4,725 research outputs found

    The solar spectral irradiance 1200-3184 a near solar maximum, 15 July 1980

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    Full disk solar spectral irradiances near solar maximum were obtained in the spectral range 1200 to 3184 A at a spectral resolution of approximately 1 A from rocket observations above White Sands Missile Range. Comparison with measurements made during solar minimum confirm a large increase at solar maximum in the solar irradiance near 1200 A with no change within the measurement errors near 2000 A. Irradiances in the range 1900 to 2100 A are in excellent agreement with previous measurements, and those in the 2100 to 2500 A range are lower than separate previous results in this range. Agreement is found with previous values 2500 to 2900 A A, and then fall below those values 2900 to 3184 A

    Backup flight control system functional evaluator software manual

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    The software for the Backup Flight Control System Functional Evaluator (BFCSFE) on a Data General Corporation Nova 1200 computer consists of three programs: the ground support program, the operational flight program (OFP), and the ground pulse code modulation (PCM) program. The Nova OFP software is structurally as close as possible to the AP101 code; therefore, this document highlights and describes only those areas of the Nova OFP that are significantly different from the AP101. Since the Ground Support Program was developed to meet BFCSFE requirements and differs considerably from the AP101 code, it is described in detail

    Entrepreneurship and Image Management in Higher Education: Pillars of Massification

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    Mass higher education has taken hold in the developed nations, and a widely held belief exists that higher education is a "right." With massification have emerged two notable trends: an entrepreneurial emphasis fuelled by the revenue-cost squeeze ensuing from reduced and realigned government funding; and a quest for differentiation through "Image Management" and even "Branding," given the multitude of institutions and offerings present in the "post- massification" era. This paper examines this evolution, some say "revolution," in the university sector.Cet accès universel a entraîné deux phénomènes notables: d'une part un accent sur 1'entrepreneurial justifié par la réduction du financement gouvernemental et l'obligation d'assumer les coûts de fonctionnement; d'autre part, la nécessité que le grand nombre d'établissements et de programmes qui ont facilité cette universalité se distinguent individuellement en recourant à la « gestion de l'image» et même à la création d'une « marque de commerce ». Cet article examine cette évolution, ou même « révolution » comme certains la qualifient, dans le secteur universitaire

    On orbital allotments for geostationary satellites

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    The following satellite synthesis problem is addressed: communication satellites are to be allotted positions on the geostationary arc so that interference does not exceed a given acceptable level by enforcing conservative pairwise satellite separation. A desired location is specified for each satellite, and the objective is to minimize the sum of the deviations between the satellites' prescribed and desired locations. Two mixed integer programming models for the satellite synthesis problem are presented. Four solution strategies, branch-and-bound, Benders' decomposition, linear programming with restricted basis entry, and a switching heuristic, are used to find solutions to example synthesis problems. Computational results indicate the switching algorithm yields solutions of good quality in reasonable execution times when compared to the other solution methods. It is demonstrated that the switching algorithm can be applied to synthesis problems with the objective of minimizing the largest deviation between a prescribed location and the corresponding desired location. Furthermore, it is shown that the switching heuristic can use no conservative, location-dependent satellite separations in order to satisfy interference criteria

    Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) in Canadian Universities

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    This study suggests that Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is gaining legitimacy in the university setting because of the Government/ Industry/ Labour agenda to prepare the workforce for the twenty first century; because of growing emphasis on lifelong learning characterized by mature students, part-time studies, and modular programs; because of the increasing integration of colleges and universities; and because of the prospective students' conviction that learning outside the classroom should be validated. Quality assurance and administrative issues have still to be resolved. At the same time, however, PLAR is not yet an important ingredient of university culture.Cette étude suggère que la reconnaissance des acquis fait tranquillement son chemin dans le milieu universitaire parce que le gouvernement, l'industrie et le salariat ont résolu de préparer la main- d'oeuvre pour le vingt-et-unième siècle; parce que l'acquisition continue du savoir prend de plus en plus d'importance comme en témoignent les programmes pour étudiants adultes, d'études à temps partiel et modulaires; parce qu'il existe une synergie croissante entre collèges et universités; parce que les étudiants potentiels ont la conviction que l'apprentissage hors de l'école devrait être reconnu. Reste à résoudre les questions administratives et d'assurance de la qualité. En même temps, cependant, la reconnaissance des acquis, n'est pas, à l'heure actuelle, un élément dominant de la culture universitaire

    Engineering calculations for communications satellite systems planning

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    Observed solution times were analyzed for the extended gradient and cyclic coordinate search procedures. The times used in the analysis come from computer runs made during a previously-reported experiment conducted to assess the quality of the solutions to a BSS synthesis problem found by the two search methods. The results of a second experiment with a Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) test problem are also presented. Computational results are summarized for mixed integer programming approaches for solving FSS synthesis problems. A promising heuristic algorithm is described. A synthesis model is discussed for orbital arc allotment optimization. Research plans for the near future are also presented

    Voronoi Diagrams in the Hilbert Metric

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    The Hilbert metric is a distance function defined for points lying within a convex body. It generalizes the Cayley-Klein model of hyperbolic geometry to any convex set, and it has numerous applications in the analysis and processing of convex bodies. In this paper, we study the geometric and combinatorial properties of the Voronoi diagram of a set of point sites under the Hilbert metric. Given any m-sided convex polygon ? in the plane, we present two randomized incremental algorithms and one deterministic algorithm. The first randomized algorithm and the deterministic algorithm compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of n point sites. The second randomized algorithm extends this to compute the Voronoi diagram of the set of n sites, each of which may be a point or a line segment. Our algorithms all run in expected time O(m n log n). The algorithms use O(m n) storage, which matches the worst-case combinatorial complexity of the Voronoi diagram in the Hilbert metric

    Alternative mathematical programming formulations for FSS synthesis

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    A variety of mathematical programming models and two solution strategies are suggested for the problem of allocating orbital positions to (synthesizing) satellites in the Fixed Satellite Service. Mixed integer programming and almost linear programming formulations are presented in detail for each of two objectives: (1) positioning satellites as closely as possible to specified desired locations, and (2) minimizing the total length of the geostationary arc allocated to the satellites whose positions are to be determined. Computational results for mixed integer and almost linear programming models, with the objective of positioning satellites as closely as possible to their desired locations, are reported for three six-administration test problems and a thirteen-administration test problem