6,478 research outputs found

    Concepts for the design of an antimatter annihilation rocket

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    Matter-antimatter annihilation is considered for spacecraft propulsion. Annihilation produces considerably more energy per unit mass of propellant than any other known means of energy production. An antimatter annihilation rocket requires several systems and components that are unique to its nature. Among these are an antimatter storage system, a means to extract the antimatter from storage, a system to transport the antimatter to the rocket engine, and the engine wherein annihilation occurs and thrust is produced. Design concepts of these systems and components are presented and discussed

    Investigation of matter-antimatter interaction for possible propulsion applications

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    Matter-antimatter annihilation is discussed as a means of rocket propulsion. The feasibility of different means of antimatter storage is shown to depend on how annihilation rates are affected by various circumstances. The annihilation processes are described, with emphasis on important features of atom-antiatom interatomic potential energies. A model is developed that allows approximate calculation of upper and lower bounds to the interatomic potential energy for any atom-antiatom pair. Formulae for the upper and lower bounds for atom-antiatom annihilation cross-sections are obtained and applied to the annihilation rates for each means of antimatter storage under consideration. Recommendations for further studies are presented

    Aircraft High-Lift Aerodynamic Analysis Using a Surface-Vorticity Solver

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    This study extends an existing semi-empirical approach to high-lift analysis by examining its effectiveness for use with a three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis method. The aircraft high-lift geometry is modeled in Vehicle Sketch Pad (OpenVSP) using a newly-developed set of techniques for building a three-dimensional model of the high-lift geometry, and for controlling flap deflections using scripted parameter linking. Analysis of the low-speed aerodynamics is performed in FlightStream, a novel surface-vorticity solver that is expected to be substantially more robust and stable compared to pressure-based potential-flow solvers and less sensitive to surface perturbations. The calculated lift curve and drag polar are modified by an empirical lift-effectiveness factor that takes into account the effects of viscosity that are not captured in the potential-flow solution. Analysis results are validated against wind-tunnel data for The Energy-Efficient Transport AR12 low-speed wind-tunnel model, a 12-foot, full-span aircraft configuration with a supercritical wing, full-span slats, and part-span double-slotted flaps

    Antiproton-Hydrogen annihilation at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    The main properties of the interaction of ultra low-energy antiprotons (E106% E\le10^{-6} a.u.) with atomic hydrogen are established. They include the elastic and inelastic cross sections and Protonium (Pn) formation spectrum. The inverse Auger process (Pn+eH+pˉPn+e \to H+\bar{p}) is taken into account in the framework of an unitary coupled-channels model. The annihilation cross-section is found to be several times smaller than the predictions made by the black sphere absorption models. A family of pˉH\bar{p}H nearthreshold metastable states is predicited. The dependence of Protonium formation probability on the position of such nearthreshold S-matrix singularities is analysed. An estimation for the HHˉH\bar{H} annihilation cross section is obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental evidence of antiproton reflection by a solid surface

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    We report here experimental evidence of the reflection of a large fraction of a beam of low energy antiprotons by an aluminum wall. This derives from the analysis of a set of annihilations of antiprotons that come to rest in rarefied helium gas after hitting the end wall of the apparatus. A Monte Carlo simulation of the antiproton path in aluminum indicates that the observed reflection occurs primarily via a multiple Rutherford-style scattering on Al nuclei, at least in the energy range 1-10 keV where the phenomenon is most visible in the analyzed data. These results contradict the common belief according to which the interactions between matter and antimatter are dominated by the reciprocally destructive phenomenon of annihilation.Comment: 5 pages with 5 figure

    \u3ci\u3eProsopis glandulosa\u3c/i\u3e persistence is facilitated by differential protection of buds during low- and high-energy fires

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    Rangelands worldwide have experienced significant shifts from grass-dominated to woody-plant dominated states over the past century. In North America, these shifts are largely driven by overgrazing and landscape-scale fire suppression. Such shifts reduce productivity for livestock, can have broad-scale impacts to biodiversity, and are often difficult to reverse. Restoring grass dominance often involves restoring fire as an ecological process. However, many resprouting woody plants persist following disturbance, including fire, by resprouting from protected buds, rendering fire ineffective for reducing resprouting woody plant density. Recent research has shown that extreme fire (high-energy fires during periods of water stress) may reduce resprouting capacity. This previous research did not examine whether high-energy fires alone would be sufficient to cause mortality. We created an experimental framework for assessing the “buds-protection-resources” hypothesis of resprouting persistence under different fire energies. In July–August 2018 we exposed 48 individuals of a dominant resprouting woody plant in the region, honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), to two levels of fire energy (high and low) and root crown exposure (exposed vs unexposed) and evaluated resprouting capacity. We censused basal and epicormic resprouts for two years following treatment. Water stress was moderate for several months leading up to fires but low in subsequent years. Epicormic and basal buds were somewhat protected from lowand high-energy fire. However, epicormic buds were protected in very few mesquites subjected to high-energy fires. High-energy fires decreased survival, caused loss of apical dominance, and left residual dead stems, which may increase chances of mortality from future fires. Basal resprout numbers were reduced by high-energy fires, which may have additional implications for long-term mesquite survival. While the buds, protection, and resources components of resprouter persistence all played a role in resprouting, high-energy fire decreased mesquite survival and reduced resprouting. This suggests that high-energy fires affect persistence mechanisms to different extents than low-energy fires. In addition, high-energy fires during normal rainfall can have negative impacts on resprouting capacity; water stress is not a necessary precursor to honey mesquite mortality from highenergy fire

    Exotic herbivores and fire energy drive standing herbaceous biomass but do not alter compositional patterns in a semiarid savanna ecosystem

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    Questions: Fire regime alterations are pushing open ecosystems worldwide past tipping points where alternative steady states characterized by woody dominance prevail. This reduces the frequency and intensity of surface fires, further limiting their effectiveness for controlling cover of woody plants. In addition, grazing pressure (exotic or native grazers) can reinforce woody encroachment by potentially reducing fine-fuel loads. We investigated the effects of different fire energies on the herbaceous plant community, together with mammalian wildlife herbivory (exotic and native combined) exclusion, to inform best management practices. Location: Texas semi-arid savanna, southern Great Plains, USA. Methods: We conducted an experiment in which we manipulated fire intensity and herbivore access to herbaceous biomass in a split-plot design. We altered fire energy via fuel addition rather than applying fire under different environmental conditions to control for differences in standing biomass and composition attributable to differential plant physiological status and fire season. Results: High-energy fire did not reduce herbaceous biomass or alter plant community composition, although it did increase among-plot variability in composition and forb biomass relative to low-energy fire and non-burned controls. Grazing pressure from native and non-native mammalian herbivores reduced above-ground herbaceous biomass regardless of fire treatments, but did not alter community composition. Conclusions: Managers seeking to apply high-intensity prescribed fire to reduce woody encroachment will not negatively impact herbaceous plant productivity or alter community composition. However, they should be cognizant that repeated fires necessary for greatly reducing woody plants in heavily invaded areas might be difficult to accomplish due to fine-fuel reduction from wild herbivores. High fencing to restrict access by wildlife herbivores or culling might be necessary to build fuels sufficient to conduct high-intensity burns for woody-plant reductio

    Relativistic Effects in the Scalar Meson Dynamics

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    A separable potential formalism is used to describe the ππ\pi\pi and KKK\overline{K} interactions in the scalar-isoscalar states in the energy range from the ππ\pi\pi threshold up to 1.4 GeV. Introduction of relativistic propagators into a system of Lippmann-Schwinger equations leads to a very good description of the data (χ2=0.93\chi^{2}=0.93 per one degree of freedom). Three poles are found in this energy region: fo(500) (M=506±10M=506\pm 10 MeV, Γ=494±5\Gamma=494\pm 5 MeV), fo(975) (M=973±2M=973\pm 2 MeV, Γ=29±2\Gamma=29\pm 2 MeV) and fo(1400) (M=1430±5M=1430\pm 5 MeV, Γ=145±25\Gamma=145\pm 25 MeV). The fo(975) state can be interpreted as a KKK\overline{K} bound state. The fo(500) state may be associated with the often postulated very broad scalar resonance under the KKK\overline{K} threshold (sometimes called σ\sigma or ϵ\epsilon meson). The scattering lengths in the ππ\pi\pi and KKK\overline{K} channels have also been obtained. The relativistic approach provides qualitatively new results (e.g. the appearance of the fo(500)) in comparison with previously used nonrelativistic approach.Comment: 30 pages in LaTeX + 5 figures available on request. Preprint Orsay No IPNO/TH 93-3

    Statistical mechanics of secondary structures formed by random RNA sequences

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    The formation of secondary structures by a random RNA sequence is studied as a model system for the sequence-structure problem omnipresent in biopolymers. Several toy energy models are introduced to allow detailed analytical and numerical studies. First, a two-replica calculation is performed. By mapping the two-replica problem to the denaturation of a single homogeneous RNA in 6-dimensional embedding space, we show that sequence disorder is perturbatively irrelevant, i.e., an RNA molecule with weak sequence disorder is in a molten phase where many secondary structures with comparable total energy coexist. A numerical study of various models at high temperature reproduces behaviors characteristic of the molten phase. On the other hand, a scaling argument based on the extremal statistics of rare regions can be constructed to show that the low temperature phase is unstable to sequence disorder. We performed a detailed numerical study of the low temperature phase using the droplet theory as a guide, and characterized the statistics of large-scale, low-energy excitations of the secondary structures from the ground state structure. We find the excitation energy to grow very slowly (i.e., logarithmically) with the length scale of the excitation, suggesting the existence of a marginal glass phase. The transition between the low temperature glass phase and the high temperature molten phase is also characterized numerically. It is revealed by a change in the coefficient of the logarithmic excitation energy, from being disorder dominated to entropy dominated.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figure