56 research outputs found

    The association of lifestyle patterns with prediabetes in adults from families at high risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe: the Feel4diabetes study

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    The increasing prevalence of prediabetes globally does not bode well for the growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its complications. Yet there is a lack of studies regarding lifestyle patterns (LPs) and their association with prediabetes. The present study aimed to examine the association of different LPs with the existence of prediabetes in adults from families at high risk for T2D in Europe. In total, 2759 adults (66.3% females) from six European countries were included in this cross-sectional analysis using data from the baseline assessment of the Feel4Diabetes study. Anthropometric, sociodemographic, dietary and behavioral data were assessed, and fasting blood glucose measurements were also obtained. LPs were derived via principal component analysis. Two LPs were derived, explaining 32% of the total variation. LP 1 was characterized by breakfast consumption, high consumption of fruits and berries, vegetables and nuts and seeds, and low consumption of salty snacks and soft drinks with sugar, while LP 2 was characterized by high consumption of salty and sweet snacks, soft drinks with sugar and juice with sugar and sedentary behavior. After adjusting for various confounders, LP 2 was positively associated with the existence of prediabetes (odds ratio = 1.02, 95% CI 1.01–1.04), while LP 1 was not significantly associated with prediabetes. Understanding LPs would provide necessary evidence for planning intervention and education strategies for prediabetes and T2D

    Microbial carcinogenic toxins and dietary anti-cancer protectants

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    Information, The Decision-Making Traffic Jam Of the 21st Century- A Management Perspective

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    Increasingly, the value of a business today is measured in terms of what it knows, rather than what it owns. Even so, whilst knowledge exists in most organisations it is regularly difficult to access. This paper addresses the question of whether - now that we exist in the much heralded information era - the information needs of those engaged in management are being satisfied. With interest in the Internet, as a global communications medium burgeoning, we now understand how things might be in the future concerning the sheer volume of information available to the decision taker. However, a question remains as to whether this information is collected and presented in a form - at a level of specificity and depth - that makes for better decision taking. In this paper, the authors argue that there are seven issues that need addressing in order to ensure that the information needs of management are being satisfied

    Assessment of dietary patterns and breast cancer: a case - control study

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    Introduction: Although the role of specific food groups and nutrients on breast cancer disease prevention has long been evaluated and understood, the influence of specific dietary patterns has been rarely examined and for this reason it is a novel area of scientific interest. Thus, the aim of the present work was to examine the role of the diet, through the assessment of dietary patterns on first breast cancer disease development. Methodology: During 2010-2012, 500 participants were enrolled; 250 consecutive newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer and 250 controls (56±12 yrs). Controls were population-based, age and place of living matched to the patients. Socio- demographic, clinical, dietary, psychological, and other lifestyle characteristics were measured. Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern (a-priori dietary pattern) was assessed using the validated MedDietScore (theoretical range: 0-55), whereas a-posterior dietary patterns were extracted using principal components analysis. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the probability of the presence of breast cancer. Results: After various adjustments made, it was observed that for each 1/55 unit increase of the MedDietScore, the corresponding odds ratio (OR) for having breast cancer was 0.92 (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 0.86-0.97). Moreover, adoption of a dietary pattern characterized by the consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and a pattern characterized by the consumption of olive oil and fish was associated with lower likelihood of having breast cancer (OR = 0,60; 95% CI 0 , 45 to 0.75 and OR = 0,81; 95% CI 0,66-0,99, respectively). Moreover alcohol consumption on a weekly basis (i.e.. 3-4 times / week) was associated with 84% lower likelihood of having breast cancer (OR = 0,16; 95% CI 0,03-0,80), while consumption of processed meat 1 -2 times / week and daily was associated with a 2.7-fold and 2.8-fold higher likelihood of having breast cancer respectively (OR = 2,65; 95% CI 1,36-5,14 and OR = 2,81; 95% CI from 1.13 to 6.96, respectively). Additionally, the consumption of whole grains for more than 7 times / week was associated with 51% lower likelihood of having breast cancer (OR = 0,49; 95% CI 0,29-0,82) while the consumption of full fat dairy products for at least 16 servings / week was also associated with a lower likelihood of having breast cancer (OR = 0,43; 95% CI 0,24-0,76). Conclusions: The present work extended the current knowledge about the protective benefits from the adoption of the Mediterranean diet, as well as the adoption of dietary patterns which are characterized by the consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, olive oil as well as fish. Efforts to increase adherence to the above mentioned dietary pattern should be incorporated in public health strategies for the primary prevention of breast cancer, along with emphasis on consuming dairy products and reducing processed meat consumption.Εισαγωγή: Παρότι ο ρόλος συγκεκριμένων ομάδων τροφίμων και θρεπτικών συστατικών αναφορικά με την πρόληψη του καρκίνου του μαστού έχει αξιολογηθεί και κατανοηθεί αρκετά, η επίδραση των διατροφικών προτύπων στην εμφάνιση της νόσου έχει ελάχιστα κατανοηθεί, και για το λόγο αυτό αποτελεί καινοτόμο πεδίο ερευνητικού ενδιαφέροντος, Επομένως, σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής ήταν να μελετηθεί η σχέση της διατροφής μέσω της αποτίμησης των διατροφικών προτύπων, με την πρώτη εμφάνιση καρκίνου του μαστού. Μεθοδολογία: Κατά τα έτη 2010-2012, 500 συμμετέχουσες εντάχθηκαν στη μελέτη: 250 διαδοχικές νεοδιαγνωσθείσες ασθενείς με πρώτη εμφάνιση καρκίνου του μαστού και 250 υγιείς γυναίκες (56 ± 12ετών). Οι μάρτυρες προέρχονταν από τον γενικό πληθυσμό και ήταν εξομοιωμένες ως προς την ηλικία και τον τόπο διαμονής με τις ασθενείς. Καταγράφηκαν κοινωνικο-δημογραφικά, κλινικά, διατροφικά, ψυχολογικά και άλλα χαρακτηριστικά του τρόπου ζωής των συμμετεχουσών. Η προσκόλληση στο Μεσογειακό διατροφικό πρότυπο (εκ-των-προτέρων διατροφικά πρότυπα) αξιολογήθηκε μέσω του MedDietScore (θεωρητικό εύρος: 0-55), ενώ τα εκ-των-υστέρων διατροφικά πρότυπα εξήχθησαν μέσω της ανάλυσης σε κύριες συνιστώσες. Η πολλαπλή λογαριθμιστική παλινδρόμηση χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την εκτίμηση των σχετικών πιθανοτήτων της παρουσίας καρκίνου του μαστού. Αποτελέσματα: Μετά από έλεγχο για ποικίλους συγχυτικούς παράγοντες, για κάθε 1/55 μονάδα αύξησης του MedDietScore, ο σχετικός λόγος (ΣΛ) παρουσίας καρκίνου του μαστού ήταν: 0,92 (95% Διάστημα Εμπιστοσύνης-ΔΕ: 0,86-0,97). Ακόμη, η υιοθέτηση ενός διατροφικού προτύπου που χαρακτηρίζεται από την κατανάλωση μη επεξεργασμένων δημητριακών, φρούτων και λαχανικών καθώς και ενός προτύπου που χαρακτηρίζεται από την κατανάλωση ελαιολάδου και ψαριού συσχετίστηκαν με μειωμένη πιθανότητα παρουσίας καρκίνου του μαστού (ΣΛ=0,60; 95%CI 0,45-0,75 και ΣΛ=0,81; 95%CI 0,66-0,99 αντίστοιχα). Παράλληλα, η εβδομαδιαία κατανάλωση αλκοόλ (δηλ. 3-4 φορές/εβδομάδα) συσχετίστηκε με 84% μικρότερη πιθανότητα παρουσίας καρκίνου του μαστού (ΣΛ=0,16; 95%CI 0,03-0,80), ενώ η κατανάλωση επεξεργασμένου κρέατος 1-2 φορές/εβδομάδα καθώς και καθημερινά συσχετίστηκε με 2,7 και 2,8 φορές μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα παρουσίας της νόσου (ΣΛ=2,65; 95%CI 1,36-5,14 και ΣΛ=2,81; 95%CI 1,13-6,96 αντίστοιχα). Επιπρόσθετα, η κατανάλωση δημητριακών προϊόντων ολικής άλεσης για περισσότερες από 7 φορές/εβδομάδα συσχετίστηκε με 51% μικρότερη πιθανότητα παρουσίας καρκίνου του μαστού (ΣΛ=0,49; 95%CI 0,29-0,82) ενώ η κατανάλωση γαλακτοκομικών πλήρων σε λίπος σε συχνότητα τουλάχιστον 16 μερίδες/εβδομάδα συσχετίστηκε επίσης με μικρότερη πιθανότητα παρουσίας της νόσου (ΣΛ=0,43; 95%CI 0,24-0,76). Συμπεράσματα: Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας διατριβής συνέβαλαν στην επέκταση της υπάρχουσας γνώσης αναφορικά με τα ευεργετικά οφέλη από την υιοθέτηση του Μεσογειακού προτύπου διατροφής, αλλά και διατροφικών προτύπων τα οποία χαρακτηρίζονται από την κατανάλωση προϊόντων ολικής άλεσης, φρούτων, λαχανικών ελαιολάδου και ψαριού. Οι προσπάθειες ενθάρρυνσης της προσκόλλησης στα ανωτέρω διατροφικά πρότυπα αξίζει να ενσωματωθούν στις στρατηγικές δημόσιας υγείας για την πρωτογενή πρόληψη του καρκίνου του μαστού, παράλληλα με έμφαση στη μέτρια πρόσληψη αλκοόλ καθώς και τη μειωμένη πρόσληψη επεξεργασμένου κρέατος

    Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy

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    Middlesex University provides intellectually demanding degrees focusing on professional practice for which 'authenticity' is a key principle underpinning LTA strategy. Viewed positively by student as demonstrated in NSS 2023 (Assessment and Feedback +4.54 above sector) this strategy embraces a range of technologically enhanced methods to enable the development of highly sought after graduate competencies: creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, empathy and collaboration. We will discuss: • How programmes develop graduates that are future focussed and employment ready; • Embedding industry awards in curricula; • Collaborative practice- and project-based approaches; • Inclusive authentic assessment through coursework to explore students’ understanding of topics

    Optimizing diet and nutrition for cancer survivors: A review

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    The number of cancer survivors is increasing and they are often highly motivated to search for information about nutrition and about physical activity in order to try to improve their treatment outcomes, quality of life and overall survival. In the light of these concerns, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) as well as the American Cancer Society recommend a largely plant-based diet with limited consumption of red and processed meat, and limited consumption of alcohol, as well as the maintenance of a healthy weight throughout life and regular engagement in physical activity. There is a need for well-designed large observational and intervention studies to shed more light on the association between diet and cancer survivorship, and to suggest additional means for the secondary prevention of cancer. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Information, the decision-making traffic jam of the 21st century A management perspective

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    Also known as Marketing Paper 12SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:9350.957(2000/1) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo