311 research outputs found

    Large Scale Comparative Codon-Pair Context Analysis Unveils General Rules that Fine-Tune Evolution of mRNA Primary Structure

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    BACKGROUND: Codon usage and codon-pair context are important gene primary structure features that influence mRNA decoding fidelity. In order to identify general rules that shape codon-pair context and minimize mRNA decoding error, we have carried out a large scale comparative codon-pair context analysis of 119 fully sequenced genomes. METHODOLOGIES/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have developed mathematical and software tools for large scale comparative codon-pair context analysis. These methodologies unveiled general and species specific codon-pair context rules that govern evolution of mRNAs in the 3 domains of life. We show that evolution of bacterial and archeal mRNA primary structure is mainly dependent on constraints imposed by the translational machinery, while in eukaryotes DNA methylation and tri-nucleotide repeats impose strong biases on codon-pair context. CONCLUSIONS: The data highlight fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic mRNA decoding rules, which are partially independent of codon usage

    Therapeutic communication between health workers and patients concerning diabetes mellitus care

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    The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze therapeutic communication techniques used by health workers with patients under care for diabetes mellitus. Data were collected in 2010 in a public facility in the interior of Ceará, Brazil using video camera equipment and direct observation. Results showed that the most frequently used techniques within the "expression" group were: asking questions, voicing interest, and using descriptive phrases. The most frequently used technique within the "clarification" group was: asking the patient to specify the agent of action. Finally, in regard to the "validation" group, only the technique "summarizing content of the interaction" was employed. The conclusion is that despite the use of communication techniques on the part of professionals, there is still an alarming gap concerning communication skills. Such skills should be allied with technical expertise to enable the delivery of qualified care to individuals with diabetes mellitus.Este estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo analizar las técnicas de comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitus. Los datos se recogieron en una institución pública de Ceará-Brasil, en 2010, con equipos de video y observación directa. Los resultados mostraron que las técnicas del grupo de expresión más utilizadas fueron: hacer preguntas, expresar interés y usar frases descriptivas. Con relación a las del grupo de clarificación sobresalió solicitar al paciente que necesite el agente de la acción. Con relación a las de validación, apenas se utilizó las de organizar el contenido de la interacción. Se concluye que a pesar del uso de técnicas de comunicación por los profesionales, aun es preocupante la laguna con relación a la habilidad en comunicación, que debe ser aliada a la capacidad técnica, para así propiciar el cuidado calificado a las personas con diabetes mellitus.Objetivou-se, por este estudo transversal, analisar as técnicas de comunicação terapêutica entre profissionais e pacientes na atenção em diabetes mellitus. Os dados foram coletados em uma instituição pública de um município no interior do Ceará, Brasil, em 2010, por meio de equipamentos de vídeo e observação direta. Os resultados mostraram que as técnicas do grupo de expressão mais utilizadas foram: fazer perguntas, verbalizar interesse e usar frases descritivas. Quanto às do grupo de clarificação, sobressaiu solicitar ao paciente que precise o agente da ação. Em relação às de validação, apenas foi utilizada a técnica de sumarizar o conteúdo da interação. Conclui-se que, apesar do emprego de técnicas comunicacionais pelos profissionais, ainda é preocupante a lacuna referente à habilidade em comunicação, a qual deve ser aliada à competência técnica, para assim propiciar o cuidado qualificado às pessoas com diabetes mellitus

    Saposin C Coupled Lipid Nanovesicles Specifically Target Arthritic Mouse Joints for Optical Imaging of Disease Severity

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting approximately 1% of the population and is characterized by cartilage and bone destruction ultimately leading to loss of joint function. Early detection and intervention of disease provides the best hope for successful treatment and preservation of joint mobility and function. Reliable and non-invasive techniques that accurately measure arthritic disease onset and progression are lacking. We recently developed a novel agent, SapC-DOPS, which is composed of the membrane-associated lysosomal protein saposin C (SapC) incorporated into 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DOPS) lipid nanovesicles. SapC-DOPS has a high fusogenic affinity for phosphatidylserine-enriched microdomains on surfaces of target cell membranes. Incorporation of a far-red fluorophore, CellVue Maroon (CVM), into the nanovesicles allows for in vivo non-invasive visualization of the agent in targeted tissue. Given that phosphatidylserine is present only on the inner leaflet of healthy plasma membranes but is “flipped” to the outer leaflet upon cell damage, we hypothesized that SapC-DOPS would target tissue damage associated with inflammatory arthritis due to local surface-exposure of phosphatidylserine. Optical imaging with SapC-DOPS-CVM in two distinct models of arthritis, serum-transfer arthritis (e.g., K/BxN) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) revealed robust SapC-DOPS-CVM specific localization to arthritic paws and joints in live animals. Importantly, intensity of localized fluorescent signal correlated with macroscopic arthritic disease severity and increased with disease progression. Flow cytometry of cells extracted from arthritic joints demonstrated that SapC-DOPS-CVM localized to an average of 7–8% of total joint cells and primarily to CD11b+Gr-1+ cells. Results from the current studies strongly support the application of SapC-DOPS-CVM for advanced clinical and research applications including: detecting early arthritis onset, assessing disease progression real-time in live subjects, and providing novel information regarding cell types that may mediate arthritis progression within joints

    The Bacterium Endosymbiont of Crithidia deanei Undergoes Coordinated Division with the Host Cell Nucleus

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    In trypanosomatids, cell division involves morphological changes and requires coordinated replication and segregation of the nucleus, kinetoplast and flagellum. In endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids, like Crithidia deanei, this process is more complex, as each daughter cell contains only a single symbiotic bacterium, indicating that the prokaryote must replicate synchronically with the host protozoan. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy combined with three-dimensional reconstruction approaches to observe the endosymbiont shape and division during C. deanei cell cycle. We found that the bacterium replicates before the basal body and kinetoplast segregations and that the nucleus is the last organelle to divide, before cytokinesis. In addition, the endosymbiont is usually found close to the host cell nucleus, presenting different shapes during the protozoan cell cycle. Considering that the endosymbiosis in trypanosomatids is a mutualistic relationship, which resembles organelle acquisition during evolution, these findings establish an excellent model for the understanding of mechanisms related with the establishment of organelles in eukaryotic cells

    Synonymous Codon Ordering: A Subtle but Prevalent Strategy of Bacteria to Improve Translational Efficiency

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    Background: In yeast coding sequences, once a particular codon has been used, subsequent occurrence of the same amino acid tends to use codons sharing the same tRNA. Such a phenomenon of co-tRNA codons pairing bias (CTCPB) is also found in some other eukaryotes but it is not known whether it occurs in prokaryotes. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we focused on a total of 773 bacterial genomes to investigate their synonymous codon pairing preferences. After calculating the actual frequencies of synonymous codon pairs and comparing them with their expected values, we detected an obvious pairing bias towards identical codon pairs. This seems consistent with the previously reported CTCPB phenomenon, since identical codons are certainly read by the same tRNA. However, among co-tRNA but non-identical codon pairs, only 22 were often found overrepresented, suggesting that many co-tRNA codons actually do not preferentially pair together in prokaryotes. Therefore, the previously reported co-tRNA codons pairing rule needs to be more rigorously defined. The affinity differences between a tRNA anticodon and its readable codons should be taken into account. Moreover, both within-gene-shuffling tests and phylogenetic analyses support the idea that translational selection played an important role in shaping the observed synonymous codon pairing pattern in prokaryotes. Conclusions: Overall, a high level of synonymous codon pairing bias was detected in 73 % investigated bacterial species

    Climate-driven range extension of Amphistegina (protista, foraminiferida) : models of current and predicted future ranges

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e54443, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054443.Species-range expansions are a predicted and realized consequence of global climate change. Climate warming and the poleward widening of the tropical belt have induced range shifts in a variety of marine and terrestrial species. Range expansions may have broad implications on native biota and ecosystem functioning as shifting species may perturb recipient communities. Larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera constitute ubiquitous and prominent components of shallow water ecosystems, and range shifts of these important protists are likely to trigger changes in ecosystem functioning. We have used historical and newly acquired occurrence records to compute current range shifts of Amphistegina spp., a larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera, along the eastern coastline of Africa and compare them to analogous range shifts currently observed in the Mediterranean Sea. The study provides new evidence that amphisteginid foraminifera are rapidly progressing southwestward, closely approaching Port Edward (South Africa) at 31°S. To project future species distributions, we applied a species distribution model (SDM) based on ecological niche constraints of current distribution ranges. Our model indicates that further warming is likely to cause a continued range extension, and predicts dispersal along nearly the entire southeastern coast of Africa. The average rates of amphisteginid range shift were computed between 8 and 2.7 km year−1, and are projected to lead to a total southward range expansion of 267 km, or 2.4° latitude, in the year 2100. Our results corroborate findings from the fossil record that some larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera cope well with rising water temperatures and are beneficiaries of global climate change.This work was supported by grants from the German Science Foundation (DFG; www.dfg.de) to ML and SL (LA 884/10-1, LA 884/5-1)

    Signal transduction underlying the control of urinary bladder smooth muscle tone by muscarinic receptors and β-adrenoceptors

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    The normal physiological contraction of the urinary bladder, which is required for voiding, is predominantly mediated by muscarinic receptors, primarily the M3 subtype, with the M2 subtype providing a secondary backup role. Bladder relaxation, which is required for urine storage, is mediated by β-adrenoceptors, in most species involving a strong β3-component. An excessive stimulation of contraction or a reduced relaxation of the detrusor smooth muscle during the storage phase of the micturition cycle may contribute to bladder dysfunction known as the overactive bladder. Therefore, interference with the signal transduction of these receptors may be a viable approach to develop drugs for the treatment of overactive bladder. The prototypical signaling pathway of M3 receptors is activation of phospholipase C (PLC), and this pathway is also activated in the bladder. Nevertheless, PLC apparently contributes only in a very minor way to bladder contraction. Rather, muscarinic-receptor-mediated bladder contraction involves voltage-operated Ca2+ channels and Rho kinase. The prototypical signaling pathway of β-adrenoceptors is an activation of adenylyl cyclase with the subsequent formation of cAMP. Nevertheless, cAMP apparently contributes in a minor way only to β-adrenoceptor-mediated bladder relaxation. BKCa channels may play a greater role in β-adrenoceptor-mediated bladder relaxation. We conclude that apart from muscarinic receptor antagonists and β-adrenoceptor agonists, inhibitors of Rho kinase and activators of BKCa channels may have potential to treat an overactive bladder