140 research outputs found

    an analysis of current capacity, needs and barriers

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    Background In times of increasing global challenges to health, it is crucial to create a workforce capable of tackling these complex issues. Even though a lack of GHE in Germany is perceived by multiple stakeholders, no systematic analysis of the current landscape exists. The aim of this study is to provide an analysis of the global health education (GHE) capacity in Germany as well as to identify gaps, barriers and future strategies. Methods An online search in combination with information provided by student representatives, course coordinators and lecturers was used to create an overview of the current GHE landscape in Germany. Additionally, a semi-structured questionnaire was sent to GHE educators and students engaged in global health (GH) to assess the capacity of German GHE, its barriers and suggested strategies for the future. Results A total of 33 GHE activities were identified at 18 German universities. Even though medical schools are the main provider of GHE (42%), out of 38 medical schools, only 13 (34%) offer any kind of GHE. Modules offered for students of other health-related professions constitute 27% of all activities. Most survey respondents (92%, n = 48) consider current GHE activities in Germany insufficient. Suggested formats were GHE as part of medical curricula (82%, n = 45) and dual degree MD/MPH or PhD programs. Most important barriers mentioned were low priority of GH at faculties and academic management levels (n = 41, 75%) as well as lack of necessary institutional structures (n = 33, 60%). Conclusions Despite some innovative academic approaches, there is clearly a need for more systematic GHE in Germany. GHE educators and students can take an important role advocating for more awareness at university management level and suggesting ways to institutionalize GHE to overcome barriers. This study provides key evidence, relevant perceptions and suggestions to strengthen GHE in Germany

    Student's vocal participation trajectories in whole-class discussions during teacher professional development

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    Research studies have long shown that dialogic classroom interactions can have a positive impact on student learning. Despite this, in practice, monologic classroom discussions still predominate. This comparative scarcity of dialogic classroom discussions is linked to the considerable challenges inherent in cultivating them, both for teachers and their students. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the extent to which, during a one-year teacher professional development program, students' vocal participation in whole-class discussions can be successfully fostered. As data material, we used videotaped classroom discussions of six classes (three mathematics and three history classes) from pre-, post-, and delayed post-test intervention lessons, as well as from three practice phases of the training. The discussions were evaluated using quantitative analyses and content analysis. In all six classes, the pre-post-test comparison revealed an increase in students' talk share. In four of the six classes, more students participated after the intervention than before. The type of student contributions changed in all classes: The students more often justified their contributions and referred to other students' contributions. The insights gained regarding the mostly non-linear progression of individual developments, and regarding subject-based differences, yield useful hints for the design of professional development formats

    Cross-cultural adaptation and translation into Brazilian Portuguese of the instruments Sick Control One Stone Fat Food Questionnaire (SCOFF), Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA)

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    Introduction: Eating disorders (EDs) affect up to 13% of young people and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, important, internationally recognized instruments for brief ED screening (Sick Control One Stone Fat Food Questionnaire [SCOFF]), symptom severity assessment and diagnosis (Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire [EDE-Q]) and assessment of ED-associated psychosocial impairment (Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire [CIA]) were not yet available in Brazilian Portuguese. Our objective was to perform the cross-cultural adaptation and translation into Brazilian Portuguese of the instruments SCOFF, EDE-Q and CIA. Method: The process involved a series of standardized steps, as well as discussions with experts. First, the relevance and adequacy of the scales’ items to our culture and population were extensively discussed. Then, two independent groups translated the original documents, creating versions that were compared. With the participation of external ED experts (i.e., who did not take part in the translation process), synthesized versions were produced. The syntheses were then applied to a focal group of patients with ED (n = 8). After that step, a preliminary version of the three scales in Brazilian Portuguese was produced and sent for back-translation by two English native speakers, who worked independently. A synthesis of the back-translations, along with the preliminary versions in Brazilian Portuguese, were sent to the original authors. Results: The Brazilian Portuguese versions of SCOFF, EDE-Q and CIA were approved by the original authors and are now available for use. Conclusion: This study provides important tools for the ED research field in Brazil

    Klassengespräche im Fachunterricht lernförderlich gestalten lernen: Entwicklung von Strategien für die Analyse von Unterrichtsgesprächen im Kontext einer Interventionsstudie mit Geschichts- und Mathematiklehrpersonen

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    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir dar, wie fachübergreifende und fachspezifische Anforderungen an eine dialogische Klassengesprächsführung im Fachunterricht (a) bei der Gestaltung einer Fortbildung für Mathematik- und Geschichtslehrpersonen und (b) bei der Analyse von videografierten Klassengesprächen aus beiden Fächern ineinandergreifen. Um mögliche Veränderungen des Gesprächsverhaltens (Lehrperson, Lernende) im Laufe dieser Fortbildung (1 Jahr) zu erfassen, werden unterschiedliche Analysemethoden verwendet, die unterschiedliche Perspektiven repräsentieren (allgemein- und fachdidaktische), unterschiedliche Aspekte der Gespräche fokussieren und quantifizierende mit qualitativen Verfahren kombinieren. Das Potenzial dieses Vorgehens wird anhand von zwei Beispielen – Videodaten einer Geschichts- und einer Mathematiklehrperson – illustriert und diskutiert, in denen je unterschiedliche Analyseverfahren zur Anwendung kommen

    Learning scientific observation with worked examples in a digital learning environment

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    Science education often aims to increase learners’ acquisition of fundamental principles, such as learning the basic steps of scientific methods. Worked examples (WE) have proven particularly useful for supporting the development of such cognitive schemas and successive actions in order to avoid using up more cognitive resources than are necessary. Therefore, we investigated the extent to which heuristic WE are beneficial for supporting the acquisition of a basic scientific methodological skill—conducting scientific observation. The current study has a one-factorial, quasi-experimental, comparative research design and was conducted as a field experiment. Sixty two students of a German University learned about scientific observation steps during a course on applying a fluvial audit, in which several sections of a river were classified based on specific morphological characteristics. In the two experimental groups scientific observation was supported either via faded WE or via non-faded WE both presented as short videos. The control group did not receive support via WE. We assessed factual and applied knowledge acquisition regarding scientific observation, motivational aspects and cognitive load. The results suggest that WE promoted knowledge application: Learners from both experimental groups were able to perform the individual steps of scientific observation more accurately. Fading of WE did not show any additional advantage compared to the non-faded version in this regard. Furthermore, the descriptive results reveal higher motivation and reduced extraneous cognitive load within the experimental groups, but none of these differences were statistically significant. Our findings add to existing evidence that WE may be useful to establish scientific competences

    Chapter 6 Kindergarten educators’ affective-motivational dispositions

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    Affective-motivational dispositions regarding the fostering of mathematics are an important aspect of early educators' professional competence, as educators are not following curricular programmes but need to seize moments in everyday activities and in play in order to foster mathematics. A variety of scales measuring variables of affective-motivational dispositions within a questionnaire were employed in a binational study involving 132 kindergarten educators in Germany and Switzerland. Based on the expectancy-value theory of motivation, the relations between educators' emotions regarding mathematics at school, the enthusiasm for mathematics as a subject, the value placed on mathematics and the expectancy of fostering mathematics successfully (self-efficacy) as well as the enthusiasm for fostering mathematics in kindergarten are examined. Following the analysis of correlations and the testing of a multiple regression model, it was found that enthusiasm for mathematics as a subject, importance of mathematics as a subject in kindergarten and self-efficacy predict enthusiasm for fostering mathematics, whereas the variable emotions regarding mathematics at school does not increase the variance explained. Self-efficacy, importance given to mathematics and enthusiasm for fostering mathematics are slightly higher in Switzerland than in Germany, which could be interpreted in light with the structural differences regarding kindergarten

    Teaching quality in kindergarten: professional development and quality of adaptive learning support enhances mathematical competency

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    Adaptive learning support provided by kindergarten teachers before and after (macro-adaptive learning support) as well as during mathematical learning activities (micro-adaptive learning support) is a cross-cutting concept of teaching quality. Effective adaptive learning support enhances children’s learning. However, providing it is challenging and teachers need professional development (PD) to improve the quality of their support. This study investigates the mediating role of teaching quality between PD programs for kindergarten teachers and the development of children’s mathematical competency. 122 kindergarten teachers and their 825 pupils participated in the study. The teachers were randomly assigned to three groups. Two groups attended PD sessions designed to foster either macro- or micro-adaptive learning support. The third was the materials-only control group. The data was analyzed using a self-developed rating instrument focusing on generic and domain-specific elements of teaching quality related to macro- and micro-adaptive learning support. The multilevel latent change model analysis revealed that the PD programs had positive and significant effects on the teaching quality of kindergarten teachers. A significant positive relationship was also found between micro-adaptive learning support and changes in children’s mathematical competency. However, an indirect effect of teaching quality could not be detected, and the PD programs did not have a total effect on children’s mathematical competency. The study reinforces the importance of PD that specifically targets macro- and micro-adaptive learning support for kindergarten teachers. The mediation between PD and mathematical competency development requires further investigation

    Early childhood teachers' mathematics-specific professional competence and its relation to the quality of learning support

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    Teacher expertise research uses different approaches, among them competence models. The model of mathematics-specific professional competence in this study differentiates action-related and reflective competence, which pertain to different types of professional demands according to dual processing theories and should positively impact teaching quality. The cross-sectional study with early childhood teachers investigates the structure of teacher competence and its relations to the quality of learning support in line with the notion of adaptive teaching when playing board games. The findings support a differentiation of competences according to the model (structural validity evidence). Expected relations between competences and the quality of the learning support are partially supported (predictive validity evidence). The study hence adds to research on teacher expertise by developing a specific understanding of competence in line with existing theories. Affordances of using competence models, as well as difficulties and open questions with relation to the emerging approach are discussed
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