow rate in drainage systems during wet weather. Presented in the paper conception of vacuum-driven detention tanks allows to increase the storage capacity by usage of space above the free surface water elevation at the inlet channel. Partial vacuum storage makes possible to gain cost savings by reduction of both the horizontal area of the detention tank and necessary depth of foundations. Simulation model of vacuum-driven storage tank has been developed to estimate potential profits of its application in urban drainage system. Although SWMM5 has no direct options for vacuum tanks an existing functions (i.e. control rules) have been used to reflect its operation phases. Rainfall data used in simulations were recorded at raingage in Czestochowa during years 2010÷2012 with time interval of 10minutes. Simulation results gives overview to practical operation and maintenance cost (energy demand) of vacuum driven storage tanks depending of the ratio: vacuum-driven volume to total storage capacity. The following conclusion can be drawn from this investigations: vacuum-driven storage tanks are characterized by uncomplicated construction and control systems, thus can be applied in newly developed as well as in the existing urban drainage systems. the application of vacuum in underground detention facilities makes possible to increase of the storage capacity of existing reservoirs by usage the space above the maximum depth. Possible increase of storage capacity can achieve even a few dozen percent at relatively low investment costs. vacuum driven storage tanks can be included in existing simulation software (i.e. SWMM) using options intended for pumping stations (including control and action rules )

    Mild Cognitive Impairment as a single sign of brain hemiatrophy in patient with Localized Scleroderma and Parry–Romberg Syndrome

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    Neurologic involvement is well recognized in Systemic Scleroderma and increasingly reported in Localized Scleroderma. MRI brain abnormalities are often associated with symptoms such as seizures or headaches. In some cases they may be clinically silent. We describe a 23 years old female with head, trunk and limbs scleroderma who developed Parry–Romberg Syndrome. Brain MRI showed ipsilateral temporal lobe atrophy without any prominent neurologic symptoms. Neuropsychological examination revealed Mild Cognitive Impairment. During the 7 years of follow up we have noticed progression of face atrophy but no progression of brain atrophy. Cognitive functions have been stable. This case highlight that major MRI brain abnormalities in LS may occur with only subtle clinical manifestation such as Mild Cognitive Impairment

    Mild Cognitive Impairment as a single sign of brain hemiatrophy in patient with Localized Scleroderma and Parry : Romberg Syndrome

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    Neurologic involvement is well recognized in Systemic Scleroderma and increasingly reported in Localized Scleroderma. MRI brain abnormalities are often associated with symptoms such as seizures or headaches. In some cases they may be clinically silent. We describe a 23 years old female with head, trunk and limbs scleroderma who developed Parry-Romberg Syndrome. Brain MRI showed ipsilateral temporal lobe atrophy without any prominent neurologic symptoms. Neuropsychological examination revealed Mild Cognitive Impairment. During the 7 years of follow up we have noticed progression of face atrophy but no progression of brain atrophy. Cognitive functions have been stable. This case highlight that major MRI brain abnormalities in LS may occur with only subtle clinical manifestation such as Mild Cognitive Impairment

    A Comparison of Two Invagination Techniques for Pancreatojejunostomy after Pancreatoduodenectomy

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    Background. The aim of the study was to compare two invagination techniques for pancreatojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenectomy. Methods. For effective prevention of the development of pancreatic leakage, we modified invagination technique that we term the “serous touch.” We analysed the diameter of the main pancreatic duct, the texture of the remnant pancreas, the method of the reconstruction, pancreatic external drainage, anastomotic procedure time, histopathological examination, and postoperative complications. Results. Fifty-two patients underwent pancreatoduodenectomy with pancreatojejunostomy using “serous touch” technique (ST group) and 52 classic pancreatojejunostomy (C group). In the ST group one patient (1.9%) was diagnosed as grade B pancreatic fistula, and no patient experienced fistula grade A or C. In the C group 6 patients (11.5%) were diagnosed as fistula grade A, 1 (1.9%) patient as fistula grade B, and 1 (1.9%) patient as fistula grade C. There was a significant statistical difference in incidents of pancreatic fistula (P<0.05) and no statistical difference in other postoperative complications or mortality in comparison group. Anastomosis time was statistically shorter in the ST group. Conclusions. “Serous touch” technique appeared to be easy, safe, associated with fewer incidences of pancreatic fistulas, and less time consuming in comparison with classical pancreatojejunostomy

    Isentropic Analysis of Convective Motions

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    This paper analyzes the convective mass transport by sorting air parcels in terms of their equivalent potential temperature to determine an isentropic streamfunction. By averaging the vertical mass flux at a constant value of the equivalent potential temperature, one can compute an isentropic mass transport that filters out reversible oscillatory motions such as gravity waves. This novel approach emphasizes the fact that the vertical energy and entropy transports by convection are due to the combination of ascending air parcels with high energy and entropy and subsiding air parcels with lower energy and entropy. Such conditional averaging can be extended to other dynamic and thermodynamic variables such as vertical velocity, temperature, or relative humidity to obtain a comprehensive description of convective motions. It is also shown how this approach can be used to determine the mean diabatic tendencies from the three-dimensional dynamic and thermodynamic fields. A two-stream approximation that partitions the isentropic circulation into a mean updraft and a mean downdraft is also introduced. This offers a straightforward way to identify the mean properties of rising and subsiding air parcels. The results from the two-stream approximation are compared with two other definitions of the cloud mass flux. It is argued that the isentropic analysis offers a robust definition of the convective mass transport that is not tainted by the need to arbitrarily distinguish between convection and its environment, and that separates the irreversible convective overturning fromoscillations associated with gravity waves

    Perfectionnement d'un séparateur de débit pour la gestion du premier flot d'orage

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    Barriers to liquidity in market-based intermediation

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    L'objectif principal de ma thèse est de comprendre les obstacles à la liquidité dans la finance de marché. Comprendre ce nouveau paradigme du système financier est important car il réalise une part croissante de la transformation de la maturité. Alors que les régulateurs des banques traditionnelles peuvent s'appuyer sur un vaste corpus d'études scientifiques, notre compréhension des banques parallèles et des autres institutions financières manque d'un fondement académique aussi complet. Dans le premier chapitre, j'étudie comment et quand la transparence peut être désavantageuse compte tenu de plusieurs contreparties (symétriques). De nombreux marchés de prêts garantis sont opaques, ce qui permet potentiellement aux emprunteurs de dissimuler plusieurs relations d'emprunt. Le débat politique a proposé la transparence pour limiter les risques cachés. Dans cet article, je montre que la transparence peut avoir l'effet inverse en raison d'un rationnement accru du crédit dans le cadre d'emprunts multiples. Dans un marché transparent, un prêteur opportuniste peut facilement se coordonner avec l'emprunteur aux dépens d'un prêteur préexistant. Cela devient plus difficile dans un marché opaque, car un prêteur opportuniste peut plus facilement se retrouver victime d'un mouvement opportuniste différent de l'emprunteur. Les prêteurs sont donc plus prudents dans un marché opaque. Cela peut restaurer la deuxième meilleure allocation. Je montre que le surdimensionnement joue un rôle clé dans ce mécanisme car il limite la capacité de l'emprunteur à augmenter son effet de levier de manière opportuniste. Enfin, je fournis une caractérisation claire du moment où l'opacité atteint des allocations qui dominent celles qui peuvent être réalisées dans le cadre de la transparence du marché en termes de bien-être.Dans mon deuxième chapitre, j'étudie comment certains prêteurs se protègent contre la malédiction du gagnant sur le marché du repo. Les teneurs de marché financent leurs stocks par le biais d'accords de rachat, en utilisant des titres de stocks comme garantie. Ils font face à une variété de contreparties plus ou moins sophistiquées quant à leur capacité à évaluer les titres. Théoriquement, les contreparties moins sophistiquées devraient craindre la malédiction du gagnant de recevoir de moins bonnes garanties. Dans mon modèle, un teneur de marché cherche un prêteur plus sophistiqué pour financer de meilleures garanties à des taux plus bas. Le prêteur moins sophistiqué ne peut pas observer le comportement du teneur de marché et facture des taux d'intérêt plus élevés pour compenser. Je teste la prédiction de mon modèle et trouve un support pour une compensation qui est plus élevée pour les teneurs de marché avec un plus grand nombre de contacts avec des prêteurs sophistiqués. L'augmentation de l'incertitude pendant la pandémie de Covid-19 sert de variation exogène de l'avantage informationnel des prêteurs plus sophistiqués.Mes travaux suggèrent que l'opacité exacerbe la fragilité des emprunteurs bien connectés.Dans mon troisième chapitre, j'étudie comment les contraintes de capital peuvent retarder les transactions bilatérales. Après la crise financière, de nombreux praticiens des obligations d'entreprises ont déploré le mauvais état de la liquidité, tandis que la recherche universitaire a brossé un tableau peu concluant. Motivé par cette tension, je trouve théoriquement que la rareté des capitaux et les restrictions à ne négocier que sur les transactions au comptant peuvent retarder les transactions. La restriction du commerce au comptant implique une incomplétude du marché dans laquelle les agents doivent échanger des lots de créances. En cas de pénurie, l'acheteur s'inquiète du capital gaspillé sur des créances sans gains commerciaux. L'attente peut dégrouper les réclamations. Par conséquent, je soutiens que la rareté des capitaux après la crise financière peut expliquer des transactions plus petites et des retards commerciaux.The overarching goal of my thesis is to understand barriers to liqudity in market-based finance. Understanding this new financial system paradigm is important because it performs an increasing share of the maturity transformation. While regulators of traditional banks can rely on an extensive body of scientific studies, our understanding of shadow banks and other financial institutions lacks such a complete academic underpinning. My thesis collects insights on collateralized lending, repo markets and liqudity in corporate bond markets.In the first chapter, I study how and when transparency can be disadvantageous given multiple (symmetric) counterparties. Many secured lending markets are opaque, allowing borrowers potentially to conceal multiple borrowing relationships. The policy debate has proposed transparency to curtail hidden risk. In this paper, I show that transparency may backfire due to increased credit rationing under multiple borrowing. In a transparent market, an opportunistic lender can easily coordinate with the borrower at the expense of a pre-existing lender. This becomes more difficult in an opaque market, as an opportunistic lender may more easily find himself at the receiving end of a different opportunistic move by the borrower. Lenders are therefore more cautious in an opaque market. This can restore the second-best allocation. I show that over-collateralization plays a key role in this mechanism as it constrains the borrower's ability to increase leverage opportunistically. Finally, I provide a clear characterization of when opacity achieves allocations that dominate those that can be achieved under market transparency in terms of welfare. In my second chapter, I study how some lenders protect against a winner's curse in the repo market. Market-makers finance their inventories through repurchase agreements, using inventory securities as collateral. They face a variety of counterparties of varying degrees of sophistication regarding their ability to value the securities. Theoretically, less sophisticated counterparties should fear the winner's curse of receiving worse collateral. In my model, a market-maker seeks a more sophisticated lender to finance better collateral at lower rates. The less sophisticated lender cannot observe the market-maker's behaviour and charges higher interest rates to compensate. I test my model prediction and find support for a compensation that is higher for market-makers with a higher number of sophisticated lender contacts. The increase in uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic serves as an exogenous variation in the informational advantage of more sophisticated lenders.My work suggests that opacity exacerbates fragility for well-connected borrowers, as less sophisticated lenders charge higher rates to compensate for the possibility of hidden cherry-picking.In my third chapter, titled "Dynamic Liquidity Provision for Corporate Bonds under Capital Constraints", I study how capital constraints can delay bilateral trades. After the financial crisis, many corporate bond practitioners lamented the poor state of market liquidity for large corporate bond trades, while academic research painted an inconclusive picture of liquidity conditions. Motivated by this tension, I find theoretically that scarce capital and restrictions to only bargain on spot trades can delay trades. The spot trade restriction implies a market incompleteness under which agents must trade bundles of claims. Under scarcity, the buyer frets over capital wasted on claims without gains from trade. Waiting can unbundle claims. Therefore, I argue that scarce capital after the financial crisis can explain smaller trades and trade delays. The deterioration in the time dimension of liquidity explains the practitioners' claims of deteriorated liquidity conditions. My model relates trade timing to the scarcity of capital, bargaining power distribution and dynamics of gains from trade

    Transient warming events and cryogenic

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    Background: The term &#8220;Transient Warming Events&#8221; (TWE) has been used to describe the effects of brief periods of exposure of cryopreserved cells to ambient temperature in the course of retrieving and returning outgoing samples from the same cane. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of multiple TWEs on cryogenically preserved umbilical cord blood units (UCB) at the New Jersey Community Blood Centre using established assays of cell recovery, viability, and clonogenicity. Materials and methods: The UCBs were collected and processed according to the laboratory SOPs from consenting donors. Each UCB was split into two 25 mL samples: an experimental and a control sample. Both samples were frozen using a Controlled Rate Freezer and then stored below &#8211;180°C in the vapour phase of a liquid nitrogen (LN2) freezer. The experimental samples were exposed 10 times to room temperature until the sample reached a target temperature. We tested target temperatures of &#8211;110°C and &#8211;80°C. Finally, both experiment and control samples were simultaneously thawed in a 37°C dry bath. Each sample was tested for Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count, CD34+ cell count, cell viability, and ability to generate Colony Forming Units (CFU) in a standardized assay. Results: When UCB units were each exposed to 10 TWE to a target temperature of &#8211;110°C, analysis of cell counts showed a 1.5% loss of TNC, 3.5% loss of CD34+ cells, and 2% drop in CFU, with no loss of viability. None of the values between experimental and control was statistically significant. When UCB units were exposed to 10 TWE to a target temperature of &#8211;80°C, the differences between experimental and control samples in the TNC, CD34+ cell count and viability were also not statistically significant. The numbers of CFUs in experimental samples was decreased by 8% compared to control, and reached statistical significance. In the New Jersey Community Blood Centre, removal of a UCB from cryogenic storage takes less than a minute to execute, typical of other UCB storage centres with well planned and executed sample retrieval protocols. It would take three times as long for a 25 ml UCB to reach a target temperature of &#8211;110°C, and five times as long to reach a target temperature of &#8211;80°C. We found no significant degradation of cell function after repeated TWE to target temperatures as high as &#8211;110°C.Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that the TWE that UCB units experience in day-to-day sample retrieval activities are not detrimental to the samples that are returned repeatedly to cryogenic storage at the New Jersey Community Blood Centre. This should encourage other centres to conduct their own TWE studies to evaluate the effects of TWEs with each type of cryopreserved tissue and associated methods of storage and retrieval, before considering investing in highly expensive cryostorage units that are designed to minimize TWEs.Wstęp: Określenie Transient Warming Events (TWEs) oznacza krótkie okresy ekspozycji zamrożonych komórek na temperaturę otoczenia, w trakcie rutynowych czynności laboratoryjnych. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu wielokrotnych TWEs na wybrane parametry zamrożonych jednostek krwi pępowinowej (UCB) przechowywanych w New Jersey Community Blood Center (NJCBC). Wykorzystano znane metody oceny i odzysku komórek, ich żywotności i zdolności klonogennych. Materiał i metody: Jednostki UCB pobierano za zgodą dawców i poddawano preparatyce zgodnie z obowiązującymi procedurami (SOP, standard operating procedures). Każdą z nich dzielono na dwie 25-mililitrowe próbki, mrożono w urządzeniu do kontrolowanego zamrażania i przechowywano < &#8211;180°C. Próbki badane poddawano 10-krotnej ekspozycji na temperaturę pokojową, aż do uzyskania temperatur docelowych (&#8211;110°C , &#8211;80°C). Próbki kontrolne przechowywano w stałej temperaturze poniżej &#8211;180°C. Następnie próbki badane i kontrolne rozmrażano równocześnie w urządzeniu do suchego rozmrażania w temperaturze 37°C. W każdej próbce oceniano całkowitą liczbę komórek jądrzastych (TNC, total nucleated cell count), liczbę komórek CD34+, żywotność komórek oraz liczbę jednostek tworzących kolonie (CFU, colony forming units). Wyniki: W próbkach poddanych 10-krotnemu działaniu temperatury pokojowej aż do osiągnięcia docelowej temperatury &#8211;110°C stwierdzono 1,5-procentowe zmniejszenie TNC, 3,5-procentowe zmniejszenie liczby komórek CD34+ oraz 2-procentowe zmniejszenie całkowitej liczby CFU. Nie zaobserwowano strat w żywotności komórek. Różnice między próbkami badanymi a kontrolnymi w zakresie badanych parametrów nie były statystycznie istotne. Różnice pomiędzy próbkami badanymi poddanymi 10-krotnemu działaniu temperatury pokojowej, aż do osiągnięcia temperatury &#8211;80°C a próbkami kontrolnymi również nie były statystycznie istotne pod względem liczby TNC, liczby komórek CD34+ i żywotności; całkowita liczba CFU w próbkach badanych była niższa o 8%, co było statystycznie istotne. W NJCBC jednorazowa ekspozycja jednostek UCB na temperaturę pokojową nie przekracza 1 min, a uzyskanie temperatury &#8211;110°C trwa około 3,5 minuty. Wnioski: Wyniki naszych badań wykazują, że wielokrotna, kontrolowana ekspozycja zamrożonych jednostek UCB w trakcie rutynowych czynności laboratoryjnych, nie wywiera szkodliwego wpływu na jakość biologiczną preparatów. Uzyskane przez nas wyniki powinny zachęcić inne ośrodki do prowadzenia własnych badań nad wpływem TWE na jakość poszczególnych rodzajów komórek przechowywanych w stanie zamrożenia oraz stosowanych metod zamrażania i rozmrażania. Dopiero wówczas można podejmować decyzje o zakupie wysoce specjalistycznego sprzętu chłodniczego z zamiarem obniżenia liczby TW