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    This study has aimed to introduce a novel strategy for exploring the Manto-Michigan copper deposits, considered a principal copper resource after the porphyry type. Faults and crushed zones have a prominent role in this deposit type, and so we hope to detect unique patterns in magnetic responses that provide a helpful indicator to determine the mineralized zone. Accordingly, we want to test the magnetometry in Manto-type exploration. We performed a magnetometry survey in the Dochileh copper deposit that other researchers have claimed to be a Manto-Michigan type with a distance of 10 meters between survey lines and a spacing of 5 meters among stations on each profile. After processing the required maps, the residual magnetic map does not show any typical dipole magnetic anomaly, but some linear trends exist. One of those linear trends belongs to a faulted and crushed zone with a length of almost 2.5 km and different widths between 50 and 250 meters. The previous mineralized zones indicated by other prospectors who relied more on geological evidence in the Dochileh area have mostly stayed inside this negative value on the residual map. Four new boreholes were made in the negative anomaly to evaluate our hypothesis, and the derived cores confirmed the native copper, malachite, and cuprite mineralization.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio primijeniti novu strategiju za istraživanje ležišta bakra tipa Manto-Michigan, koji se smatraju glavnim resursom bakra nakon ležišta porfirnoga tipa. S obzirom na to da rasjedi i zdrobljene zone imaju istaknutu ulogu u ovoj vrsti naslaga, očekivana je pojava jedinstvenih magnetskih obrazaca kao pokazatelja zone mineralizacije. U skladu s tim, testirana je magnetometrija u istraživanju ove vrste ležišta bakra Dochileh, tipa Manto-Michigan. Linije istraživanja bile su udaljene 10 metara uz razmak od 5 metara između stanica na svakome profilu. Nakon kartiranja karta magnetskih reziduala nije pokazala nikakvu dipolnu anomaliju, ali su zabilježeni određeni linearni trendovi. Jedan od njih pripada rasjednoj i zdrobljenoj zoni duljine gotovo 2,5 km i širine između 50 i 250 metara. Prethodno opisane mineralizirane zone, izdvojene na temelju geologije područja Dochileh, uglavnom se podudaraju s negativnim vrijednostima na karti reziduala. Načinjene su četiri nove ocjenske bušotine u granicama negativne anomalije, a izvedene jezgre potvrdile su mineralizacije bakra, malahita i kuprita