22 research outputs found

    Evolución de las faunas fósiles de aves del Cuaternario de Aragón y del norte de la península Ibérica

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    Las aves son vertebrados con adaptaciones al vuelo activo. Se trata del grupo de vertebrados mas diverso de la actualidad y aparecen en todos los ecosistemas del planeta. Los restos fosiles de aves son comunes en los yacimientos del Cuaternario. Ademas juegan un papel principal en la formacion de los mismos, ya que actuan como acumuladores de pequenos vertebrados. En esta tesis se analizan los restos fosiles de aves de trece yacimientos localizados en la mitad norte de la peninsula iberica. Dos de esos yacimientos se situan en Atapuerca (Burgos), y pertenecen al Pleistoceno Inferior: Sima del Elefante y Gran Dolina. Siete de los yacimientos datan del Pleistoceno Superior: Aguilon P-7 (Valle del Ebro), Los Batanes C-4 (Pirineo de Huesca), Llonin (Asturias), Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo y Atxuri I (Pais Vasco). Cuatro yacimientos localizados en el Pirineo de Huesca pertenecen al Holoceno: La Brecha del Rincon B-9, B-8, C-15 y D-2.Esta tesis se presenta como compendio de trabajos publicados en revistas internacionales, e incluye ademas trabajos preparados para su publicacion. El Capitulo 1 es una introduccion donde se hace un repaso de los antecedentes del estudio de las aves fosiles de la peninsula iberica. Tambien se presentan los objetivos y la metodologia general a todos los capitulos.Los Capitulos 2 y 3 tratan sobre los restos fosiles de aves recuperados en el yacimiento de la Sima del Elefante, en Atapuerca (Pleistoceno Inferior). El Capitulo 2 es un analisis general de la avifauna del yacimiento, revelando el registro mas antiguo de varias especies en la peninsula iberica y una asociacion similar a la presente en otros yacimientos europeos de la epoca. El Capitulo 3 es un analisis detallado de la anatomia del cuervo presente en el mismo, que permite asignar los restos a Corvus cf. pliocaenus. En el Capitulo 4 se presenta de forma novedosa el primer analisis paleoologico de cascaras de huevos de ave llevado a cabo en Atapuerca, realizado sobre fragmentos de cascaras del Pleistoceno Inferior de la Gran Dolina (Atapuerca), se identifican tres taxones de aves distintos. En el Capitulo 5 se presenta un analisis de las asociaciones de aves de yacimientos de Europa occidental en base a las proporciones entre el numero de restos de especies de aves consideradas como buenas indicadoras paleoambientales. Los resultados apuntan a una migracion hacia el sur del limite entre las zonas climaticas Mediterranea y Eurosiberiana y a la presencia de parches de bosque en Europa a lo largo del Pleistoceno Superior. En los Capitulos 6 a 9 se presentan los analisis de las asociaciones de aves de varios yacimientos del Pleistoceno Superior (Aguilon P-7 en el Capitulo 6, Llonin en el Capitulo 7, Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo y Atxuri I en el Capitulo 8 y Los Batanes en el Capitulo 9) y del Holoceno (Brecha del Rincon B-9, B-8, C-15 y D-2 en el Capitulo 9). Los analisis revelan asociaciones similares a las identificadas en otros yacimientos de la epoca del norte de la peninsula iberica y la presencia de especies actualmente ausentes lazona. En el Capitulo 10 se realiza una discusion general de los resultados de los trabajos, y en el Capitulo 11 se presentan las conclusiones de la Tesis Doctoral.Aves are vertebrates with adaptations for active flying. They are the most diverse tetrapod group nowadays, and they appear throughout every ecosystem. Fossil bird remains are common in the Quaternary sites; also, they play a key role in the origin of the sites, as they can be the main accumulators of small vertebrates. In this thesis the fossil bird remains of thirteen sites located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula are analyzed. Two of these sites belongs to the Early Pleistocene: Sima del Elefante and Gran Dolina; seven sites belong to the Upper Pleistocene: Aguilón P-7 (Ebro Valley), Los Batanes C-4 (Huesca Pyrenees), Llonin (Asturias), Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo and Atxuri I (Basque Country); and four sites belongs to the Holocene: Brecha del Rincón B-9, B-8, C15 and D-2 (Huesca Pyrenees). This thesis is a compendium of published works in international journals, it also includes works ready to be published. Chapter 1 is an introduction in which the background of the fossil bird studies made in the north of the Iberian Peninsula is discussed. The objectives and methodology of the thesis are also presented. Chapters 2 and 3 face the fossil remains recovered in the Sima del Elefante, in Atapuerca (Early Pleistocene). Chapter 2 is an analysis of the avifauna of the site; it reveals the oldest record in the Iberian Peninsula of several species, the avian assemblage is similar to those identified in other same age European sites. Chapter 3 is the detailed analysis of the anatomy of the raven remains recovered in Sima del Elefante; the analysis allows the assignation of the remains to Corvus cf. pliocaenus. In Chapter 4 the first paleoologic analysis carried out in avian eggshells of Atapuerca, it is performed on eggshell fragments from the Early Pleistocene of the Gran Dolina, three avian taxa are identified. In Chapter 5 an analysis of the avian assemblages from Upper Pleistocene Western European sites based on the proportions of the number of remains of several bird taxa, considered good climatic indicators, is presented. The results point to a southwards migration of the Mediterranean and Eurosiberian climate areas limit and to the presence of forest patches during the Late Pleistocene. Chapters 6 to 9 present the analysis of the avian association of several Upper Pleistocene (Aguilón P-7 in Chapter 6, Llonin in Chapter 7, Abittaga, Axlor and Atxuri I in Chapter 8 and Los Batanes C-4 in Chapter 9) and Holocene (Brecha del Rincón B-9, B-8, C-15 and D-2 in Chapter 9) sites. The results reveal assemblages similar to those from other same age north Iberian sites, and the presence in the assemblages of species currently absent from the north of the Iberian Peninsula. In the Chapter 10 a general discussion of the thesis results is performed, and in Chapter 11 the main conclusions of the thesis are presented.<br /

    The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic occupation in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3 Cave

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    With its well-preserved archaeological and environmental records, Aghitu-3 Cave permits us to examine the settlement patterns of the Upper Paleolithic (UP) people who inhabited the Armenian Highlands. We also test whether settlement of the region between ∼39–24,000 cal BP relates to environmental variability. The earliest evidence occurs in archaeological horizon (AH) VII from ∼39–36,000 cal BP during a mild, moist climatic phase. AH VI shows periodic occupation as warm, humid conditions prevailed from ∼36–32,000 cal BP. As the climate becomes cooler and drier at ∼32– 29,000 cal BP (AH V-IV), evidence for occupation is minimal. However, as cooling continues, the deposits of AH III demonstrate that people used the site more intensively from ∼29–24,000 cal BP, leaving behind numerous stone artifacts, faunal remains, and complex combustion features. Despite the climatic fluctuations seen across this 15,000-year sequence, lithic technology remains attuned to one pattern: unidirectional reduction of small cores geared towards the production of bladelets for tool manufacture. Subsistence patterns also remain stable, focused on medium-sized prey such as ovids and caprids, as well as equids. AH III demonstrates an expansion of social networks to the northwest and southwest, as the transport distance of obsidian used to make stone artifacts increases. We also observe the addition of bone tools, including an eyed needle, and shell beads brought from the east, suggesting that these people manufactured complex clothing and wore ornaments. Remains of micromammals, birds, charcoal, pollen, and tephra relate the story of environmental variability. We hypothesize that UP behavior was linked to shifts in demographic pressures and climatic changes. Thus, by combining archaeological and environmental data, we gain a clearer picture about the first UP inhabitants of the Armenian Highlands

    A new primate assemblage from La Verrerie de Roches (Middle Eocene, Switzerland)

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    Primates reached a great abundance and diversity during the Eocene, favored by warm temperatures and by the development of dense forests throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Here we describe new primate material from La Verrerie de Roches, a Middle Eocene karstic infill situated in the Jura Region (Switzerland), consisting of more than 80 dental remains. The primate assemblage from La Verrerie de Roches includes five different taxa. The best represented primate is Necrolemur aff. anadoni, similar in size and overall morphology to Necrolemur anadoni but resembling in some features the younger species Necrolemur antiquus. Microchoerines are also represented by two species of Pseudoloris, P. pyrenaicus and Pseudoloris parvulus, constituting the unique joint record of these two species known up to now. Remains of Adapiformes are limited to one isolated tooth of a large anchomomyin and another tooth belonging to the small adapine Microadapis cf. sciureus. The studied primate association allows assigning La Verrerie de Roches to the Robiacian Land Mammal Age. More specifically, this site can be confidently situated between the MP15 and MP16 reference levels, although the primate assemblage probably indicates some degree of temporal mixing. This is the first record of P. pyrenaicus and a form closely related to N. anadoni out of the Iberian Peninsula. The identification of these microchoerines in Switzerland gives further support to the connection of NE Spain and Central Europe during the Middle Eocene

    El papel de las pequeñas presas en la dieta humana del Paleolítico medio y superior. Una visión diacrónica desde el valle del Ródano al arco mediterráneo.

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    La incorporació de petites preses a la dieta humana és un tema d’extens debat. Múltiples autors han intentat buscar una explicació sobre quan s’inicia la seva explotació sistemàtica i quines van ser les causes que incentivaren el seu consum regular, especialment a partir del Plistocè superior final. La present tesi doctoral pretén abordar aquestes qüestions a través de l’estudi diacrònic de cinc conjunts arqueològics amb presència de petites preses (lepòrids i aus): Payre, Abri des Pêcheurs, Grotte des Barasses II, la Cova de les Teixoneres i el Molí del Salt. Utilitzant mètodes d’anàlisi basats en la Zooarqueologia i la Tafonomia, les restes de petites preses recuperades han estat avaluades per poder evidenciar el grau d’intervenció humana i d’altres predadors en aquests emplaçaments i observar, així, possibles patrons en l’explotació d’aquests petits animals. Les dades obtingudes mostren que les condicions paleoecològiques i paleoambientals dels llocs estudiats jugaren un paper molt important en la representació de determinats taxons, i que els canvis ecològics succeïts al llarg del Plistocè superior podrien haver afectat les comunitats faunístiques, afavorint l’explotació de taxons que fins al moment eren menys utilitzats en la dieta regular, com les petites preses. No obstant, aquestes circumstàncies no són exclusives entre si, ja que altres factors com la temporalitat o estacionalitat de les ocupacions, la seva funcionalitat i objectius, les condicions locals de cada lloc, així com altres factors socio-culturals podrien també haver afectat a l’espectre dietètic amb independència de la seva cronologia.La incorporación de las pequeñas presas en la dieta humana es un tema de extenso debate. Múltiples autores han intentado buscar una explicación sobre cuándo se inició su explotación sistemática y cuáles fueron las causas que incentivaron su consumo regular, especialmente a partir del Pleistoceno superior final. La presente tesis doctoral pretende abordar estas cuestiones a través del estudio diacrónico de cinco conjuntos arqueológicos con presencia de pequeños animales (lepóridos y aves): Payre, Abri des Pêcheurs, Grotte des Barasses II, Cova de les Teixoneres y Molí del Salt. Utilizando métodos de análisis basados en la Zooarqueología y la Tafonomía, los restos de pequeñas presas recuperados han sido evaluados para poder evidenciar el grado de intervención humana y de otros predadores en estos emplazamientos y observar, así, posibles patrones en la explotación de estos pequeños animales. Los datos obtenidos muestran que las condiciones paleoecológicas y paleoambientales de cada lugar jugaron un papel importante en la representación de determinados taxones, y que los cambios ecológicos sucedidos a lo largo del Pleistoceno superior pudieron afectar a las comunidades faunísticas, favoreciendo la explotación de otros taxones que hasta el momento eran poco utilizados en la dieta regular, como las pequeñas presas. No obstante, estas circunstancias no son exclusivas entre sí, ya que otros factores como la temporalidad o estacionalidad de las ocupaciones, su funcionalidad y objetivos, las condiciones locales de cada sitio, así como otros factores socio-culturales podrían también afectar al espectro dietario con independencia de su cronología.The incorporation of small prey in human diets has been a wide topic of discussion. Multiple authors have attempted to identify when the systematic consumption of small prey began and to explain its regular intake, especially in the Late Upper Pleistocene. The present PhD thesis tackles these issues through the diachronic study of five archaeological assemblages containing small prey (leporids and birds): Payre, Abri des Pêcheurs, Grotte des Barasses II, Teixoneres Cave, and Molí del Salt. Using methods based on zooarchaeology and taphonomy, small prey remains were evaluated to demonstrate the involvement of human and non-human predators in these places and thereby to identify the possible exploitation patterns of small prey. The results show that ecology plays an important role in the representation of certain taxa and that the environmental changes during the Upper Pleistocene may have altered faunal populations, promoting the exploitation of other taxa that had previously been less significant to the human diet, such as small prey. However, these circumstances are not exclusive, because factors such as temporality or seasonality of occupation, functionality or objectives, local conditions, and other socio-cultural factors may have also affected the dietary spectrum independent of chronology

    New paroxyclaenid mammals from the early Eocene of the Paris Basin (France) shed light on the origin and evolution of these endemic European cimolestans

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    We present new species of an enigmatic family of mammals, which is endemic to Europe, the Paroxyclaenidae: Merialus bruneti sp. nov., Fratrodon tresvauxi gen. et sp. nov., Paraspaniella gunnelli gen. et sp. nov., and Sororodon tresvauxae gen. et sp. nov. The fossils described come from six localities of the Ypresian of the Paris Basin (France): Pourcy (MP7), Mutigny, Avenay, Condé-en-Brie (MP8 + 9), Grauves and Prémontré (MP10). They allow the description of three new genera and four new species belonging to the subfamilies Merialinae and Paroxyclaeninae. Two of these new species represent the earliest occurrence of each subfamily. Fossils from Mutigny, Avenay and Condé-en-Brie indicate that merialines were more abundant than paroxyclaenines during the Ypresian. Surprisingly, merialines disappeared from the fossil record at the end of the Ypresian – the youngest records are close to MP10 – while the paroxyclaenines were present in Europe until the end of the middle Eocene. Based on comparison with the data presently available for European mammals during the Ypresian, we suggest the existence of two periods of faunal turnover that must be more extensively studied in the future in order to be fully characterized: the ‘Intra-Ypresian Mammal Turnover’ and the ‘Ypresian–Lutetian Mammal Turnover’. Finally, because the oldest paroxyclaenids appear morphologically closer to cimolestids such as Procerberus than to pantolestans, it is suggested that similarities between paroxyclaenids and pantolestans could be due to convergence

    Paleontologia de mamíferos do Quaternário e depósitos em cavernas da região tropical do Brasil : avanços com a integração de informações dos fósseis e de seu contexto

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    O tema da presente tese é a paleontologia de mamíferos do Quaternário de depósitos em cavernas da região tropical do Brasil. A tese foi elaborada a partir de contribuições inéditas para a solução de questões de pesquisa sobre o seu tema. O problema abordado na tese é a restrição que a carência de dados sobre o contexto impõe às pesquisas que extrapolem a análise dos fósseis propriamente ditos. Para lidar com esse problema, são consideradas duas alternativas: i) a obtenção informações primárias sobre fósseis e seu contexto, através de escavações executadas com registro detalhado; e ii) o resgate de informações sobre o contexto de fósseis já depositados em coleções, através de dados secundários, revisitando os depósitos ou localidades e tentando datar os materiais. Nessa conjectura, a pergunta que a tese busca responder é: o que cada alternativa demandou e forneceu para a investigação de diversos aspectos dos mamíferos do Quaternário do Brasil? A obtenção da resposta para essa pergunta é o objetivo maior da tese, que inclui a produção de novos conhecimentos sobre a mastofauna do Quaternário e a caracterização de diferentes aspectos da referida fauna que viveu no país, a partir do estudo de seus fósseis e à luz de informações do contexto dos depósitos. Para responder a pergunta da tese foram elaborados três artigos. Nos dois primeiros, o potencial de cada alternativa é avaliado a partir da realização de um estudo de caso, efetivado conforme postulado na respectiva alternativa. No terceiro artigo, explora-se o potencial de aprofundamento de pesquisas que contam com informações detalhadas sobre o contexto dos fósseis. Os materiais considerados representam mamíferos de médio e grande porte (com peso corporal estimado em mais de 1kg), recuperados de depósitos da região de Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, e da Serra da Capivara, Piauí. Segundo as particularidades de cada depósito, foram realizadas descrições anatômicas, modificações da nomenclatura taxonômica, interpretações bioestratinômicas e diagenéticas, avaliações cronológicas e inferências paleoecológicas. Com isso, foi possível complementar o conhecimento sobre aspectos tradicionalmente abordados por pesquisas prévias e promover o desenvolvimento daqueles menos investigados. Escavações detalhadas (primeira alternativa) oferecem uma série de benefícios para um amplo entendimento do conteúdo dos depósitos fossilíferos; enquanto que tentativas de resgatar informações de contexto (segunda alternativa) podem oferecer resultados satisfatórios em alguns casos, mas de forma circunscrita e sujeita a ressalvas.The central theme of this thesis is the palaeontology of Quaternary mammals from cave deposits in the tropical region of Brazil. The thesis was elaborated from a set of new contributions to the solution of research questions about its central theme. The problem addressed in the thesis is the restriction that the lack of data on the context imposes to research that extrapolates the analysis of the fossils themselves. To deal with this problem two alternatives are considered: i) to obtain primary information about fossils and their context, through excavations executed with a detailed record; and ii) to retrieve information about the context of fossils already deposited in collections, through secondary data, revisiting the deposits or localities and trying to date the materials. In this conjecture, the question that the thesis seeks to answer is: what did each alternative demand and provide for the investigation of several aspects of the Quaternary mammals from Brazil? Obtaining the answer to this question is the main objective of the thesis, which includes the production of new knowledge about the Quaternary mastofauna and the characterization of different aspects of the fauna that lived in the country, from the study of its fossils under the light of the deposits context. In order to answer the thesis question, three articles were written. In the first two, the potential of each alternative is evaluated based on the accomplishment of a case study, fulfilled as postulated in the respective alternative. In the third article, the potential of deepening of researches with detailed information about the context of the fossils is explored. The materials considered represent medium- and large-sized mammals (estimated body weight over 1kg), recovered from deposits in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, and Serra da Capivara, Piauí. According to the particularities of each deposit, anatomical descriptions, taxonomic modifications, bioestratinomic and diagenetic interpretations, chronological assessments and paleoecological inferences were made. Therefore, it was possible to complement the knowledge about aspects traditionally addressed by previous research and to promote the development of those less investigated. Detailed excavations (first alternative) offer a number of benefits for a broad understanding of the contents of deposits, while attempts to retrieve context information (second alternative) may provide satisfactory results in some cases, but in a circumscribed manner subject to caveats

    Morphological And Morphometric Variations In Middle And Late Pleistocene Microtus Arvalis And Microtus Agrestis Populations: Chronological Insight, Evolutionary Trends And Palaeoclimatic And Palaeoenvironmental Inferences

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    Per aquesta tesi doctoral, les poblacions de M. arvalis i M. agrestis procedents de 13 jaciments de la Península Ibèrica, 14 de la Península italiana, nou de la Conca dels Càrpats, tres de Croàcia i dos de Bèlgica han estat analitzats des d'un punt de vista morfològic i morfomètric. Aquest estudi s'ha realitzat per tal d' accentuar similituds i diferències entre les poblacions d'ambdós especies, possibles patrons d'evolució comuns i la influència de les condicions climàtiques i ambientals sobre les seves variacions poblacionals. Comparant material de diferents cronologies i diferents procedències geogràfiques, s'han pogut refinar les atribucions cronològiques dels jaciments paleontològics i arqueològics de la regió mediterrània i identificar llinatges divergents, signes inicials d'especiació, esdeveniments de migració i desplaçament de poblacions. A més, es proposa l'ús d'un nou índex, Lagr / Larv, per quantificar les variacions entre si en la talla de M. agrestis i M. arvalis. Aquest índex ha demostrat ser un excel·lent indicador del nivell general d'humitat i permet detectar oscil·lacions i variacions en les condicions ambientals en l'entorn d'un jaciment determinat.Para esta tesis doctoral, las poblaciones de M. arvalis y M. agrestis del Pleistoceno Medio y Superior procedentes de 13 yacimientos de la Península Ibérica, 14 de la Península Italiana, nueve de la Cuenca de los Cárpatos, tres de Croacia y dos de Bélgica han sido analizadas desde una perspectiva morfológica y desde un punto de vista morfométrico. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo con la finalidad de destacar las similitudes y diferencias entre las diferentes poblaciones de ambas especies, posibles patrones comunes de evolución y la influencia de las condiciones climáticas y ambientales en sus variaciones poblacionales. Comparando material de diferentes cronologías y diferente procedencia geográfica, ha sido posible refinar las atribuciones cronológicas de los yacimientos paleontológicos y arqueológicos de la región mediterránea e identificar linajes divergentes, muestras tempranas de especiación, eventos de migración y desplazamiento de poblaciones. Además, proponemos el uso de un nuevo índice, Lagr / Larv, para cuantificar las variaciones entre sí del tamaño de M. agrestis y M. arvalis. Este índice ha demostrado ser un excelente indicador del nivel general de humedad y, permite detectar oscilaciones y variaciones en las condiciones ambientales en los alrededores de un yacimiento determinado.For this PhD thesis, Middle and Late Pleistocene populations of M. arvalis and M. agrestis coming from 13 sites of the Iberian Peninsula,14 sites of the Italian Peninsula, nine of the Carpathian Basin, three of Croatia and two of Belgium were analysed from a morphological and morphometric point of view, in order to underlie similarities and differences among them, possible common patterns of evolution and the influence of climatic and environmental conditions on their variations. Comparing samples from different chronologies and different geographic provenance, it was possible to refine the chronological attributions of palaeontological and archaeological sites of the Mediterranean region and to identify divergent lineages, early signs of speciation, immigration events and displacement of populations. Furthermore, we propose the use of a new index, Lagr/Larv, to quantify the variations in size of M. agrestis and M. arvalis in relation to each other. This index proved to be an excellent indicator of the general humidity level and allow to detect oscillations and variations in the environmental conditions in the surroundings of a given sites