30 research outputs found

    Vasospastic Phenomena on the Luminal Replica of Rat Brain Vessels

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    Strikingly localized ring-like constrictions (other than sphincters, cushions and offshoot furrows) have appeared on the casted vessels of some of our preparations. Morphology of the phenomena reveals diverse degree of active contraction of the vessel wall, ranging from corrugation of the luminal surface to near severance of the acrylic cast. Distribution of the vasospastic phenomena reveals as particularly affected the arteries in the diameter range between 25 and 75 ÎĽm, that belong either to intra-arterial anastomoses between the branches of each of the three major cerebral arteries or to their terminal junctions in the border zones (inter-arterial anastomoses). Among the possible causes for the occurrence of the observed vasospasms, we indicate the susceptibility to raised intraluminal pressure during injection, producing contraction of the smooth muscle cell. Reactivity appears heightened in the anastomotic districts of the circulation. The evidence of so-called plastic strips clinging to constricted sections of affected vessels prompts re-examination of their proposed origin as plastic wrapping . Rather, they appear to be remnants of dynamic elements of the vascular wall (smooth muscle cells) that resisted corrosion

    The Capillary Bed in the Choroid Plexus of the Lateral Ventricles: A Study of Luminal Casts

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    Micro-angioarchitecture of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles is investigated in microcorrosion casts of animal and human preparations studied with the scanning electron microscope. The capillary bed in the diverse regions of the tissue belongs to one of three patterns: (1)-a network of capillary meshes that envelop the larger arteries and veins predominates in the central segment. (2)-in the villous regions a leaf-like organization of sinusoids is found together with (3)-fronds of glomerular formations. Glomeruli are formed when arterial afferents and venous efferents converge in a quasi hilar structure before branching in arterio-venous loops. Nodular thickenings are observed on glomerular capillaries The preparations studied (rat, dog, human) are remarkably similar and differ mostly in degree of occurrence of common architectural patterns. Arterio-venous communications are found at the hilus of human glomerular formations

    Definitive childlessness in women with multiple sclerosis: a multicenter study

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    The frequency of definitive childlessness in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) may be higher than in the general population. MS may also affect decisions on the delivery procedure and on breast-feeding issues. Aim of the study was to assess the frequency of childlessness and its possible causes, the proportion of cesarean deliveries (CD), and the frequency of breast-feeding in patients and controls who have reached the end of their reproductive period. Female MS patients (>43 years) and controls (>45 years) filled out a questionnaire. We enrolled 303 patients and 500 controls. MS was associated with a higher frequency of childlessness (22 vs 13%) and less patients were in a stable relationship (83 vs 89%). There was no difference in the reported rates of infertility and miscarriages, while elective abortions were more frequent in patients (20 vs 12%). MS did not significantly affect the frequency of CD or of breast-feeding. MS-related reasons for childlessness, reported by 16% of childless patients, included disability/fear of future disability, fear of genetically transmitting MS, fear of not starting/discontinuing treatments, and discouragement by physician. Definitive childlessness is more frequent in women with MS compared to controls. A portion of voluntary childlessness may be avoided through correct/tailored information to patients

    Serum IgG against Simian Virus 40 antigens are hampered by high levels of sHLA-G in patients affected by inflammatory neurological diseases, as multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Many investigators detected the simian polyomavirus SV40 footprints in human brain tumors and neurologic diseases and recently it has been indicated that SV40 seems to be associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) disease. Interestingly, SV40 interacts with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules for cell entry. HLA class I antigens, in particular non-classical HLA-G molecules, characterized by an immune-regulatory function, are involved in MS disease, and the levels of these molecules are modified according with the disease status. Objective: We investigated in serum samples, from Italian patients affected by MS, other inflammatory diseases (OIND), non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NIND) and healthy subjects (HS), SV40-antibody and soluble sHLA-G and the association between SV40-prevalence and sHLA-G levels. Methods: ELISA tests were used for SV40-antibodies detection and sHLA-G quantitation in serum samples. Results: The presence of SV40 antibodies was observed in 6 % of patients affected by MS (N = 4/63), 10 % of OIND (N = 8/77) and 15 % of NIND (N = 9/59), which is suggestive of a lower prevalence in respect to HS (22 %, N = 18/83). MS patients are characterized by higher sHLA-G serum levels (13.9 \ub1 0.9 ng/ml; mean \ub1 St. Error) in comparison with OIND (6.7 \ub1 0.8 ng/ml), NIND (2.9 \ub1 0.4 ng/ml) and HS (2.6 \ub1 0.7 ng/ml) subjects. Interestingly, we observed an inverse correlation between SV40 antibody prevalence and sHLA-G serum levels in MS patients. Conclusion: The data obtained showed a low prevalence of SV40 antibodies in MS patients. These results seems to be due to a generalized status of inability to counteract SV40 infection via antibody production. In particular, we hypothesize that SV40 immune-inhibitory direct effect and the presence of high levels of the immune-inhibitory HLA-G molecules could co-operate in impairing B lymphocyte activation towards SV40 specific peptides

    European consensus conference on unruptured brain AVMs treatment (Supported by EANS, ESMINT, EGKS, and SINCH)

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    In December of 2016, a Consensus Conference on unruptured AVM treatment, involving 24 members of the three European societies dealing with the treatment of cerebral AVMs (EANS, ESMINT, and EGKS) was held in Milan, Italy. The panel made the following statements and general recommendations: (1) Brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a complex disease associated with potentially severe natural history; (2) The results of a randomized trial (ARUBA) cannot be applied equally for all unruptured brain arteriovenous malformation (uBAVM) and for all treatment modalities; (3) Considering the multiple treatment modalities available, patients with uBAVMs should be evaluated by an interdisciplinary neurovascular team consisting of neurosurgeons, neurointerventionalists, radiosurgeons, and neurologists experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of brain AVM; (4) Balancing the risk of hemorrhage and the associated restrictions of everyday activities related to untreated unruptured AVMs against the risk of treatment, there are sufficient indications to treat unruptured AVMs grade 1 and 2 (Spetzler-Martin); (5) There may be indications for treating patients with higher grades, based on a case-to-case consensus decision of the experienced team; (6) If treatment is indicated, the primary strategy should be defined by the multidisciplinary team prior to the beginning of the treatment and should aim at complete eradication of the uBAVM; (7) After having considered the pros and cons of a randomized trial vs. a registry, the panel proposed a prospective European Multidisciplinary Registry.Peer reviewe

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    La PCR multiplex per la identificazione di soia geneticamente modificata

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    La identificazione di sequenze nucleotidiche specifiche per organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM) nell’ambito di diverse matrici alimentari si avvale di tecniche di estrazione del DNA e di amplificazione per PCR (reazione a catena della polimerasi) che forniscono in ultima analisi informazioni di tipo qualitativo o quantitativo. Abbiamo messo a punto una metodica di PCR multiplex che consente la simultanea amplificazione di tre frammenti nucleotidici corrispondenti alle sequenze per il promotore 35S, per il terminatore Nos e per il gene della lectina di soia, della lunghezza rispettiva di 195, 180 e 157 pb. La identificazione dei primi due frammenti è indicativa della presenza di OGM, mentre l’amplificato della lectina rappresenta un controllo positivo. L’analisi degli amplificati avviene tramite elettroforesi su gel d’agarosio all’1.5%, colorazione con bromuro d’etidio seguita da analisi densitometrica. Il metodo, che presenta caratteristiche di alta sensibilità e specificità, è stato saggiato su DNA estratto da soia geneticamente modificata (0.1%, 0.5% e 2%), e su campioni reali (mangimi, integratori alimentari, ecc.). Esso riduce considerevolmente i tempi e i costi dell’analisi di ricerca degli OGM specie se applicata ad un largo numero di campioni. E’ in corso di studio l’applicazione di analogo metodo per un’analisi di tipo quantitativo tramite real-time PCR.[...