4 research outputs found

    Políticas Públicas e o Investimento Direto Estrangeiro no Brasil

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    Purpose of the study: To analyze the effects of the public policies carried out by the Brazilian government on the attraction of foreign direct investment.Methodology/approach: Exploratory and quantitative study uses of multiple linear regression models.Originality / Relevance: In this study we show the political-economics influences on foreign investment strategies, pointing out which policies have affected the attraction of FDI in Brazil.Main Results: The results show that the Plano Real, COPOM and PAC were the most successful public policies on attracting foreign direct investment in the period of the study.Theoretical / methodological contributions: Public policies influence foreign investment in Brazil. Specifically, the study shows that policies aimed at economic and institutional stability are the most important factors for attracting FDI.Keywords: Institutions. Brazilian Public Policy. FDIObjetivo do estudo: Analisar os efeitos das políticas públicas realizadas pelo governo Brasileiro na atração de investimento direto estrangeiro. Metodologia/abordagem: Estudo exploratório e quantitativo, que utiliza de regressão linear múltipla. Originalidade/Relevância: Este estudo evidencia as influências político-econômicas nas estratégias de investimento estrangeiro, determinando quais as políticas que impactaram na atração do IDE no Brasil. Principais Resultados: Os resultados apontam que o Plano Real, o COPOM e o PAC foram as políticas públicas com maior sucesso na atração de investimento direto estrangeiro, no período estudado. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: O estudo apresenta quais as políticas públicas que influenciaram no investimento estrangeiro no Brasil. Em específico, o estudo mostra que políticas voltadas à estabilidade econômica e institucional são as mais importantes para a atração de IDE.

    Geopolitics of the digital economy: Implications for states and firms

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    The lack of boundaries in cyberspace contributes to geopolitical disputes, as data and technology are weaponized across borders, and hacking of critical infrastructure becomes pervasive. But we lack a framework for understanding the tangible impact of geopolitical tensions and digital proxy conflict on states and firms. We argue that governments and companies can gain insights into these tensions by examining who controls the main structural power pillars of the international political economy: production, security, knowledge, and finance. Based on this approach, we consider how policymakers and practitioners can engage and navigate digital geopolitics in an age of uncertainty

    Do institutional distances influence south-south cross-border acquisitions?

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    Different countries have different institutional environments. In this way, multinational companies must deal with the difficulties imposed by the differences between their home environment and that of the country where they are inserted. In this article, we analyze the effects of institutional distance on South-South acquisitions. Specifically, we analyze the effect of institutional distance on the amount of participation chosen in Latin American international acquisitions in Brazil. More specifically, the effect of institutional distance is analyzed through the percentage of shares acquired in international acquisitions. Our results contribute to the theory in international business because it explains why Latin American companies prefer to make total acquisitions even in situations of high institutional distances

    How institutions shape uncertainty and risk

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    Purpose: The study proposes a conceptual framework on how institutions influence risk and uncertainty. Beyond the nuances in defining the concepts in the existing literature, the role of institutions in shaping risks and uncertainties remains understudied. This paper adopts the new institutional economics (NIE) perspective to revisit the concepts of risk and uncertainty and provide a deeper reflection about its interactions with formal and informal institutions. Method: Our conceptual model is based on four propositions that support a theoretical explanation about the relationships between institutions and uncertainties, institutions and risks, and uncertainties and risks. Findings: While formal institutions have a primary role in reducing uncertainties, informal institutions can be seen as a source of risk. These findings imply firms’ strategic decisions. In this regard, we also provide a research agenda for future empirical studies in the area. Originality/value: The study highlights the importance of institutions for companies to deal with risk and uncertainties. The institutions have a primary role in defining the “known part” of the uncertainty, allowing the companies to evaluate the different scenarios for decision-making. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: This study differentiates risk and uncertainty interaction according to institutional theory. Additionally, we offer an academic discussion of how formal and informal institutions can shape risks and uncertainties