439 research outputs found

    El patio de Vélez Blanco: un nuevo dibujo y el castillo de los Fajardo

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    La contribución presenta un nuevo documento iconográfico relacionado con el patio del castillo de Vélez Blanco. El dibujo, nunca publicado por la bibliografía científica dedicada al patio y fechado en 1805, permite formular nuevas hipótesis sobre sus condiciones originales en la fortaleza andaluza, antes de su venta en 1904, al final de largos años de abandono (actualmente el patio está expuesto en el Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York). Este descubrimiento enriquece de una manera fundamental el conocimiento sobre un extraordinario complejo, una de las pruebas más antiguas de importación en la península Ibérica de un vocabulario arquitectónico y decorativo clasicista basado en modelos contemporáneos ofrecidos por la producción artística toscano-lombarda

    Absence of Long Range Magnetic Order in the La1.4Sr0.8Ca0.8Mn2O7 Bilayered Manganite

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    In this work we studied, by means of high-resolution neutron diffraction as a function of temperature, the La1.4Sr0.8Ca0.8Mn2O7 bilayered manganite for two different annealing treatments. Out data allowed us to shown, for the first time, the absence of long-range magnetic order in this optimally doped bilayered manganite where the A-site of the structure is doped with equal proportions of different isovalent cations (Ca and Sr). The system, however, presents defined IM transitions which suggest that the transport properties are not linked to the evolution of long-range order and that two dimensional spin ordering in the layers of the perovskite blocks may be sufficient to 'assist' the hole hopping. Possible reason for the suppression of magnetic order induced by the Ca doping is a size effect coupled to the cation size mismatch between the Sr and Ca ions.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure


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    The impacted third molar surgery has various limits; one of these limit is the type of surgery applied, often demolitive for the patientswith long term consequeses in the post-op period. Aim of our study is to get a better healing of soft and hard tissues with theapplications of PRP in this type of surgery. 5 patients were included in the study with these requests: the impacted or semiimpacted third molar were on both side; the acceptance of PRP tecnique on one side (considered as the case) the extraction ofthe other impacted molar as the controll side to our case; both teeth were extracted on the same day, both sockets were closedby hermetically suturing the flap; on one socket it has been inserted the platelet gel on the other side nothing. Pre operativemesurements were: 1. probing depth of both the seventh (3.7-4.7); 2. ortopantomography (OPT). Post operative measurementsincluded: 1. probing depth two months after surgery; 2. OPT at one weeek, one month, two month.One week after surgery patiens were aked about the post-op through a questionary on the course of the week, in specific theywere asked to assess a score from one to three on swelling and pain of the two side. One week after a clinician who was out of thestudy (not the surgeon) evaluated the eventual bacterial sovrainfections, the dehicence of the flaps, the eventual collateral effectsgiven by the application of PRP giving a score from one to three to the type of healing. Periodontal healing was evaluated on bothside after 2 months after surgery in all the cases treated the initial P.D. was 2-3mms on both sides. It showed an improvement inthe sites treated with P.R.P. Swelling (perceived by the patients during the course of the fist week) was not reduced by theapplication of PRP gel, while there has been a reduction in the pain in comparison with the control side reffered by the patients.Clinical evaluation realized a week after the extractions showed a better healing on the PRP side vs the controll side (total score12 vs 8) where three patients from five realized a primary closure with no bacterial sovrainfection or dehiscence of the flap vs oneprimary closure on the controll side. Bone healing measured by digital OPT did not show a real improvement on PRP side after twomonths in the cases analyze

    Frustration driven structural distortion in VOMoO4

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), magnetization measurements and electronic structure calculations in VOMoO4 are presented. It is found that VOMoO4 is a frustrated two-dimensional antiferromagnet on a square lattice with competing exchange interactions along the side J1 and the diagonal J2 of the square. From magnetization measurements J1+J2 is estimated around 155 K, in satisfactory agreement with the values derived from electronic structure calculations. Around 100 K a structural distortion, possibly driven by the frustration, is evidenced. This distortion induces significant modifications in the NMR and EPR spectra which can be accounted for by valence fluctuations. The analysis of the spectra suggests that the size of the domains where the lattice is distorted progressively grows as the temperature approaches the transition to the magnetic ground state at Tc=42 K

    Sodium Doped LaMnO3 Thin Films: Influence of Substrate and Thickness on Physical Properties

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    In this paper we report the results about the synthesis and characterization of optimally doped La1-xNaxMnO3 thin films grown onto SrTiO3 (100), NdGaO3 (100) and NdGaO3 (110) for thickness ranging from 11 to 82 nm. The effect of substrate nature and orientation, film thickness and annealing procedure was investigated in order to optimize their magnetoresistance (MR). We obtained very smooth films displaying MR values greater than 70%, near to room temperature.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures Final version to appear in J. Phys. Chem.

    Unexpected effect of Ru-substitution in lightly doped manganites

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    In this Communication we report about the unexpected effect of ruthenium doping in sodium ligthly-doped manganites. This effect seems to be in contrast with the usual model applied to describe the effect of this magnetic ion into the manganite structure. We propose a possible compensation mechanism which seems also able to describe other peculiar features encountered in these materials.Comment: 3 pages, 2 Figures to appear in ChemCom

    Una tabla inédita de Fernando Yáñez y nueva luz sobre su estancia en Almedina (1518-1525)

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    The contribution presents a new acquisition for the catalog of Fernando Yáñez, a Holy Family dating back to 1523, shedding new light on the artist?s production in the third decade of the sixteenth century during his return to Almedina, his birthplace, in a time frame that divides the works for Valencia, like the retablo mayor for the city?s cathedral, from his altarpieces for Cuenca
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