269 research outputs found

    Continent perdu ou refusé, archipel retrouvé ou méprisé

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    Urban interrelation and regional patterning in the department of Puno, Southern Peru

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    Le département de Puno s'inscrit autour du lac Titicaca (3 800 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer) pour occuper un vaste plateau (l'altiplano) ainsi que les hautes chaînes andines (la puna) et; déborder au nord vers le bassin amazonien (la selva).En utilisant à la fois des informations recueillies lors d'enquêtes sur le terrain et des données de recensement (1940 et 1961), cet essai poursuit un double objectif: on a tenté d'analyser d'une part, l'évolution et l'interdépendance des principaux centres du département de Puno pour proposer, d'autre part, une régionalisation à partir des structures géo-spatiales et des organisations administratives. De plus, on a brièvement traitéde la nature des agglomérations et on a réalisé une analyse quantitative regroupant 30 variables reportées sur les 85 districts du département.L'auteur conclut en suggérant que toute planification est un processus qui doit aboutir à un compromis entre des composantes spatio-économiques (planificaciôn tecno-crética) et des composantes socio-culturelles (planificaciôn de base).The department of Puno surrounds lake Titicaca (3 800 m above sea-levet) and extends over a vast stretch of land (the altiplano) and the Andean ridges (the puna) spilling northward into the Amazonian basin (the selva).Through fied work information and the use of census returns (1940 and 1961), this paper attempts to assess the evolution and the interdependance of Puno's main populated centres on the one hand, and to develop a general scheme of regionalization based on geo-spatial structures and administrative lay-outs on the other. In addition, the nature of settlements is briefly outlined and a more detailed quantitative analysis (30 variables, 85 districts) shedding some light on the internal departmental patterning is attempted.In conclusion, it is suggested that the planning process should result in a successful compromise between two sets of characteristics : spatio-economical elements (planificación tecnocrática) and social-cultural elements (planificación de base).El departamento de Puno se situa alrededor del Lago Titicaca (3800 m sobre el nivel del mar), ocupando una vasta zona del Altiplano y de las altas cadenas andinas (La puna), desbordandose al norte hacia la cuenca del Amazonas (La selva).Utilizando al mismo triempo las informaciones obtenidas durante las encuestas sobre elterreno y los datos de los sensos (1940 y 1961) ; éste ensayo persigue un doble objetivo : analizar la evolución y la interdependencia de los principalos centros urbanos del departamento de Puno por un lado y, por el otro, proponor una regionalización partiendo de estructuras geo-espaciales y de organizaciones administrativas. Asimismo, se ha estudiado brevemente la naturaleza de las aglomeraciones y se ha efectuado un análisis cuantitativo reagrupando 30 variables refereidas a los 85 distritos del departemento. El autor concluye sugirlendo que toda planificación es un proceso que debe conducir a un compromiso entre los componentes económico-espaciales (planificación tecnocrática) y los componentes socio-culturalos (planificación de base)

    Québec/Brésil : les relations diffractées

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    Cholecystokinin and Somatostatin Negatively Affect Growth of the Somatostatin-RIN-14B Cells

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    With the exclusive presence of the pancreatic CCK-2 receptors on the pancreatic delta cells of six different species, this study was undertaken to determine the role of cholecystokinin and gastrin on growth of these somatostatin (SS) cells. For this study, the SS-RIN-14B cells were used in culture and their growth was evaluated by cell counting. Results. To our surprise, we established by Western blot that these RIN cells possess the two CCK receptor subtypes, CCK-1 and CCK-2. Occupation of the CCK-1 receptors by caerulein, a CCK analog, led to inhibition of cell proliferation, an effect prevented by a specific CCK-1 receptor antagonist. Occupation of the CCK-2 receptors by the gastrin agonist pentagastrin had no effect on cell growth. Proliferation was not affected by SS released from these cells but was inhibited by exogenous SS. Conclusions. Growth of the SS-RIN-14B cells can be negatively affected by occupation of their CCK-1 receptors and by exogenous somatostatin

    Quand s'éteint la lune de la nuit arctique

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    Notes de Povoungnitouk-Purvinituq, transcrites à Saint-Michel-en-Bellechasse, ce 26 février 2007, en songeant à un périple en kométique au Nord-Baffin, quarante ans plus tôt

    La construction du patrimoine mondial (transformations physiques et appropriation locale dans la patrimonialisation du centre-ville historique d'Arequipa, Pérou)

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    Créé en 1972 par l adoption de la Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel, le patrimoine mondial a connu en 40 ans une importance croissante. Aujourd hui, il est devenu l élément incontournable et prestigieux d une culture qui s internationalise au rythme des nouvelles technologies, des flux mondiaux et du numérique. Mais il semble également représenter un ancrage plus marqué à la fois dans la matérialité des sites, toujours plus nombreux, et dans leur unicité. Parmi ces sites, les centres historiques connaissent des situations où l inscription ajoute un niveau de complexité supplémentaire aux tensions existantes. Ainsi, la reconnaissance internationale et la hausse du tourisme semblent transformer physiquement l environnement urbain, mais aussi ses usages et sa population. Le plus souvent, la réflexion à propos de ces sites s intéresse donc à leur aménagement et leur gestion, où les habitants sont un élément parmi d autres à ordonner, pour préserver le site et profiter des retombées économiques de son exploitation touristique.Cette recherche tente au contraire d examiner comment ces sites se transforment et comment ils deviennent du patrimoine mondial. En outre, elle propose que le processus de patrimonialisation ne soit pas seulement le fait des autorités, mais qu il repose aussi sur les habitants qui continuent de donner un sens à ces espaces urbains. En effet, le patrimoine est entendu ici comme une construction sociale résultant de la production de représentations par les groupes sociaux qui le revendiquent. La compréhension de ce processus requiert donc du chercheur qu il mette en évidence les différentes représentations patrimoniales.Le site choisi pour cette étude, le centre historique d Arequipa au Pérou, est situé dans une région où la conception du patrimoine urbain est plus sociale et plus inclusive des habitants, avec des enjeux exacerbés par des contrastes forts entre richesse et pauvreté, entre centres et périphéries, entre cultures urbaines et rurales.L étude s inscrit dans une perspective phénoménologique et propose une herméneutique de la patrimonialisation, c est-à-dire une interprétation des représentations patrimoniales à partir de leur contexte de production, permettant de restituer les différents processus de patrimonialisation, et ainsi de comprendre l évolution des valeurs patrimoniales et des transformations qui y sont liées. Pour ce faire une méthode historico-interprétative d analyse contextualisée des données recueillies dans les documents, par l observation et par des entretiens, est utilisée. Cette analyse souhaite ainsi contribuer au développement des études patrimoniales en proposant une approche herméneutique qui puisse servir à d autres travaux.Cette recherche démontre que la patrimonialisation du site du patrimoine mondial du centre historique d Arequipa est un processus hybride, à la fois physique et symbolique, institutionnel et social, global et local. Elle met en évidence la construction de représentations patrimoniales liées à l inscription, mais aussi la reconstruction a posteriori d une continuité historique entre les représentations issues de différents processus, ou cycles, de patrimonialisation. Elle montre enfin que les interventions sur l environnement bâti sont l expression des valeurs patrimoniales qui lui sont attribuées plutôt que la recherche d un état de conservation.Ce travail permet aussi de dégager des effets plus liés à la reconnaissance en tant que patrimoine mondial, tels que des effets d amplification et d essentialisation du patrimoine. On observe également une possible prise en compte, dans les interventions, des attentes supposées des touristes. Cette mise en abyme des représentations conférerait au patrimoine mondial un caractère méta-patrimonial . Enfin, d autres conséquences de l inscription semblent exister, bien qu elles n aient pas été confirmées par cette étude, notamment en termes économiques et fonciersCreated in 1972 by the adoption of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the idea of World Heritage has experienced 40 years of growing importance. Today, it has become the essential and prestigious element of a culture that becomes global by following new technologies, global flows and the digital era. But it also seems to be more firmly anchored in both the materiality of the sites on an ever growing World Heritage List and their uniqueness.Among these sites, historic centres experience situations where the inscription on the World Heritage List adds another level of complexity to existing tensions. International recognition and increased tourism seem to physically transform the urban environment, but also its uses and its population. In most cases/often studies about historic centres focus on planning and management, with people being one factor among many others, to preserve the site and benefit from tourism development.This research aims instead at examining how these sites are changing and how they become World Heritage. In addition, it proposes that the heritagization process is not only managed by the authorities, but it also relies on the inhabitants who continue to give meaning to these urban areas. In this work, heritage is understood as social construction that results from the production of representations by social groups claiming it. Understanding this process therefore requires the researcher to bring out the various heritage representations.The site chosen for this study, the Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa in Peru, is located in a region where the concept of urban heritage is more social and inclusive of people, with issues aggravated by strong contrasts between wealth and poverty, centres and peripheries, urban and rural cultures.This study adopted a phenomenological perspective and proposes a hermeneutic of heritage, that is to say, an interpretation of heritage representations from their context of production to reconstruct the different heritage processes and to understand the evolution of heritage values and physical changes. To do so, the researcher employed a historical-interpretative method of contextualized analysis of data collected through document review, observation and interviews. This study seeks to contribute to the development of heritage studies proposing a hermeneutic approach that could be used in other research.This research shows that the heritagization process of the Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa is a hybrid process, both physical and symbolic, institutional and social, global and local. It highlights the making of heritage representations related to the inscription on the World Heritage List, but also an a posteriori reconstruction of historical continuity among representations produced by different processes, or cycles, of heritagization. Finally, it shows that most interventions on the built environment are a result of assigned values rather than a search for a state of conservation.This work also suggests the existence of effects related to the recognition as World Heritage, such as amplification and essentialisation of heritage. There is also a presumed consideration of the supposed expectations of tourists to intervene on the built environment. This mise en abyme of representations gives World Heritage a "meta-heritage" character. Finally, other consequences of the inscription seem to exist, especially in terms of economic impact and land value. These have however not been confirmed through this studyAVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Réforme et mesures de transition. Quelles avenues pour le secteur laitier canadien ?

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    Cet article présente une conceptualisation des mesures de transition envisageables lors de réformes de politiques publiques, ainsi qu’une analyse de leur transposition à des expériences observées en agriculture. À partir de six études de cas, cet article tire des enseignements sur la nature et le contexte d’utilisation de ces mesures, en référence au secteur laitier canadien. L’une des conclusions indique que les producteurs évoluant dans des secteurs contingentés sont rarement indemnisés pour la dévaluation de leurs quotas. Le soutien vise plutôt leurs pertes de revenus. Outre son apport conceptuel, cette démarche contribue à la réflexion sur l’avenir de la politique laitière canadienne.This article presents a conceptualization of the transitional measures that can be implemented in public policy reforms and an analysis of their transposition to previous reforms engaged in the agricultural sector. Based on six case studies, this article gives an overview of the nature and context of use of these measures in the Canadian dairy sector. One of the main conclusions is that producers who work in the supply managed sector are rarely compensated for the devaluation of their quotas. Instead, support measures target the loss of revenue. Besides its conceptual value, this article contributes to the reflection on the future of the Canadian dairy polic

    Is there adaptation of the exocrine pancreas in wild animal? The case of the Roe Deer.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Physiology of the exocrine pancreas has been well studied in domestic and in laboratory animals as well as in humans. However, it remains quite unknown in wildlife mammals. Roe deer and cattle (including calf) belong to different families but have a common ancestor. This work aimed to evaluate in the Roe deer, the adaptation to diet of the exocrine pancreatic functions and regulations related to animal evolution and domestication. RESULTS: Forty bovine were distributed into 2 groups of animals either fed exclusively with a milk formula (monogastric) or fed a dry feed which allowed for rumen function to develop, they were slaughtered at 150 days of age. The 35 Roe deer were wild animals living in the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests, shot during the hunting season and classified in two groups adult and young. Immediately after death, the pancreas was removed for tissue sample collection and then analyzed. When expressed in relation to body weight, pancreas, pancreatic protein weights and enzyme activities measured were higher in Roe deer than in calf. The 1st original feature is that in Roe deer, the very high content in pancreatic enzymes seems to be related to specific digestive products observed (proline-rich proteins largely secreted in saliva) which bind tannins, reducing their deleterious effects on protein digestion. The high chymotrypsin and elastase II quantities could allow recycling of proline-rich proteins. In contrast, domestication and rearing cattle resulted in simplified diet with well digestible components. The 2nd feature is that in wild animal, both receptor subtypes of the CCK/gastrin family peptides were present in the pancreas as in calf, although CCK-2 receptor subtype was previously identified in higher mammals. CONCLUSIONS: Bovine species could have lost some digestive capabilities (no ingestion of great amounts of tannin-rich plants, capabilities to secrete high amounts of proline-rich proteins) compared with Roe deer species. CCK and gastrin could play an important role in the regulation of pancreatic secretion in Roe deer as in calf. This work, to the best of our knowledge is the first study which compared the roe deer adaptation to diet with a domesticated animal largely studied

    Pharmacological analysis of transmission activation of two aphid-vectored plant viruses, turnip mosaic virus and cauliflower mosaic virus

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    Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV, family Potyviridae) and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV, family Caulimoviridae) are transmitted by aphid vectors. They are the only viruses shown so far to undergo transmission activation (TA) immediately preceding plant-to-plant propagation. TA is a recently described phenomenon where viruses respond to the presence of vectors on the host by rapidly and transiently forming transmissible complexes that are efficiently acquired and transmitted. Very little is known about the mechanisms of TA and on whether such mechanisms are alike or distinct in different viral species. We use here a pharmacological approach to initiate the comparison of TA of TuMV and CaMV. Our results show that both viruses rely on calcium signaling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) for TA. However, whereas application of the thiol-reactive compound N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inhibited, as previously shown, TuMV transmission it did not alter CaMV transmission. On the other hand, sodium azide, which boosts CaMV transmission, strongly inhibited TuMV transmission. Finally, wounding stress inhibited CaMV transmission and increased TuMV transmission. Taken together, the results suggest that transmission activation of TuMV and CaMV depends on initial calcium and ROS signaling that are generated during the plant's immediate responses to aphid manifestation. Interestingly, downstream events in TA of each virus appear to diverge, as shown by the differential effects of NEM, azide and wounding on TuMV and CaMV transmission, suggesting that these two viruses have evolved analogous TA mechanisms