973 research outputs found

    De Maastricht a Nice

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    Este texto analisa três períodos do processo de integração europeia. Começa pelo Tratado de Maastricht – que retoma o voluntarismo dos fundadores da Europa, instituindo uma União Europeia, completada por uma Política Externa e de Segurança Comum e pela Política de Cooperação no domínio da Justiça e Assuntos Internos e que cria a União Económica e Monetária, velha aspiração da Comunidade. Aborda o Tratado de Amsterdão que reforça a garantia dos direitos fundamentais e o poder do Parlamento Europeu, introduzindo, ainda, a figura das cooperações reforçadas – garantindo uma maior eficácia, transparência e democraticidade do processo decisório. Termina com o Tratado de Nice que resolve as questões institucionais pendentes de Amsterdão, no que se refere à ponderação de votos, definição da maioria qualificada no Conselho, repartição de lugares no PE e composição da Comissão. Maastricht foi o primeiro tempo de uma agenda europeia marcada pela interdependência dos problemas, num cenário caracterizado por uma globalização crescente, pela concorrência entre pólos e por uma nova geoestratégia criada pela queda dos regimes de Leste. Amsterdão é um Tratado de meio percurso que desenvolve Maastricht e prepara a reforma de Nice. É este último Tratado que completa um ciclo de aprofundamento do processo de integração, preparando, simultaneamente, a União para o próximo alargamento

    Vista Alegre Atlantis investment committee paper - capital structure

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    The proposed Investment Committee Paper is intended for academic purposes only. The project aims to study a private equity deal using a Leveraged Buyout (LBO) for Vista Alegre Atlantis (VAA), a market leader in the ceramic and glass tableware sector. Our goal is to understand how the LBO could be structured, what returns it could provide, and what exit strategies can be pursued. In addition, we will focus on analysing and forecasting the business plan and defining the optimal capital structure. The conclusion is that VAA is an attractive investment opportunity, able to leverage the market's growth

    Decavanadate as a biochemical tool in the elucidation of muscle contraction regulation

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    Recently reported decameric vanadate (V10) high affinity binding site in myosin S1, suggests that it can be used as a tool in the muscle contraction regulation. In the present article, it is shown that V10 species induces myosin S1 cleavage, upon irradiation, at the 23 and 74 kDa sites, the latter being prevented by actin and the former blocked by the presence of ATP. Identical cleavage patterns were found for meta- and decavanadate solutions, indicating that V10 and tetrameric vanadate (V4) have the same binding sites in myosin S1. Concentrations as low as 50 lM decavanadate (5 lM V10 species) induces 30% of protein cleavage, whereas 500 lM metavanadate is needed to attain the same extent of cleavage. After irradiation, V10 species is rapidly decomposed, upon protein addition, forming vanadyl (V4+) species during the process. It was also observed by NMR line broadening experiments that, V10 competes with V4 for the myosin S1 binding sites, having a higher affinity. In addition, V4 interaction with myosin S1 is highly affected by the products release during ATP hydrolysis in the presence or absence of actin, whereas V10 appears to be affected at a much lower extent. From these results it is proposed that the binding of vanadate oligomers to myosin S1 at the phosphate loop (23 kDa site) is probably the cause of the actin stimulated myosin ATPase inhibition by the prevention of ATP/ADP exchange, and that this interaction is favoured for higher vanadate anions, such as V10

    Na saúde a palavra mediática não é dos doentes

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    Publicado em "Comunicação política e económica : dimensões cognitivas e discursivas"Health in general and disease in particular, constitute themselves as a part of the print news production in this field and that has been growing in recent years in Portugal. Taking as reference four years 2008- 2011, and as sample all editions of the Expresso, Publico and Jornal de Notícias, i.e., 6305 news articles, we wanted to know who appears in the news of these newspaper articles, paying special attention to the presence of the common citizen, in particular when it assumes the status of a patient or patient family. When speaking of health, or illness, do journalists make room for those who are a major target of their texts? This is the main question that guides our work. The growth of health information seems to be related, on the one hand, with a greater availability of health professionals meeting the demands of journalistic work and, secondly, with a strengthening of marketing activities and strategic communication promoted by health workers, including the processes of press officers. This trend favours the gradual visibility of organized sources, neglecting in a consequent way those who, with a relevant speech to include in journalistic discourse on health, are dispersed. The need to find accessible, credible and reliable sources leads journalists to find sources on governmental institutions that provide health, the so-called organized or official sources. Hence, dangers may arise (homogeneity of topics, angles and interlocutors that are perpetuated in the media stage) due to a professionalization of press officers that keep these sources impossible to avoid. According to our study, less than 4% of all used sources are patients or their respective families. When the patient is a news source, journalists prioritize topics like portraits of situation or clinical practices to the detriment of health policies, which, in a general, are the predominant theme.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A indústria farmacêutica na imprensa portuguesa: uma assessoria de “Low Profile”?

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    The research project “Disease in the news” (FCT) has been constituted as an observatory of media information on health, produced in Portugal since 2008. In this context, we have undertaken a systematic study of the work of the institutional sources of the health sector, the promotion of information to citizen by the media. This study includes an examination of journalistic texts produced by three national newspapers – Expresso, Público and Jornal de Notícias – and a direct contact with healthcare organizations identified as media sources. For this research, we analyse the presence of the pharmaceutical industry in the national press, looking for more clues about the role of the organizations in the health sector when delivering information to the public – through the media – and, consequently, in health promotion. This work has some theoretical references: the area of health communication and health promotion, and the organizational communication and public relations. Previous research had focused on a study of more visible journalistic sources (clearly, official sources; Lopes et al. 2011). It was time to examine the marginal presences. The pharmaceutical industry is one of these cases, despite having organized and highly experienced communication structures. In this context, we decided to investigate how to draw the advice “low profile” of pharmaceutical companies, in Portugal, from: (1) a quantitative analysis of journalistic texts (found in the paper above) (2) a analysis content to those same texts, and (3) interviews with the communication departments of pharmaceutical companies. We start the investigation of a corpus of 289 newspaper articles, with references to pharmaceutical companies practices (representing only 4.6% of total health texts published during the study period – 2008-2011).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/CCI-COM/103886/2008, projeto “A Doença em Notícia” - (PTDC/CCI-COM/103886/2008)Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN)Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (COMPETE) - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009064)


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    Objetivo: analisar a percepção de pacientes e enfermeiras quanto ao uso do Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (PICC) na assistência ambulatorial. Método: estudo exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, baseado no modelo de adaptação de Callista Roy, a partir de entrevistas realizadas em hospital público de ensino em cardiologia localizado em São Paulo, Brasil, com pacientes em uso de PICC e enfermeiras. Resultados: após transcrição das entrevistas, realizou-se a análise de conteúdo e construíram-se as categorias temáticas de cuidado no cotidiano; riscos a funcionalidade e permanência do cateter; longitudinalidade do cuidado para enfermeiras; alívio de dor do paciente; repercussões do uso prolongado do cateter. Considerações finais: a durabilidade do cateter depende da valorização do cuidado e orientações fornecidas aos pacientes e enfermeiros dos serviços de contra referência. Os relatos obtidos quanto à adaptação ao uso extra-hospitalar do PICC permitirão rever estratégias conjuntas de monitoramento e manejo. Descritores: Cateter. Enfermagem Domiciliar. Assistência Centrada no Paciente. Autocuidado. Assistência Ambulatorial

    Uma análise da sstratégia de actores: estudos das dinâmicas de mudança na Zona Oeste

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    A análise da estratégia de actores é uma das etapas da metodologia prospectiva, conhecida por Método dos Cenários; esta metodologia foi aplicada na Zona Oeste. Da análise das estratégias dos actores envolvidos e das suas relações de força detectam-se os gérmens de mudança e as questões-chave para o futuro de forma a desenhar os cenários possíveis. É um método que incorpora informação qualitativa a par da quantitativa, e que tem sido aplicado com sucesso como ferramenta de apoio à decisão. O presente artigo tem por objecto a apresentação do método da Estratégia de Actores que incorpora elementos de diferentes metodologias: a Análise de Conteúdo, o método MACTOR (Método ACTores, Objectivos; Relações de força) (Godet, Michel: 1993), e a análise de "clusters". Apresentaremos o método MACTOR e as extensões propostas, assim como os resultados obtidos na análise das dinâmicas de mudança no Oeste.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaDGOTDU - Direcção Geral do Ordenamento do Território e Desenvolvimento UrbanoREFER EPCâmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultur


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