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    ABSTRACT   What are the origins of humanist penal mediation? This approach was developed within the framework of specific training that was created to give mediators the skills essential to their role. Thus penal mediation was able to provide responses other than those offered in the context of legal action, because they better met, in some cases, the expectations of the plaintiffs. Justice, through mediation, was thus able to sow seeds of humanity at a crucial moment in the journey of individuals. Thus mediation tries to sow seeds of humanity by educating and uplifting citizens and particularly young people. It invites them to discover that they have the capacity to change and that they alone are responsible for their future, like the mediator himself who always keeps the awareness of the humility of his position because he too is in a way to best fulfill his human destiny. Keywords: Criminal procedure; Penal mediation; Origins; Humanist mediation; Rights; Procedure; Citizenship.Quelles sont les origines de la mĂ©diation pĂ©nale humaniste ? Cette approche s’est construite dans le cadre d’une formation spĂ©cifique qui a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e pour donner aux mĂ©diateurs les compĂ©tences indispensables Ă  leur fonction. Ainsi la mĂ©diation pĂ©nale a pu apporter des rĂ©ponses autres que celles offertes dans le cadre de l’action judiciaire, car elles rĂ©pondaient mieux, dans certains cas, aux attentes des plaignants. La justice, Ă  travers la mĂ©diation, a pu ainsi semer des graines d’humanitĂ© Ă  un moment crucial du parcours des individus. Ainsi la mĂ©diation s’essaie Ă  semer des graines d’humanitĂ© en Ă©duquant et Ă©levant les citoyens et particuliĂšrement les jeunes.  Elle leur propose de dĂ©couvrir qu’ils ont la capacitĂ© de changer et qu’ils sont seuls responsables de leur avenir, comme le mĂ©diateur lui-mĂȘme qui garde toujours la conscience de l’humilitĂ© de sa position car il est, lui aussi, en chemin pour accomplir au mieux sa destinĂ©e humaine

    La mĂ©diation humaniste, pour ‘faire sociĂ©té’ dans la prise en charge des diffĂ©rends

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    This paper is the work of a collective, and contains multidisciplinary reflexions on a humanistic practice of mediation that was pioneered in France in 1984, and refined over 30 years of practical experience and thousands of completed mediations. This kind of mediation focuses its efforts less on the specific area of dispute, and more on the transformation of human and social relationships, thereby justifying the qualifier ‘humanistic’. The exchanges established between the mediants, made possible and facilitated by the mediator, have the core objective of rebuilding a lasting and peaceable relationship.Humanistic mediation is shown to be a tool for personal, ontological transformation – a way of supporting the deep aspirations and values which everyone needs in order to live. In social interaction it enables common ground (‘commons’) to emerge which forms the basis of a new mode of sharing; it introduces a process that is humanizing and mutually nurturing while still respecting differences. Humanistic mediation is rooted in the trans-modern beginnings of our ongoing societal transformation. By reintroducing a sense of existential solidarity which is founded more on sharing than on exchange, it offers itself as an educational tool for peace, using a civilizing pedagogy to create a humanism for our times.The process is laid out in three sequential phases, which take into account the emotions of the mediants. With often spectacular results, the process leads to a pivotal moment that allows the energy of the conflict to be redirected. The role and attitude of the mediator are precisely defined. The relationship between mediation and institutions such as justice and education is discussed. Humanistic mediation takes its place in the evolution of a justice that both repairs and restores.Cet article est la rĂ©flexion pluridisciplinaire d’un collectif sur une pratique humaniste de la mĂ©diation, introduite de façon pionniĂšre en 1984 et affinĂ©e au cours de 30 ans d’expĂ©rience et de milliers de mĂ©diations rĂ©alisĂ©es. Ce type de mĂ©diation concentre ses efforts moins sur le diffĂ©rend que sur la transformation des rapports humains et sociaux, justifiant ainsi le qualificatif humaniste. Les Ă©changes instaurĂ©s entre les mĂ©diants, rendus possibles et facilitĂ©s par le mĂ©diateur, ont pour objectif essentiel de reconstruire une relation pacifiĂ©e et durable.La mĂ©diation humaniste se rĂ©vĂšle un outil ontologique de transformation personnelle prenant appui sur les aspirations profondes et les valeurs dont chacun a besoin pour vivre. Socialement, elle permet l’émergence de communs sur lesquels fonder un nouveau mode de partage, introduisant un processus de fĂ©condation mutuelle et d’humanisation rĂ©ciproque, dans le respect des diffĂ©rences. La mĂ©diation humaniste s’inscrit dans les prĂ©mices trans-modernes de la transformation sociĂ©tale en cours. RĂ©introduisant le sens d’une solidaritĂ© existentielle, fondĂ©e plus sur le partage que sur l’échange, elle se prĂ©sente comme un outil d’éducation Ă  la paix, pĂ©dagogique et civilisateur, pour un humanisme de notre temps.Le dĂ©roulement en est explicitĂ© en trois phases successives prenant en compte les Ă©motions des mĂ©diants et aboutissant Ă  un retournement souvent spectaculaire qui permet de rĂ©orienter l’énergie du conflit. Le rĂŽle et la posture du mĂ©diateur sont prĂ©cisĂ©s.Le rapport aux institutions Justice et Education est discutĂ©. La mĂ©diation humaniste s’inscrit dans une dĂ©marche de justice rĂ©paratrice et restauratrice

    Effets de la leptine et de l’adiponectine sur le systùme cardiovasculaire

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    International audienceElevated circulating leptin levels have been associated with an increased cardiovascular risk in humans. However, recent meta-analyses show that certain epidemiological studies did not find this association, suggesting distinct effects of leptin depending on the pathophysiological context. Studies performed in mice deficient in leptin or in leptin receptors are often contradictory, showing both protective and deleterious effects of leptin. These effects appear to vary depending on the genetic background of the animal and the doses of leptin administered, making interpretation of the results difficult. In humans, elevated adiponectinemia is associated with a favourable cardiovascular risk profile. Adiponectin exerts protective effects at all stages of development of atherosclerotic plaque. However, our knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in these protective effects has been established from cellular models, which do not necessarily reproduce the pathology in all its complexity. In addition, mouse models have a very different lipoprotein metabolism from humans, which does not always allow extrapolation of results to humans. Finally, epidemiological studies evaluating adiponectin as a marker of cardiovascular risk show paradoxical results since a high serum adiponectin concentration has not been associated with a reduction in the number of cardiovascular events but with an increase of cardiovascular and all causes mortality in healthy subjects and coronary patients. These observations illustrate the paradox of adipokines actions and show the complexity to use these biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases. Resistance to the action of these adipokines is one of the hypotheses put forward to explain these discrepancies.Une leptinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation du risque cardiovasculaire. Cependant, des Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques ne retrouvent pas cette association, suggĂ©rant des effets distincts de la leptine selon le contexte physiopathologique. Les Ă©tudes menĂ©es chez les souris dĂ©ficientes en leptine ou en son rĂ©cepteur sont Ă©galement contradictoires. Elles montrent des effets protecteurs ou dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres selon le fond gĂ©nĂ©tique de l’animal et des doses de leptine administrĂ©es, rendant l’interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats dĂ©licate. Une adiponectinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e est associĂ©e Ă  un profil cardiovasculaire favorable. L’adiponectine a des effets athĂ©roprotecteurs Ă  tous les stades de dĂ©veloppement de la plaque d’athĂ©rome. Cependant, ces mĂ©canismes physiopathologiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablis Ă  partir de modĂšles cellulaires. De plus, les modĂšles murins utilisĂ©s ont un mĂ©tabolisme des lipoprotĂ©ines diffĂ©rent de l’homme, ce qui complique l’extrapolation des rĂ©sultats. Enfin, les Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques montrent des rĂ©sultats paradoxaux puisqu’une adiponectinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e est associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation de la mortalitĂ© cardiovasculaire et toutes causes confondues. Ceci illustre le paradoxe des adipokines et montrent la complexitĂ© de leur utilisation comme biomarqueurs dans les pathologies cardiovasculaires. Une rĂ©sistance Ă  l’action de ces adipokines pourrait expliquer ces discordances

    Effets de la leptine et de l’adiponectine sur le systùme cardiovasculaire

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    International audienceElevated circulating leptin levels have been associated with an increased cardiovascular risk in humans. However, recent meta-analyses show that certain epidemiological studies did not find this association, suggesting distinct effects of leptin depending on the pathophysiological context. Studies performed in mice deficient in leptin or in leptin receptors are often contradictory, showing both protective and deleterious effects of leptin. These effects appear to vary depending on the genetic background of the animal and the doses of leptin administered, making interpretation of the results difficult. In humans, elevated adiponectinemia is associated with a favourable cardiovascular risk profile. Adiponectin exerts protective effects at all stages of development of atherosclerotic plaque. However, our knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in these protective effects has been established from cellular models, which do not necessarily reproduce the pathology in all its complexity. In addition, mouse models have a very different lipoprotein metabolism from humans, which does not always allow extrapolation of results to humans. Finally, epidemiological studies evaluating adiponectin as a marker of cardiovascular risk show paradoxical results since a high serum adiponectin concentration has not been associated with a reduction in the number of cardiovascular events but with an increase of cardiovascular and all causes mortality in healthy subjects and coronary patients. These observations illustrate the paradox of adipokines actions and show the complexity to use these biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases. Resistance to the action of these adipokines is one of the hypotheses put forward to explain these discrepancies.Une leptinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation du risque cardiovasculaire. Cependant, des Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques ne retrouvent pas cette association, suggĂ©rant des effets distincts de la leptine selon le contexte physiopathologique. Les Ă©tudes menĂ©es chez les souris dĂ©ficientes en leptine ou en son rĂ©cepteur sont Ă©galement contradictoires. Elles montrent des effets protecteurs ou dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres selon le fond gĂ©nĂ©tique de l’animal et des doses de leptine administrĂ©es, rendant l’interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats dĂ©licate. Une adiponectinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e est associĂ©e Ă  un profil cardiovasculaire favorable. L’adiponectine a des effets athĂ©roprotecteurs Ă  tous les stades de dĂ©veloppement de la plaque d’athĂ©rome. Cependant, ces mĂ©canismes physiopathologiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablis Ă  partir de modĂšles cellulaires. De plus, les modĂšles murins utilisĂ©s ont un mĂ©tabolisme des lipoprotĂ©ines diffĂ©rent de l’homme, ce qui complique l’extrapolation des rĂ©sultats. Enfin, les Ă©tudes Ă©pidĂ©miologiques montrent des rĂ©sultats paradoxaux puisqu’une adiponectinĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e est associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation de la mortalitĂ© cardiovasculaire et toutes causes confondues. Ceci illustre le paradoxe des adipokines et montrent la complexitĂ© de leur utilisation comme biomarqueurs dans les pathologies cardiovasculaires. Une rĂ©sistance Ă  l’action de ces adipokines pourrait expliquer ces discordances

    Cardiac Specific Increase in Aldosterone Production Induces Coronary Dysfunction in Aldosterone Synthase-Transgenic Mice

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    International audienceBackground-Elevated circulating aldosterone level is associated with impaired cardiovascular function. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, aldosterone antagonists decrease total and cardiovascular mortality in heart failure and myocardial infarction. Aldosterone induces cardiac fibrosis in experimental models, and it is synthesized locally in rat heart. These observations suggest pathological effects of aldosterone in heart that remain unclear. Methods and Results-Transgenic mice (TG) that overexpress the terminal enzyme of aldosterone biosynthesis, aldosterone synthase (AS), in heart have been raised by gene targeting with the ␣-myosin heavy chain promoter. AS mRNA increased 100-fold and aldosterone concentration 1.7-fold in hearts of male TG mice relative to wild-type. No structural or myocardial alterations were evidenced, because ventricle/body weight, AT 1 and AT 2 receptor binding, and collagen content were unchanged in TG. No alteration in cardiac function was evidenced by echocardiography, isolated perfused heart, or whole-cell patch clamp experiments. In contrast, coronary function was impaired, because basal coronary flow was decreased in isolated perfused heart (ÏȘ55% of baseline values), and vasodilatation to acetylcholine, bradykinin, and sodium nitroprusside was decreased by 75%, 60%, and 75%, respectively, in TG mice compared with wild-type, showing that the defect was not related to NO production. Conclusions-Increased cardiac aldosterone production in male mice induces a major coronary endothelium-independent dysfunction with no detectable alterations in cardiac structure and function. However, coronary dysfunction may be harmful for coronary adaptation to increased flow demand. (Circulation. 2004;110:1819-1825

    Henri III et son temps

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    Le prĂ©sent recueil prĂ©sente l’apport de la recherche rĂ©cente sur le rĂšgne de Henri III dont l’historiographie a Ă©tĂ© totalement renouvelĂ©e depuis une dizaine d’annĂ©es. On est sorti de la « lĂ©gende noire » pour atteindre une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’homme, de ses convictions religieuses, de son intelligence politique. Au-delĂ  de la personnalitĂ© et de l’action du dernier souverain Valois, les actes du colloque international tenu Ă  Tours prĂ©sentent des mises au point politiques, Ă©conomiques et sociales sur la France Ă  la fin du xvie siĂšcle. Cinq communications d’historiens polonais Ă©clairent le rĂšgne de « Henryk Walezy » Ă  Cracovie et les relations politiques et culturelles entre la France et la Pologne

    Prognostic value of high-sensitivity measurable residual disease assessment after front-line chemoimmunotherapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    International audienceMeasurable residual disease (MRD) status is widely adopted in clinical trials in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Findings from FILO group trials (CLL2007FMP, CLL2007SA, CLL2010FMP) enabled investigation of the prognostic value of high-sensitivity (0.7 × 10-5) MRD assessment using flow cytometry, in blood (N = 401) and bone marrow (N = 339), after fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (FCR)-based chemoimmunotherapy in a homogeneous population with long follow-up (median 49.5 months). Addition of low-level positive MRD < 0.01% to MRD ≄ 0.01% increased the proportion of cases with positive MRD in blood by 39% and in bone marrow by 27%. Compared to low-level positive MRD < 0.01%, undetectable MRD was associated with significantly longer progression-free survival (PFS) when using blood (72.2 versus 42.7 months; hazard ratio 0.40, p = 0.0003), but not when using bone marrow. Upon further stratification, positive blood MRD at any level, compared to undetectable blood MRD, was associated with shorter PFS irrespective of clinical complete or partial remission, and a lower 5-year PFS rate irrespective of IGHV-mutated or -unmutated status (all p < 0.05). In conclusion, high-sensitivity (0.0007%) MRD assessment in blood yielded additional prognostic information beyond the current standard sensitivity (0.01%). Our approach provides a model for future determination of the optimal MRD investigative strategy for any regimen