399 research outputs found

    Sorption properties of biobased and raw earth materials: investigation of temperature and dry mass measurements

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    Relative humidity influence strongly the indoor air quality and human comfort. Therefore, the hygrothermal behaviour of building materials is an important parameter and there has been a growing interest in studying passive solutions to regulate the indoor relative humidity. Since earth materials have the ability to absorb and release water vapour, they can be used to moderate the amplitude of indoor relative humidity and therefore to improve the indoor air quality and consequently save energy. Many researchers have been focussed on studying the hygrothermal properties of earth building materials, but it is still a scientific challenge to characterize precisely the hygrothermal coupling of those materials. This dissertation focuses on two main objectives, developed and studied in three different porous materials: compacted earth, earth plaster and hemp concrete. The first one is to analyse the effectiveness and the influence of three different drying-methods (oven-drying at 60°C, oven-drying at 105°C and vacuum-drying), and recommend one standard method, for each material studied, since there is no clear guidance to determine the correct dry mass of biobased and earth materials. Complementary to the first objective, it is evaluated the impact of drying/wetting cycles using the same three drying-methods. The second objective is to study the evolution of sorption curves with temperature, for biobased and raw-earth materials. The analysis of the results showed that the first drying process affects the moisture uptake of all the studied materials, from there forward. Oven-drying at 60ºC and vacuum-drying are the methods that produce less impact in the porous network. More specifically, vacuum-drying is the method that allows less impact in the first drying of compacted earth and hemp concrete, and both, vacuum-drying and oven-drying at 60°C, are suitable for a non-impact drying of earth plaster. However, they are not completely efficient in drying earth materials since hysteresis is observed in drying/wetting cycles. Using oven-drying at 105°C it is not observed hysteresis and therefore, this is the most effective method, but it is the method that most presents impact in the porous network after the first drying. Analysing the influence of temperature on the absorption curves, the results show that temperature cycles have no relevant impact on the hygrothermal behaviour of earth materials. Comparing the sorption curves of the three materials plotted at the same temperature, the influence of temperature is more relevant than the materials itself for compacted earth and earth plaster. The same cannot be stated for the hemp concrete

    O T H E R V I S U A L : Onto the Audiovisual Cooking

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    This paper inquiries about the kitchen as space of vibrant materiality for representation and agency for art, design and architecture practices. On meeting the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, it is not incidental that the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial curated by Mariana Pestana under the theme “Empathy Revisited: designs for more than one” has chosen the kitchen as a means to create spaces of discourses, exchange and collective reflection. Taking into account Jeffrey and Shaowen Bardzell’s view of “What Is ‘Critical’ about Critical Design?” (2013), this paper surveys the biennial’s programme “The Critical Cooking Show” which presents a digital programme of films, lectures and performances that reimagine the kitchen as a space central to design thinking and production. Deepening our sensibilities as to how criticality occupies design practices, we have to further understand the expanded space of the kitchen and what it really offers to expand the space of design. From the triangulation kitchen, design and process, evidence is searched for bridging process between the fields of kitchen and design following Buchanan’s theory of rethinking placements over categories by way of signs, things, actions and thoughts. Kitchen and design are thus understood as liberal arts disciplines seeking to privilege a placement-based approach to projectual practice where observations on the speculative allow reflections of the self and modes of action. Pallasmaa’s conception of an architecture of the senses, for whom the role of the body is understood as the locus of perception, thought and consciousness, helps explore and convoke the space of kitchen visited by artists and designers throughout recent history, as a means to establish relations between theories, processes, and projectual methodologies in kitchen and design. The reading of the space finds its translation through diverse processes applied by these creators leading to an understanding of a kitchen milieu: process as context. From the interpretation of the empirical work it is suggested that kitchen multiplies design (k x d). It implies that the context of kitchen multiplies the space of the discipline of design, becoming, in Buchanan’s term, a “quasi-subject matter of design thinking”. If so, kitchen as other placements may offer, or are open to receive and edify, an expanded view of the discipline of design.   Deepening our sensibilities as to how criticality occupies design practices, we have to further understand the expanded space of the kitchen and what it really offers to expand the space of design. From the triangulation kitchen, design and process, evidence is searched for bridging process between the fields of kitchen and design following Buchanan’s theory of rethinking placements over categories by way of signs, things, actions and thoughts. Kitchen and design are thus understood as liberal arts disciplines seeking to privilege a placement-based approach to projectual practice where observations on the speculative allow reflections of the self and modes of action. Pallasmaa’s conception of an architecture of the senses, for whom the role of the body is understood as the locus of perception, thought and consciousness, helps explore and convoke the space of kitchen visited by artists and designers throughout recent history, as a means to establish relations between theories, processes, and projectual methodologies in kitchen and design. The reading of the space finds its translation through diverse processes applied by these creators leading to an understanding of a kitchen milieu: process as context. From the interpretation of the empirical work it is suggested that kitchen multiplies design (k x d). It implies that the context of kitchen multiplies the space of the discipline of design, becoming, in Buchanan’s term, a “quasi-subject matter of design thinking”. If so, kitchen as other placements may offer, or are open to receive and edify, an expanded view of the discipline of design

    Contraste leiteiro: ferramenta de monitorização para uma maior eficiência das explorações de bovinos leiteiros

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    Os resultados do contraste leiteiro são uma ferramenta de gestão. Desequilíbrios nutricionais, metabólicos e infecciosos podem ser diagnosticados pela concentração de β-hidroxibutirato(BHB), azoto ureico(MUN), gordura, proteína, relação gordura/proteína e células somáticas(SCC) do leite. O objetivo é avaliar a variação destes parâmetros segundo fatores não-nutricionais e a inter-relação entre estes. Analisou-se 110461 amostras de 9523 vacas recolhidas mensalmente entre janeiro de 2015 e março de 2017 em 27 efetivos do sul de Portugal. Ajustou-se dois modelos lineares generalizados mistos para determinar os fatores associados à concentração de BHB e MUN serem superiores a 0,2mmol/L e 300mg/kg, respetivamente. Verificou-se um considerável efeito dos fatores não-nutricionais, embora variável consoante o fator e o parâmetro. Os modelos demonstraram que a produção de leite, fase e número de lactação e a relação gordura/proteína influenciam a concentração de BHB e MUN. A concentração de BHB também é influenciada pela SCC e gordura, a MUN pela proteína; MILK RECORDING: MONITORING TOOL FOR GREATER DAIRY FARMS EFFICIENCY ABSTRACT: Milk recording results are a management tool. Nutritional, metabolic and infectious disorders can be diagnosed by β-hydroxybutyrate(BHB), milk urea nitrogen(MUN), fat, protein, relation fat/protein and somatic cells concentration in milk. The objective is analyzed the variation of these parameters according to non-nutritional factors and the interrelation between them. This study analyzed 110,461 samples of 9,523 cows collected monthly from January 2015 to March 2017 from 27 herds of South of Portugal. Two generalized linear mixed regression models were constructed to determine non-nutritional factors associated with concentration of BHB and MUN greater than 0,2mmol/L and 300mg/kg, respectively. There was a considerable effect of non-nutritional factors, although variable according to factor and parameter. Models show that milk production, stage and number of lactation, and relation fat/protein influenced BHB and MUN concentration. BHB concentration is also influenced by somatic cells and milk fat, MUN concentration by milk protein

    Será a aula afectiva efetiva? O desenvolvimento da dimensão afetiva nas aulas de línguas estrangeiras

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Inglês e de Língua Estrangeira (Espanhol) no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino SecundárioPartindo da premissa de que o ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira pode ser mais eficaz se tiver em consideração aspectos afetivos, pretendeu-se confirmar/ refutar esta convicção com base no trabalho de observação e lecionação desenvolvido no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em inglês e em espanhol na Escola Secundária de Alcochete, no ano letivo de 2011-2012

    A polarização do emprego em Portugal

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    Esta pesquisa oferece uma revisão da literatura sobre o fenómeno da polarização do emprego. Os fatores explicativos deste fenómeno identificados na literatura existente são: os avanços tecnológicos, a globalização e questões institucionais. Para estudar o fenómeno da polarização do emprego em Portugal, esta investigação recorre ao Inquérito do Emprego do INE e analisa dados de 2011 a 2018 que permitem, através de três critérios definidos, identificar as mudanças ocorridas na estrutura do emprego nos últimos anos. A análise empírica possibilita identificar resultados distintos, consoante a ordenação das profissões de acordo com os critérios. Quando as profissões são ordenadas consoante o nível de educação dos trabalhadores não se verifica a presença do fenómeno em estudo. Por outro lado, quando as mesmas são ordenadas consoante a mediano dos rendimentos indicados pelos trabalhadores existem evidências do fenómeno da polarização. É de destacar também os resultados positivos observados na evolução do peso das profissões com qualificações e salários medianos altos. Com estes resultados e de acordo com a literatura existente concluímos que deverá existir por parte dos decisores políticos uma atenção relativa às mudanças observadas na ordenação das profissões por rendimentos, no sentido de compreender a origem da diminuição observada na presença de trabalhadores a auferir rendimentos medianos intermédios. Todavia, apesar dos resultados positivos relativos ao peso de trabalhadores qualificados, o investimento na educação deve ser mantido e acompanhado por uma maior aposta no sector de Investigação e Desenvolvimento das empresas.This research provides a review of the literature on employment polarization. The explanatory factors identified about this phenomenon are technological changes, globalization and institutional issues. To study the polarization of employment in Portugal, the INE questionnaire was used. We analyze job polarization between 2011 and 2018, using three classification criteria that allow to identify the changes occurred in these years. This analysis helps identify distinct results in relation to the ordering of occupations by using these criteria. By classifying occupations according to workers' educational level, job polarization studied is not verified. On the other hand, by classifying them by the median income level, there is some evidence of employment polarization. Importantly, positive results were observed in the evolution of occupations with high educational qualification and high median salary. Based on these results and according to the available literature, we can conclude that policymakers should pay attention to the changes mentioned above, namely to the classification of occupations by income, in order to understand the origin of the confirmed fall in workers receiving average wages. In addition, despite the observed positive results, investment in education must be undertaken and followed by increased interest in research and development by companies

    Aumento do espectro de acção de péptidos antimicrobianos: actividade sobre bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas

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    Tese de mestrado em Bioquímica (Bioquímica Médica), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011O aumento das resistências bacterianas aos antibióticos correntes, torna necessário o desenvolvimento de novos agentes antimicrobianos. Os péptidos antimicrobianos (AMPs) ao fazerem parte do sistema imunitário inato de humanos e ao possuírem um extenso espectro de acção contra bactérias e vírus, são uma alternativa promissora. Para além disso, por substituição de resíduos de aminoácidos a sua actividade, especificidade e citotoxicidade podem ser optimizadas. O BP100 é um AMP híbrido de cecropina A e melitina com actividade comprovada contra bactérias Gram-negativas, mas não contra bactérias Gram-positivas. Com o intuito de aumentar a actividade antimicrobiana deste tipo de péptidos foram desenvolvidos e sintetizados dois derivados, PepRYL e PepRWL, por introdução de resíduos de arginina e triptofano. Para comparar a actividade destes derivados com a de AMPs já estudados, todos os ensaios foram também estudados os péptidos BP100 e Sub3, sendo o Sub3 um AMP activo contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas. Por determinação da concentração miníma inibitória (MIC) observou-se actividade antimicrobiana destes derivados a concentrações na ordem do micromolar contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas, à semelhança do que foi também observado em ensaios de microscopia de força atómica, onde a baixas concentrações destes péptido era observável a perturbação das membranas bacterianas. Por realização de estudos de espectroscopia de fluorescência e de dicroísmo circular observou-se que ambos os derivados apresentam preferência para vesículas aniónicas, sendo observada uma alteração estrutural por interacção péptido-vesículas aniónicas. Em todos os ensaios de caracterização da interacção do péptido com a membrana foi possível inferir a existência de um mecanismo de acção diferente para o Sub3. De uma forma geral, PepRYL e PepRWL possuem uma maior actividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias Gram-negativas que o BP100. Para além disso, PepRWL e PepRYL possuem actividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias Gram-positivas enquanto que o BP100 é inactivo.The increasing resistance of bacteria to conventional antibiotics has led to the need for alternative therapies. Being part of the human innate defense system, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a very promising alternative, presenting a broad spectrum of activity against bacteria and viruses. Designing superior AMPs through amino acid residues substitution is a powerful strategy to enhance their activity and specificity but also to decrease their cytotoxicity. BP100 is a cecropin A–melittin hybrid peptide that has proved bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacteria but not against Gram-positive. Knowing that arginine and tryptophan amino acid residues enhance antimicrobial activity, we designed and sinthesized BP100 analogues, PepRYL and PepRWL, that include these residues, in an attempt to improve antimicrobial activity. The activity of the novel peptides was compared with the activity of BP100 and Sub3, an AMP with activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. PepRYL and PepRWL have bactericidal activity at low micromolar range against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as revealed with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays. Antimicrobial activity of PepRYL and PepRWL was further confirmed by atomic force microscopy imaging in which bacterial membrane perturbation is shown. To clarify the peptides’ mechanism of action and structure in aqueous and lipid environments, fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism measurements were employed. A preference of both BP100 derivatives towards anionic vesicles over neutral vesicles was observed. Accordingly, a conformational change was observed in both PepRYL and PepRWL peptides structure upon interaction with negatively-charged lipidic vesicles. Peptide-membrane studies suggested that Sub3 has a mechanism of action distinct from BP100 and its analogues. Overall, BP100 derivatives have a higher antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria than BP100 and show high activity towards Gram-positive bacteria, unlike other cecropin A–melittin derivatives. Moreover, PepRWL is more efficient than Sub3 against Gram-positive bacteria

    (Un)anticipated Monetary policy in a DSGE model with a shadow banking system (Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper 4/2013)

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    Motivated by the U.S. events of the 2000s, we address whether a too low for too long interest rate policy may generate a boom-bust cycle. We simulate anticipated and unanticipated monetary policies in state-of-the-art DSGE models and in a model with bond financing via a shadow bankingsystem, in which the bond spread is calibrated for normal and optimistic times. Our results suggest that the U.S. boom-bust was caused by the combination of (i) interest rates that were too low for too long, (ii) excessive optimism and (iii) a failure of agents to anticipate the extent of the abnormally favourable conditions