14 research outputs found

    Critical Pathways for continuous quality improvement: a multicentric analysis on the management of patients with lung cancer in Italian best performing hospitals

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    Introduction: Critical pathways (CPs) are effective change management tools used to improve quality in healthcare nationally implemented in Italy in 2015. This study aims to map the country’s state-of-the-art regarding the adoption of CPs and to verify the existence of factors that determine the success of their implementation and the relative entity of their impact, by analysing the management of Lung Cancer (LC) as a case-study. Methods: Our methodology followed the SQUIRE guidelines for quality improvement reporting (2015). Starting from the 2017 ranking table published by the National Outcome Program, we selected and included in our sample all Italian hospitals who, according to Ministerial Decree n. 70/2015, met national quality threshold  for LC treatment. To investigate regional-level and hospital-level factors believed to be responsible for the successful implementation of a CP, a Google Modules questionnaire was constructed and sent to the selected facilities; subsequently, a web-based research was carried out for missing data.  Associations between variables were tested in STATA by means of correlation tests and a linear regression model.  Results: 41 hospitals matched our inclusion criteria. Of these, 68% defined an internal Lung Cancer Critical Pathway (LCCP). Our results confirmed the presence of critical success factors that favour the correct implementation of a LCCP. Conclusions: Notwithstanding the availability of CPs, their adoption in routine clinical practice still lacks consistency, suggesting the necessity to resort to digital solutions, to increment the level of regional commitment and workforce commitment and to reinforce quality standards monitoring

    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine": The Coordination and Support Action to Foster Collaboration in Personalized Medicine Development between Europe and China

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    "Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine" (IC2PerMed) is a coordination and support action funded within the Horizon 2020 work program. Following the guidance of the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed), the project's overarching aim is to align the European Union and China's research agendas in the field of personalized medicine (PM) to enable a swift development of PM approaches in the EU with strong leverage upon EU-Chinese collaboration. Living in the CO­VID-19 era, we are witnessing how the challenges imposed by the pandemic all around the globe have been acting as a catalyst for collaborations and knowledge sharing among national health systems worldwide. Given the strong interest on behalf of both Europe and China in the advancement of PM approaches, now more than ever, a cross-border collaboration between the 2 powers can accelerate the effective translation of such innovation to healthcare systems, advance research, and ensure that such change follows the directions toward the path of sustainability. IC2PerMed developments will be led by European and Chinese experts equally assembled into 3 Working Groups: (1) people and organization, (2) innovation and market, and (3) research and clinical studies in PM. This complex and dynamic network of actions thrives on dialog, cooperation, and alignment of research at national and global levels; work in the direction taken by IC2PerMed shall pave the way toward the realization of PM's full potential, prevent it from becoming a burden for healthcare systems, and, rather, prove that it provides an essential and irreplaceable contribution to their effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability

    Early health system responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mediterranean countries: A tale of successes and challenges

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    This paper conducts a comparative review of the (curative) health systems' response taken by Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these Mediterranean countries shared similarities in terms of health system resources, which were low compared to the EU/OECD average. We distill key policy insights regarding the governance tools adopted to manage the pandemic, the means to secure sufficient physical infrastructure and workforce capacity and some financing and coverage aspects. We performed a qualitative analysis of the evidence reported to the 'Health System Response Monitor' platform of the European Observatory by country experts. We found that governance in the early stages of the pandemic was undertaken centrally in all the Mediterranean countries, even in Italy and Spain where regional authorities usually have autonomy over health matters. Stretched public resources prompted countries to deploy "flexible" intensive care unit capacity and health workforce resources as agile solutions. The private sector was also utilized to expand resources and health workforce capacity, through special public-private partnerships. Countries ensured universal coverage for COVID-19-related services, even for groups not usually entitled to free publicly financed health care, such as undocumented migrants

    A systematic review of the literature on the relationship between marine pollution and human health in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

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    The aim of this work is to identify all known associations between marine pollution and human health in Small Island Developing States

    A survey of experts on personalized medicine landscape in European Union and China

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    Abstract Introduction Personalized Medicine (PM) is one of the main priorities of the research agenda of the European Commission and the focus of the European Coordination and Support Action titled “Integrating China into the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine” (IC2PerMed). Similar to the European focus, PM is a current priority of the Chinese Government, through dedicated policies and its five-year investment plans. In the context of IC2PerMed, we implemented a survey to understand the state of the art of the implementation of PM related policies in EU and China, and to identify opportunities for future Sino-European collaborations. Methods The survey was elaborated by the IC2PerMed consortium and validated by a focus group of experts. The final version, in English and Chinese, was administered online to a pool of accurately selected experts. Participation was anonymous and voluntary. The survey consists of 19 questions in 3 sections: (1) personal information; (2) policy in PM; (3) facilitating and hindering factors for Sino-European collaboration in PM. Results Forty-seven experts completed the survey, 27 from Europe and 20 from China. Only four participants were aware of the implementation of PM-related policies in their working country. Expert reported that PM areas with greatest policy impact so far were: Big Data and digital solutions; citizen and patient literacy; and translational research. The main obstacles found were the lack of shared investment strategies and the limited application of scientific developments in clinical practice. Aligning European and Chinese efforts, finding common ground across cultural, social, and language barriers, were considered as actions needed to enhance efforts in applying PM strategies internationally. Conclusion To achieve efficiency and sustainability of health systems, it remains crucial to transform PM into an opportunity for all citizens and patients with the commitment of all the stakeholders involved. The results obtained aim to help define common research and development approaches, standards and priorities and increase collaboration at international level, as well as provide key solutions to enable convergence towards a common PM research, innovation, development and implementation approach between Europe and China

    Definition of a tool to assess shared decision‐making (SDM) on women with breast cancer: A value‐based approach

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    Abstract Background and Aims In oncology, there is increasing talk of personalized treatment and shared decision‐making (SDM), especially when multiple treatment options are available with different outcomes depending on patient preference. The present study aimed to define the set of main dimensions and relative tools to assess the Value brought to patients from a Breast Cancer's Clinical pathway structured according to a dynamic SDM framework. Methods Starting from our previous systematic review of the literature, a deep search of the main evidence‐based and already validated questionnaires was carried out. In the second phase, to corroborate this grid, a Delphi survey was conducted to assess each questionnaire identified for each dimension, against the following seven value‐based criteria: Clinical Benefit, Safety, Care Team Well Being, Patient Reported Outcomes Measures, Green Oncology, Impact on Health Budget, and Genomic Profile. Results The resulting 7‐dimension questionnaire is composed of 72 questions. Of these, some quantitatively and objectively assess the evolution of the patient's disease state, whereas others aim to ask patients about their active involvement in decisions affecting them and to investigate whether they were free to explore their preferences. Furthermore, to frame the analyzed phenomenon at the right time, for each questionnaire section, the specific, evidence‐based timing of administration is indicated. Conclusion The resulting questionnaire is validated in its entirety and it is composed of a set of questions and relative time point for data collections to assess the Value brought to patients undertaking a Breast Cancer's Clinical pathway, structured according to a dynamic SDM framework. It constitutes a quantitative instrument to integrate patient centeredness with a personalized perspective in the care management of women with breast cancer


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    Williams GA, Maier CB, Scarpetti G, et al. WHAT STRATEGIES ARE COUNTRIES USING TO EXPAND HEALTH WORKFORCE SURGE CAPACITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC? Eurohealth. 2020;26(2):51-57.Finding ways to increase the surge capacity and flexibility of the health workforce has been fundamental to delivering an effective COVID-19 response. This article explores the strategies that 44 countries in Europe plus Canada have taken to maintain and increase the availability of health workers using data from the COVID-19 Health System and Response Monitor. We show that all countries have used a variety of strategies to repurpose and mobilise the existing health workforce, while some have also augmented capacity by utilising foreign-trained or previously retired or inactive health professionals, medical and nursing students and volunteers

    Italy: Health system review

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    The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country. Each review is produced by country experts in collaboration with the Observatory’s staff. In order to facilitate comparisons between countries, reviews are based on a template prepared by the European Observatory, which is revised periodically. The template provides detailed guidelines and specific questions, definitions and examples needed to compile a report

    Italy: Health System Review

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    This analysis of the Italian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Italy has a regionalized National Health Service (SSN) that provides universal coverage largely free of charge at the point of delivery, though certain services and goods require a co-payment. Life expectancy in Italy is historically among the highest in the EU. However, regional differences in health indicators are marked, as well as in per capita spending, distribution of health professionals and in the quality of health services. Overall, Italy's health spending per capita is lower than the EU average and is among the lowest in western European countries. Private spending has increased in recent years, although this trend was halted in 2020 during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. A key focus of health policies in recent decades was to promote a shift away from unnecessary inpatient care, with a considerable reduction of acute hospital beds and stagnating overall growth in health personnel. However, this was not counterbalanced by a sufficient strengthening of community services in order to cope with the ageing population's needs and related chronic conditions burden. This had important repercussions during the COVID-19 emergency, as the health system felt the impact of previous reductions in hospital beds and capacity and underinvestment in community-based care. Reorganizing hospital and community care will require a strong alignment between central and regional authorities. The COVID-19 crisis also highlighted several issues pre-dating the pandemic that need to be addressed to improve the sustainability and resilience of the SSN. The main outstanding challenges for the health system are linked to addressing historic underinvestment in the health workforce, modernizing outdated infrastructure and equipment, and enhancing information infrastructure. Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan, underwritten by the Next Generation EU budget to assist with economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, contains specific health sector priorities, such as strengthening the country's primary and community care, boosting capital investment and funding the digitalization of the health care system