10,367 research outputs found

    M-dwarf stellar winds: the effects of realistic magnetic geometry on rotational evolution and planets

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    We perform three-dimensional numerical simulations of stellar winds of early-M dwarf stars. Our simulations incorporate observationally reconstructed large-scale surface magnetic maps, suggesting that the complexity of the magnetic field can play an important role in the angular momentum evolution of the star, possibly explaining the large distribution of periods in field dM stars, as reported in recent works. In spite of the diversity of the magnetic field topologies among the stars in our sample, we find that stellar wind flowing near the (rotational) equatorial plane carries most of the stellar angular momentum, but there is no preferred colatitude contributing to mass loss, as the mass flux is maximum at different colatitudes for different stars. We find that more non-axisymmetric magnetic fields result in more asymmetric mass fluxes and wind total pressures ptotp_{\rm tot} (defined as the sum of thermal, magnetic and ram pressures). Because planetary magnetospheric sizes are set by pressure equilibrium between the planet's magnetic field and ptotp_{\rm tot}, variations of up to a factor of 33 in ptotp_{\rm tot} (as found in the case of a planet orbiting at several stellar radii away from the star) lead to variations in magnetospheric radii of about 20 percent along the planetary orbital path. In analogy to the flux of cosmic rays that impact the Earth, which is inversely modulated with the non-axisymmetric component of the total open solar magnetic flux, we conclude that planets orbiting M dwarf stars like DT~Vir, DS~Leo and GJ~182, which have significant non-axisymmetric field components, should be the more efficiently shielded from galactic cosmic rays, even if the planets lack a protective thick atmosphere/large magnetosphere of their own.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Preferred levels for background ducking to produce esthetically pleasing audio for TV with clear speech

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    In audio production, background ducking facilitates speech intelligibility while allowing the background to fulfill its purpose, e.g., to create ambience, set the mood, or convey semantic cues. Technical details for recommended ducking practices are not currently documented in the literature. Hence, we first analyzed common practices found in TV documentaries. Second, a listening test investigated the preferences of 22 normal-hearing participants on the Loud- ness Difference (LD) between commentary and background during ducking. Highly personal preferences were observed, highlighting the importance of object-based personalization. Sta- tistically significant difference was found between non-expert and expert listeners. On average, non-experts preferred LDs that were 4 LU higher than the ones preferred by experts. A sta- tistically significant difference was also found between Commentary over Music (CoM) and Commentary over Ambience (CoA). Based on the test results, we recommend at least 10 LU difference for CoM and at least 15 LU for CoA. Moreover, a computational method based on the Binaural Distortion-Weighted Glimpse Proportion (BiDWGP) was found to match the median preferred LD for each item with good accuracy (mean absolute error = 1.97 LU ± 2.50)

    Modeling the RV jitter of early M dwarfs using tomographic imaging

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    In this paper we show how tomographic imaging (Zeeman Doppler Imaging, ZDI) can be used to characterize stellar activity and magnetic field topologies, ultimately allowing to filter out the radial velocity (RV) activity jitter of M-dwarf moderate rotators. This work is based on spectropolarimetric observations of a sample of five weakly-active early M-dwarfs (GJ 205, GJ 358, GJ 410, GJ479, GJ 846) with HARPS-Pol and NARVAL. These stars have v sin i and RV jitters in the range 1-2 km/s and 2.7-10.0 m/s rms respectively. Using a modified version of ZDI applied to sets of phase-resolved Least-Squares- Decon- volved (LSD) profiles of unpolarized spectral lines, we are able to characterize the distribution of active regions at the stellar surfaces. We find that darks spots cover less than 2% of the total surface of the stars of our sample. Our technique is e cient at modeling the rotationally mod- ulated component of the activity jitter, and succeeds at decreasing the amplitude of this com- ponent by typical factors of 2-3 and up to 6 in optimal cases. From the rotationally modulated time-series of circularly polarized spectra and with ZDI, we also reconstruct the large-scale magnetic field topology. These fields suggest that bi-stability of dynamo processes observed in active M dwarfs may also be at work for moderately active M dwarfs. Comparing spot distributions with field topologies suggest that dark spots causing activity jitter concentrate at the magnetic pole and/or equator, to be confirmed with future data on a larger sample.Comment: 34 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A homomorphism between link and XXZ modules over the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra

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    We study finite loop models on a lattice wrapped around a cylinder. A section of the cylinder has N sites. We use a family of link modules over the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra EPTL_N(\beta, \alpha) introduced by Martin and Saleur, and Graham and Lehrer. These are labeled by the numbers of sites N and of defects d, and extend the standard modules of the original Temperley-Lieb algebra. Beside the defining parameters \beta=u^2+u^{-2} with u=e^{i\lambda/2} (weight of contractible loops) and \alpha (weight of non-contractible loops), this family also depends on a twist parameter v that keeps track of how the defects wind around the cylinder. The transfer matrix T_N(\lambda, \nu) depends on the anisotropy \nu and the spectral parameter \lambda that fixes the model. (The thermodynamic limit of T_N is believed to describe a conformal field theory of central charge c=1-6\lambda^2/(\pi(\lambda-\pi)).) The family of periodic XXZ Hamiltonians is extended to depend on this new parameter v and the relationship between this family and the loop models is established. The Gram determinant for the natural bilinear form on these link modules is shown to factorize in terms of an intertwiner i_N^d between these link representations and the eigenspaces of S^z of the XXZ models. This map is shown to be an isomorphism for generic values of u and v and the critical curves in the plane of these parameters for which i_N^d fails to be an isomorphism are given.Comment: Replacement of "The Gram matrix as a connection between periodic loop models and XXZ Hamiltonians", 31 page

    Quadrupolar Order in Isotropic Heisenberg Models with Biquadratic Interaction

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    Through Quantum Monte Carlo simulation, we study the biquadratic-interaction model with the SU(2) symmetry in two and three dimensions. The zero-temperature phase diagrams for the two cases are identical and exhibit an intermediate phase characterized by finite quadrupole moment, in agreement with mean-field type arguments and the semi-classical theory. In three dimensions, we demonstrate that the model in the quadrupolar regime has a phase transition at a finite temperature. In contrast to predictions by mean-field theories, the phase transition to the quadrupolar phase turns out to be of the second order. We also examine the critical behavior in the two marginal cases with the SU(3) symmetry.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Complex magnetic topology and strong differential rotation on the low-mass T Tauri star V2247 Oph

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    From observations collected with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, we report the detection of Zeeman signatures on the low-mass classical TTauri star (cTTS) V2247Oph. Profile distortions and circular polarisation signatures detected in photospheric lines can be interpreted as caused by cool spots and magnetic regions at the surface of the star. The large-scale field is of moderate strength and highly complex; moreover, both the spot distribution and the magnetic field show significant variability on a timescale of only one week, as a likely result of strong differential rotation. Both properties make V2247Oph very different from the (more massive) prototypical cTTS BPTau; we speculate that this difference reflects the lower mass of V2247Oph. During our observations, V2247Oph was in a low-accretion state, with emission lines showing only weak levels of circular polarisation; we nevertheless find that excess emission apparently concentrates in a mid-latitude region of strong radial field, suggesting that it is the footpoint of an accretion funnel. The weaker and more complex field that we report on V2247Oph may share similarities with those of very-low-mass late-M dwarfs and potentially explain why low-mass cTTSs rotate on average faster than intermediate mass ones. These surprising results need confirmation from new independent data sets on V2247Oph and other similar low-mass cTTSs.Comment: MNRAS (in press) - 12 pages, 9 figure

    A barata do coqueiro Coraliomela brunnea Thunb. (1981) (Coleoptera: Chrisomelidae).

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