3,172 research outputs found

    Causes of exotic bird establishment across oceanic islands

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    The probability that exotic species will successfully establish viable populations varies between regions, for reasons that are currently unknown. Here, we use data for exotic bird introductions to 41 oceanic islands and archipelagos around the globe to test five hypotheses for this variation: the effects of introduction effort, competition, predation, human disturbance and habitat diversity (island biogeography). Our analyses demonstrate the primary importance of introduction effort for avian establishment success across regions, in concordance with previous analyses within regions. However, they also reveal a strong negative interaction across regions between establishment success and predation; exotic birds are more likely to fail on islands with species-rich mammalian predator assemblages

    Future beam experiments in the magnetosphere with plasma contactors: The electron collection and ion emission routes

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    Experiments where a high‐voltage electron beam emitted by a spacecraft in the low‐density magnetosphere is used to probe the magnetospheric configuration could greatly enhance our understanding of the near‐Earth environment. Their challenge, however, resides in the fact that the background magnetospheric plasma cannot provide a return current that balances the electron beam current without charging the spacecraft to such high potential that in practice prevents beam emission. In order to overcome this problem, a possible solution is based on the emission of a high‐density contactor plasma by the spacecraft prior to and after the beam. We perform particle‐in‐cell simulations to investigate the conditions under which a high‐voltage electron beam can be emitted from a magnetospheric spacecraft, comparing two possible routes that rely on the high‐density contactor plasma. The first is an “electron collection” route, where the contactor has lower current than the electron beam and is used with the goal of connecting to the background plasma and collecting magnetospheric electrons over a much larger area than that allowed by the spacecraft alone. The second is an “ion emission” route, where the contactor has higher current than the electron beam. Ion emission is then enabled over the large quasi‐spherical area of the contactor cloud, thus overcoming the space charge limits typical of ion beam emission. Our results indicate that the ion emission route offers a pathway for performing beam experiments in the low‐density magnetosphere, while the electron collection route is not viable because the contactor fails to draw a large neutralizing current from the background.Key PointsThe ion emission route is credible for beam experiments in the magnetosphereThe electron collection route is not viableThe background plasma facilitates beam emissionPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111985/1/jgra51700.pd

    Elastic cavitation, tube hollowing, and differential growth in plants and biological tissues

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    Elastic cavitation is a well-known physical process by which elastic materials under stress can open cavities. Usually, cavitation is induced by applied loads on the elastic body. However, growing materials may generate stresses in the absence of applied loads and could induce cavity opening. Here, we demonstrate the possibility of spontaneous growth-induced cavitation in elastic materials and consider the implications of this phenomenon to biological tissues and in particular to the problem of schizogenous aerenchyma formation

    Association between psychological distress trajectories from adolescence to midlife and mental health during the pandemic: evidence from two British birth cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: This paper examined whether distinct life-course trajectories of psychological distress from adolescence to midlife were associated with poorer mental health outcomes during the pandemic. METHODS: We present a secondary analysis of two nationally representative British birth cohorts, the 1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS) and 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70). We used latent variable mixture models to identify pre-pandemic longitudinal trajectories of psychological distress and a modified Poisson model with robust standard errors to estimate associations with psychological distress, life satisfaction and loneliness at different points during the pandemic. RESULTS: Our analysis identified five distinct pre-pandemic trajectories of psychological distress in both cohorts. All trajectories with prior symptoms of psychological distress irrespective of age of onset, severity and chronicity were associated with a greater relative risk of poorer mental health outcomes during the pandemic and the probability of poorer mental health associated with psychological distress trajectories remained fairly constant. The relationship was not fully attenuated when most recent pre-pandemic psychological distress and other midlife factors were controlled for. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst life-course trajectories with any prior symptoms of psychological distress put individuals at greater risk of poor mental health outcomes during the pandemic, those with chronic and more recent occurrences were at highest risk. In addition, prior poor mental health during the adult life-course may mean individuals are less resilient to shocks, such as pandemics. Our findings show the importance of considering heterogeneous mental health trajectories across the life-course in the general population in addition to population average trends

    The operational space for divertor power exhaust in DEMO with a super-X divertor

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    SOLPS-ITER simulations of the European DEMO reactor with a Super-X divertor, which has larger major radius at the outer target and increased connection length, show an increased operational space for divertor power exhaust compared to the conventional single-null configuration. Using a multi-fluid approach with fluid neutrals and charge-state bundling of impurities, we assessed the existence and boundaries of the operational space in the single-null and Super-X configurations by carrying out fuelling, seeding and power scans. Compared to the conventional single-null divertor, the Super-X divertor offers lower impurity concentration (factor ∼2 lower) at the same main plasma density, and consistent with this, it has lower main plasma density at the same impurity concentration level. This observed difference is in line with the simple analytical Lengyel model predictions resulting from the increased connection length in the super-X configuration. DEMO with a Super-X divertor demonstrates remarkable robustness against increases in input power, and in this study is able to exhaust the maximum expected steady-state separatrix-crossing power of 300 MW while maintaining acceptable impurity concentration along the separatrix This is something that was not possible in the single-null configuration in this study. This robustness of the Super-X divertor lies mostly in its capability to sufficiently dissipate power in its divertor via argon (Ar) radiation at acceptable Ar concentration, which is related to two factors: long (with respect to single-null) parallel connection length from the upstream to the outer target and higher but tolerable extrinsic impurity concentration at higher input powers. Finally, consistent with neon-seeded simulations of ITER, it is observed in all our simulations that the plasma density drops with increasing Ar concentration given fixed power input. We find that as the Ar content increases, the accompanying enhancement of Ar radiation reduces the power available for deuterium (D) to be ionized, thus limiting the D ionization particle source, and consequently reducing the plasma density

    Neighborhoods of trees in circular orderings

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    In phylogenetics, a common strategy used to construct an evolutionary tree for a set of species X is to search in the space of all such trees for one that optimizes some given score function (such as the minimum evolution, parsimony or likelihood score). As this can be computationally intensive, it was recently proposed to restrict such searches to the set of all those trees that are compatible with some circular ordering of the set X. To inform the design of efficient algorithms to perform such searches, it is therefore of interest to find bounds for the number of trees compatible with a fixed ordering in the neighborhood of a tree that is determined by certain tree operations commonly used to search for trees: the nearest neighbor interchange (nni), the subtree prune and regraft (spr) and the tree bisection and reconnection (tbr) operations. We show that the size of such a neighborhood of a binary tree associated with the nni operation is independent of the tree’s topology, but that this is not the case for the spr and tbr operations. We also give tight upper and lower bounds for the size of the neighborhood of a binary tree for the spr and tbr operations and characterize those trees for which these bounds are attained

    Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks

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    Phylogenetic networks are rooted, labelled directed acyclic graphs which are commonly used to represent reticulate evolution. There is a close relationship between phylogenetic networks and multi-labelled trees (MUL-trees). Indeed, any phylogenetic network NN can be "unfolded" to obtain a MUL-tree U(N)U(N) and, conversely, a MUL-tree TT can in certain circumstances be "folded" to obtain a phylogenetic network F(T)F(T) that exhibits TT. In this paper, we study properties of the operations UU and FF in more detail. In particular, we introduce the class of stable networks, phylogenetic networks NN for which F(U(N))F(U(N)) is isomorphic to NN, characterise such networks, and show that they are related to the well-known class of tree-sibling networks.We also explore how the concept of displaying a tree in a network NN can be related to displaying the tree in the MUL-tree U(N)U(N). To do this, we develop a phylogenetic analogue of graph fibrations. This allows us to view U(N)U(N) as the analogue of the universal cover of a digraph, and to establish a close connection between displaying trees in U(N)U(N) and reconcilingphylogenetic trees with networks

    A guide to the cognitive measures in five British birth cohort studies

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    Explore the measures used to assess diverse aspects of cognition within and across five British birth cohort studie

    Scoping the characteristics and benefits of a connected double-null configuration for power exhaust in EU-DEMO

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    A double-null configuration is being considered for the EU-DEMO, due to its potential benefits for power exhaust arising from the use of two active divertors and magnetically disconnected low- and high-field sides. Using systematic parameter scans in fluid simulations, we have investigated the divertor power exhaust in the EU-DEMO in a connected double-null configuration, and compared the edge plasma properties to those obtained in a single-null configuration under detached conditions anticipated for reactor operation. Neglecting drift effects and kinetic behaviour of the neutrals, no clear benefits of the double-null configuration could yet be identified for the radiation pattern and power mitigation on open field lines. Future work should address the aforementioned physics as well as the effect of the additional X-point on core radiation

    Scoping the characteristics and benefits of a connected double-null configuration for power exhaust in EU-DEMO

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    A double-null configuration is being considered for the EU-DEMO, due to its potential benefits for power exhaust arising from the use of two active divertors and magnetically disconnected low- and high-field sides. Using systematic parameter scans in fluid simulations, we have investigated the divertor power exhaust in the EUDEMO in a connected double-null configuration, and compared the edge plasma properties to those obtained in a single-null configuration under detached conditions anticipated for reactor operation. Neglecting drift effects and kinetic behaviour of the neutrals, no clear benefits of the double-null configuration could yet be identified for the radiation pattern and power mitigation on open field lines. Future work should address the aforementioned physics as well as the effect of the additional X-point on core radiation