13 research outputs found

    Method of Stimulation of Pharmacy Workers Involved in the Government Program “Available Medicines”

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    The aim is to study the current state of the organization of work in pharmacies under the government program “Available medicines” and to create proposals for the improvement of material incentives to increase the motivation of workers of such pharmacies.Materials and methods. The research used the general methods of scientific knowledge: analysis and synthesis, analogy and comparison; method of questioning to determine the actual state and opinions of specialists on the organization of work in the conditions of pharmacy participation in the program "Available medicines".Results and discussion. In the course of the study, the problem of lack of incentives and motivation for the work of pharmacy workers under the Government program "Available medicines" has been highlighted. According to the results of the survey of specialists of three different forms of pharmacy' ownership, participating in the program of reimbursement of the cost of drugs, it was found that the volume and intensity of work of workers has significantly increased, and wages have remained at the same level. The number of operations performed by employees in such pharmacies has considerably increased, which is related to the registration and maintenance of recipes under the program "Available medicines". The questionnaire survey has showed that the best option for optimizing the organization of remuneration in the prevailing conditions would be to pay extra for work (overpays). It was found that the number of recipes taken by one pharmacist per day varies considerably in different pharmacies, and there are also differences in the duration of the work of pharmacies under the reimbursement program during the month. To increase the motivation of pharmacists to work in the prevailing conditions, the method of calculating the additional payment for work in the conditions of the program "Available medicines" for each chemist's worker is offered individually in accordance with the post based on a formula that takes into account the intensity of labor using the intensity coefficient and the percentage of the additional payment.Conclusions. The conducted researches have shown that the increased intensity of labor, which takes place in pharmacies working under the program "Available medicines", is the basis for the calculation of additional payments. The application of the system of material stimulation of the work of pharmacists based on the proposed methodology will allow compensating additional labor of specialists, taking into account the intensity of their work

    Ітеративне використання великих хімічних просторів у пошуку лікарських засобів

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    Aim. To demonstrate the advantages of large-scale virtual libraries generated using chemical protocols previously validated in primary steps of the drug discovery process.Results and discussion. Two validated parallel chemistry protocols reported earlier were used to create the chemical space. It was then sampled based on diversity metric, and the sample was subjected to the virtual screening on BRD4 target. Hits of virtual screening were synthesized and tested in the thermal shift assay.Experimental part. The chemical space was generated using commercially available building blocks and synthetic protocols suitable for parallel chemistry and previously reported. After narrowing it down, using MedChem filters, the resulting sub-space was clustered based on diversity metrics. Centroids of the clusters were put to the virtual screening against the BRD4 active center. 29 Hits from the docking were synthesized and subjected to the thermal shift assay with BRD4, and 2 compounds showed noticeable dTm.Conclusions. A combination of cheminformatics and molecular docking was applied to find novel potential binders for BRD4 from a large chemical space. The selected set of predicted molecules was synthesized with a 72 % success rate and tested in a thermal shift assay to reveal a 6 % hit rate. The selection can be performed iteratively to fast support of the drug discovery.Мета. Продемонструвати переваги віртуальних бібліотек великого розміру, згенерованих за валідованими раніше хімічними протоколами, на перших етапах пошуку лікарських засобів.Результати та їх обговорення. На основі двох валідованих методів синтезу, придатних для паралельної хімії, описаних раніше, було створено хімічний простір. На основі різноманітності з одержаної віртуальної бібліотеки зроблено вибірку, яку було піддано віртуальному скринінгу щодо активного центру білка BRD4. Хіти віртуального скринінгу було синтезовано й перевірено за допомогою диференційної сканувальної калориметрії.Експериментальна частина. На основі комерційно доступних вихідних реагентів та раніше репрезентованих синтетичних протоколів, придатних для паралельної хімії, згенеровано хімічний простір. Простір було зменшено за рахунок застосування медхімічних фільтрів; результатний підпростір було кластеризовано за критерієм різноманітності. Центроїди кластерів було піддано молекулярному докінгу щодо активного центру білка BRD4. Базуючись на результатах проведеного докінгу, синтезовано 29 хітів, які було піддано диференційній сканувальній калориметрії з білком BRD4; з цим 2 сполуки продемонстрували помітний зсув точки топлення.Висновки. Для пошуку нових потенційних лігандів BRD4 у великому хімічному просторі було застосовано комбінацію хемоінформатики і молекулярного докінгу. Набір молекул, що мали високу передбачену активність, було синтезовано з успішністю 72 %. Серед синтезованих сполук виявлено первинні хіти (6 % сполук). Подібний процес можна повторювати ітеративно для швидкої підтримки розроблення ліків

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Analysis of Residual Operational Resource of High-temperature Elements in Power and Industrial Equipment

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    The issues of taking account of damage caused by exposure to high levels of local temperatures of gases, local non-uniformity of temperature and reliable assessment of residual resource of high-temperature elements are relevant and will provide for a reliable and long-term operation of energy generating equipment.A mathematical model is developed for the combustion process in burner devices with stabilizers based on the software complex ANSYS Fluent. We created a technique for determining the impact of levels of temperatures and their gradients on the assessment of residual resource of high-temperature elements of power and industrial equipment. Based on data on the work of industrial power equipment and results of physical experiments, we selected correct initial and boundary conditions that enabled adequate simulation of the influence of non-uniformity in the combustion products temperature field. Based on the software complex Solid Works, we performed calculation studies that take into account the gas-dynamics of gas flow that flows around the pipeline. The thermal and stress-strained states are defined and an estimation is conducted of operational lifecycle of pipeline in a boiler plant depending on the operating conditions of equipment.It was established that the residual operation time of a pipeline in a boiler plant is 77.4 thousand hours at static damageability from long-term loads of 57 %.Results of the research conducted might be used by implementing the recommendations proposed in large- and small-scale energy sector, industry and gas transportation system in Ukraine, as well as in other fields of science and technology

    Research Into Efficiency of Pasterization of Boiled Sausage Products in Order to Improve Their Storage Term

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    We present a study into bacteriostatic effects achieved by re­pasteurization at a temperature of 85–90 °C for 20 minutes in the presence of an oxygen absorber. The applied treatment method makes it possible, on day 94 of storage, to obtain the level of contamination of microorganisms, comparable to the background microbiological contamination of sausages, for the sausages produced without pasteurization.The study confirmed the effectiveness of protective barrier properties of multilayer polymeric materials manufactured by LLC Sirius Extruzhen (Ukraine) for the storage of boiled sausages for up to 26 days. We established the possibility of storing sausages for 35 days based on the obtained data on the stability of microbiological indicators and compliance with the requirements to organoleptic indicators.The study presented ways to achieve the shelf life of cooked sausages twice longer than the typical, recommended for sausages with re­pasteurization. We obtained the results for sausages exposed to re­pasteurization at a temperature of 85–90 °C for 15–20 minutes. We packaged the examined samples at the thermoforming lines “Multivac” (Germany) and “Webomatic” (Germany). We performed the pasteurization of products at the “Fessman” (Germany) universal heat chamber.We confirmed the possibility of combination of protein stabilizers and animal proteins based on pig skin, dairy products, and spices in the formulations of samples of pasteurized sausages made from beef, pork, poultry meat, in particular, poultry meat of mechanical boning. In the study, we established that the grade of boiled sausages does not produce a significant effect on the shelf life of sausages when applying re­pasteurization together with an oxygen absorbe

    Studying the Influence of Berry Extracts on the Quality and Safety Indicators of Half-smoked Sausages

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    In order to prevent oxidative damage, an experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of berries extracts (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot and Ribes nigrum L.) in the production of half-smoked sausages. The recipe of half-smoked sausages with a polycomponent composition of raw materials includes semi-fat pork with muscle tissue, tendon-free lean pork, tendon-free Muscovy duck meat, side pork, hydrated bamboo fiber. Berry extracts (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot and Ribes nigrum L.) at concentrations of 0.2–0.5 % to the weight of crude minced meat were added to the examined samples of minced meat. Sample No. 1 was a control, that is, made without the addition of extracts of berries. During the storage of products with extracts, an acidic number, a peroxide number, a thiobarbituric number, and the predefined indicators of microbiological safety were determined. The addition of chokeberry extract in the amount of 0.2–0.5 % to the minced meat weight significantly slows down the hydrolytic oxidation of lipids in finished products, effectively inhibits the peroxide oxidation of fat. The use of blackcurrant extract also has an antioxidant effect but is weaker. Stabilizing the peroxide oxidation of lipids in half-smoked sausages has the effect of inhibiting the formation of secondary oxidation products, which is confirmed by the results reported here. The amount of secondary oxidation products was the smallest at the end of the shelf life of the product with a concentration of chokeberry extract of 0.5 % and was 0.197±0.001 mg MA/kg, which is 3.74 times lower than that in the control. The addition of extracts of chokeberry and black currant reduces microbiological contamination and has a bacteriostatic effect. The most effective is the introduction of chokeberry extract in the amount of 0.05 %, which reduces the oxidative damage to fat by more than three times

    Defining a Criteria for the Identification of a Technique for Producing Tomato Juice

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    The basis of modern analysis of the quality of juice products is a matrix approach. The essence of the matrix approach is to define a series of parameters, which comprehensively characterize the composition of juices. In this regard, it is important to study the content of individual biologically active components in addition to general quality parameters in evaluation of juices. The content of individual biologically active components depends on the origin of raw materials and technology of processing.Analysis of the chemical composition of tomatoes showed that carotenoids are characteristic nutrients inherent to this particular kind of vegetables. In this regard, we propose the content of β-carotene as the most acceptable criterion for identification.We studied quality of tomato juices by organoleptic and physical-and-chemical parameters (soluble solids content, total acidity, mass fraction of pulp and β-carotene content) in order to confirm a method of production of tomato juices, namely, the method of recovery or direct pressing.The profile analysis showed that the most positive parameters were in the juices of «EosBio» TM and «Galicia» TM, which makes us assert that their production technique was direct pressing. We established that the mass fraction of soluble solids, titratable acids and pulp met the requirements in all samples. The largest mass fraction of pulp was in the juices of «Galicia» TM – 30.80 and «EosBio» TM – 24.23. This data confirms that the method of production of these juices was direct pressing.We established that the content of β-carotene in the juices of «Sandora» TM, «Rich» TM and «Sadochok» TM produced by the method of recovery was in the range of 0.24–0.32 mg/100 g. At the same time, these values were significantly higher in the juices of «Galicia» TM and «EosBio» TM produced by the method of direct pressing, they were 0.589 and 0.591 mg/100 g, respectively. Thus, we confirmed the assumption about the connection between a production method and the content of β-carotene in tomato juices. We proposed using this parameter as a marker criterion for the identification of a technique for producing tomato juice

    An Old Story in the Parallel Synthesis World: An Approach to Hydantoin Libraries

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    An approach to the parallel synthesis of hydantoin libraries by reaction of in situ generated 2,2,2-trifluoroethylcarbamates and α-amino esters was developed. To demonstrate utility of the method, a library of 1158 hydantoins designed according to the lead-likeness criteria (MW 200–350, cLogP 1–3) was prepared. The success rate of the method was analyzed as a function of physicochemical parameters of the products, and it was found that the method can be considered as a tool for lead-oriented synthesis. A hydantoin-bearing submicromolar primary hit acting as an Aurora kinase A inhibitor was discovered with a combination of rational design, parallel synthesis using the procedures developed, in silico and in vitro screenings