418 research outputs found

    Metrics for Analyzing Social Documents to Understand Joint Work

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    Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA) aims at measuring and interpreting communication and joint work on collaboration platforms and is a relatively new topic in the discipline of Information Systems. Previous applications of SCA are largely based on transactional data (event logs). In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the examination of collaboration based on the structure of social documents. Guided by the ontology for social business documents (SocDOnt) we develop metrics to measure collaboration around documents that provide traces of collaborative activity. For the evaluation, we apply these metrics to a large-scale collaboration platform. The findings show that group workspaces that support the same use case are characterized by a similar richness of their social documents (i.e. the number of components and contributing authors). We also show typical differences in the “collaborativity” of functional modules (containers)

    The Structure of Social Documents

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    Enterprise collaboration platforms are large scale, highly integrated information infrastructures that enable many hundreds of employees to work collaboratively and share information. In this paper, we lay the theoretical and analytical foundations for the use of social documents as digital traces of collaborative activity in enterprise collaboration platforms. Through a review of related research and an empirical analysis of social documents, we identify key concepts and structures, providing the foundation for the Social Document Ontology (SocDOnt). SocDOnt expresses the generic structure of social documents and extends previous work in two important ways. At the micro-level a social document is defined as a composition of an intellectual entity enhanced by both intellectual and simple components and at the macro-level a collection is defined as an aggregation of social documents. These analytical constructs enable a more nuanced and granular analysis of social documents to understand collaborative activity in enterprise collaboration platforms

    Visualizing Social Documents as Traces of Collaborative Activity in Enterprise Collaboration Platforms

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    Enterprise collaboration platforms are large-scale information infrastructures that provide a wide range of tools and functionality to support collaborative work in organizations. These collaborative activities leave digital traces in the form of social documents, which can be analyzed to understand how employees work together to coordinate their joint work. In this paper, we present the findings of a research project to visualize the structure of social documents to prepare them for analysis as traces of collaborative activity. Using the representation of social documents defined in the Social Document Ontology (SocDOnt), we draw on concepts from graph theory to develop a method for the graphical visualization of social documents. Applying this method to analyze the social documents in an operational enterprise collaboration platform, we identify and display different types of social document and define their characteristic structure. Our findings provide the necessary foundation for conducting computational ethnographies of collaborative work

    The evaluation of effective criteria on site selection for energy production units from cellulosic biomass in Iran

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    Both Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and benefits, opportunities, costs and risks (BOCR) techniques were used successfully to evaluate the effective criteria on site selection for energy production unit development from cellulosic biomass in Iran. The results showed that the benefits criteria was at the first level while the initial cellulosic raw materials and opportunities with the aim of the local economy had the second position as the most important indices on site selection. In addition, third criterion has been introduced for the costs criteria (transportation cost) and social barriers by the experts. However, risks criteria which referred to instability of providing cellulosic raw materials is one of the less important effective indices on site selection to make energy production unit. The results illustrated that the economy and politics as two environmental effective factors affected on the site selection process generally

    Rahvuskultuur väärtuskasvatuse osana lasteaias

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    Development of RNA silencing as a novel disease control strategy to protect pines from Dothistroma needle blight : a thesis presented in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Genetics at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Permission was obtained for the re-use of Figures 1.1, 1.3 -1.8, 1.10, 1.11 & 3.1, and Tables 1.2 & 1.3. Figures 1.12 & 6.1 are re-used under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. Figures 1.9, 2.9, 5.11 & 6.2 are re-used under a CC Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.Pinus radiata, the main commercial forest species grown in New Zealand, is one of many pine species worldwide that are susceptible to Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), caused by the fungus Dothistroma septosporum. New methods are needed to help manage and control this disease over current control measures such as fungicide spraying, pruning, and thinning. RNA silencing is a radical new approach to directly combat pathogens. Due to the success of many studies in controlling agricultural and horticultural crops, by exogenously applying dsRNA molecules targeting virulence genes, this has raised the question of whether forest pathogens can also be controlled with this method. RNA silencing has the potential to silence genes specific to a fungal pathogen, rendering it less virulent, and reducing disease symptoms on affected host plants. The aims of this work were to create an RNA spray targeting individual genes specific to D. septosporum, and to determine if spray applications of the RNA can reduce pathogen virulence and protect pines from fungal infection. As proof of concept, a spray application of a 737 nt eGFP-dsRNA was used to target an enhanced green fluorescent protein gene in D. septosporum. Also, 509 nt and 408 nt DsAflR-dsRNAs were synthesised targeting two different regions of the dothistromin pathway regulatory protein gene, named DsAflR 1-dsRNA and DsAflR 2-dsRNA. The DsAflR gene is involved in the production of the virulence factor dothistromin. All three dsRNAs were labelled with fluorescein to detect its uptake into cells, which was successful. RNA silencing was detected by reduced gene expression levels in vitro for samples treated with DsAflR 1-, DsAflR 2-dsRNA, as well as the RNAi control eGFP. There was a statistically significant reduction in DsAflR gene expression by applying DsAflR 1-dsRNA to D. septosporum grown on agar; however not all the reductions seen for treatment with each respective dsRNA were statistically significant and a lot of variability was observed between replicates. In planta silencing trials, in which pine shoots were treated with dsRNA and inoculated with D. septosporum spores, revealed reductions in fungal biomass in dsRNA treated samples in some cases, although more replicates are needed to confirm these results. Nevertheless this study has contributed new knowledge for the development of spray applications of dsRNA to reduce DNB disease. It provides a starting point for more research in controlling forest pathogens and could ultimately help to replace existing chemical-based forest management practices. Furthermore, the knowledge gained is applicable to a diverse range of pathogens and plant hosts, for which this ground-breaking technology holds great promise

    Sepsis. Hvilke kartleggingsverktøy er mest hensiktsmessig at sykepleier anvender for tidlig oppdagelse av sepsis?

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    Problemstilling: Hvilke kartleggingsverktøy er mest hensiktsmessig at sykepleier anvender for tidlig oppdagelse av sepsis? Hensikt: Hensikten med denne bacheloroppgaven er å undersøke hvilke kunnskaper sykepleier trenger, og hvilke kartleggingsverktøy som er best egnet og mest hensiktsmessig å bruke for å oppdage sepsis tidlig nok hos pasientene. Metode: Metoden som er anvendt i oppgaven er litteraturstudie. Det innebærer at oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i eksisterende forskning og litteratur. Resultat: De valgte studiene legger vekt på at det er viktig å bruke av kartleggingsverktøy som hjelpemiddel for sykepleier for tidlig oppdagelse av sepsis. De legger også vekt på den viktige rollen og posisjonen sykepleiere har for tidlig oppdagelse av sepsis. De beskriver at sensitivitet er viktigere enn spesifisitet for å oppdage sepsis, og bruker dette til å sette kartleggingsverktøyene NEWS og qSOFA opp mot hverandre. Noe av grunnen til dette er at det er stort mangfold i hvilke symptomer pasienter får ved en sepsis. Sykepleier er også avhengig av å ha med seg sansene sine, teoretisk kunnskap og klinisk erfaringskunnskap for å oppdage en pasient med forverret tilstand. Konklusjon: Sykepleier står i en sentral rolle ved tidlig oppdagelse av sepsis, og er ofte den første pasienten møter. Praksisfeltet er nå i ferd med å endre rutiner i samme retning som det forskningen viser. Forskningen konkluderer med at NEWS derfor er det foretrukne kartleggingsverktøyet over qSOFA som standardisert verktøy for sykepleier

    Spatial Audio Mixing in Virtual Reality

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    The development of Virtual Reality (VR) systems and multimodal simulations presents possibilities in spatial music mixing, be it in virtual spaces, for ensembles and orchestral compositions, or for surround sound in film and music. Traditionally, user interfaces for mixing music have employed the channel strip metaphor for controlling volume, panning, and other audio effects, which are aspects that also have grown into the culture of mixing music spatially. Simulated rooms and two-dimensional panning systems are simply implemented on computer screens to facilitate the placement of sound sources within space. This paper presents design aspects for mixing in VR, investigating already existing virtual music mixing products, and creating a framework from which a virtual spatial-music mixing tool can be implemented. Finally, the tool will be tested against a similar computer version to examine whether or not the sensory benefits and palpable spatial proportions of a VE can improve the process of mixing 3D sound