8 research outputs found

    Gold and Bitcoin Price Dynamics as a Reflection of Investor Sentiment

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    The modern pandemic affects all areas of human activity. In this regard, various aspects of the preservation of economic activity become fundamental. One of these issues is the choice of an investment strategy, the choice of investment instruments. To do this, we examined the mutual dynamics of gold and bitcoin prices during the pandemic. For the analysis, we use the wavelet coherence methodology. This made it possible to substantiate some strategies and the choice of investment instruments


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    The article identifies the main shortcomings and fundamental foundations of the development of business education in Ukraine in the context of globalization and suggests ways to modernize this education, taking into account the advanced world experience. In the concept of long-term socio-economic development of any country, it is important that the transition to an innovative, socially-oriented type of development is impossible without the formation of an appropriate institutional environment. One of the reasons for the low level of innovation activity at the present stage can be called by the fact that the previously carried out reforms, which radically changed the economic conditions of management in our country, almost did not touch the foundations of the old institutional model. At the same time, the institutional environment of the innovative economy is characterized by a developed competitive environment; favorable conditions for the massive emergence of new companies, including innovative sectors of the economy; the effectiveness of public administration and local self-government that meet the modern needs of socio-economic development. Education is undoubtedly one of the most important directions in the formation of an innovation-oriented institutional environment, both in the long and medium term. The creation of a business education system contains mechanisms for adapting this most important type of educational service to the constantly changing market requirements. At the same time, business education is a subject to globalization both as a part of the educational services market and as a basis for the further development of transnational business and global capital. Of course, both vocational education in general and business education as an integral part of it are the most important factors of economic growth and socio-economic development at the present stage of transition to an innovative type of economy. At the moment, business education must be considered as one of the key elements of the innovation infrastructure. The sphere of business education, in turn, is also an object of organizational innovations, focused primarily on the formation of a business education system, increasing the efficiency of interaction between subjects of the business education market at the international, national and regional levels


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    In the conditions of the digital economy, managers face new tasks, and their roles and principles of business management are changing. In particular, they face the question: what technologies and principles of the digital economy must be implemented? The article outlines the main problems of the management organization of the company that arise in the conditions of business digitalization. The paper analyzes international standards and research that are directly related to the organization of the management process in companies. In the course of the study, the main shortcomings associated with the implementation of digital technologies were identified, which include, in addition to possible risks of data security violations, and social issues associated with a possible reduction in the number of personnel. The article notes that all these problems can contribute to the loss of the company's reputation and trust in it. In today's conditions, the digitization of the organization's management processes requires the restructuring of its entire management system and the development of standards necessary for effective management, therefore, the use of existing own experience and knowledge necessary for the profitable operation of the company in the conditions of digitalization of the economy is relevant

    Priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience

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    The collective monograph describes the priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience. The general issues of economic theory and history, economics and business management, finance and tax policy, modern management, public management and administration, etc. are considered. The publication is intended for scholars, teachers, postgraduate students, and students, as well as a wide readership


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    Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the gas market in Ukraine, the integration processes in a single European, as well as the dynamics of injection of natural gas into the Ukrainian UGS facilities, its use and import, the elasticity of the natural gas volume in the UGS in terms of its utilization and its import indicator were conducted. The special significance and practical value of such a study is actualized in the circumstances of the need to preserve the competitive advantages of the Ukrainian players in the gas market, expand their activities, etc. In addition, it is noted that these issues are updated in the context of the project to assess the UGS Ukraine's operation to determine the optimal functioning model underground storages started by Naftogaz of Ukraine and the EU. The authors found that with an increase in the volume of natural gas using by 1% (with other constant factors), the forecast increase in the volume of natural gas in the UGS is 1,028%. With an increase in gas imports by 1% (with other constant factors), the projected decrease in the volume of natural gas in the UGS is 0,112%. Accordingly, in the first and second cases, it is on the contrary. A simultaneous decrease of 1% of both factors caused a drop in the volume of natural gas in the UGS by 0,916%. The article considers the econometric model of the Cobb-Douglas production function that is adequate to the initial data, taking into account the forecast values of the influence of gas using and import in 2018 - 2019.На основі аналізу динаміки розвитку газового ринку України проведене дослідження інтеграційних процесів у єдиний європейський, а також динаміки закачування природного газу у ПСГ України, його використання та імпорту, еластичність обсягу природного газу у ПСГ за показником його використання та за показником його імпорту. Актуалізована особлива значущість та практична цінність такого дослідження в умовах потреби збереження конкурентних переваг українських гравців газового ринку, розширення їх діяльності тощо. Окрім того, відзначено,що ці питання актуалізується в контексті проведення проекту щодо оцінювання роботи ПСГ України для визначення оптимальної моделі функціонування підземних сховищ, розпочатого НАК «Нафтогаз України» та ЄС. Авторами встановлено, що при збільшенні обсягу використання природного газу на 1% (за інших незмінних факторів) прогнозне збільшення обсягу природного газу у ПСГ складає 1,028%. При збільшенні імпорту газу на 1% (за інших незмінних факторів) прогнозне зменьшення обсягу природного газу у ПСГ складає 0,112%. Відповідно і в першому, і в другому випадку навпаки. Одночасне зниження на 1% обох факторів викликало падіння обсягу природного газу у ПСГ на 0,916 %. В статті розглянута економетрична модель виробничої функції Кобба-Дугласа адекватна вихідним даним, в якій враховано прогнозні значення впливу використання та імпорту газу у 2018 - 2019 рр


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    The article offers the latest approaches to assessing the level of intellectual capital of socio-economic systems based on models and methods of assessing intellectual capital. Modern tools for modeling are applied, namely: methods of reducing information space to assess the overall level of intellectual capital of Ukraine; model of forecasting the level of intellectual capital of Ukraine using adaptive forecasting methods; system-dynamic modeling. Models of intellectual potential assessment are systematized and analyzed according to the following approaches: by analogy with the calculation of the index of human potential development; by functional structure or components of intellectual capital; according to the process approach, which involves determining the input parameters of intellectual capital, indicators that reflect the intellectual processes during the study, and output parameters that represent the final results; by a step-by-step approach based on a step-by-step assessment of intellectual capital. The aim of the study is to develop a set of models for assessing and analyzing the intellectual capital of socio-economic systems at the macro level, in particular, at the state level, which will improve the quality of formation and management decisions in public relations. To achieve this goal, the article proposes and solves the following scientific tasks: a model for assessing the level of intellectual capital of Ukraine has been built; the model of forecasting of indicators of the intellectual capital of the state has been developed; a simulation model of intellectual capital management of Ukraine has been developed. The results obtained from the set of models can be used in the formation and adoption of management decisions to improve the efficiency of intellectual capital of Ukraine and the development of strategies for safe development of human resources by state and regional governments

    Effects of Increasing Nitrogen Content on Process Stability and Reactor Performance in Anaerobic Digestion

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of different nitrogen increase rates in feedstock on the process stability and conversion efficiency in anaerobic digestion (AD). The research was conducted in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR), initially filled with two different inocula: inocula #1 with low and #2 with high nitrogen (N) concentrations. Three N feeding regimes were investigated: the “0-increase” feeding regime with a constant N amount in feeding and the regimes “0.25-increase” and “0.5-increase” where the N concentrations in feedstock were raised by 0.25 and 0.5 g·kg−1, respectively, related to fresh matter (FM) every second week. The N concentration inside the reactors increased according to the feeding regimes. The levels of inhibition (Inhibition) in specific methane yields (SMY), related to the conversion efficiency of the substrates, were quantified. At the N concentration in digestate of 10.82 ± 0.52 g·kg−1 FM measured in the reactors with inoculum #2 and “0.5-increase” feeding regime, the level of inhibition was equal to 38.99% ± 14.99%. The results show that high nitrogen increase rates in feeding regime are negatively related to the efficiency of the AD process, even if low volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations indicate a stable process

    Gold and Bitcoin Price Dynamics as A Reflection of Investor Sentiment

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    The modern pandemic affects all areas of human activity. In this regard, various aspects of the preservation of economic activity become fundamental. One of these issues is the choice of an investment strategy, the choice of investment instruments. To do this, we examined the mutual dynamics of gold and bitcoin prices during the pandemic. For the analysis, we use the wavelet coherence methodology. This made it possible to substantiate some strategies and the choice of investment instruments