17 research outputs found

    Traditional banana diversity in Oceania: an endangered heritage

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    This study aims to understand the genetic diversity of traditional Oceanian starchy bananas in order to propose an efficient conservation strategy for these endangered varieties. SSR and DArT molecular markers are used to characterize a large sample of Pacific accessions, from New Guinea to Tahiti and Hawaii. All Pacific starchy bananas are shown of New Guinea origin, by interspecific hybridization between Musa acuminata (AA genome), more precisely its local subspecies M. acuminata ssp. banksii, and M. balbisiana (BB genome) generating triploid AAB Pacific starchy bananas. These AAB genotypes do not form a subgroup sensu stricto and genetic markers differentiate two subgroups across the three morphotypes usually identified: Iholena versus Popoulu and Maoli. The Popoulu/Maoli accessions, even if morphologically diverse throughout the Pacific, cluster in the same genetic subgroup. However, the subgroup is not strictly monophyletic and several close, but different genotypes are linked to the dominant genotype. One of the related genotypes is specific to New Caledonia (NC), with morphotypes close to Maoli, but with some primitive characters. It is concluded that the diffusion of Pacific starchy AAB bananas results from a series of introductions of triploids originating in New Guinea area from several sexual recombination events implying different genotypes of M. acuminata ssp. banksii. This scheme of multiple waves from the New Guinea zone is consistent with the archaeological data for peopling of the Pacific. The present geographic distribution suggests that a greater diversity must have existed in the past. Its erosion finds parallels with the erosion of cultural traditions, inexorably declining in most of the Polynesian or Melanesian Islands. Symmetrically, diversity hot spots appear linked to the local persistence of traditions: Maoli in New Caledonian Kanak traditions or Iholena in a few Polynesian islands. These results will contribute to optimizing the conservation strategy for the ex-situ Pacific Banana Collection supported collectively by the Pacific countries

    A phylogenetic framework of the legume genus Aeschynomene for comparative genetic analysis of the Nod-dependent and Nod-independent symbioses

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    Background : Among semi-aquatic species of the legume genus Aeschynomene, some have the property of being nodulated by photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium lacking the nodABC genes necessary for the synthesis of Nod factors. Knowledge of the specificities underlying this Nod-independent symbiosis has been gained from the model legume Aeschynomene evenia but our understanding remains limited due to the lack of comparative genetics with related taxa using a Nod factor-dependent process. To fill this gap, we combined different approaches to perform a thorough comparative analysis in the genus Aeschynomene. Results: This study significantly broadened previous taxon sampling, including in allied genera, in order to construct a comprehensive phylogeny. In the phylogenetic tree, five main lineages were delineated, including a novel lineage, the Nod-independent clade and another one containing a polytomy that comprised several Aeschynomene groups and all the allied genera. This phylogeny was matched with data on chromosome number, genome size and low-copy nuclear gene sequences to reveal the diploid species and a polytomy containing mostly polyploid taxa. For these taxa, a single allopolyploid origin was inferred and the putative parental lineages were identified. Finally, nodulation tests with different Bradyrhizobium strains revealed new nodulation behaviours and the diploid species outside of the Nod-independent clade were compared for their experimental tractability and genetic diversity. Conclusions: The extended knowledge of the genetics and biology of the different lineages sheds new light of the evolutionary history of the genus Aeschynomene and they provide a solid framework to exploit efficiently the diversity encountered in Aeschynomene legumes. Notably, our backbone tree contains all the species that are diploid and it clarifies the genetic relationships between the Nod-independent clade and the Nod-dependent lineages. This study enabled the identification of A. americana and A. patula as the most suitable species to undertake a comparative genetic study of the Nod-independent and Nod-dependent symbioses

    Chimeras in Merlot grapevine revealed by phased assembly

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    Chimerism is the phenomenon when several genotypes coexist in a single individual. Used to understand plant ontogenesis they also have been valorised through new cultivar breeding. Viticulture has been taking economic advantage out of chimeras when the variant induced an important modification of wine type such as berry skin colour. Crucial agronomic characters may also be impacted by chimeras that aren’t identified yet. Periclinal chimera where the variant has entirely colonised a cell layer is the most stable and can be propagated through cuttings. In grapevine, leaves are derived from both meristem layers, L1 and L2. However, lateral roots are formed from the L2 cell layer only. Thus, comparing DNA sequences of roots and leaves allows chimera detection. In this study we used new generation Hifi long reads sequencing, recent bioinformatics tools and trio-binning with parental sequences to detect periclinal chimeras on ‘Merlot’ grapevine cultivar. Sequencing of cv. ‘Magdeleine Noire des Charentes’ and ‘Cabernet Franc’, the parents of cv. ‘Merlot’, allowed haplotype resolved assembly. Pseudomolecules were built with a total of 33 to 47 contigs and in few occasions a unique contig for one chromosome. This high resolution allowed haplotype comparison. Annotation was transferred from PN40024 VCost.v3 to all pseudomolecules. After strong selection of variants, 51 and 53 ‘Merlot’ specific periclinal chimeras were found on the Merlot-haplotype-CF and Merlot-haplotype-MG respectively, 9 and 7 been located in a coding region. A subset of positions was analysed using Molecular Inversion Probes (MIPseq) and 69% were unambiguously validated, 25% are doubtful because of technological noise or weak depth and 6% invalidated. These results open new perspectives on chimera detection as an important resource to improve cultivars through clonal selection or breeding

    Characterization of a panel of Vietnamese rice varieties using DArT and SNP markers for association mapping purposes

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    Background: The development of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in crops has made it possible to mine interesting alleles hidden in gene bank resources. However, only a small fraction of the rice genetic diversity of any given country has been exploited in the studies with worldwide sampling conducted to date. This study presents the development of a panel of rice varieties from Vietnam for GWAS purposes. Results: The panel, initially composed of 270 accessions, was characterized for simple agronomic traits (maturity class, grain shape and endosperm type) commonly used to classify rice varieties. We first genotyped the panel using Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. We analyzed the panel structure, identified two subpanels corresponding to the indica and japonica sub-species and selected 182 non-redundant accessions. However, the number of usable DArT markers (241 for an initial library of 6444 clones) was too small for GWAS purposes. Therefore, we characterized the panel of 182 accessions with 25,971 markers using genotyping by sequencing. The same indica and japonica subpanels were identified. The indica subpanel was further divided into six populations (I1 to I6) using a model-based approach. The japonica subpanel, which was more highly differentiated, was divided into 4 populations (J1 to J4), including a temperate type (J2). Passport data and phenotypic traits were used to characterize these populations. Some populations were exclusively composed of glutinous types (I3 and J2). Some of the upland rice varieties appeared to belong to indica populations, which is uncommon in this region of the world. Linkage disequilibrium decayed faster in the indica subpanel (r(2) below 0.2 at 101 kb) than in the japonica subpanel (r2 below 0.2 at 425 kb), likely because of the strongest differentiation of the japonica subpanel. A matrix adapted for GWAS was built by eliminating the markers with a minor allele frequency below 5% and imputing the missing data. This matrix contained 21,814 markers. A GWAS was conducted on time to flowering to prove the utility of this panel. Conclusions: This publicly available panel constitutes an important resource giving access to original allelic diversity. It will be used for GWAS on root and panicle traits.

    Transcriptome data from three endemic Myrtaceae species from New Caledonia displaying contrasting responses to myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) [Data paper]

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    The myrtle rust disease, caused by the fungus Austropuccinia psidii, infects a wide range of host species within the Myrtaceae family worldwide. Since its first report in 2013 in New Caledonia, it was found on various types of native environments where Myrtaceae are the dominant or codominant species, as well as in several commercial nurseries. It is now considered as a significant threat to ecosystems biodiversity and Myrtaceae-related economy. The use of predictive molecular markers for resistance against myrtle rust is currently the most cost-effective and ecological approach to control the disease. Such an approach for neo Caledonian endemic Myrtaceae species was not possible because of the lack of genomic resources. The recent advancement in new generation sequencing technologies accompanied with relevant bioinformatics tools now provide new research opportunity for work in non-model organism at the transcriptomic level. The present study focuses on transcriptome analysis on three Myrtaceae species endemic to New Caledonia (Arillastrum gummiferum, Syzygium longifolium and Tristaniopsis glauca) that display contrasting responses to the pathogen (non-infected vs infected). Differential gene expression (DGE) and variant calling analysis were conducted on each species. We combined a dual approach by using 1) the annotated reference genome of a related Myrtaceae species (Eucalyptus grandis) and 2) a de novo transcriptomes of each species

    Identification of QTLs controlling resistance to anthracnose disease in water yam (Dioscorea alata)

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 14 Feb 2022Anthracnose disease caused by a fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the primary cause of yield loss in water yam (Dioscorea alata), the widely cultivated species of yam. Resistance to yam anthracnose disease (YAD) is a prime target in breeding initiatives to develop durable-resistant cultivars for sustainable management of the disease in water yam cultivation. This study aimed at tagging quantitative trait loci (QTL) for anthracnose disease resistance in a bi-parental mapping population of D. alata. Parent genotypes and their recombinant progenies were genotyped using the Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) platform and phenotyped in two crop cycles for two years. A high-density genetic linkage map was built with 3184 polymorphic Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (NSP) markers well distributed across the genome, covering 1460.94 cM total length. On average, 163 SNP markers were mapped per chromosome with 0.58 genetic distances between SNPs. Four QTL regions related to yam anthracnose disease resistance were identified on three chromosomes. The proportion of phenotypic variance explained by these QTLs ranged from 29.54 to 39.40%. The QTL regions identified showed genes that code for known plant defense responses such as GDSL-like Lipase/Acylhydrolase, Protein kinase domain, and F-box protein. The results from the present study provide valuable insight into the genetic architecture of anthracnose resistance in water yam. The candidate markers identified herewith form a relevant resource to apply marker-assisted selection as an alternative to a conventional labor-intensive screening for anthracnose resistance in water yam

    Two large reciprocal translocations characterized in the disease resistance-rich burmannica genetic group of Musa acuminata.

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    Banana cultivars are derived from hybridizations involving Musa acuminata subspecies. The latter diverged following geographical isolation in distinct South-east Asian continental regions and islands. Observation of chromosome pairing irregularities in meiosis of hybrids between these subspecies suggested the presence of large chromosomal structural variations. The aim of this study was to characterize such rearrangements

    Genome-wide genotyping elucidates the geographical diversification and dispersal of the polyploid and clonally propagated yam (Dioscorea alata L.)

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 27 Jun 2020Background and Aims Inferring the diffusion history of many human-dispersed species is still not straightforward due to unresolved past human migrations. The centre of diversification and routes of migration of the autopolyploid and clonally propagated greater yam, Dioscorea alata, one of the oldest edible tubers, remain unclear. Here, we address yam demographic and dispersal history using a worldwide sample. Methods We characterized genome-wide patterns of genetic variation using genotyping by sequencing 643 greater yam accessions spanning four continents. First, we disentangled the polyploid and clonal components of yam diversity using allele frequency distribution and identity by descent approaches. We then addressed yam geographical origin and diffusion history with a model-based coalescent inferential approach. Key Results Diploid genotypes were more frequent than triploids and tetraploids worldwide. Genetic diversity was generally low and clonality appeared to be a main factor of diversification. The most likely evolutionary scenario supported an early divergence of mainland Southeast Asian and Pacific gene pools with continuous migration between them. The genetic make-up of triploids and tetraploids suggests that they have originated from these two regions before westward yam migration. The Indian Peninsula gene pool gave origin to the African gene pool, which was later introduced to the Caribbean region. Conclusions Our results are congruent with the hypothesis of independent domestication origins of the two main Asian and Pacific gene pools. The low genetic diversity and high clonality observed suggest a strong domestication bottleneck followed by thousands of years of widespread vegetative propagation and polyploidization. Both processes reduced the extent of diversity available for breeding, and this is likely to threaten future adaptation

    Naturally occurring variations in the nod-independent model legume Aeschynomene evenia and relatives: a resource for nodulation genetics

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    Abstract Background Among semi-aquatic species of the legume genus Aeschynomene, some have the unique property of being root and stem-nodulated by photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium lacking the nodABC genes necessary for the production of Nod factors. These species provide an excellent biological system with which to explore the evolution of nodulation in legumes. Among them, Aeschynomene evenia has emerged as a model legume to undertake the genetic dissection of the so-called Nod-independent symbiosis. In addition to the genetic analysis of nodulation on a reference line, natural variation in a germplasm collection could also be surveyed to uncover genetic determinants of nodulation. To this aim, we investigated the patterns of genetic diversity in a collection of 226 Nod-independent Aeschynomene accessions. Results A combination of phylogenetic analyses, comprising ITS and low-copy nuclear genes, along with cytogenetic experiments and artificial hybridizations revealed the richness of the Nod-independent Aeschynomene group with the identification of 13 diploid and 6 polyploid well-differentiated taxa. A set of 54 SSRs was used to further delineate taxon boundaries and to identify different genotypes. Patterns of microsatellite diversity also illuminated the genetic basis of the Aeschynomene taxa that were all found to be predominantly autogamous and with a predicted simple disomic inheritance, two attributes favorable for genetics. In addition, taxa displaying a pronounced genetic diversity, notably A. evenia, A. indica and A. sensitiva, were characterized by a clear geographically-based genetic structure and variations in root and stem nodulation. Conclusion A well-characterized germplasm collection now exists as a major genetic resource to thoroughly explore the natural variation of nodulation in response to different bradyrhizobial strains. Symbiotic polymorphisms are expected to be found notably in the induction of nodulation, in nitrogen fixation and also in stem nodulation. Subsequent genetic analysis and locus mapping will pave the way for the identification of the underlying genes through forward or reverse genetics. Such discoveries will significantly contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning how some Aeschynomene species can be efficiently nodulated in a Nod-independent fashion