92 research outputs found

    Factors related to receiving cervical cancer screening in young working Women

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     Purpose of this study was to clarify the factors related to receiving cervical cancer(C.C) screening in young working women. A self-administered questionnaire was used to survey 268 working women aged 20-39 years about factors associated with C.C screening. The participants were categorized into the periodical screening group (n= 90), non-periodical screening group (n=68) and unexamined group (n=110).Factors that differed among the three groups were family structure, experience of sexual intercourse, desire for children, HPV vaccination, age, cancer risk perception, recommendations from others and presence of a companion, interest in cancer screening, possession of general medical knowledge about C.C, knowledge of C.C screening methods and procedures, and family functioning. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that age(odds ratio 0.83),recommendations from others and presence of a companion( odds ratio 1.78), interest in cancer screening(odds ratio 0.33), and having knowledge of the methods and procedures of C.C screening( odds ratio 0.16) were related significantly with unexamined group. These results suggest that provision of knowledge about C.C. and screening is effective in promoting cervical cancer screening, taking into account the characteristics of the target population. Particularly, it seems to be important to invite unexamined group to participate C.C cancer screenings


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    目的:A県の高齢者向け住まいのサービス提供体制と医療的ケア及び看取りの受け入れ意向との関連を明らかにする. 方法:A県の高齢者向け住まい(463か所)に勤務する管理者等を対象とし,入居者の状況,サービス提供体制等の自記式質問紙調査を実施した.サービス提供体制と医療的ケア及び看取りの受け入れ意向の有無との関連について,χ2検定又はFisherの直接確率検定を行った. 結果:有効回答は130施設(有効回答率28.1%)であった.医療的ケアの受け入れ意向では,「施設に看護師が常駐」「夜間ケアを提供する職員の配置」等の11項目,看取りの受け入れ意向では,「施設に常勤の介護職員」「施設に常勤の看護師」「協力医療機関の24時間緊急往診要請への対応」「看取りのマニュアルの整備」等の14項目に関連があった. 結論:高齢者向け住まいにおける医療的ケア及び看取りの受け入れには,看護職員・介護職員の配置及び医療機関等との連携の必要性が示唆された.Objectives: To clarify the relationship between the service provision system of housing for the elderly in A prefecture and the intention to accept medical care and end-of-life care. Method: A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on residents’ status and components of the service provision system for managers working in residences for senior citizens in A Prefecture (463 facilities). The χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test was performed on the relationship between the service provision system and the intention to accept medical care and end-of-life care. Results: 130 valid responses were returned (effective response rate 28.1%). For the intention to accept medical care, 11 items were extracted, including “nurse resident in facility” and “allocation of staff providing night care”. For the intention to accept end-of-life care, 14 items were extracted, including“ full-time caregiver at facility”,“ full-time nurse at facility”,“ responding to 24-hour emergency visit requests with cooperating medical institutions” and“ maintenance manual”. Conclusion: It was suggested that the placement of nursing staff and cooperation with medical institutions are necessary for the acceptance of medical care and end-of-life care for the elderly.報

    Improvement of Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Diabetes by Long-Term Administration of a Palatinose-Based Liquid Formula as a Part of Breakfast

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    A palatinose-based liquid formula (palatinose-formula), suppresses postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels in healthy men. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term palatinose-formula ingestion on glucose metabolism in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or type 2 diabetes. Two patients with IGT and 7 patients with type 2 diabetes participated in the palatinose-formula and dextrin-based liquid formula (dextrin-formula) loading test and long-term palatinose-formula administration study. After a 3-month control period, palatinose-formula (1046 kJ) was ingested daily by patients as a part of breakfast for 5 months. In the loading test, palatinose-formula suppressed postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels and areas under the curve compared with those after dextrin-formula ingestion. In the long-term study, glycated hemoglobin levels (after 3 months and 5 months of treatment) and serum 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels (after 5 months of treatment) were markedly decreased comparing with those at baseline. Intake of 1046 kJ palatinose-formula as a part of breakfast over a long-term period may be effective for improvement of glucose metabolism in patients with IGT or type 2 diabetes

    Interstitial Pneumonia Developed in HTLV-I Carriers: Report of Two Cases

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    Two carriers of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) with interstitial pneumonia are described. The first case, a 60-year-old man, was admitted with cough and dyspnea on exertion. Light microscopy of a lung specimen obtained by a transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB ) showed thickening of the alveolar walls with infiltration of lymphocytes and fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma. Immunohistochemical analysis of the TBLB specimen showed positive staining in the lymphocytes for UCHL-1. This case was suspected as HTLV-I associated bronchiolo-alveolar disorder. The second case, a 74-year-old man, visited our hospital because of a persistent productive cough and dyspnea on exertion. Light microscopy of the TBLB showed a slight thickening of the alveolar walls and fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma with minimal infiltration of lymphocytes. Only 2.2% of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid consisted of lymphocytes. The findings of the second case suggest that some factors other than T-lymphocytes may be related with the development of interstitial pneumonia in HTLV-I carriers. Interstitial pneumonia in HTLV-I carriers may be caused by as yet undiscovered mechanisms. A cohort study involving residents of an area where HTLV-I is endemic should be conducted to clarify the mechanism of pulmonary involvement in HTLV-I carriers


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    目的:全国及び群馬県の訪問看護ステーション(以下,ST)の経営状況と事業所特性及び地域特性,経営管理との関連を明らかにし,比較検討する. 方法:全国2,000人及び群馬県163人のST管理者を対象とし,自記式質問紙調査を実施した.有効回答は全国473人,群馬県55人で,経営状況と各項目との関連はχ2検定及びKruskal-Wallis検定を,さらに経営状況を目的変数とするロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 結果:全国では,看護師常勤・看護師非常勤・事務職員非常勤の従業者数,1人1日平均訪問回数,北海道・東北地域,収支のモニタリングが黒字に関連していた.群馬県では関連がみられず,全国に比して赤字のST割合が多く,経営管理の得点が低かった. 結論:経営状況の改善には,ST規模の拡大やST管理者の収支のモニタリングに焦点を当てた行動の有効性が示唆された.群馬県では,経営管理に関する分析の強化が必要である.Objectives: The financial status of home-visit nursing stations (STs) was analyzed in relation to business office characteristics, local community characteristics and business management, and the results between Gunma Prefecture and all prefectures in Japan were compared. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey was completed by 163 ST managers in Gunma Prefecture and 2000 ST managers from all over Japan. Valid responses were collected from 55 managers from Gunma Prefecture and 473 managers from all over Japan. The association between management status with each variable was analyzed by the chisquare test and Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, logistic regression analysis was carried out with the status of management as the dependent variable. Results: For STs all prefectures in Japan, profitable business (black-ink balance) was associated with the number of employees (full-time nurses, part-time nurses and part-time clerical staff), the mean number of care receiver homes visited daily by each nurse, the district (Hokkaido/Tohoku) and revenue/expenditure balance monitoring. In Gunma Prefecture, the percentage of red-ink operation STs was higher and the score for business management was lower than in all prefectures in Japan. Conclusions: These results suggest that management actions focusing on expansion of the scale of STs and on revenue/ expenditure balance monitoring by ST managers are effective in improving the status of management. In Gunma Prefecture, reinforcement of how to analyze business management is needed.原

    Rapid KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and PIK3CA Mutation Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates from Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Allele-Specific qPCR

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    Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) and Trans-esophageal Ultrasound Scanning with Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) are important, novel techniques for the diagnosis and staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that have been incorporated into lung cancer staging guidelines. To guide and optimize treatment decisions, especially for NSCLC patients in stage III and IV, EGFR and KRAS mutation status is often required. The concordance rate of the mutation analysis between these cytological aspirates and histological samples obtained by surgical staging is unknown. Therefore, we studied the extent to which allele-specific quantitative real-time PCR with hydrolysis probes could be reliably performed on EBUS and EUS fine needle aspirates by comparing the results with histological material from the same patient. We analyzed a series of 43 NSCLC patients for whom cytological and histological material was available. We demonstrated that these standard molecular techniques can be accurately applied on fine needle cytological aspirates from NSCLC patients. Importantly, we show that all mutations detected in the histological material of primary tumor were also identified in the cytological samples. We conclude that molecular profiling can be reliably performed on fine needle cytology aspirates from NSCLC patients

    Somatic mutations affect key pathways in lung adenocarcinoma

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    Determining the genetic basis of cancer requires comprehensive analyses of large collections of histopathologically well- classified primary tumours. Here we report the results of a collaborative study to discover somatic mutations in 188 human lung adenocarcinomas. DNA sequencing of 623 genes with known or potential relationships to cancer revealed more than 1,000 somatic mutations across the samples. Our analysis identified 26 genes that are mutated at significantly high frequencies and thus are probably involved in carcinogenesis. The frequently mutated genes include tyrosine kinases, among them the EGFR homologue ERBB4; multiple ephrin receptor genes, notably EPHA3; vascular endothelial growth factor receptor KDR; and NTRK genes. These data provide evidence of somatic mutations in primary lung adenocarcinoma for several tumour suppressor genes involved in other cancers - including NF1, APC, RB1 and ATM - and for sequence changes in PTPRD as well as the frequently deleted gene LRP1B. The observed mutational profiles correlate with clinical features, smoking status and DNA repair defects. These results are reinforced by data integration including single nucleotide polymorphism array and gene expression array. Our findings shed further light on several important signalling pathways involved in lung adenocarcinoma, and suggest new molecular targets for treatment.National Human Genome Research InstituteWe thank A. Lash, M.F. Zakowski, M.G. Kris and V. Rusch for intellectual contributions, and many members of the Baylor Human Genome Sequencing Center, the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and the Genome Center at Washington University for support. This work was funded by grants from the National Human Genome Research Institute to E.S.L., R.A.G. and R.K.W.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62885/1/nature07423.pd

    Research on Cancer Screening Promotion and Employment Support for Employees with Cancer at Business Establishments

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    Background: Increasing cancer screening rates among working-age populations and providing employment support for employees with cancer are issues that need to be addressed in Japan. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the situation regarding cancer screening promotion and employment support for employees with cancer at business establishments and the support they seek from medical professionals regarding these issues. Methods: This survey covered 1,058 business establishments and included the following items: attributes of the business establishments, cancer screening rate, support for employees to promote cancer screening, support sought by business establishments from medical professionals to promote cancer screening, presence of employees with cancer, support programs for employees with cancer, awareness of the resources available for employment support for employees with cancer, difficulties in supporting employees with cancer in the workplace, and support sought by business establishments from medical professionals in providing employment support for employees with cancer. Data analysis was primarily conducted using summary statistics. Results: This study included 153 establishments. The median cancer screening rate ranged from 50.00 to 99.15. Employee support for promoting cancer screening ranged from approximately 30% to 40% for “ensuring time for screening” and from 20% to 30% for “providing full subsidies for cancer screening cost.” The median screening rate for breast and cervical cancers was 50.00, and support for promoting screening was less than 30% for each. Business establishments sought support from medical professionals regarding cancer and study sessions on cancer prevention to promote cancer screening. Regarding support systems for employees with cancer, 49.7% of the establishments offered sickness benefits, and 42.5% offered paid leave on an hourly basis. Less than 10% were aware of the websites provided by public organizations regarding employment support for patients with cancer. Approximately 50% of the establishments reported difficulties regarding treatment policies and duration uncertainties. Conclusion: Business establishments sought the provision of relevant knowledge and specific information to increase cancer screening rates and provide employment support for employees with cancer. Furthermore, this study suggests that employees with cancer need to manage the information they provide their establishments