3,501 research outputs found

    Demonstration of the range over which the Langley Research Center digital computer charring ablation program (CHAP) can be used with confidence: Comparisons of CHAP predictions and test data for three ablation materials

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    Comparisons of ablation calculations with the charring ablation computer code and ablation test data are presented over a wide range of environmental conditions in air for three materials: low-density nylon phenolic, Avcoat 5026-39HC/G, and a filled silicon elastomer. Heat fluxes considered range from over 500 Btu/sq ft-sec to less than 50 Btu/sq ft-sec. Pressures range from 0.5 atm to .004 atm. Enthalpies range from about 2000 Btu/lb to 18000 Btu/lb. Predictions of recession, pyrolysis penetration, and thermocouple responses are considered. Recession predictions for nylon phenolic are good as steady state is approached, but strongly transient cases are underpredicted. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted. Recession amounts for Avcoat and silicone elastomer are less well predicted, although high heat flux cases near steady state are fairly satisfactory. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted

    Ablative response of a silica phenolic to simulated liquid propellant rocket engine operating conditions

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    Ablative response of silica phenolic to simulated liquid propellant rocket engine operating condition

    K-8 Pre-service Teachers’ Algebraic Thinking: Exploring the Habit of Mind Building Rules to Represent Functions

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    In this study, through the lens of the algebraic habit of mind Building Rules to Represent Functions, we examined 18 pre-service middle school teachers\u27 ability to use algebraic thinking to solve problems. The data revealed that pre-service teachers\u27 ability to use different features of the habit of mind Building Rules to Represent Functions varied across the features. Significant correlations existed between 8 pairs of the features. The ability to justify a rule was the weakest of the seven features and it was correlated with the ability to chunk information. Implications for mathematics teacher education are discussed

    Exploring the Relationship between K-8 Prospective Teachers’ Algebraic Thinking Proficiency and the Questions They Pose during Diagnostic Algebraic Thinking Interviews

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    In this study, we explored the relationship between prospective teachers’ algebraic thinking and the questions they posed during one-on-one diagnostic interviews that focused on investigating the algebraic thinking of middle school students. To do so, we evaluated prospective teachers’ algebraic thinking proficiency across 125 algebra-based tasks and we analyzed the characteristics of questions they posed during the interviews. We found that prospective teachers with lower algebraic thinking proficiency did not ask any probing questions. Instead, they either posed questions that simply accepted and affirmed student responses or posed questions that guided the students toward an answer without probing student thinking. In contrast, prospective teachers with higher algebraic thinking proficiency were able to pose probing questions to investigate student thinking or help students clarify their thinking. However, less than half of their questions were of this probing type. These results suggest that prospective teachers’ algebraic thinking proficiency is related to the types of questions they ask to explore the algebraic thinking of students. Implications for mathematics teacher education are discussed

    Interpretation of runaway electron synchrotron and bremsstrahlung images

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    The crescent spot shape observed in DIII-D runaway electron synchrotron radiation images is shown to result from the high degree of anisotropy in the emitted radiation, the finite spectral range of the camera and the distribution of runaways. The finite spectral camera range is found to be particularly important, as the radiation from the high-field side can be stronger by a factor 10610^6 than the radiation from the low-field side in DIII-D. By combining a kinetic model of the runaway dynamics with a synthetic synchrotron diagnostic we see that physical processes not described by the kinetic model (such as radial transport) are likely to be limiting the energy of the runaways. We show that a population of runaways with lower dominant energies and larger pitch-angles than those predicted by the kinetic model provide a better match to the synchrotron measurements. Using a new synthetic bremsstrahlung diagnostic we also simulate the view of the Gamma Ray Imager (GRI) diagnostic used at DIII-D to resolve the spatial distribution of runaway-generated bremsstrahlung.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Integrating Industry and National Economic Accounts: First Steps and Future Improvements

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    The integration of the annual I-O accounts with the GDP-by-industry accounts is the most recent in a series of improvements to the industry accounts provided by the BEA in recent years. BEA prepares two sets of national industry accounts: The I-O accounts, which consist of the benchmark I-O accounts and the annual I-O accounts, and the GDPby- industry accounts. Both the I-O accounts and the GDP-by-industry accounts present measures of gross output, intermediate inputs, and value added by industry. However, in the past, they were inconsistent because of the use of different methodologies, classification frameworks, and source data. The integration of these accounts eliminated these inconsistencies and improved the accuracy of both sets of accounts. The integration of the annual industry accounts represents a major advance in the timeliness, accuracy, and consistency of these accounts, and is a result of significant improvements in BEA's estimating methods. The paper describes the new methodology, and the future steps required to integrate the industry accounts with the NIPAs. The new methodology combines source data between the two industry accounts to improve accuracy; it prepares the newly integrated accounts within an I-O framework that balances and reconciles industry production with commodity usage. Moreover, the new methodology allows the acceleration of the release of the annual I-O accounts by 2 years and for the first time, provides a consistent time series of annual I-O accounts. Three appendices are provided: A description of the probability-based method to rank source data by quality; a description of the new balancing produced for producing the annual I-O accounts; and a description of the computation method used to estimate chaintype price and quantity indexes in the GDP-by-industry accounts.

    Analytical modeling of intumescent coating thermal protection system in a JP-5 fuel fire environment

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    The thermochemical response of Coating 313 when exposed to a fuel fire environment was studied to provide a tool for predicting the reaction time. The existing Aerotherm Charring Material Thermal Response and Ablation (CMA) computer program was modified to treat swelling materials. The modified code is now designated Aerotherm Transient Response of Intumescing Materials (TRIM) code. In addition, thermophysical property data for Coating 313 were analyzed and reduced for use in the TRIM code. An input data sensitivity study was performed, and performance tests of Coating 313/steel substrate models were carried out. The end product is a reliable computational model, the TRIM code, which was thoroughly validated for Coating 313. The tasks reported include: generation of input data, development of swell model and implementation in TRIM code, sensitivity study, acquisition of experimental data, comparisons of predictions with data, and predictions with intermediate insulation

    Interminiband Rabi oscillations in biased semiconductor superlattices

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    Carrier dynamics at energy level anticrossings in biased semiconductor superlattices, was studied in the time domain by solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. The resonant nature of interminiband Rabi oscillations has been explicitly demonstrated to arise from interference of intrawell and Bloch oscillations. We also report a simulation of direct Rabi oscillations across three minibands, in the high field regime, due to interaction between three strongly coupled minibands.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Policy instruments in the Common Agricultural Policy

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    Policy changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can be explained in terms of the exhaustion and long-term contradictions of policy instruments. Changes in policy instruments have reoriented the policy without any change in formal Treaty goals. The social and economic efficacy of instruments in terms of evidence-based policy analysis was a key factor in whether they were delegitimized. The original policy instruments were generally dysfunctional, but reframing the policy in terms of a multifunctionality paradigm permitted the development of more efficacious instruments. A dynamic interaction takes place between the instruments and policy informed by the predominant discourses
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