593 research outputs found

    Consultation with children and young people with experience of domestic abuse on Scottish Government National Domestic Abuse Delivery Group draft proposals : main report

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    Findings and Conclusions: Major Themes • There was support in principle from young people for all of the proposals • Young people gave careful consideration to the proposals and to how they might operate in practice; they expressed some caution about supporting them unreservedly until it was demonstrated they would work in practice • In relation to all of the proposals young people had concerns about confidentiality and privacy, about to the ability to control the flow of personal information, and there were concerns about trust • Participants expressed the importance of the proposals contributing to young people being and feeling safe

    Implementing Ethics for a Mobile App Deployment

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    This paper discusses the ethical dimensions of a research project in which we deployed a personal tracking app on the Apple App Store and collected data from users with whom we had little or no direct contact. We describe the in-app functionality we created for supporting consent and withdrawal, our approach to privacy, our navigation of a formal ethical review, and navigation of the Apple approval process. We highlight two key issues for deployment-based research. Firstly, that it involves addressing multiple, sometimes conflicting ethical principles and guidelines. Secondly, that research ethics are not readily separable from design, but the two are enmeshed. As such, we argue that in-action and situational perspectives on research ethics are relevant to deployment-based research, even where the technology is relatively mundane. We also argue that it is desirable to produce and share relevant design knowledge and embed in-action and situational approaches in design activities

    I Am Ready for College. Are You Ready for Me?: Investing in Inclusive Higher Education for Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Minnesota

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    Minnesota has made a nominal investment in the education of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) beyond high school. Young adults with IDD face many barriers to access and enrollment in Minnesota inclusive postsecondary education (PSE). Barriers include a lack of postsecondary education options, a limited capacity in Minnesota\u27s three existing Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary programs (CTPs), and unclear available funding options. Young adults with IDD deserve the same opportunity to pursue postsecondary education in Minnesota as their peers, particularly in our public higher education institutions. The Minnesota State system must include adults with IDD in their 2020-2023 Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan

    Metabolic inflammation in hepatic and vascular disorders:Strategies to attenuate disease development

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    In de afgelopen jaren is het steeds duidelijker geworden dat ontsteking – een normaal en essentieel verdedigingsmechanisme dat het lichaam beschermt tegen infectie en beschadiging – ook veroorzaakt kan worden door een overdaad aan voeding of specifieke nutriënten. Deze ontstekingstoestand wordt metabole ontsteking genoemd. Van deze laaggradige en chronische ontstekingsreactie wordt gedacht dat hij een belangrijke rol speelt in de ontwikkeling van obesitas-gerelateerde ziekten zoals type 2 diabetes, niet-alcoholische leververvetting en hart en vaatziekten. Er is echter nog veel onbekend over de oorsprong en het mechanisme van metabole ontsteking. Het doel van het onderzoek beschreven in dit proefschrift was om het ontstaan van metabole ontsteking beter te begrijpen, en om mogelijke interventies gericht op specifieke aspecten van metabole ontsteking te onderzoeken. We hebben verschillende benaderingen onderzocht, gebruikmakend van zowel farmaceutische als voedingsinterventies, en hebben de kracht van deze interventies om metabole ziekteontwikkeling te remmen beoordeeld. De focus lag op niet-alcoholische leververvetting en cardiovasculaire ziekten als primaire ziekte-eindpunten. We hebben laten zien dat interventies die de ontstekingsreactie op metabole overbelasting kunnen onderdrukken een krachtige methode bieden om ziekteontwikkeling te remmen. Deze interventies kunnen daarom waardevol zijn in de preventie en/of vertraging van metabole ziekten
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