1,090 research outputs found

    Revised environmental identity scale: Adaptation and preliminary examination on a sample of Italian pet owners

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    The Revised Environmental Identity (EID) Scale is a tool proposed by Clayton in 2021 to replace her 2003's EID Scale and aims to measure individual differences in a stable sense of interdependence and connectedness with nature. Since an Italian version of this scale was still missing, the present study presents an adaptation of the Revised EID Scale in Italian. The scale has been translated, back-translated, and administered online to 163 pet owners living in Italy in the context of a study about pet attachment. A parallel analysis suggested the existence of two factors. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified the same number of factors: "Connectedness to nature" (nine items) and "Protection of nature" (five items); the two subscales were found to be consistent. This structure explains more variance compared with the traditional one-factor solution. Sociodemographic variables do not seem to affect the scores of the two EID factors. This adaptation and preliminary validation of the EID scale have relevant implications for studies in the Italian context as well as on specific population groups such as pet owners, and more generally, for international studies on EID

    La chirurgia delle cisti idatidee spleniche: contributo casistico

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    Nel periodo dal 1974 al 2003, in una serie di 339 pazienti trattati chirurgicamente per malattia idatidea a varia localizzazione, 5 erano portatori di una cisti a sede splenica. La formazione cistica, sempre unica, era solitaria in due casi, associata a una cisti epatica in 2 e a una cisti polmonare in 1; un paziente era stato operato in precedenza due volte per una cisti a localizzazione epatica. In 1 caso la malattia era asintomatica, in 2 pazienti si manifestava con dolore e in 3 con la presenza di una massa addominale. La diagnosi fu formulata preoperatoriamente in tutti i pazienti, sulla base dell’Echinotest in 1 e della TC in 5, e fu confermata successivamente dall’intervento chirurgico e dall’esame istologico. È stata eseguita la splenectomia in tutti i pazienti. Il decorso postoperatorio, della durata media di 17,5 giorni (range 7-31 giorni), è stato regolare in assenza di mortalità e di morbilità maggiore in 4 casi, mentre in un paziente esso è stato complicato dall’insorgenza di un ascesso subfrenico che ha richiesto il drenaggio chirurgico. Non sono state osservate recidive della malattia dopo un follow-up medio di 187 mesi (range 169-217 mesi). Gli Autori concludono affermando che la definizione diagnostica della malattia idatidea a localizzazione splenica è oggi più accurata grazie all’avvento delle tecniche per immagini e che la splenectomia è da preferire agli interventi conservativi perché è tecnicamente più semplice e mette al riparo da eventuali recidive

    Modeling of high entropy alloys of refractory elements

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    Reverting the traditional process of developing new alloys based on one or two single elements with minority additions, the study of high entropy alloys (HEA) (equimolar combinations of many elements) has become a relevant and interesting new field of research due to their tendency to form solid solutions with particular properties in the absence of intermetallic phases. Theoretical or modeling studies at the atomic level on specific HEA, describing the formation, structure, and properties of these alloys are limited due to the large number of constituents involved. In this work we focus on HEA with refractory elements showing atomistic modeling results for W-Nb-Mo-Ta and W-Nb-Mo-Ta-V HEA, for which experimental background exists. An atomistic modeling approach is applied for the determination of the role of each element and identification of the interactions and features responsible for the transition to the high entropy regime. Results for equimolar alloys of 4 and 5 refractory elements, for which experimental results exist, are shown. A straightforward algorithm is introduced to interpret the transition to the high entropy regime.Fil: del Grosso, Mariela Fernanda. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bozzolo, G.. Loyola University Maryland (lum);Fil: Mosca, H. O.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentin

    Site preference of ternary alloying additions to NiTi: Fe, Pt, Pd, Au, Al, Cu, Zr and Hf

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    Atomistic modeling of the site substitution behavior of Pd in NiTi (J. Alloys and Comp. (2004), in press) has been extended to examine the behavior of several other alloying additions, namely, Fe, Pt, Au, Al, Cu, Zr and Hf in this important shape memory alloy. It was found that all elements, to a varying degree, displayed absolute preference for available sites in the deficient sublattice. How- ever, the energetics of the different substitutional schemes, coupled with large scale simulations indicate that the general trend in all cases is for the ternary addition to want to form stronger ordered structures with Ti

    Digital technologies for behavioral change in sustainability domains: a systematic mapping review

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    Sustainability research has emerged as an interdisciplinary area of knowledge about how to achieve sustainable development, while political actions toward the goal are still in their infancy. A sustainable world is mirrored by a healthy environment in which humans can live without jeopardizing the survival of future generations. The main aim of this contribution was to carry out a systematic mapping (SM) of the applications of digital technologies in promoting environmental sustainability. From a rigorous search of different databases, a set of more than 1000 studies was initially retrieved and then, following screening criteria based on the ROSES (RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses) procedure, a total of N = 37 studies that met the eligibility criteria were selected. The studies were coded according to different descriptive variables, such as digital technology used for the intervention, type of sustainable behavior promoted, research design, and population for whom the intervention was applied. Results showed the emergence of three main clusters of Digital Technologies (i.e., virtual/immersive/augmented reality, gamification, and power-metering systems) and two main Sustainable Behaviors (SBs) (i.e., energy and water-saving, and pollution reduction). The need for a clearer knowledge of which digital interventions work and the reasons why they work (or do not work) does not emerge from the outcomes of this set of studies. Future studies on digital interventions should better detail intervention design characteristics, alongside the reasons underlying design choices, both behaviourally and technologically. This should increase the likelihood of the successful adoption of digital interventions promoting behavioral changes in a more sustainable direction

    Beliefs about technological and contextual features drive biofuels' social acceptance

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    To make the transition towards renewable and sustainable energy possible, there is a need to make new relevant technologies, including biofuels more acceptable and accepted. To promote biofuels acceptance and thus adoption means to improve both their perceived technological features and the surrounding context supporting their adoption, as well as some social-psychological features of the target adopters. Achieving the ultimate goal of biofuels adoption thus requires a complex and holistic approach to foster this new energy technology's acceptability and acceptance considering several biofuels features. For this aim, the integrated Sustainable Energy Technology Adoption Model (i-SETA) was developed and tested with newly piloted tools to measure the relevant biofuels' beliefs profile. A Path Analysis tested the relationship between the investigated variables. Results revealed the importance of beliefs belonging to each one of the different considered domains (technological, contextual, and personal variables). Several of them had a direct impact on the cognitive and affective biofuels evaluation, and subsequently on biofuels acceptability and acceptance, for European Union both laypeople and expert stakeholders (total sample of 1017 participants). The main results thus revealed that very specific beliefs, across all the three beliefs classes, can be identified as either barriers or drivers with respect to the aim of boosting biofuels' acceptability and acceptance. Each one of these specific beliefs could thus be properly targeted in the audiences to cope with the barriers and capitalize on the drivers

    PIBID e a formação inicial: um novo perfil para a formação do professor

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este artigo destaca a importância que o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid) proporciona aos estudantes dos cursos de licenciatura junto às escolas de educação básica, em um coletivo de ações para a melhoria da formação inicial dos futuros professores. Ainda mostra a ampla influência e abrangência do projeto, pois mobiliza estudantes dos cursos de licenciatura e da educação básica, bem como professores que atuam nestas escolas, pois estes enquanto supervisores, se aproximam novamente da universidade potencializando o projeto e enriquecendo sua práxis pedagógica. Nesse sentido, o programa admite a importância de se construir ações conjuntas para melhoria da formação inicial e continuada de professores estimulando diferentes sujeitos e espaços, sendo que escola de educação básica ocupa um lugar privilegiado para a atuação dos futuros professore

    A atuação dos pibidianos como suavizadores do conflito teoria e prática, o caso da matemática

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014A iniciação à docência promovida pelo PIBID traz uma oportunidade de questionamento e justificação para o ensino de conteúdos ditos mais formais no currículo de licenciatura em Matemática, se considerarmos dentre os objetivos do Ensino Básico de Matemática a compreensão de sua natureza dedutiva. Presentemente, ao parecer a muitos uma ciência acabada, entendimento que não compartilhamos, a Matemática afasta o interesse da maior parte dos alunos do Ensino Básico. Apesar disto, é possível trazer uma perspectiva histórica, notadamente com seus desenvolvimentos recentes em Teoria dos Números, promovendo maior interesse de todos os envolvido
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