7 research outputs found

    Models to build capacity for African science centres and science communication: needs and assets

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    Science communication is proliferating in the developing world, however, with respect to science centres, as a whole Africa is being left behind. Here 15 participants in a capacity building program are investigated using traditional needs-based and contemporary asset-based development conceptualisations. These development theories parallel deficit and participatory approaches, respectively, within science communication and demonstrate synergies between the fields. Data showed staffing, funding, governments, host institutions, and audiences are prominent needs and assets, networks are a major asset, and identified other influential factors. Analysis suggests a coordinated model involving individuals, host institutions and governments to facilitate growth of African science centres

    Investigating e-commerce adoption in the procurement processes of the Botswana Defence Force : a qualitative study

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    Thesis (MMil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2007.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sets out to explore the factors that affect e-commerce adoption in the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) procurement process. The factors that were identified as affecting e-commerce adoption emerged from studies conducted mainly in the context of the developed world, particularly the Western world. Discussions in the academic literature therefore appear to be based on assumptions that do not necessarily apply to the developing world. This study explores these factors in an organisation in a developing country. The purpose of the study was to develop a rich picture of the factors that affect ecommerce adoption in the BDF procurement process. The study aimed to identify issues, factors, and problems critically involved in IT adoption in the BDF procurement process and to develop a theory that could help to understand these factors. Grounded theory methodology was the chosen method of qualitative data collection and analysis. This methodology was chosen because it facilitates inductive theory generation from an interpretive perspective. This approach was suitable for the study as the aim was to develop a theory that was grounded in the data and likely to resemble reality. The data was gathered through semistructured interviews with procurement officers, IT officers, and BDF senior officers. The research findings identified the benefits, limitations, drivers and barriers of ecommerce adoption in the BDF procurement process. The technological capabilities of the BDF were identified and it was concluded that the BDF is prepared in terms of IT infrastructure for e-commerce adoption. A theory of the factors affecting e-commerce adoption was developed using grounded theory methodology and a model of the factors affecting e-commerce adoption in the procurement process was developed. To strengthen the theory that was 'built', it was compared to previous e-commerce adoption literature. Overall, this research provided a stepping stone for new research into ecommerce adoption in the Botswana Defence Force. It has facilitated better understanding of how participants view e-commerce adoption in the BDF. The study also contributes to the literature on e-commerce adoption, which is currently under-researched, particularly in developing countries such as Botswana.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gemik op verkenning van die faktore wat die oorskakeling na ehandel in die Botswana Weermag se aanskaffingsproses affekteer. Faktore wat 'n effek op oorskakeling het en voorheen gerndentifiseer is, het na vore gekom in studies wat hoofsaaklik in die konteks van die ontwikkelde, veral die Westerse, wereld uitgevoer is. Besprekings in die akademiese literatuur laat blyk dus dat sulke faktore op aannames gebaseer is wat nie noodwendig op die ontwikkeleride wereld van toepassing is nie. Die huidige studie verken hierdie faktore binne 'n organisasie in 'n ontwikkelende land. Die doel van die studie was om 'n volle beeld van die faktore wat oorgang na ehandel in die Botswana Weermag se aanskaffingsproses affekteer, te verkry. Die studie was daarop gemik om kwessies, faktore en probleme wat krities betrokke is by die oorskakeling na lnformasietegnologie (IT) in hierdie Weermag se aanskaffingsproses te identifiseer en 'n teorie te ontwikkel wat sou help om hierdie faktore te verstaan. Die metodologie van gegronde teorie is as metode gekies om data kwalitatief te versamel en te analiseer. Die besluit is geneem omdat die metodologie induktiewe teoriegenerering vanuit 'n verklarende perspektief in die hand werk. Die benadering was geskik omdat die studie daarop gerig was om 'n teorie te ontwikkel wat in die data gegrond was en moontlik die werklike sou weergee. Die data is deur middel van semigestruktureerde onderhoude met offisiere wat by aanskaffing betrokke is, offisiere wat by IT betrokke is en senior lede van die Botswana Weermag ingewin. Die bevindings van die navorsingstudie het die voordele, beperkings, aandrywers van en hindernisse tot oorgang na e-handel in die Botswana Weermag se aanskaffingsproses ge·identifiseer. Die tegnologiese vermoe van die Botswana Weermag is gerdentifiseer en die slotsom was dat die Weermag in terme van ITinfrastruktuur gereed was vir die oorgang na e-handel. Teorie oor die faktore wat oorgang na e-handel affekteer, is met behulp van gegronde teoriemetodologie ontwikkel en die verwantskap tussen die faktore is ge·1dentifiseer. Die teorie wat ontwikkel is, is met vroeer literatuur oor die oorgang na e-handel vergelyk om dit te versterk. In geheel bied hierdie navorsing 'n middel tot verdere navorsing in verband met oorgang na e-handel in die Botswana Weermag. Dit het beter begrip bewerkstellig vir deelnemers se beskouings ten opsigte van die oorgang na ehandel in hierdie Weermag. Die studie lewer ook 'n bydrae tot die literatuur oor oorgang na e-handel, waaroor daar tans nog min navorsing gedoen is, veral in ontwikkelende lande soos Botswana

    Experiences in Interpretative Information Systems Research: Investigating E-commerce Adoption in the Botswana Defence Force

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    Experiences in Interpretative Information Systems Research: Investigating E-commerce Adoption in the Botswana Defence Force

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    Cropping Systems and Agronomic Management Practices in Smallholder Farms in South Africa: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities

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    ArticleMany studies have been conducted to assess challenges faced by smallholder crop producers in South Africa but few have focused on agronomic constraints. This study is a review of agronomic constraints faced by smallholder farmers under irrigation and dryland farming in South Africa. Constraints include choice of cultivars, planting dates and densities, tillage operations, water and fertilizer management and cropping patterns. Water availability is a major constraint under dryland farming and studies showed that the impacts can be very severe. Interaction of a variety of constraints under irrigation resulted in below average yields. Strategies for increasing productivity in dryland agriculture include capturing more water and allowing it to infiltrate to the root zone and the use of available water more efficiently. Yields under irrigation can improve when micronutrients are blended with macronutrients in relatively affordable blends. Use of green manure as an alternative fertilizer can also improve yields. Soil and water management technologies that improve soil fertility and productivity were as important as those that prevent soil erosion and water loss. It was recommended that practices such as supplementary irrigation and rainwater harvesting technologies take priority in efforts to address dryland water problems. As for farmers with access to irrigation water, practices that deal with improvement in planting dates and populations and water and fertilizer management can have positive impacts on crop yields. Research focused on smallholder agriculture should also start focusing more on water productivity and improving agronomic practices