1,402 research outputs found

    Technology project and layout for holder

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    Návrh technologie a uspořádání výroby držáku potrubí. Bakalářská práce bakalářského studia 3. ročníku šk. r. 2008/2009, studijní skupina 3P1, FSI v Brně, Ústav strojírenské technologie, odbor tváření, duben 2009, str. 47, obr. 28, tab. 2, příloh 9. Bakalářská práce vypracovaná v rámci bakalářského studia oboru 2307 předkládá návrh technologie a uspořádání výroby držáku potrubí – součásti z materiálu 11 321. Za použití níže uvedené literatury a nastudování chování zvoleného materiálu, střihání a ohýbání bylo navrženo postupové střihadlo, ohýbání na ohýbadle. Při konstrukci střihadla i ohýbadla bylo v maximální možné míře použito normalizovaných součástí. Návrh uspořádání výroby je navržen tak, aby byl zajištěn požadovaný roční počet součástí.Technology project and layout for holder. Bachelors thesis of the bachelor’s studies the 3rd year. School year 2008/2009, education group 3P1. FSI VUT in Brno. Institute of technology, department of forming. April 2009, pages 47, pictures 28, tables 2, supplements 9. Bachelors thesis which was elaborated in the frame of the bachelor’s studies branch 2307 submitting the technology project and layout of the holder. Component are produced from material 11 321 using of undermentioned literature pursuit a problem of the select material, sheet metal cutting and bending which was designed by cutting with processual tool and bending tool. At designed cutter and bending was used of standardised components. Project organization of production is designed so, to keep up produce of requisite series in a year.

    Re-examined and Re-defined: an Exploration and Comparative Analysis of Moche Ceramic Vessels in the Milwaukee Public Museum Collections

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    For this thesis, I studied Moche ceramic vessel collections from three museums, the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM), the Field Museum in Chicago, and the Logan Museum of Anthropology at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. All three collections originated around the turn of the twentieth century, with the earliest accession in 1893 and the most recent in 2007. These Moche ceramic vessel collections clearly illustrate the evolving museum documentation systems used in natural history and anthropology museums and the challenges of trying to standardize object names, descriptions, and attributes in the museum record. My research for this thesis included personally examining vessels in the three museums, documenting each piece (when feasible) and taking photographs of the Moche ceramic vessels to link visual descriptions of the pieces to the categories to which they were assigned at the time of accession. Archival information, such as donor files and exhibition files, provided a more comprehensive understanding of the categorization techniques used at the time of accession. Collections in storage and on exhibit were reviewed. The exhibits used for this study are located at the MPM, where the exhibit containing Moche ceramics was completed in 1974, and the Field Museum, where the relevant exhibit opened in 2006, and the Logan Museum’s visual storage, which was constructed in 1995. The study of these exhibits offers an understanding of the display and interpretive choices made by museum personnel, which may reflect the museum’s provenience and provenance records as well as perspectives about the objects at the time the exhibit was developed. Evolving documentation and organization techniques directly correspond to the challenges museums confront as they have grown into cultural institutions that reflect their local, national, and international communities

    The penicillin-binding protein 4 of Escherichia coli:primary structure, biochemical and genetic studies

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    De ß-lactam antibiotica ("de penicillines") zijn zowel in medisch als ecomisch opzicht de belangrijkste groep antibiotica: De werking van deze antibiotica berust op verstoring van de synthese van de bacteriele celwand. De doeleiwitten van deze antibiotica worden penicillin-binding proteins, kortweg PBPs genoemt. Door een sterke overeenkomst tussen de structuren van penicilline en die van het natuurlijke substraat, wordt penicilline door de PBPs gebonden, waardoor deze enzymen beblokkeerd worden. Hierdoor kan de bacterie niet meer groeien of lyseert zelfs.

    Addressing missing values in kernel-based multimodal biometric fusion using neutral point substitution

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    In multimodal biometric information fusion, it is common to encounter missing modalities in which matching cannot be performed. As a result, at the match score level, this implies that scores will be missing. We address the multimodal fusion problem involving missing modalities (scores) using support vector machines with the Neutral Point Substitution (NPS) method. The approach starts by processing each modality using a kernel. When a modality is missing, at the kernel level, the missing modality is substituted by one that is unbiased with regards to the classification, called a neutral point. Critically, unlike conventional missing-data substitution methods, explicit calculation of neutral points may be omitted by virtue of their implicit incorporation within the SVM training framework. Experiments based on the publicly available Biosecure DS2 multimodal (scores) data set shows that the SVM-NPS approach achieves very good generalization performance compared to the sum rule fusion, especially with severe missing modalities

    Supervised selective kernel fusion for membrane protein prediction

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    Membrane protein prediction is a significant classification problem, requiring the integration of data derived from different sources such as protein sequences, gene expression, protein interactions etc. A generalized probabilistic approach for combining different data sources via supervised selective kernel fusion was proposed in our previous papers. It includes, as particular cases, SVM, Lasso SVM, Elastic Net SVM and others. In this paper we apply a further instantiation of this approach, the Supervised Selective Support Kernel SVM and demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves the top-rank position among the selective kernel fusion variants on benchmark data for membrane protein prediction. The method differs from the previous approaches in that it naturally derives a subset of “support kernels” (analogous to support objects within SVMs), thereby allowing the memory-efficient exclusion of significant numbers of irrelevant kernel matrixes from a decision rule in a manner particularly suited to membrane protein prediction