838 research outputs found

    Solar thermal management materials

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    Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminan

    Single molecule electronic devices with carbon-based materials: Status and opportunity

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    The field of single molecule electronics has progressed remarkably in the past decades by allowing for more versatile molecular functions and improving device fabrication techniques. In particular, electrodes made from carbon-based materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) may enable parallel fabrication of multiple single molecule devices. In this perspective, we review the recent progress in the field of single molecule electronics, with a focus on devices that utilizes carbon-based electrodes. The paper is structured in three main sections: (i) controlling the molecule/graphene electrode interface using covalent and non-covalent approaches, (ii) using CNTs as electrodes for fabricating single molecule devices, and (iii) a discussion of possible future directions employing new or emerging 2D materials. This journal i

    Metaforen og kognition - i et Peirciansk lys

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      C. S. Peirce formulerede ingen teori om metaforen. Men han fremsatte en række bemærkninger om tropen, som antyder, at han forstod denne, som værende en central betydningsdannelsesmekanisme, der gennemtrænger bevidstheden og erkendelsen. Nedenfor vil vi forsøge, at skitsere en mulig forbindelse mellem metaforen og erkendelsen i et peirceansk lys. Vi forstår den peiceanske metafor som rodfæstet i den abduktive form for inferens; metaforen indgår i en intrikat relation mellem erfaringen, kroppen, tegnet, og gætte-instinktet, som en semeiotisk mekanisme, der kan afstedkomme nye indsigter

    From Nanofabrication to Self-fabrication – Tailored Chemistry for Control of Single Molecule Electronic Devices

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    Single molecule electronics is a field of research focused on the use of single molecules as electronics components. During the past 15 years the field has concentrated on development of test beds for measurements on single molecules. Bottom–up approaches to single molecule devices are emerging as alternatives to the dominant top–down nanofabrication techniques. One example is solution-based self-assembly of a molecule enclosed by two gold nanorod electrodes. This article will discuss recent attempts to control the self-assembly process by the use of supramolecular chemistry and how to tailor the electronic properties of a single molecule by chemical design

    Сучасний стан гончарства Гуцульщини та Покуття (за матеріалами керамологічної експедиції Інституту керамології – відділення Інституту народознавства НАН України та Національного музею-заповідника українського гончарства в Опішному)

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    6–17 червня 2007 року співробітниками Національного музею-заповідника українського гончарства в Опішному та науковцями Інституту керамології було проведено керамологічну експедицію до таких гончарних осередків Івано-Франківської області: Косів, Коломия, Кути, Пистинь

    Assessment of utilisation of PMTCT services at Nyanza Provincial Hospital, Kenya

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    The main objective of the study was to assess the utilisation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services among mothers registered for services at Nyanza Provincial Hospital in Kenya. A crosssectional exploratory study was conducted, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches to collect primary and secondary data.The study 52.4% of clients received PMTCT information at the health facility without prior knowledge about intervention, 96% waited for more than 90 minutes, and 89% took less than 10 minutes for post-test counselling. Knowledge of MTCT and PMTCT was inadequate even after counselling, as participants could not recall the information divulged during counselling. In addition, 80% of clients did not present for follow-up counselling irrespective of HIV status, and 95% did not disclose positive HIV status to spouses/relatives for fear of stigma, discrimination and violence. Inadequate counselling services delivered to clients affected service utilisation, in that significant dropout occurred at the stages of HIV result (31.5%), enrollment (53.6%), and delivery (80.7%). Reasons for dropout included fear of positive HIV result, chronic illness, stigma and discrimination, unsupportive spouse and inability to pay for the services.Key Words:utilisation, PMTCT services, Nyanza Hospital, Kenya.R&#201SUM&#201Le but principal de cette &#233tude fut d&#39&#233valuer l&#39utilisation des services PMTCT parmi les m&#233res inscrites aux services de l&#39hôpital provincial Nyanza. Une &#233tude transversale et exploratoire a &#233t&#233 faite durant laquelle les approches quantitatives et qualitatives furent utilis&#233es afin de recueillir des donn&#233es primaires et secondaires. La population d&#39&#233tude furent 133 clients inscrits aux services PMTCT. Cette &#233tude a montr&#233 que 52.4% de clients ont eu les informations sur le PMTCT au centre m&#233dical même sans avoir la connaissance pr&#233alable de l&#39intervention, 96% ont attendu plus de 90 minutes et 89% ont subi la consultation après le dépistage qui a duré moins que 10 minutes. La connaissance sur le MTCT et le PMTCT fut inadéquate même après la consultation, étant donné que les participants ne pouvaient plus se rappeler l'information qu'on leur a donné lors de la consultation. Ceci a aussi démontré 80% de manque de suivi après la consultation sans tenir compte du statut sérologique et 95% ne dévoilent pas leur statut sérologique positif à leur époux(se)/membres de famille de peur de stigmatisation, de discrimination et de violence. Les services de consultation inadéquats mis à la disposition de clients ont un effet sur l'utilisation de services, parce que un grand nombre de clients laissent tombé la consultation après les résultats du dépistage (31.5%), les inscriptions (53.6%) et le service rendu (80.7%). Les raisons de laisser tombé comprennent la peur de connaître son statut sérologique, les maladies chroniques, la stigmatisation et la discrimination, un(e) époux(se) qui n'offre pas de soutien et l'incapacité de payer pour les services. Mots clés: utilisation, services PMTCT, hôpital Nyanza, le Kenya.Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Vol 2(2) 2005: 244-25

    A photolabile protection strategy for terminal alkynes

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    AbstractWe present a strategy for photolabile protection of terminal alkynes. Several photo-caged alcohols were synthesized via mild copper(II)-catalyzed substitution between tertiary propargylic alcohols and 2-nitrobenzyl alcohol to build up robust, base stable o-nitrobenzyl (NB) photo-cleavable compounds. We compare the new photolabile protecting group with the commonly used alkyne protecting group, 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol and the results show that NB ethers are stable under the cleaving conditions for the cleavage of methylbutynol protected alkynes. Additionally, we present the synthesis of photo-cleavable NB derivatives containing thiol groups that can serve as agents for photoinduced surface functionalization reactions