129 research outputs found

    Primeiro registro do nematoide Physaloptera praeputialis parasitando puma

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    Physaloptera praeputialis is a ubiquitous nematode with an indirect life cycle which has orthopterans and coleopterans as intermediate hosts, and amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as definitive hosts. Its adult forms feed on blood and colonize the esophagus, the gastric mucosa, and the small intestine. Although the existence of records at others wild carnivores, this is the first report of P. praeputialis in Puma yagouaroundi, which was picked up dead from a roadkill in Passo dos Fernandes, between Lages and São José do Cerrito, in the highland region of southern Brazil.Keywords: Spirurida, parasitic helminths, feline, digestive tract, Brazil.Physaloptera praeputialis é um nematoide cosmopolita com ciclo de vida indireto, cujos hospedeiros intermediários são ortópteros e coleópteros, e cujos hospedeiros definitivos são anfíbios, répteis, pássaros e mamíferos. Os parasitos adultos são hematófagos e vivem no esôfago, na mucosa estomacal e no intestino delgado. Embora existam registros em outros carnívoros selvagens, este relato documenta a primeira ocorrência de P. praeputialis parasitando Puma yagouaroundi, o qual foi resgatado sem vida em Passo dos Fernandes, entre Lages e São José do Cerrito, na região serrana do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil.Palavras-chave: Spirurida, helmintos parasitos, felino, tubo digestivo, Brasil


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    This study aims to report the incidence of Calodium hepaticum among dogs and cats, pets or stray animals, captured by the Zoonosis Control Center (CCZ) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Fecal samples from 108 pet dogs and eight pet cats, and from 357 stray dogs and 97 stray cats, captured by CCZ, were analyzed within the period from July 2010 to November 2012. Coproparasitological exams were performed by techniques of sedimentation, centrifuge-flotation, and simple flotation. Among 465 fecal samples from dogs and 105 from cats, the overall spurious infections for C. hepaticum eggs were 1.05%. For dogs, this positivity was 0.43% and for cats it was 3.81%. The two positive dogs were stray and out of the four cats, three were stray and one was a pet. Although the occurrence of C. hepaticum eggs was low, these data reveal the existence of infected rodents, especially in public places, since, out of the six infected animals, five (83.33%) were stray. These results are discussed and analyzed with an emphasis on the risk to public health

    Indirect GHG emissions in hydropower plants: a review focused on the uncertainty factors in LCA studies

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    Although Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is standardized, there is a wide range of approaches and discussions of the methodology evaluating of environmental impacts in different contexts in energy production. This review aims to present some findings, and highlight and discuss factors that influence the Life cycle Assessments (LCAs) of Hydropower Plants (HPPs) such as: indirect emissions; different stages of HPPs (construction, operation and decommissioning), the scale/productivity of HPPs; types of projects (reservoir and run-of-river), and land use. This study presents the comparison of different energy sources through the LCA and the comparison between several HPP with their different characteristics. Most of the results obtained by HPP LCAs indicate that the construction phase is the most influential phase for indirect emissions due to the use of steel and concrete. There is an important relationship between impact and production, since plants with higher productivity will have their impacts diluted during their lifetime. The comparison of the LCA results of HPPs with the LCA of other energy sources indicates that, for the category analyzed (Global Warming Potential- GWP), HPPs have a good environmental performance considering the emissions quantified. The object of this study is indirect emissions and not direct emissions, which are important, but require another approach.  This review also indicates some uncertainties related to the LCA of the HPPs and the need to conduct future studies on the environmental impacts of UHEs. We also present suggestions that should contribute to improve the use of the LCA methodology


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    Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa é o agente etiológico da fagicolose humana, uma zoonose. Os mugilídeos são considerados os segundos hospedeiros intermediários do digenético A. (P.) longa, sendo que o primeiro é o caracol Cochliopidae Heleobia australis. Já foram relatadas prevalências de até 100% de cistos contendo metacercárias de A. (P.) longa, no litoral brasileiro, em Mugil liza, peixes conhecidos como tainhas e amplamente utilizados no consumo humano. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a taxa de prevalência de cistos de metacercárias de A. (P) longa em mugilídeos, provenientes da Baía da Babitonga, litoral Norte do estado de Santa Catarina. Um total de 119 mugilídeos, sendo 79 espécimes de M. curema e 40 M. liza, foram adquiridos de pescadores locais, na Baía da Babitonga, no período de novembro de 2015 a outubro de 2017. Amostras de tecido muscular edo fígado de cada peixe foram coletadas para análise parasitológica. As amostras foram fragmentadas em liquidificador, o conteúdo diluído em água foi tamizado e o sedimento analisado em microscópio estereoscópico para pesquisa de cistos de metacercárias de A. (P.) longa. Os resultados indicaram uma prevalência de 87,34% e 100% de A. (P.) longa em mugilídeos da Baía da Babitonga para M. curema e para M. liza, respectivamente. Devido ao risco zoonótico, é recomendado o uso de congelamento ou calor antes do consumo

    Enteroparasitas em alfaces (Lactuca sativa) comercializadas na cidade de Guarapuava (PR)Enteroparasites on commercial lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in Guarapuava City, Paraná State

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    O consumo de hortaliças cruas constitui importante meio de transmissão de enteroparasitoses. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a contaminação parasitária em alfaces (Lactuca sativa) comercializadas na cidade de Guarapuava (PR). No período de julho/2005 a junho/2006, 52 supermercados foram visitados, com colheita de um pé de alface. A análise parasitológica foi realizada após duas lavagens, filtragem em gaze e sedimentação. O sedimento, corado pelo lugol, foi analisado microscopicamente por exame direto e após centrífugo-flutuação em sulfato de zinco. Das 52 amostras de alface avaliadas, 18 (34,6%) apresentaram uma ou mais estruturas parasitárias como cistos de Giardia spp. (7,7%), de Entamoeba spp. (11,5%) e de Balantidium coli (3,8%), oocistos de coccídios (7,7%) e ovos de Capillaria spp. (3,8%). Esse alto número de amostras contaminadas aponta deficiências na cadeia produtiva dessas hortaliças, indicando a necessidade de adequada higienização antes de seu consumo.Palavras-chave: alface; enteroparasitoses; helmintos; protozoários. AbstractThe ingestion of raw vegetables is an important mode of enteroparasites transmission. The aim of this study was to evaluate the parasitological contamination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) commercialized in Guarapuava City, Parana State. Fifty-two samples of lettuce were collected from supermarkets during the period of July 2005 and June 2006. Parasitological analysis was realized by the sedimentation technique. Lugol-stained sediments were microscopically analyzed by direct exam and after centrifugation-fluctuation in zinc sulfate. A total of 18 out of 52 lettuce samples analyzed (34.6%) were positive for one or more parasitic structures. The parasites found in the analysis were Giardia spp. (7.7%), Entamoeba spp. (11.5%), Balantidium coli (3.8%), coccidian oocysts (7.7%) and Capillaria spp. eggs (3.8%). Such high occurrence of contaminated samples revealed deficiencies in the chain of lettuce cultivation, which suggests a need for improvement in the current hygienic conditions before consumption.Key words: lettuce; enteroparasites; helminthes; protozoas


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    Afecções podais são relativamente comuns em bovinos, principalmente em rebanhos leiteiros. São de difícil e oneroso tratamento. Causam claudicação, desconforto, dor e perdas econômicas. Podem ter origem exógena, por evolução de infecções nos dígitos e anexos e por traumas penetrantes.Fatores endógenos, pós mastites e afecções do útero, também podem evoluir para podopatias. Relata-se um caso de infecção na articulação interfalangeana distal numa fêmea bovina, raça charolesa, com três anos de idade, com histórico de claudicação crônica, atendida na Clínica Escola da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste UNICENTRO, apresentando sinais clínicos de artrite interfalangeana distal séptica. As técnicas utilizadas no estabelecimento do diagnóstico e a terapêutica abordada são descritas. O caso serve de alerta para o estabelecimento de estratégias a fim de evitar podopatias em bovinos.ABSTRACT Feet diseases infections are relatively common in cattle, especially in dairy cattle. Many of these infections require a careful and expensive treatment. They cause lameness, discomfort, pain and economic losses. They can have an exogenous origin, due to the evolution of infections in the digits and annexes and due to pervasive traumas. Endogenous factors, postmastitis and uterus infections can also progress to feet diseases. In this article, it is described a case of infection in the interphalangeal distal articulation septical arthritis in a three-year old female bovine, from the Charolais breed, with a chronic infection history, attended in the school clinic of the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste UNICENTRO, showing clinical signs of interphalangeal distal skeptical arthritis. The techniques used in the establishment of the diagnosis and in the therapy are also described. The case serves as an alert for the establishment of strategies in order to prevent feet diseases in bovines

    Comparison Between Three Methods to Monitor Reservoir Extension in the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region

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    The State of Pernambuco covers an extensive semi-arid area where the Caatinga biome dominates. This region is characterized by long periods of drought, highlighting the need for water resource optimization. This paper aimed to compare three methods to assess reservoir changes: MapBiomas' products, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Initially, we obtained the monthly precipitation from 1987 to 2019 and calculated the yearly accumulation. Mapbiomas, Landsat 7 ETM, and Landsat 8 OLI data from 2012-2018 were accessed and processed using the Google Earth Engine platform. We obtained the annual image with the median pixel criterion to determine the NDWI and quantify the annual reservoir area. For the supervised classification with SVM, samples from different land-use types of the study area were used to train the algorithm. From 2012 to 2018, a reservoir reduction of 63.42% was observed with MapBiomas images, 69.49% with NDWI images, and 67.69% using the SVM algorithm. The results obtained using NDWI were the most similar to those from the artificial intelligence classification, indicating that NDWI can be used to monitor the reservoir conditions


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    Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866) Kamensky 1905 es un nematodo parásito de la familia Metastrongilidae que infecta la arteria pulmonar y el corazón derecho de muchas especies de carnívoros. La infección del huésped se produce por la ingestión de las larvas infectantes presentes en los moluscos gasterópodos terrestres y acuáticos. Los huéspedes vertebrados infectados pueden desarrollar síntomas clínicos que van desde asintomáticas hasta complicaciones graves. Entre 2011 y 2013, se encontraron siete especies de cánidos en las carreteras de la región montañosa en el estado de Santa Catarina, sur de Brasil. Las muestras fecales obtenidas en la necropsia fueron analizadas por un método simple de flotación espontánea. Sólo la especie Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) fue diagnosticada con A. vasorum. Este es el primer reporte de este nematodo en esta especie. La parasitosis puede considerarse un problema de salud en áreas donde el parásito es endémico y L. gymnocercus se considera de interés para la conservación

    Bovine cysticercosis: a retrospective survey in the mountainous Region of Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Bovine cysticercosis disease is prevalent worldwide, and is diagnosed frequently in slaughterhouses. This disease has an impact on animal production and public health due to Taenia saginata. In order to investigate the occurrence of bovine cysticercosis in the mountainous region of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, we performed a retrospective survey of beef carcasses that were positive for the parasite. We tabulated and analyzed the records of cattle that were slaughtered from 2003 to 2013, under the state inspection in Lages, Santa Catarina. These records were provided by Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina (CIDASC). The data were analyzed using Chi-square test (P ? 0.05) to correlate the cysticerci occurrence with the independent variables. The animals were from the 18 municipalities that represent Associação dos Municípios da Região Serrana (AMURES). Among the animals that were slaughtered during the study period, 7.06% (1698/24055) were confirmed positive for cysticercosis during the visual inspection. Among the total cysts that were inspected, 25.79% and 74.20% were classified as viable and calcified, respectively. The most frequently parasitized organs were the head, with 876 cases (51.59%) positive for cysticerci (321 [36.64%] viable and 555 [63.36%] nonviable) and the heart with 641 cases (37.75%) positive for cysticerci (54 [8.42%] viable and 587 [91.58%] non-viable). In addition to the generalized infection (4.48%), the tongue and the diaphragm were the next most commonly parasitized organs, with 3.71% and 2.47% cases positive for cysticerci, respectively. There was no correlation (P > 0.05) between sex or age, and positive infection or cyst location. We identified statistical variations among the results for each of the evaluated years (P < 0.01). These reports indicated a significant increase in the infection rate over time, from 4.58% (2005) to 9.94% (2013). We analyzed the correlation (P < 0.01) between the occurrence of cysticercosis and the origin of the animals as well as between the viability of cysts and their location in the body. These results suggest that the occurrence of bovine cysticercosis in the mountainous region of Santa Catarina is high and at an alarming rate. Bovine cysticercosis can lead to an economic loss and can endanger public health. Therefore, government agencies need to plan and implement measures in order to control this disease