93 research outputs found

    Soil and Water as Resources: How Landscape Architecture Reclaims Hydric Contaminated Soil for Public Uses in Urban Settlements

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    Soil is one of the fundamental components for life on Earth, but today, as a consequence of humans’ unsustainable actions, soil is polluted, distressed and spoiled. In contemporary practice design, we recognize the importance of the soil quality to structure new discourses in landscape practice. The central role in this process is undoubtedly played by the value a healthy soil has for the community and for the environment. The strategic design of wet and hydric landscapes is certainly an essential aspect for the regular and exceptional management of the effects produced by pollution and climate change. The research develops the soil as a key subject in the landscape design, specifically in hydric environments where water represents an important factor. The essay is divided into three parts: resources and opportunities of disturbed wet soil, successfully built public space where soil remediation transformed heavy polluted industrial urban sites in fertile public ecosystems within the dense urban structures, and soil design as a domain of urban resilience. The landscape project as an integrated project has spread the seeds of a new approach to the consideration of the contemporary city in an ecological manner

    Soil and water as resources: how landscape architecture reclaims hydric contaminated soil for public uses in urban settlements

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    Soil is one of the fundamental components for life on Earth, but today, as a consequence of humans’ unsustainable actions, soil is polluted, distressed and spoiled. In contemporary practice design, we recognize the importance of the soil quality to structure new discourses in landscape practice. The central role in this process is undoubtedly played by the value a healthy soil has for the community and for the environment. The strategic design of wet and hydric landscapes is certainly an essential aspect for the regular and exceptional management of the effects produced by pollution and climate change. The research develops the soil as a key subject in the landscape design, specifically in hydric environments where water represents an important factor. The essay is divided into three parts: resources and opportunities of disturbed wet soil, successfully built public space where soil remediation transformed heavy polluted industrial urban sites in fertile public ecosystems within the dense urban structures, and soil design as a domain of urban resilience. The landscape project as an integrated project has spread the seeds of a new approach to the consideration of the contemporary city in an ecological manner

    Nephron-sparing surgery in multiple renal cancer: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: In the last decade, nephron-sparing surgery has largely supplanted the radical approach for the treatment of small renal masses. More recently, ablative technologies have been discussed as alternative in patients that are not eligible for surgical approach.CASE SUMMARY: A 54-year-old Caucasian man was referred to our Urology Clinic for multiple renal masses. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed three contrast-enhanced lesions located in the upper pole, middle renal, and in the lower pole of the left kidney 20 mm, 25 mm, and 45 mm long, respectively. The patient underwent laparoscopic tumorectomy of two lesions and cryoablation of the left renal mass by the transperitoneal approach, performed without clamping the renal vessels. At the end of the procedure the operator posed a reno-ureteral ipsilateral stent to tutor the urinary tract. Tumor enucleation and cryoablation were chosen to preserve renal function.CONCLUSION: This case report shows that in young patients with multiple renal tumors, cryoablation treatment is feasible and outcomes are promising as well. However, risk of complications should be considered and discussed with patients

    TWNK in Parkinson's Disease: A Movement Disorder and Mitochondrial Disease Center Perspective Study

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    Background: Parkinsonian features have been described in patients harboring variants in nuclear genes encoding for proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA maintenance, such as TWNK. Objectives: The aim was to screen for TWNK variants in an Italian cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and to assess the occurrence of parkinsonism in patients presenting with TWNK-related autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (TWNK-adPEO). Methods: Genomic DNA of 263 consecutively collected PD patients who underwent diagnostic genetic testing was analyzed with a targeted custom gene panel including TWNK, as well as genes causative of monogenic PD. Genetic and clinical data of 18 TWNK-adPEO patients with parkinsonism were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Six of 263 PD patients (2%), presenting either with isolated PD (n = 4) or in combination with bilateral ptosis (n = 2), carried TWNK likely pathogenic variants. Among 18 TWNK-adPEO patients, 5 (28%) had parkinsonism. Conclusions: We show candidate TWNK variants occurring in PD without PEO. This finding will require further confirmatory studies. © 2022 Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson Movement Disorder Society

    Melanopsin retinal ganglion cell loss in Alzheimer's disease

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    Objective Melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) are photoreceptors driving circadian photoentrainment, and circadian dysfunction characterizes Alzheimer disease (AD). We investigated mRGCs in AD, hypothesizing that they contribute to circadian dysfunction. Methods We assessed retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in 21 mild-moderate AD patients, and in a subgroup of 16 we evaluated rest-activity circadian rhythm by actigraphy. We studied postmortem mRGCs by immunohistochemistry in retinas, and axons in optic nerve cross-sections of 14 neuropathologically confirmed AD patients. We coimmunostained for retinal amyloid \u3b2 (A\u3b2) deposition and melanopsin to locate mRGCs. All AD cohorts were compared with age-matched controls. Results We demonstrated an age-related optic neuropathy in AD by OCT, with a significant reduction of RNFL thickness (p = 0.038), more evident in the superior quadrant (p = 0.006). Axonal loss was confirmed in postmortem AD optic nerves. Abnormal circadian function characterized only a subgroup of AD patients. Sleep efficiency was significantly reduced in AD patients (p = 0.001). We also found a significant loss of mRGCs in postmortem AD retinal specimens (p = 0.003) across all ages and abnormal mRGC dendritic morphology and size (p = 0.003). In flat-mounted AD retinas, A\u3b2 accumulation was remarkably evident inside and around mRGCs. Interpretation We show variable degrees of rest-activity circadian dysfunction in AD patients. We also demonstrate age-related loss of optic nerve axons and specifically mRGC loss and pathology in postmortem AD retinal specimens, associated with A\u3b2 deposition. These results all support the concept that mRGC degeneration is a contributor to circadian rhythm dysfunction in AD

    Un nuovo spazio pubblico: la stazione di Clichy-Montfermeil a Parigi

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    The new station, designed by the EMBT studio, is located on the border between two suburban areas, Clichy-sous-Bois and Montfermeil, where however the public space has little structure and is devoid of designed functional elements. The community of inhabitants suff ers from a condition of social and cultural marginality and consists mainly of first-generation French citizens from North Africa, whose average age is significantly lower than the average in Paris. The EMBT office is working on a project that actively involves this community, embracing its requests and expectations. The project suggests the creation of a new identity for this place based on enhancing the cultural origins of its citizens, and becomes an opportunity for building a new public space. The square has an extension of approximately 5000 square meters, with an equal surface area of green spaces in the surrounding areas. The canopy supported by thin metal columns, reminiscent of the slender trunks of birch-trees, screens the entrance to the station to the northeast behind the volume of shops. To the west, it covers the service building and continues to extend over much of the square. The station is divided into three levels. The project for the new Clichy - Montfermeil station thus becomes one of the most significant elements to tie the suburbs of Paris together with a new ring that actively and consciously connects them because, Benedetta Tagliabue reminds us, freedom is involvement

    ArchiDiAP Portale web di condivisione di contenuti e materiali sull’architettura

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    ArchiDiAP, un portale web di condivisione collaborativa di materiali sull’architettura, realizzato nel 2012 dal Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto della Sapienza Università di Roma da un’idea di Orazio Carpenzano e Fabio Balducci. ArchiDiAP coniuga i vantaggi costituiti da una vasta utenza, che diviene al tempo stesso co-autrice dei contenuti cui ha accesso, con il controllo a livello qualitativo garantito dalla Redazione del portale che accoglie tali contenuti, al fine di offrire un prodotto che possa rivelarsi tanto un utile supporto alla didattica e alla ricerca di base tra le comunità scientifiche che si occupano di architettura, quanto un efficace mezzo di divulgazione ad un pubblico non specializzato

    La cittĂ  sensibile

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    Negli ultimi anni numerosi studi sulla città hanno modificato il significato corrente del termine “urbanistica”. Tra gli anni Sessanta e Settanta la città è stata analizzata e descritta a partire dalle sue dimensioni e in base al cambiamento di scala dovuto alla crescita dell’ambiente urbano. Regione metropolitana, città regione, megalopoli hanno sostituito i termini storici che si riferivano alla città. Studi e descrizioni sono stati volti a tratteggiare le nuove caratteristiche e la complessità dei fenomeni urbani

    Catastrofe e progetto nell'architettura contemporanea. La ricostruzione come opportunitĂ 

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    Le catastrofi naturali causano delle fratture traumatiche all’interno del tessuto territoriale e l’esigenza di ricostruzione, nel senso del ripristino, dell’accessibilità e della salvaguardia delle parti, che rimangono tuttavia salve, spesso prevale sul senso di opportunità di cambiamento che il disastro genera. In dodici anni l’Italia subisce tre terremoti di notevole impatto. Nel 1968 il sisma colpisce la Sicilia, nel 1976 il Friuli e nel 1980 l’Irpinia. Il bilancio complessivo della popolazione coinvolta e dei costi impiegati per la ricostruzione è impressionante. In Belice i senzatetto sono 55.428, in Irpinia gli interventi di ricostruzione coinvolgono una popolazione di 87 mila di abitanti, in Friuli il bilancio è di 255.950 abitanti da rialloggiare. Quali le strategie da adottare di fronte alla catastrofe? La catastrofe può essere considerata come un’opportunità per migliorare le condizioni precedenti? Attraverso una serie di contributi che vanno dalle teorie scientifiche ai rapporti sui disastri avvenuti, dagli interventi progettuali agli scenari strategici possibili, dalle dichiarazioni di progettisti a operazioni artistiche condotte sul tema, emerge un elemento comune: la prevenzione
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