14 research outputs found

    El cuidado informal de mayores: impactos en la salud y calidad de vida de las personas cuidadoras

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    271 p.El envejecimiento se acompaña de una mayor morbilidad, que implica que no toda la vida a partir de los 65 años sea sana y que, en ocasiones, sea necesario el cuidado por parte de otra persona para desempeñar actividades de la vida diaria. La prestación de cuidados sigue procediendo fundamentalmente de las familias y especialmente de las mujeres. Las herramientas empleadas para medir cómo afecta cuidar de una persona mayor dependiente en la vida de las personas cuidadoras son múltiples, siendo las dimensiones de sobrecarga y salud mental y emocional las más evaluadas. Aparte de estos impactos, cuidar también puede afectar a la salud física y otras dimensiones de la vida (personal, social, laboral, económica) de las personas cuidadoras, con peores resultados en las mujeres. En el País Vasco, la población cuidadora tiene peor salud que la población no cuidadora. Los hombres presentan problemas de salud crónicos con más frecuencia y las mujeres peor salud mental y más problemas de dolor/malestar, ansiedad/depresión y actividades cotidianas. En Gipuzkoa, las mujeres cuidadoras refieren peores resultados que los hombres en salud autopercibida, salud mental, dificultades para dormir y problemas de dolor/malestar y ansiedad/depresión. Las mujeres presentan más cansancio y han tenido que ponerse en tratamiento médico por la situación.Es preciso un debate en profundidad acerca del modelo de organización del cuidado y debe corresponderse con el diseño de políticas públicas que incluyan la perspectiva de la interseccionalidad de ejes de desigualdad (género, clase social, etnia) que contribuyan a reducir las desigualdades en salud

    Inequalities and Risk Factors Related to Non-Participation in Colorectal Cancer Screening Programmes: a Systematic Review

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    Background Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programmes require high levels of participation in order to reduce mortality. To improve participation rates, it is necessary to identify the health risk factors and social inequalities associated with non-participation. Methods A systematic review was conducted between June and September of 2019 in six databases: CINHAL, Medline, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Embase and PsycINFO. Studies assessing the relationship between health risk factors, participation in preventive activities and participation in CRC screening were included. Methodological assessment was carried out according to the Quality Assessment Tools of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Results A total of nine studies that analyze participation in both organized and opportunistic screening programmes using any type of screening method were finally selected. Data were mainly self-reported although in two studies medical records were also studied. We identified several variables: gender, body mass index, consultation with a doctor or a specialist, educational level, employment, health insurance, residence, ethnicity, age, marital status, income, other preventive activities, obesity, physical activity, smoking, family history of CRC and general health status. Conclusion The scarcity of studies linking risk factors, social inequalities and participation in preventive activities for participation in screening in the same study makes it difficult to reach definitive patterns related to non-participation in CRC screening programmes. Nevertheless, being under 60, obese, smoker and sedentary have shown an association with non-participation as well as not visiting a doctor.This study was financed by the Health Department of the Basque Government (Spain) (internal code: 2017111126).SUA have received funding from the Department of Education of the Basque Government through the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19)

    The IARC perspective on cervical cancer screening

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    In May 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for a global initiative to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. To achieve this goal, global scale-up of effective vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) as well as screening for and treatment of cervical cancer are required. Cervical cancer screening was evaluated in 2005 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Handbooks program,1 and a reevaluation was deemed to be timely given the major advances in the field since then. The new handbook provides updated evaluations of the effectiveness of screening methods, which were used as a basis for the update of the WHO Guideline for Screening and Treatment of Cervical Pre-cancer Lesions for Cervical Cancer Prevention.2 We convened an IARC Working Group of 27 scientists from 20 countries to assess the evidence on the current approaches to and technologies used in cervical cancer screening with the use of the newly updated Handbooks Preamble3 (Fig. 1) and Table 1).Fil: Bouvard, Véronique. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Wentzensen, Nicolas. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Mackie, Anne. Public Health England; Reino UnidoFil: Berkhof, Johannes. University of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Brotherton, Julia. VCS Foundation; Australia. University of Melbourne; AustraliaFil: Giorgi Rossi, Paolo. Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Di Reggio Emilia; ItaliaFil: Kupets, Rachel. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Smith, Robert. American Cancer Society; Estados UnidosFil: Arrossi, Silvina. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bendahhou, Karima. Casablanca Cancer Registry; MarruecosFil: Canfell, Karen. The University Of Sydney; AustraliaFil: Chirenje, Z. Mike. University Of Zimbabwe; ZimbabueFil: Chung, Michael H.. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: del Pino, Marta. Hospital Clinico de Barcelona; EspañaFil: de Sanjosé, Silvia. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; Estados UnidosFil: Elfström, Miriam. Karolinska Huddinge Hospital. Karolinska Institutet; SueciaFil: Franco, Eduardo L.. McGill University; CanadáFil: Hamashima, Chisato. Teikyo University; JapónFil: Hamers, Françoise F.. French National Public Health Agency; FranciaFil: Herrington, C. Simon. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Murillo, Raúl. Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; ColombiaFil: Sangrajrang, Suleeporn. National Cancer Institute; TailandiaFil: Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy. Research Triangle Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Saraiya, Mona. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Estados UnidosFil: Schiffman, Mark. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Zhao, Fanghui. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College; ChinaFil: Arbyn, Marc. Sciensano; BélgicaFil: Prendiville, Walter. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Indave Ruiz, Blanca I.. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Mosquera Metcalfe, Isabel. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Lauby Secretan, Béatrice. International Agency For Research On Cancer; Franci

    El cuidado informal de mayores: impactos en la salud y calidad de vida de las personas cuidadoras

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    271 p.El envejecimiento se acompaña de una mayor morbilidad, que implica que no toda la vida a partir de los 65 años sea sana y que, en ocasiones, sea necesario el cuidado por parte de otra persona para desempeñar actividades de la vida diaria. La prestación de cuidados sigue procediendo fundamentalmente de las familias y especialmente de las mujeres. Las herramientas empleadas para medir cómo afecta cuidar de una persona mayor dependiente en la vida de las personas cuidadoras son múltiples, siendo las dimensiones de sobrecarga y salud mental y emocional las más evaluadas. Aparte de estos impactos, cuidar también puede afectar a la salud física y otras dimensiones de la vida (personal, social, laboral, económica) de las personas cuidadoras, con peores resultados en las mujeres. En el País Vasco, la población cuidadora tiene peor salud que la población no cuidadora. Los hombres presentan problemas de salud crónicos con más frecuencia y las mujeres peor salud mental y más problemas de dolor/malestar, ansiedad/depresión y actividades cotidianas. En Gipuzkoa, las mujeres cuidadoras refieren peores resultados que los hombres en salud autopercibida, salud mental, dificultades para dormir y problemas de dolor/malestar y ansiedad/depresión. Las mujeres presentan más cansancio y han tenido que ponerse en tratamiento médico por la situación.Es preciso un debate en profundidad acerca del modelo de organización del cuidado y debe corresponderse con el diseño de políticas públicas que incluyan la perspectiva de la interseccionalidad de ejes de desigualdad (género, clase social, etnia) que contribuyan a reducir las desigualdades en salud

    Desigualdades sociales en salud en población mayor: revisión de los indicadores empleados en España

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    Objective: To identify the indicators of social position used to evaluate inequalities in health among the population aged 65 and over in Spain. Method: A systematic search of the literature published in English and Spanish since 2000 in health and social databases was carried out. Primary and secondary studies analyzing these inequalities in Spain were included. The indicators used were identified, as well as the advantages and limitations pointed out by the authors. The main findings were synthesized in a review of the literature. Results: We included 87 studies, described in 89 articles. The socioeconomic indicators employed were both individual and ecological. Among the former, educational level was the most analyzed socioeconomic variable (n = 73). Other individual variables used were occupation (n = 17), objective economic level (n = 16), subjective economic level (n = 4), housing and household material wealth (n = 6), relationship with work activity (n = 5), and mixed measures (n = 5). Among the ecological indicators, simple (n = 3) and complex indices (n = 7) were identified. The latter had been constructed based on several indicators, such as educational level and unemployment. Inequalities in multiple health indicators were analyzed, self-perceived health being the only indicator assessed according to all the socioeconomic indicators described. Conclusions: A wide variety of indicators is identified for the evaluation of social inequalities in health among the elderly population. There have not been sufficiently assessed from a gender perspective; this is a line of interest for future research.Este artículo ha sido realizado en el marco del Grupo de Trabajo de Determinantes Sociales de la Salud de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, que ha financiado los costes de publicación

    Desigualdades socioeconómicas en la salud de la población mayor en España.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine socioeconomic inequalities in health in the older population in Spain. METHOD: A systematic search and review of the literature published between 2000 and 2017 in English and Spanish was conducted in Social Science Citation Index, Sociology Database, Scopus, PubMed and Embase. Primary and secondary studies analysing these inequalities in Spain were included. Two researchers were responsible for the selection of the studies and the extraction of the information (first author, year of publication, region, design, population/sample, socioeconomic and health indicators used, and main results). RESULTS: A total of 89 articles were included, corresponding to 87 studies. Of the studies, 81.6% were cross-sectional, 88.5% included only non-institutionalised population and 35.6% were carried out at a national level. The studies analysed social inequalities in the following health indicators: functional status (n=29), morbidity (n=19), self-perceived health (n=18), mental and emotional health (n=10), cognitive status (n=7), quality of life (n=9), mortality (n=15) and life expectancy (n=2). Socioeconomic inequalities were detected in all of them, although the magnitude varied depending on the socioeconomic and health indicator used. The educational level and the ecological indexes were the indicators that detected more inequalities in health. The impact of inequalities by sex was different in functional status, morbidity, self-perceived health, mental and emotional health and mortality. CONCLUSION: There are socioeconomic inequalities in health among the elderly population and their magnitude varies by sex in some of the health indicators. The increase in educational level and the maintenance of sufficient pensions can be key policies that contribute to the reduction of inequalities in this population group

    Desigualdades de género en los impactos del cuidado informal de mayores dependientes en Gipuzkoa: Estudio CUIDAR-SE

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    Background: The provision of informal care determines the existence of health inequalities, as well as gender inequalities, because of women being the most frequent caregivers. The objectives of this study were to characterize the informal caregivers of elderly dependents in Gipuzkoa, to know the impact of caring on health and health related quality of life (HRQoL), and to explain the relationship between sex and consequences attributable to care. Methods: Cross-sectional study analyzing health (self-perceived health and GHQ-12) and HRQoL (EQ-5D-5L) data of 123 women and 103 men who took care of a dependent elderly and participated in the first wave of the CUIDAR-SE study in Gipuzkoa. A descriptive study was performed, and a logistic regression analysis was carried out to examine the association between sex and the consequences attributable to care. Results: Women and men were over 60 years old, married, with primary education or less, and took care of their parents mainly. Women presented worse perceived health (46.3% vs 32.0%) and mental health (23.3% vs 13.9%), and more problems in the dimensions of anxiety/depression (35.0% vs 21.4%) and pain/discomfort (52.8% vs 31.1%) of EQ-5D-5L.The regression model showed greater risk of fatigue (OR = 2.83; 95% CI:1.53-5.24) and burden (OR = 1.87; 95% CI: 1.06-3.29) among women than among men. Conclusions: There are gender inequalities in the provision of informal care to dependent elderly people in Gipuzkoa, with women having a greater impact on their health and HRQoL than men. Considering the organization of care in this province, it will be necessary to design improvement actions more suited to the needs of caregivers.Fundamentos: La prestación de cuidados informales determina la existencia de desigualdades en salud, a las cuales se suman las desigualdades de género por el papel mayoritario de las mujeres en dicha prestación. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron caracterizar a la población cuidadora informal de mayores dependientes en Gipuzkoa, conocer los impactos de cuidar sobre la salud y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS), y explicar la relación entre el sexo y las consecuencias atribuibles al cuidado. Métodos: Estudio transversal en el que se analizaron datos de salud (salud percibida y GHQ-12) y CVRS (EQ-5D-5L) de 123 mujeres y 103 hombres cuidadores de mayores dependientes que participaron en la primera oleada del estudio CUIDAR-SE en Gipuzkoa. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, y un análisis de regresión logística para examinar la asociación entre el sexo y las consecuencias del cuidado. Resultados: Mujeres y hombres tenían más de 60 años, estaban casadas/os, tenían educación primaria o inferior, y cuidaban a sus progenitores fundamentalmente. Las mujeres presentaban peor salud percibida (46,3% vs 32,0%) y mental (23,3% vs 13,9%), y más problemas en las dimensiones de ansiedad/depresión (35,0% vs 21,4%) y dolor/malestar (52,8% vs 31,1%) de laEQ-5D-5L. El modelo de regresión mostró mayor riesgo de cansancio (OR=2,83; IC95%:1,53-5,24) y sobrecarga (OR=1,87; IC95%:1,06-3,29) en mujeres que en hombres. Conclusiones: Existen desigualdades de género en la provisión de cuidados informales a mayores dependientes en Gipuzkoa, mostrando las mujeres un mayor impacto en su salud y CVRS que los hombres. Considerando la organización del cuidado en esta provincia, será necesario el diseño de acciones de mejora más adecuadas a las necesidades de las personas cuidadoras

    The economic value of time of informal care and its determinants (The CUIDARSE Study).

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    OBJECTIVE:The main aims of this paper are to analyse the monetary value of informal care time using different techniques and to identify significant variables associated with the number of caregiving hours. DATA AND METHODS:A multicentre study in two Spanish regions in adult caregivers was conducted. A total sample of 604 people was available. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify the variables associated with the number of hours of caregiving time. In the monetary valuation of informal care provided, three approaches were used: replacement cost method, opportunity cost and contingent valuation (willingness to pay and willingness to accept). RESULTS:The main determinants of the amount of time of informal care provided were age, gender, the level of care receiver´s dependence and the professional care services received (at home and out of home). The value estimated for informal care time ranges from EUROS 80,247 (replacement cost method) to EUROS 14,325 (willingness to pay), with intermediate values of EUROS 27,140 and EUROS 29,343 (opportunity cost and willingness to accept, respectively). Several sensitivity analyses were performed over the base cases, confirming the previous results. CONCLUSIONS:Time of informal care represents a great social value, regardless of the applied technique. However, the results can differ strongly depending on the technique chosen. Therefore, the choice of technique of valuation is not neutral. Among the determinants of informal care time, the professional care received at home has a complementary character to informal care, while the formal care outside the home has a substitute character

    Training health care providers to administer VIA as a screening test for cervical cancer: a systematic review of essential training components

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    Abstract Background Training health care providers to administer visual inspection after application of acetic acid (VIA) is paramount in improving cervical cancer screening services for women in low- and middle-income countries. The objective of this systematic review was to create a framework of essential VIA training components and provide illustrating examples of how VIA training programs can be carried out in different clinical settings. Methods A systematic review of PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science (from 2006 to 2021) was undertaken. Our inclusion criteria comprised articles reporting on implemented cervical cancer screening programs using VIA in a screen-and-treat approach. Trained health care providers with any level of health education were included, and the outcome of interest was the reporting of training components. Data were extracted by two reviewers, and a narrative synthesis of the training programs was performed. We developed a framework of seven essential training components and applied it to assess how training courses were conducted in different settings. Results 13 primary studies were eligible for inclusion, including 2,722 trained health care providers and 342,889 screened women. Most training courses lasted 5–7 days and included theoretical education, practical skill development, and competence assessment. It was unclear how visual aids and training in client counselling and quality assessment were integrated in the training courses. After the training course, nearly all the VIA training programs made provisions for on-job training at the providers’ own clinical settings through supervision, feedback, and refresher training. Conclusions This study demonstrates the feasibility of implementing international training recommendations for cervical cancer screening in real-world settings and provides valuable examples of training program implementation across various clinical settings. The diverse reporting practices of quality indicators in different studies hinder the establishment of direct links between these data and training program effectiveness. To enhance future reporting, authors should emphasize specific training components, delivery methods, and contextual factors. Standardized reporting of quality indicators for effective evaluation of VIA training programs is recommended, fostering comparability, facilitating research, and enhancing reporting quality in this field

    Modelos de colaboración entre atención primaria y salud mental en la asistencia sanitaria a las personas con depresión: resultados principales y retos metodológicos de una meta-revisión sistemática

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    Background: Weaknesses in the collaboration between Primary Care (PC) and Mental Health (MH) are a relevant problem in the care of depressed patients. It is necessary to analyse and appraise the existing models of collaboration to assess their applicability to the Spanish Health System. The aim of this study is to know the main characteristics of the different models of collaboration between PC and MH in the care of patients with depression and the quality of their effectiveness evidence. Methods: Systematic overview of secondary studies published from 2001 to 2010 in MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, LILACS, IBECS, IME and The Cochrane Library. Assessment of reviews applying the AMSTAR tool. Approximative synthesis of the quality of evidences. Results: A total of 69 studies were assessed. Quality of evidences is generally low or inconclusive due to the great variability among contexts and the methodological weaknesses. The most effective strategies integrate interventions for assigning responsibility for patient follow-up, redesigning management and communication/information sharing. Overviews of secondary studies on collaborative models facilitate access to published evidence, but entail important methodological challenges. Conclusion: The quality of evidences on effectiveness of PC-MH collaboration models in depression care is mainly low or inconclusive, and the more simplified are the analysis of components, processes and implementation conditions, the less meaningful and applicable they are.Fundamentos: Las carencias en la colaboración entre Atención Primaria (AP) y Salud Mental (SM) constituyen un problema relevante en la atención a los pacientes con depresión. Resulta necesario analizar y evaluar los modelos de colaboración existentes para valorar su aplicabilidad en el sistema de salud español. El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer las principales características de los distintos modelos de colaboración AP-SM en la atención a los pacientes diagnosticados de depresión y la calidad de la evidencia científica acerca de su efectividad. Métodos: Meta-revisión sistemática de los estudios secundarios publicados entre 2001 y 2010 en MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, LILACS, IBECS, IME y la Biblioteca Cochrane. Las revisiones se evaluaron mediante la herramienta AMSTAR. Se realizó una síntesis aproximativa de la calidad de las evidencias encontradas. Resultados: Se evaluaron 69 estudios. La variabilidad según contextos y las carencias metodológicas condicionan que la calidad de las evidencias sea en general baja o dudosa. Las estrategias más efectivas integran intervenciones de responsabilización en el seguimiento de los pacientes, rediseños en la gestión, e información y comunicación compartidas. Las meta-revisiones de estudios secundarios sobre modelos colaborativos favorecen la accesibilidad a las evidencias publicadas, pero conllevan importantes retos metodológicos. Conclusiones: La calidad de la evidencia sobre la efectividad de los modelos de colaboración AP-SM durante la atención sanitaria a las personas con depresión es predominantemente baja o dudosa y su significado y aplicabilidad son menores cuanto más se simplifica el análisis de sus componentes, procesos y circunstancias de implementación