1,225 research outputs found

    Becoming Better People: Children\u27s Perceptions of how a School\u27s Garden Program has Impacted their Actualisation of Values

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    Education is perceived, among other things, to be a character-building enterprise. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, a renewed emphasis on character development through values education has been on the agendas of Australian schools. Many schools now offer programs designed to inculcate values into the lives of students. Although values literacy is widespread in schools, there is less evidence to demonstrate that values actualisation, that is, making positive values the basis of behaviour at school and in life, has taken root. This case study in one primary school used focus groups to gather children’s perceptions of how they actualised values in the context of a school garden program. The garden program’s organisational elements were found to positively impact the actualisation of intrapersonal and interpersonal values

    Convex Rank Tests and Semigraphoids

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    Convex rank tests are partitions of the symmetric group which have desirable geometric properties. The statistical tests defined by such partitions involve counting all permutations in the equivalence classes. Each class consists of the linear extensions of a partially ordered set specified by data. Our methods refine existing rank tests of non-parametric statistics, such as the sign test and the runs test, and are useful for exploratory analysis of ordinal data. We establish a bijection between convex rank tests and probabilistic conditional independence structures known as semigraphoids. The subclass of submodular rank tests is derived from faces of the cone of submodular functions, or from Minkowski summands of the permutohedron. We enumerate all small instances of such rank tests. Of particular interest are graphical tests, which correspond to both graphical models and to graph associahedra

    Science for Primary Teachers

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    The general aim of this textbook was to provide some basic knowledge of how science works. After all, we live in a very science-oriented and techno world. We also wanted to make it easier for you to get your pupils interested in science

    Unaltered left ventricular mechanics and remodelling after 12 weeks of resistance exercise training – a longitudinal study in men

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    Previous longitudinal studies suggest that left ventricular (LV) structure is unaltered with resistance exercise training (RT) in young men. However, evidence from aerobic exercise training suggests that early changes in functional LV wall mechanics may occur prior to and independently of changes in LV size, although short-term changes in LV mechanics and structural remodelling in response to RT protocols have not been reported. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of RT on LV mechanics in healthy men performing 2 different time-under-tension protocols. Forty recreationally trained men (age: 23 ± 3 years) were randomized into 12 weeks of whole-body higher-repetition RT (20–25 repetitions/set to failure at ∼30%–50% 1 repetition maximum (1RM); n = 13), lower-repetition RT (8–12 repetitions/set to failure at ∼75%–90% 1RM; n = 13), or an active control period (n = 14). Speckle tracking echocardiography was performed at baseline and following the intervention period. Neither RT program altered standard measures of LV volumes (end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, or ejection fraction; P > 0.05) or indices of LV mechanics (total LV twist, untwisting rate, twist-to-shortening ratio, untwisting-to-twist ratio, or longitudinal strain; P > 0.05). This is the first longitudinal study to assess both LV size and mechanics after RT in healthy men, suggesting a maintenance of LV size and twist mechanics despite peripheral muscle adaptations to the training programs. These results provide no evidence for adverse LV structural or functional remodelling in response to RT in young men and support the positive role of RT in the maintenance of optimal cardiovascular function, even with strenuous RT

    A Revised Orbital Ephemeris for HAT-P-9b

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    We present here three transit observations of HAT-P-9b taken on 14 February 2010, 18 February 2010, and 05 April 2010 UT from the University of Arizona's 1.55 meter Kuiper telescope on Mt. Bigelow. Our transit light curves were obtained in the I filter for all our observations, and underwent the same reduction process. All three of our transits deviated significantly (approximately 24 minutes earlier) from the ephemeris of Shporer et al. (2008). However, due to the large time span between our observed transits and those of Shporer et al. (2008), a 6.5 second (2 sigma) shift downwards in orbital period from the value of Shporer et al. (2008) is sufficient to explain all available transit data. We find a new period of 3.922814 +/- 0.000002 days for HAT-P-9b with no evidence for significant nonlinearities in the transit period.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Molecular Hydrogen in the FUSE Translucent Lines of Sight: The Full Sample

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    We report total abundances and related parameters for the full sample of the FUSE survey of molecular hydrogen in 38 translucent lines of sight. New results are presented for the "second half" of the survey involving 15 lines of sight to supplement data for the first 23 lines of sight already published. We assess the correlations between molecular hydrogen and various extinction parameters in the full sample, which covers a broader range of conditions than the initial sample. In particular, we are now able to confirm that many, but not all, lines of sight with shallow far-UV extinction curves and large values of the total-to-selective extinction ratio, RVR_V = AVA_V / E(BV)E(B-V) -- characteristic of larger than average dust grains -- are associated with particularly low hydrogen molecular fractions (fH2f_{\rm H2}). In the lines of sight with large RVR_V, there is in fact a wide range in molecular fractions, despite the expectation that the larger grains should lead to less H2_2 formation. However, we see specific evidence that the molecular fractions in this sub-sample are inversely related to the estimated strength of the UV radiation field and thus the latter factor is more important in this regime. We have provided an update to previous values of the gas-to-dust ratio, NN(Htot_{\rm tot})/E(BV)E(B-V), based on direct measurements of NN(H2_2) and NN(H I). Although our value is nearly identical to that found with Copernicus data, it extends the relationship by a factor of 2 in reddening. Finally, as the new lines of sight generally show low to moderate molecular fractions, we still find little evidence for single monolithic "translucent clouds" with fH2f_{\rm H2} \sim 1.Comment: 35 pages, 5 tables, 7 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplements Serie

    Evidence for Cold Accretion: Primitive Gas Flowing onto a Galaxy at z~0.274

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    We present UV and optical observations from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck of a z= 0.27395 Lyman limit system (LLS) seen in absorption against the QSO PG1630+377. We detect H I absorption with log N(HI)=17.06\pm0.05 as well as Mg II, C III, Si III, and O VI in this system. The column densities are readily explained if this is a multi-phase system, with the intermediate and low ions arising in a very low metallicity ([Mg/ H] =-1.71 \pm 0.06) photoionized gas. We identify via Keck spectroscopy and Large Binocular Telescope imaging a 0.3 L_* star-forming galaxy projected 37 kpc from the QSO at nearly identical redshift (z=0.27406, \Delta v = -26 \kms) with near solar metallicity ([O/ H]=-0.20 \pm 0.15). The presence of very low metallicity gas in the proximity of a near-solar metallicity, sub-L_* galaxy strongly suggests that the LLS probes gas infalling onto the galaxy. A search of the literature reveals that such low metallicity LLSs are not uncommon. We found that 50% (4/8) of the well-studied z < 1 LLSs have metallicities similar to the present system and show sub-L_* galaxies with rho < 100 kpc in those fields where redshifts have been surveyed. We argue that the properties of these primitive LLSs and their host galaxies are consistent with those of cold mode accretion streams seen in galaxy simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Planet Hunters: New Kepler planet candidates from analysis of quarter 2

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    We present new planet candidates identified in NASA Kepler quarter two public release data by volunteers engaged in the Planet Hunters citizen science project. The two candidates presented here survive checks for false-positives, including examination of the pixel offset to constrain the possibility of a background eclipsing binary. The orbital periods of the planet candidates are 97.46 days (KIC 4552729) and 284.03 (KIC 10005758) days and the modeled planet radii are 5.3 and 3.8 R_Earth. The latter star has an additional known planet candidate with a radius of 5.05 R_Earth and a period of 134.49 which was detected by the Kepler pipeline. The discovery of these candidates illustrates the value of massively distributed volunteer review of the Kepler database to recover candidates which were otherwise uncatalogued.Comment: Accepted to A

    Terrestrial Planet Occurrence Rates for the Kepler GK Dwarf Sample

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    We measure planet occurrence rates using the planet candidates discovered by the Q1-Q16 Kepler pipeline search. This study examines planet occurrence rates for the Kepler GK dwarf target sample for planet radii, 0.75<Rp<2.5 Rearth, and orbital periods, 50<Porb<300 days, with an emphasis on a thorough exploration and identification of the most important sources of systematic uncertainties. Integrating over this parameter space, we measure an occurrence rate of F=0.77 planets per star, with an allowed range of 0.3<F<1.9. The allowed range takes into account both statistical and systematic uncertainties, and values of F beyond the allowed range are significantly in disagreement with our analysis. We generally find higher planet occurrence rates and a steeper increase in planet occurrence rates towards small planets than previous studies of the Kepler GK dwarf sample. Through extrapolation, we find that the one year orbital period terrestrial planet occurrence rate, zeta_1=0.1, with an allowed range of 0.01<zeta_1<2, where zeta_1 is defined as the number of planets per star within 20% of the Rp and Porb of Earth. For G dwarf hosts, the zeta_1 parameter space is a subset of the larger eta_earth parameter space, thus zeta_1 places a lower limit on eta_earth for G dwarf hosts. From our analysis, we identify the leading sources of systematics impacting Kepler occurrence rate determinations as: reliability of the planet candidate sample, planet radii, pipeline completeness, and stellar parameters.Comment: 19 Pages, 17 Figures, Submitted ApJ. Python source to support Kepler pipeline completeness estimates available at http://github.com/christopherburke/KeplerPORTs