182 research outputs found

    Modeling of Traceability Information System for Material Flow Control Data.

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    This paper focuses on data modeling for traceability of material/work flow in information layer of manufacturing control system. The model is able to trace all associated data throughout the product manufacturing from order to final product. Dynamic data processing of Quality and Purchase activities are considered in data modeling as well as Order and Operation base on lots particulars. The modeling consisted of four steps and integrated as one final model. Entity-Relationships Modeling as data modeling methodology is proposed. The model is reengineered with Toad Data Modeler software in physical modeling step. The developed model promises to handle fundamental issues of a traceability system effectively. It supports for customization and real-time control of material in flow in all levels of manufacturing processes. Through enhanced visibility and dynamic store/retrieval of data, all traceability usages and applications is responded. Designed solution is initially applicable as reference data model in identical lot-base traceability system

    Experimental and theoretical verification of two icing codes = Vérification expérimentale et théorique de deux codes de givrage

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    Le travail de recherche qui est présenté ici fait partie d'un programme de recherche basé sur le givrage des conducteurs aérien. Les investigations ont été effectuées dans le tunnel réfrigéré de la CIGELE. La première étape de ce travail a consisté en l'étude théorique de différents types de modèles de givrage existants. Parmi les modèles analytiques et numériques variés, deux modèles numériques généraux plus appropriés, pour l'accumulation de verglas sur les objets cylindriques, sont choisis et décrits en détails. La deuxième étape a consisté en la préparation de la série d'expériences de givrage. Lors de cette étape, la configuration de la teneur en eau liquide (LWC) et la taille médiane de gouttelette (MDS) pour des conditions spécifiques thermodynamique et aérodynamique ont été déterminées. Dans la troisième étape, les tests de givrage ont été effectués. Elles ont été effectuées sur quatre cylindres d'aluminium de différents diamètres. Les expériences de givrage ont été effectuées dans les mêmes conditions thermodynamiques et aérodynamiques pour les LWC et MDS.À la quatrième étape, en utilisant des programmes écrits en Fortran, les deux modèles numériques ont été étudiés. Les résultats prédisent une accumulation de masse de verglas pour les mêmes LWC, MDS et diamètre de cylindre qui ont été déjà utilisés dans des expériences d'accrétion de verglas. Dans la cinquième étape, les résultats expérimentaux et théoriques sont comparés et validés. Les comparaisons permettent de révéler l'avantage des modèles choisis et leur précision de prévision de la masse de verglas accumulée sur les câbles aériens de transport d'énergie électrique. En conclusion, des recommandations nécessaires sont présentées aussi bien sur l'utilisation de ces modèles que sur les investigations futures dans ce domaine


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    Objective: Today's attentions are focused on the finding new natural antioxidant compounds because of their fewer side effects than synthetic antioxidants. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant potentials of Juniperus excelsa fruit and its fractions by different methods. Methods: For evaluation antioxidant potentials, DPPH radical scavenging, determination of reducing power and phenolics were used. Gallic acid and quercetin were used as antioxidant standards. Results: The highest DPPH radical scavenging was observed in n-butanol fraction (IC 50= 135.9±2.5 µg/ml) of Juniperus excelsa fruit. Also, this fraction possesses the highest reducing power (in 61.4±2.6 µg/ml with absorbance 0.5) and phenolic contents (82. 9±1.1 mg/g). Conclusion: n-butanol fraction of Juniperus excelsa fruit had the highest radical scavenging, reducing power and phenolic compounds. In other words, a relationship between antioxidant potentials and phenolic compounds was found. Anyway, this fraction is a strong source of antioxidant compounds and can be used as a natural antioxidant

    Movable Automatic Car Wash Truck

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    In this project, we intend to design and build a movable/mobile car wash mounted on a truck and inside a container. Upon exiting the container, parked cars can be washed on the spot, anywhere and anytime. There will no longer be a need for drivers to waste their precious time in ordinary car washes Because, most office workers are on the job 8 hours a day and do not have sufficient free time to drive to a traditional or automatic car wash. Moreover, it is difficult and challenging to wash the car in unfavorable weather. This is a completely novel project.Keywords: Car wash businesses, two distinct models (with & without brush), Ability to be folded and placed in a container

    The effect of berberine nanomicells on hepatic cirrhosis in bile duct ligated rats

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    The present study was designed to investigate the possible hepatoprotective effect of berberine (BBR) nano micelles on liver cirrhosis induced by bile duct ligation model (BDL) in male rats. Introduction: The anti-fibrotic effect of chronic berberine (BBR) had previously demonstrated in a rat model of bile duct ligation (BDL) - induced liver fibrosis. As a result, the aim of present study was to investigate the possible hepatoprotective effect of BBR nanomicelles on liver cirrhosis induced by Bile duct ligation model (BDL) in male rats. Methods and Results: Male Wistar rats were divided into 7 groups (n= 6) including sham-operated, BDL + saline, BDL + nanoBBR (50 mg/kg, p.o.), BDL + nanomicelles, BDL + BBR (50 and 100 mg/kg, p.o.), BDL + silymarin (100 mg/kg, p.o.). After 21 days of drugs' treatments following bile duct ligateation, the serum and tissue levels of some hepatic markers were measured and pathologic evaluations performed.BDL could markedly increase aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and total bilirubin (TBIL) serum levels and tissue tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), level along with reductions in tissue levels of glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total protein levels. On the other hand, BBR nanomicelles (50 mg/kg, p.o.) and silymarin (100 mg/kg, p.o.) markedly decreased the serum levels of AST and ALT while enhanced GSH level. In addition, BBR nanomicelles (50 mg/kg, p.o.), silymarin (100 mg/kg, p.o.) and BBR (100 mg/kg, p.o.) groups showed a considerable increase in SOD levels. BBR nanomicelles (50 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly lowered TNF-α level. In addition, nanoBBR group prevented liver cirrhosis in histopathologic analysis.  Conclusions:Therefore, formulation of BBR nanomicelles may represent a good approach to enhance the effect of BBR in liver injuries

    Orthoses for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

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    There are some limitations for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) when walking with assistive devices. Heavy energy expenditure and walking high loads on the upper limb joints are two main reasons of high rejection rate of orthosis by these patients . Many devices have been designed to enable people with paraplegia to ambulate in an upright position as a solution of these limitations such as mechanical orthoses, hybrid orthoses and powered orthoses. All these devices are designed to solve the problem of standing and walking, but there are some other important notes, which should be considered. For example, the size and weight of external orthoses, donning and doffing, cumbersomeness and independency for using are very important

    An Analysis on Application of Theories and Consepts of Social Sciences in Process of Qoranic/Religious Theory Making

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    There is an ostensive dualism between religion and science in studies that are based on sacred texts of religion i.e. Quran and Sunnah. Theories and concepts of social sciences are apparently visible in these studies. The main goal of this article is the critique of interaction between religious studies based on text of Quran with theories and concepts of social sciences, which used in one inquiry.  For reaching this goal, two studies that are typical in using the theories of social sciences in Quranic studies, will be analyzed and evaluated. For obtaining this goal, we need an analytical deductive-inductive method for comparison between the mentioned studies based on standard theory making pattern in social sciences. The consequence of this article show us that the most important usage of referring to theories of social sciences in Quranic/religious studies is nutrition of the question of inquiry and helping for making dialogue with Quran  for reaching fundamental Quranic theories. The deficiency of using the theories of social sciences in Quranic studies is the imposition of its viewpoint on Quran and religious text

    Large eddy simulation of pseudo shock structure in a convergent-long divergent duct

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    In this paper, the Pseudo shock structure in a convergent–long divergent duct is investigated using large eddy simulation on the basis of Smagorinsky–Lilly, Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-Viscosity and Algebraic Wall-Modeled LES subgrid models. The first objective of the study is to apply different subgrid models to predict the structure of Lambda form shocks system, while the ultimate aim is to obtain further control of the shock behavior. To achieve these goals, the dynamic grid adaption and hybrid initialization techniques are applied under the 3D investigation to reduce numerical errors and computational costs. The results are compared to the existing experimental data and it is found that the WMLES subgrid model results in more accurate predictions when compared to the other subgrid models. Subsequently, the influences of the divergent section length with the constant ratio of the outlet to throat area and, the effects of discontinuity of the wall temperature on the flow physics are investigated. The results indicate that the structure of compressible flow in the duct is affected by varying these parameters. This is then further discussed to provide a deeper physical understanding of the mechanism of Pseudo shock motion

    Static Modeling of Oil Field Mineral Scales: Software Development

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    Mineral scale deposition in near wellbore regions of injection wells is one of the main challengeable issues during the water injection process, which magnifies the importance of robust models in predicting the amount of mineral scale deposition such as calcium sulfate. One of the main challenges of CaSO4 scale is in carbonated reservoirs, in which sensitive behavior is observed in related to the contribution of both calcium and sulfate ions in carbonated and sulfated scale reactions. This defect is mirror of wrong procedure and value in the estimation of first kind/value of precipitant contributed in scale deposition reactions (ions competition) as well as inconsistent temperature/pressure dependent coefficients of prediction model. The objective of this study is to develop a model that can accurately predict the formation and amount of CaSO4 scale as the dominant scale in multicomponent aqueous systems by three major tools, namely utilization the best temperature- and pressure-dependent thermodynamic interactive ion coefficients (MSE Model: Pitzer), developing our fine-tuned iterative mathematical solver, and verification of the results of the model by accurate experimental data. The results showed that at the optimum value of precipitant (10%) in scale deposition reactions and by defining the best temperature- and pressure-dependent coefficients, we can attain the best accuracy in the prediction of CaSO4 scale deposited amount (less than 0.06% as a relative error compared to 36% overestimation and 22% underestimation in commercial software). The output of this study is developed software leading to the more accurate prediction of the amount of promising scales in near wellbore regions or pipelines