18 research outputs found

    Aging trajectories are trait- and sex-specific in the long-lived Alpine swift

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    Senescence is defined as the general deterioration of the organism (i.e. physiology, morphology, reproduction), and is associated with increasing mortality and decreasing fertility with age. Although senescence has now been widely reported in wild animals, little is known on whether senescence affects all traits, whether this process is synchronized across traits, and whether males and females are affected in the same way. Using an individual-based monitoring of 20+ years in free-living population of Alpine swifts (Tachymarptis melba), we investigated age-dependent variation between sexes and between six biometric traits, 4 reproductive traits, and 1 measure of parasite burden. We accounted for selective disappearance and terminal effects in our analyses. Our results provide general support for age-dependent variation at adulthood in 8 out of the 11 traits investigated. Most traits showed a variation with 2 thresholds, with first a strong improvement until 4 to 12 years of age (e.g., increased fork length, decreased parasite load, or earlier laying date) followed by a plateau and a decline at older ages. The age of the second threshold showed sex specific asynchrony, with an earlier threshold in males than in females for tail length, parasite burden and laying date, as well as moderate asynchrony across traits. Rates of senescence differed between sexes, with stronger senescence of the tail in females than in males and with evidence of reproductive senescence in females but not in males. We also found evidence of terminal investment in males with respect to brood size at hatching and terminal decline with increased asymmetry of the fork and decreased body mass. We found evidence of selective appearance with males with longer fork and little fork asymmetry starting to reproduce earlier in life, and females that start to reproduce earlier tending to higher reproductive success. Finally, we found selective disappearance of males with longer tails and marginal effect of selective disappearance of females with lower body mass. We discuss how natural or sexual selection may have led to these trait- and sex-specific patterns of aging in this long-lived bird

    L urolithiase vésicale du chien et du chat (étude bibliographique)

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    Cette thÚse est une revue bibliographique de l'épidémiologie des calculs vésicaux et de leur gestion médicale et diététique chez le chien et le chat. Les lithiases urinaires sont principale-ment localisées dans le bas de l'appareil urinaire dans ces espÚces et correspondent le plus souvent à des calculs de struvite ou d'oxalate de calcium. AprÚs avoir rappelé dans une premiÚre partie les modalités de formation des calculs et les facteurs favorisant leur croissance, l'auteur aborde, dans une seconde partie, les différents aspects du diagnostic de l'urolithiase, depuis la suspicion clinique jusqu'à l'identification du type de calcul par des méthodes physiques d'analyse. La troisiÚme partie de ce travail est consacrée à l'étude, sous forme de monographies, de cha-que type de calcul. Chaque monographie présente une synthÚse des données épidémiologiques les plus récentes, précise les circonstances de formation et décrit les principes du traitement médical et diététique de chaque type de calcul.NANTES-Ecole Nat.Vétérinaire (441092302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Développement de polymÚres à empreintes moléculaires pour l'extraction sélective de produits de dégradation de neurotoxiques organophosphorés de matrices complexes

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    Ce travail a eu pour objectif de développer des polymÚres à empreintes moléculaires (MIP) afin d extraire sélectivement les alkyl alkylphosphonates de matrices complexes. Ces MIP contiennent des cavités conduisant à la reconnaissance d une molécule dite empreinte . Plusieurs MIP ont été synthétisés utilisant le pinacolyl méthylphosphonate comme empreinte puis caractérisés. Ces MIP ont ensuite été utilisé pour le traitement de matrices complexes mettant en évidence leur aptitude à isoler les molécules cibles des interférents. La percolation d eau sur MIP n étant pas possible, une méthode de SPE a été développée afin de procéder au changement de solvant. La derniÚre partie de ce travail a porté sur la compréhension des interactions empreinte-monomÚres grùce à l utilisation de la modélisation moléculaire et de la RMN. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de mieux appréhender les mécanismes de formation des cavités et mis en évidence les monomÚres interagissant fortement avec l empreinte.PARIS-BIUSJ-ThÚses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stakeholder engagement in participatory research in French marine and freshwater social‐ecological systems: A systematic map protocol

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    Stakeholder engagement (SkE) in research is currently experiencing significant growth within the fields of environmental and sustainability sciences. Stakeholder engagement ensures the relevance of research questions to societal expectations and the uptake and salience of the co‐produced knowledge and results for their use in the decision‐making process. In a context of societal challenges regarding biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of marine and freshwater social‐ecological systems (SESs), participatory approaches constitute key methods in applied research involving actions and decision‐making. There are, however, many gaps in the practical, conceptual and ethical ways stakeholders have been involved in research. We propose here a systematic map of the literature on SkE in research on marine and aquatic SESs carried out on French European and overseas territories, in order to draw up the first comprehensive overview of how SkE has developed and changed since 1945. This systematic map will identify a representative list of scientific articles on SkE in French marine and freshwater social‐ecological research. The literature search will include both academic literature (e.g. peer‐reviewed articles, reviews, meta‐analyses) and grey literature (e.g. reports, working papers) using the most relevant search engines for the scientific literature published between 1945 and 2023. Retrieved publications will be reviewed for relevance according to a predefined set of eligibility/ineligibility criteria by a group of trained reviewers. The eligibility check will be done in two successive screening steps: (1) title and abstract and (2) full text, each independently performed by two reviewers. All retained literature will be subjected to coding and metadata extraction using the Sysrev platform. No validity assessment will be undertaken. A database of the metadata extracted will be provided, along with a narrative description of the evidence base, and a set of figures and tables summarizing the relevant characteristics of the studies. This systematic map will provide a reliable overview of SkE conducted in research projects on French aquatic social‐ecological systems to strengthen the science–society relationship and help future research projects implement efficient and sustainable SkE processes in France and elsewhere

    Stakeholder engagement in participatory research in French marine and freshwater social-ecological systems: A systematic map protocol

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    \ₑprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/2688-8319.12304International audienceStakeholder engagement (SkE) in research is currently experiencing significant growth within the fields of environmental and sustainability sciences. Stakeholder engagement ensures the relevance of research questions to societal expectations and the uptake and salience of the co-produced knowledge and results for their use in the decision-making process. In a context of societal challenges regarding biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of marine and freshwater social-ecological systems (SESs), participatory approaches constitute key methods in applied research involving actions and decision-making. There are, however, many gaps in the practical, conceptual and ethical ways stakeholders have been involved in research. We propose here a systematic map of the literature on SkE in research on marine and aquatic SESs carried out on French European and overseas territories, in order to draw up the first comprehensive overview of how SkE has developed and changed since 1945. This systematic map will identify a representative list of scientific articles on SkE in French marine and freshwater social-ecological research. The literature search will include both academic literature (e.g. peer-reviewed articles, reviews, meta-analyses) and grey literature (e.g. reports, working papers) using the most relevant search engines for the scientific literature published between 1945 and 2023. Retrieved publications will be reviewed for relevance according to a predefined set of eligibility/ineligibility criteria by a group of trained reviewers. The eligibility check will be done in two successive screening steps: (1) title and abstract and (2) full text, each independently performed by two reviewers. All retained literature will be subjected to coding and metadata extraction using the Sysrev platform. No validity assessment will be undertaken. A database of the metadata extracted will be provided, along with a narrative description of the evidence base, and a set of figures and tables summarizing the relevant characteristics of the studies. This systematic map will provide a reliable overview of SkE conducted in research projects on French aquatic social-ecological systems to strengthen the science–society relationship and help future research projects implement efficient and sustainable SkE processes in France and elsewhere

    Capsid-specific removal of circulating antibodies to adeno-associated virus vectors

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    International audienceNeutralizing antibodies directed against adeno-associated virus (AAV) are commonly found in humans. In seropositive subjects, vector administration is not feasible as antibodies neutralize AAV vectors even at low titers. Consequently, a relatively large proportion of humans is excluded from enrollment in clinical trials and, similarly, vector redosing is not feasible because of development of high-titer antibodies following AAV vector administration. Plasmapheresis has been proposed as strategy to remove anti-AAV antibodies from the bloodstream. Although safe and relatively effective, the technology has some limitations mainly related to the nonspecific removal of all circulating IgG. Here we developed an AAV-specific plasmapheresis column which was shown to efficiently and selectively deplete anti-AAV antibodies without depleting the total immunoglobulin pool from plasma. We showed the nearly complete removal of anti-AAV antibodies from high titer purified human IgG pools and plasma samples, decreasing titers to levels that allow AAV vector administration in mice. These results provide proof-of-concept of a method for the AAV-specific depletion of neutralizing antibodies in the setting of in vivo gene transfer

    Vascular Delivery of Allogeneic MuStem Cells in Dystrophic Dogs Requires Only Short-Term Immunosuppression to Avoid Host Immunity and Generate Clinical/Tissue Benefits

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    International audienceGrowing demonstrations of regenerative potential for some stem cells led recently to promising therapeutic proposals for neuromuscular diseases. We have shown that allogeneic MuStem cell transplantation into Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs under continuous immunosuppression (IS) leads to persistent clinical stabilization and muscle repair. However, long-term IS in medical practice is associated with adverse effects raising safety concerns. Here, we investigate whether the IS removal or its restriction to the transplantation period could be considered. Dogs aged 4-5 months old received vascular infusions of allogeneic MuStem cells without IS (GRMD) or under transient IS (GRMD). At 5 months post-infusion, persisting clinical status improvement of the GRMD dogs was observed while GRMD dogs exhibited no benefit. Histologically, only 9-month-old GRMD dogs showed an increased muscle regenerative activity. A mixed cell reaction with the host peripheral blood mononucleated cells (PBMCs) and corresponding donor cells revealed undetectable to weak lymphocyte proliferation in GRMD dogs compared with a significant proliferation in GRMD dogs. Importantly, any dog group showed neither cellular nor humoral anti-dystrophin responses. Our results show that transient IS is necessary and sufficient to sustain allogeneic MuStem cell transplantation benefits and prevent host immunity. These findings provide useful critical insight to designing therapeutic strategies