195 research outputs found

    Trade Liberalization in Brazil: When and How?

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    Brazil's economy is among those most closed to foreign trade. Debate on trade policy has returned to the political agenda, but domestic and international circumstances do not currently favor reform. This brief discusses the outlook for trade policy reform in Brazil during President Michel Temer's term and the challenges that will be faced by any succeeding government

    Perceived progress, affect, and intensity : the role of approach-avoidance temperament and optimism in job search

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    Job search is a self-regulated process during which job seekers evaluate the extent to which they are making progress toward finding a job. The purpose of this study was to better understand whether and how job seekers regulate their affect and the intensity of their behaviors during their search for employment. I drew upon control theory to examine the role of perceived progress on affect and job search intensity. I also extended prior research by differentiating the role of activated emotions (e.g., excitement, anxiety) from deactivated emotions (e.g., contentment, sadness) on job search intensity. Finally, I addressed calls to examine why some job seekers increase, while others decrease, their intensity, following the same level of progress. Specifically, I examined the role of optimism, and approach and avoidance temperaments in moderating the relationships between progress, affect, and intensity. Using weekly measures from a longitudinal sample of graduating students (n = 157), results showed that perceived progress was positively related to intensity and positive affect, and negatively to negative affect. Findings also showed that activated affect was positively related to intensity, whereas deactivated affect was negatively related to intensity. Finally, approach and avoidance temperaments moderated the relationships between perceived progress and both activated positive affect and deactivated negative affect. This study provides insights into the self-regulatory dynamics of the job search process, while also shedding light upon the role of progress, affect, and approach and avoidance temperaments in job search

    Predictors of Early-Career Self-Employment among Millennials in the Digital Economy: The Role of The Great Recession

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    In today’s digital economy, millennials seek flexibility and task significance, making self-employment an attractive career option. Although millennials are growing to become the largest generation in the United States workforce, evidence is scant regarding what drives their self-employment decisions. This study explores predictors of self-employment among early millennials (i.e. those born between 1980 and 1984) in the years before, during, and after The Great Recession. Using a national U.S. database (NLSY97), we find that millennials who were satisfied with their early-career jobs were more likely to become self-employed before the recession, and also after the recession. During the recession, however, our indicator of job satisfaction is non-significant, although the coefficient indicates an inverse relationship. Our results also suggest that higher autonomy (less parental monitoring) during adolescence is positively related to millennials’ self-employment decision in their early-career stage, especially among women and those who grew up in an urban area

    Política comercial, indústria e exportações: vamos voltar a falar de produtividade e competitividade?

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    Inclui bibliografia: p. 103-104 e notas

    Economic and environmental (in)efficiency of the Basel Convention

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    A globalização provocou uma redução nas exigências ambientais dos países-não-membros da Organização de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), juntamente com o acirramento nas legislações ambientais nos países-membros da OCDE, que acarretou um crescimento na migração de danos socioambientais. Verificou-se que mais de 50% do fluxo total de migração de resíduos perigosos teve como destino países não-membros da OCDE que teriam legislações mais brandas, e boa parte desses resíduos não deve ter recebido nenhum tratamento antes da disposição final, o que tornaria esses países receptores em verdadeiros lixões. O objetivo neste estudo foi analisar os diversos aspectos relacionados à eficiência da Convenção da Basiléia como instrumento regulador desse comércio internacional de resíduos sólidos perigosos. Para isso, buscou-se analisar a lógica do processo decisório desse comércio internacional entre países participantes da Convenção da Basiléia. Este estudo utilizou como fonte de dados secundários a base de dados Programa das Nações Unidas em Meio Ambiente (Unep). Nesta análise, buscou-se avaliar os mecanismos que levariam à eficiência econômica e ambiental do ponto de vista do exportador e do ponto de vista do importador no tratamento e na disposição final dos resíduos sólidos perigosos.La globalización ha provocado una reducción en las exigencias ambientales de los países que no forman parte de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), paralelamente, se han endurecido las legislaciones ambientales en los países miembros de la OCDE, lo que dio lugar a un aumento en el desplazamiento de daños socioambientales. Se observó que más del 50% de los movimientos transfronterizos de desechos peligrosos tuvieron como destino países no miembros de la OCDE, que tendrían legislaciones más débiles. Además, gran parte de estos residuos seguramente no recibió tratamiento adecuado antes de la disposición final, lo que convertiría los países receptores en auténticos vertederos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los diferentes aspectos relacionados con la eficiencia del Convenio de Basilea como instrumento regulador del comercio internacional de residuos sólidos peligrosos. Para ello, se buscó analizar la lógica del proceso decisorio de dicho comercio entre los países participantes del Convenio de Basilea. Se utilizó como fuente de datos secundarios la base de datos del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (UNEP). En este análisis, se buscó evaluar los mecanismos que conducirían a la eficiencia económica y ambiental desde la perspectiva del exportador y del importador, en lo que concierne al tratamiento y a la disposición final de los desechos sólidos peligrosos.Softening environmental regulation in non-OECD countries resulted in increasing environmental damages in these countries. In recent years, more than 50% of transboundary hazardous waste movements went to non-OECD countries, which might have fragile environmental regulations. Most of this waste was disposed in dumps and/or landfills with no treatment, which might cause serious problems and harms to the health and environment in surrounding areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency of the Basel Convention as the major regulation in controlling the international trade of hazardous solid waste among countries covered by the Convention. This study used data from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) database. This study analyzed the solid waste international trade from the exporter and importer perspectives, relating to the economic and environmental efficiency of waste treatment and disposal

    Aquilo que parece e aquilo que é: um argumento sobre metonímia e lembranças

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    In the first chapter of this thesis, I analyze two films using a metonymic type of analysis. The value I place on metonymy, a term borrowed from rhetoric, is highlighted in the second chapter - this form of association can explain the kind of relationship that exists between surface and depth, or part and whole. It suits not only filmic analysis, but also the relationship between what we mean and what we say about the various objects of our experience. The descriptions that establish this relationship are often grounded on memories. In this sense, the thesis develops, in the third chapter, into a discussion of the role that our memories, being private, have in the interpretation of general things. We will see how this relationship has also a metonymic nature, which, in turn, interpenetrates with metaphorical substitution. The fusion between the two poles - metonymy and metaphor - can perhaps help us better explain the meaning of works of art.No primeiro capítulo desta tese, analiso dois filmes utilizando um tipo análise metonímico. O valor que dou à metonímia, termo emprestado da retórica, é salientado no segundo capítulo – esta forma de associação pode explicar o tipo de relação que existe entre superfície e profundidade, ou parte e todo. Ela não se adequa apenas à análise fílmica, mas também à relação entre o que queremos dizer e o que efetivamente dizemos acerca dos vários objetos da nossa experiência. As descrições que estabelecem essa relação são muitas vezes fundamentadas partindo de lembranças. Neste sentido, a tese desenvolve-se, no terceiro capítulo, para uma discussão sobre o papel que as nossas lembranças, sendo particulares, têm na interpretação de coisas gerais. Veremos como também esta relação tem uma natureza metonímica, que, por sua vez, se interpenetra com a substituição metafórica. A fusão entre os dois polos - metonímia e metáfora - pode talvez ajudar-nos a explicar melhor o sentido das obras de arte

    Influence of Job-Dedicated Social Media on Employer Reputation

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    The popularity and value of social media sites has stretched beyond its initial social connection purposes; today, they represent critical tools for individual and firm visibility. This paper compares and contrasts institutional theory and signaling theory to investigate (1) whether having a job-dedicated page on social media sites (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) is related to an organization’s employer reputation, and (2) whether it is merely the fact of having a job-dedicated social media page, or actually communicating (i.e. posting, tweeting, etc.) on that page that is related to an organization’s employer reputation. We used data collected from three major social media sites and found that having a job-dedicated LinkedIn page was positively related to employer reputation, whereas having a job-dedicated Facebook or Twitter page was not related to employer reputation. Furthermore, we did not find social media activity to be related to employer reputation

    Thomas Kuhn e o relativismo

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em História e Filosofia das CiênciasEsta tese procura discutir a legitimidade das afirmações de Karl Popper que consideram Thomas Kuhn um filósofo relativista. As suas acusações estão fundamentadas no seguinte raciocínio: relativismo é a defesa da irracionalidade e esse fenómeno é corporizado pelas filosofias que caracterizam a dinâmica da ciência fundamentada em procedimentos de escolha arbitrários. Por esse motivo, Popper desenvolveu vários critérios para distinguir as teorias racionais das irracionais. Contudo, contrariamente às posições assumidas por Popper, as teorias de Kuhn cumprem os seus requisitos de racionalidade, logo a sua filosofia não pode ser considerada redutora e simplesmente relativista. As suas teses não só respeitaram os critérios de Popper como ainda enriqueceram o conhecimento sobre a actividade científica. Kuhn apresentou uma conceitualização denominada neste estudo por realidade-nicho, com base nela é possível sustentar que conciliou as posições relativistas com as realistas