307 research outputs found

    Response to Gossy - 2

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    U.S. Foresaw Better Return in Seizing Fannie and Freddie Profits

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    Matematiklærere og inklusion

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    Kommentar til artiklen “Klasseledelse i matematik. Hvad ved vi egentlig?”, MONA,2013(3

    What a Deal: Trash for Treasuries

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    Energy from waste and the food processing industry

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    The provision of a secure, continuous energy supply is becoming an issue for all sectors of society and the foodprocessingindustry as a major energy user must address these issues. This paper identifies anaerobic digestion as an opportunity to go some way to achieving energy security in a sustainable manner. However, a number of energy management and waste reduction concepts must also be brought into play if the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability are to be balanced. The reporting of such activity will help to promote the green credentials of the industry. Cleaner production, supply chain and life cycle assessment approaches all have a part to play as tools supporting a new vision for integrated energy and waste management. Our reliance on high-energyprocessing, such as canning and freezing/chill storage, might also need re-assessment together with processing based on hurdle technology. Finally, the concepts of energy and power management for a distributed energy generation system must be brought into the foodprocessingindustry

    QUEST – et storskalaprojekt til udvikling af naturfagsundervisning

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    I artiklen præsenteres QUEST-projektet, et fireårigt professionelt udviklingsprojekt for naturfagslærerefra 43 skoler og fem kommuner. QUEST er designet med intentionen om at sætte viden franaturfagsdidaktisk forskning i spil, men i anerkendelse af lokale muligheder og behov og med basisi samarbejde i lokale fagteams og kommunale netværk. Derved opnås balance mellem top-down- ogbottom-up-processer. Projektet følges tæt forskningsmæssigt, og empirien anvendes løbende til kvalitetssikringaf aktiviteterne. I artiklen præsenteres struktur, målsætninger og progression, og dendidaktiske model for kursusaktiviteter eksemplificeres med aktiviteter fra det første kursusmodul.Udvalgte evalueringsdata fra det første kursusmodul analyseres med henblik på fremadrettet diskussionaf bæredygtige forandringsprocesser.In this article, the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) project QUEST is introduced. QUEST (Qualifyingin-service Education of Science Teachers) is a longitudinal project over four years. Participantsare science teachers from 43 schools from 5 Danish municipalities. The TPD project is designed toapply research based knowledge while acknowledging local needs and possibilities and stimulatingcollaboration in professional learning communities and municipal science networks: balancing topdownand bottom-up processes. The project is followed by research and the project activities followiterative cycles of design, enactment, analysis and redesign. The article introduces and discusses thedidactical model implemented for the TPD. Assessment data from the first module is presented andanalyzed with the purpose of discussing sustainability of future professional development activitiesin the project

    Agenda Item 9 Clayton and Moodys Letters -2

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    Nocturnal blood pressure fall as predictor of diabetic nephropathy in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypertensive patients with reduced blood pressure fall (BPF) at night are at higher risk of cardiovascular events (CVE).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated in hypertensive diabetic patients, if a reduced nocturnal BPF can precedes the development of diabetic nephropathy (DN). We followed 70 patients with normal urinary albumin excretion (UAE) for two years. We performed 24-hours ambulatory BP monitoring in baseline and at the end of the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fourteen (20%) patients (GI) developed DN (N = 11) and/or CVE (n = 4). Compared to the remaining 56 patients (GII) in baseline, GI had similar diurnal systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), but higher nocturnal SBP (138 ± 15 vs 129 ± 16 mmHg; p < 0.05) and DBP (83 ± 12 vs 75 ± 11 mmHg; p < 0,05). Basal nocturnal SBP correlated with occurrence of DN and CVE (R = 0.26; P < 0.05) and with UAE at the end of the study (r = 0.3; p < 0.05). Basal BPF (%) correlated with final UAE (r = -0.31; p < 0.05). In patients who developed DN, reductions occurred in nocturnal systolic BPF (12 ± 5 vs 3 ± 6%, p < 0,01) and diastolic BPF (15 ± 8 vs 4 ± 10%, p < 0,01) while no changes were observed in diurnal SBP (153 ± 17 vs 156 ± 16 mmHg, NS) and DBP (91 ± 9 vs 90 ± 7 mmHg, NS). Patients with final UAE < 20 μg/min, had no changes in nocturnal and diurnal BP.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggests that elevations in nocturnal BP precedes DN and increases the risk to develop CVE in hypertensive patients with T2DM.</p