94 research outputs found

    Search for weakly interacting sub-eV particles with the OSQAR laser-based experiment: results and perspectives

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    Recent theoretical and experimental studies highlight the possibility of new fundamental particle physics beyond the Standard Model that can be probed by sub-eV energy experiments. The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks for "Light Shining through a Wall" (LSW) from the quantum oscillation of optical photons into "Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles" (WISPs), like axion or axion-like particles (ALPs), in a 9 T transverse magnetic field over the unprecedented length of 2×14.32 \times 14.3 m. No excess of events has been detected over the background. The di-photon couplings of possible new light scalar and pseudo-scalar particles can be constrained in the massless limit to be less than 8.0×1088.0\times10^{-8} GeV1^{-1}. These results are very close to the most stringent laboratory constraints obtained for the coupling of ALPs to two photons. Plans for further improving the sensitivity of the OSQAR experiment are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Latest Results of the OSQAR Photon Regeneration Experiment for Axion-Like Particle Search

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    The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment searches for pseudoscalar and scalar axion-like particles by the method of "Light Shining Through a Wall", based on the assumption that these weakly interacting sub-eV particles couple to two photons to give rise to quantum oscillations with optical photons in strong magnetic field. No excess of events has been observed, which constrains the di-photon coupling strength of both pseudoscalar and scalar particles down to 5.71085.7 \cdot 10^{-8} GeV1^{-1} in the massless limit. This result is the most stringent constraint on the di-photon coupling strength ever achieved in laboratory experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. appears in Proceedings of the 10th PATRAS Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs (2014

    Patient profiling for success after weight loss surgery (GO Bypass study): an interdisciplinary study protocol

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    Despite substantial research efforts, the mechanisms proposed to explain weight loss after gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SL) do not explain the large individual variation seen after these treatments. A complex set of factors are involved in the onset and development of obesity and these may also be relevant for the understanding of why success with treatments vary considerably between individuals. This calls for explanatory models that take into account not only biological determinants but also behavioral, affective and contextual factors. In this prospective study, we recruited 47 women and 8 men, aged 25–56 years old, with a BMI of 45.8 ± 7.1 kg/m2 from the waiting list for RYGB and SL at Køge hospital, Denmark. Pre-surgery and 1.5, 6 and 18 months after surgery we assessed various endpoints spanning multiple domains. Endpoints were selected on basis of previous studies and include: physiological measures: anthropometrics, vital signs, biochemical measures and appetite hormones, genetics, gut microbiota, appetite sensation, food and taste preferences, neural sensitivity, sensory perception and movement behaviors; psychological measures: general psychiatric symptom-load, depression, eating disorders, ADHD, personality disorder, impulsivity, emotion regulation, attachment pattern, general self-efficacy, alexithymia, internalization of weight bias, addiction, quality of life and trauma; and sociological and anthropological measures: sociodemographic measures, eating behavior, weight control practices and psycho-social factors. Joining these many endpoints and methodologies from different scientific disciplines and creating a multi-dimensional predictive model has not previously been attempted. Data on the primary endpoint are expected to be published in 2018

    Evaluation of a Web Portal for Improving Public Access to Evidence-Based Health Information and Health Literacy Skills: A Pragmatic Trial

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    Background: Using the conceptual framework of shared decision-making and evidence-based practice, a web portal was developed to serve as a generic (non disease-specific) tailored intervention to improve the lay public’s health literacy skills. Objective: To evaluate the effects of the web portal compared to no intervention in a real-life setting. Methods: A pragmatic randomised controlled parallel trial using simple randomisation of 96 parents who had children aged ,4 years. Parents were allocated to receive either access to the portal or no intervention, and assigned three tasks to perform over a three-week period. These included a searching task, a critical appraisal task, and reporting on perceptions about participation. Data were collected from March through June 2011. Results: Use of the web portal was found to improve attitudes towards searching for health information. This variable was identified as the most important predictor of intention to search in both samples. Participants considered the web portal to have good usability, usefulness, and credibility. The intervention group showed slight increases in the use of evidencebased information, critical appraisal skills, and participation compared to the group receiving no intervention, but these differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Despite the fact that the study was underpowered, we found that the web portal may have a positive effect on attitudes towards searching for health information. Furthermore, participants considered the web portal to be a relevant tool. It is important to continue experimenting with web-based resources in order to increase user participation in health care decision-making. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0126679

    New games, new rules: big data and the changing context of strategy

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    Big data and the mechanisms by which it is produced and disseminated introduce important changes in the ways information is generated and made relevant for organizations. Big data often represents miscellaneous records of the whereabouts of large and shifting online crowds. It is frequently agnostic, in the sense of being produced for generic purposes or purposes different from those sought by big data crunching. It is based on varying formats and modes of communication (e.g., texts, image and sound), raising severe problems of semiotic translation and meaning compatibility. Crucially, the usefulness of big data rests on their steady updatability, a condition that reduces the time span within which this data is useful or relevant. Jointly, these attributes challenge established rules of strategy making as these are manifested in the canons of procuring structured information of lasting value that addresses specific and long-term organizational objectives. The developments underlying big data thus seem to carry important implications for strategy making, and the data and information practices with which strategy has been associated. We conclude by placing the understanding of these changes within the wider social and institutional context of longstanding data practices and the significance they carry for management and organizations

    Zaštitno djelovanje selenija protiv prekomjerne ekspresije apoptotskih gena povezanih s karcinomom u štakora izloženih o-krezolu

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    Cresols are monomethyl derivatives of phenol frequently used as solvents and intermediates in the production of disinfectants, fragrances, pesticides, dyes, and explosives, which is probably why they are widely distributed in the environment. General population may be exposed to cresols mainly through inhalation of contaminated air. In this study we evaluated the toxicological effects of o-cresol on differential gene expression profile of rat liver and prostate. Experiments were conducted on 80 male rats, 60 of which were exposed to o-cresol (1.5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, or 15 g kg-1) through feed for 8 weeks. Three groups of rats were supplemented with 0.1 mg kg-1 selenium (Se, in the form of, sodium selenite) in addition to o-cresol to evaluate its effectiveness against o-cresol toxicity. Control group received neither o-cresol nor Se, while one group received Se alone. Survival was similar between the exposed and control animals. Rats exposed to 15 g kg-1 of o-cresol showed a 16 % loss in body weight by the end of the study, which may have been related to o-cresol making feed unpalatable at this concentration. Liver and prostate tissue samples were collected at the end of the treatment. mRNA analysis revealed that apoptotic genes (CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1, and PKCα) related to cancer were up-regulated in liver and prostate tissues isolated from groups exposed to 5 g kg-1 and 15 g kg-1 o-cresol in comparison to control. Changes in gene expression profile were prevented when rats were supplemented with Se. The exact mechanisms underlying its protective effect remain to be clarified by future studies.Krezoli su monometilni derivati fenola koji se često rabe kao otapala te kao posrednici u proizvodnji dezinfekcijskih sredstava, mirisa, pesticida, boja i eksploziva. Otuda i njihova rasprostranjenost u okolišu. Opća je populacija izložena krezolima uglavnom putem zraka. U ovome se toksikološkom istraživanju ocijenilo djelovanje o-krezola, jednoga od tri krezolova izomera, na ekspresiju gena u tkivima jetre i prostate mužjaka štakora. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 mužjaka, od kojih je 60 tijekom osam tjedana bilo izloženo o-krezolu (1,5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, odnosno 15 g kg-1) preko krmiva. Tri skupine štakora primale su uz o-krezol nadomjestak selenija u dozi od 0.1 mg kg-1 (Se, u obliku natrijeva selenita) radi ocjene njegove djelotvornosti protiv toksičnosti o-krezola. Kontrolna skupina nije primala ni o-krezol ni Se, dok je jedna skupina primala samo Se. Preživljenje je bilo podjednako u svih skupina životinja. Štakori izloženi najvišoj dozi o-krezola (15 g kg-1) imali su 16 % manju tjelesnu masu od kontrolne skupine na kraju ispitivanja, što može biti povezano s lošim okusom krmiva zbog primjese visoke doze o-krezola. S istekom osmotjednoga izlaganja o-krezolu životinje su eutanazirane te su prikupljeni uzorci tkiva jetre i prostate. Analiza m-RNA pokazala je značajno povišenu ekspresiju apoptotskih gena CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1 i PKCα, koji su povezani s nastankom karcinoma u skupinama štakora izloženim o-krezolu (5 g kg-1 i 15 g kg-1 u odnosu na kontrolu. Ova je prekomjerna ekspresija poništena u štakora koji su primali selenij. Još nisu jasni mehanizmi iza ovoga zaštitnog djelovanja, na što će odgovoriti buduća istraživanja

    Laser spectroscopy for breath analysis : towards clinical implementation

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    Detection and analysis of volatile compounds in exhaled breath represents an attractive tool for monitoring the metabolic status of a patient and disease diagnosis, since it is non-invasive and fast. Numerous studies have already demonstrated the benefit of breath analysis in clinical settings/applications and encouraged multidisciplinary research to reveal new insights regarding the origins, pathways, and pathophysiological roles of breath components. Many breath analysis methods are currently available to help explore these directions, ranging from mass spectrometry to laser-based spectroscopy and sensor arrays. This review presents an update of the current status of optical methods, using near and mid-infrared sources, for clinical breath gas analysis over the last decade and describes recent technological developments and their applications. The review includes: tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, integrated cavity output spectroscopy, cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy, photoacoustic spectroscopy, quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy, and optical frequency comb spectroscopy. A SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is presented that describes the laser-based techniques within the clinical framework of breath research and their appealing features for clinical use.Peer reviewe

    Modeling of Ti-W Solidification Microstructures Under Additive Manufacturing Conditions

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) processes have many benefits for the fabrication of alloy parts, including the potential for greater microstructural control and targeted properties than traditional metallurgy processes. To accelerate utilization of this process to produce such parts, an effective computational modeling approach to identify the relationships between material and process parameters, microstructure, and part properties is essential. Development of such a model requires accounting for the many factors in play during this process, including laser absorption, material addition and melting, fluid flow, various modes of heat transport, and solidification. In this paper, we start with a more modest goal, to create a multiscale model for a specific AM process, Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS™), which couples a continuum-level description of a simplified beam melting problem (coupling heat absorption, heat transport, and fluid flow) with a Lattice Boltzmann-cellular automata (LB-CA) microscale model of combined fluid flow, solute transport, and solidification. We apply this model to a binary Ti-5.5 wt pct W alloy and compare calculated quantities, such as dendrite arm spacing, with experimental results reported in a companion paper

    Retrieving haystacks: a data driven information needs model for faceted search.

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    The research aim was to develop an understanding of information need characteristics for word co-occurrence-based search result filters (facets). No prior research has been identified into what enterprise searchers may find useful for exploratory search and why. Various word co-occurrence techniques were applied to results from sample queries performed on industry membership content. The results were used in an international survey of 54 practising petroleum engineers from 32 organizations. Subject familiarity, job role, personality and query specificity are possible causes for survey response variation. An information needs model is presented: Broad, Rich, Intriguing, Descriptive, General, Expert and Situational (BRIDGES). This may help professionals to more effectively meet their information needs and stimulate new needs, improving a systems ability to facilitate serendipity. This research has implications for faceted search in enterprise search and digital library deployments