7,074 research outputs found

    Drone Flight Performance Evaluation Methodology Based on Data Science

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    Nowadays Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) consist of collaborators for hazardous jobs like deliveries, from commerce to clients, and emergency scenarios, like fire fighting and rescue humanitarian jobs. The pilot’s responsibility has increased as the new requirements settle for new applications, so in this way, they need to have enough capabilities to perform this valuable work. However, this required knowledge, skills, and attitudes not provided in a formal educational institute with an established process. Therefore, there is no method defined to know the level of performance of a Pilot, and this is essential before giving a duty as valuable of delivery. This thesis presents an effort to establish a detailed structured methodology for evaluating a pilot’s ability to coordinate psycho-motor and evaluate this determined pilot’s learning rate in a sequence of flights. Furthermore, to generate a predictive model representing this learning for a specific pilot and give formal evidence of the improvement in the near future and which orientation coordination ability can improve

    Genealogical data of Boer and Nubian goats in Mexico

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    The pedigree file of the Boer and Nubian goat breeds in Mexico was constructed using the national database provided by the AsociaciĂłn Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Caprino de Registro. Field technicians routinely updated the goat national database by recording information from flocks participating in the performance-recording system. Information on animal identification number, parents, birth date, sex, breed, and farm of origin were used to undertake pedigree analyses using the ENDOG program (version 4.8). This paper presents a pedigree data file, tables and figures of characteristics of pedigree data, pedigree analyses, pedigree integrity, effective population size and genetic conservation index. The data can be used to estimate other population parameters, to monitor the genetic diversity of the Boer and Nubian goat breeds in Mexico, and also to design balanced breeding programs, maintaining genetic variation at reasonable levels and maximizing genetic progress in these populations.202

    Suitability of various complex hydrides for foaming aluminum alloys

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Some hydrides that could replace TiH2 as the hitherto most suitable blowing agent for foaming aluminum alloys were investigated. Hydrides taken from the group MBH4 (M = Li, Na, K) and LiAlH4 were selected since these have not been studied in the past although their decomposition characteristics appear to be suitable. Foamable precursors of alloy AlSi8Mg4 were manufactured by pressing blends of metal and blowing agent powders. Powders, precursors and precursor filings were studied by mass spectrometry to obtain the hydrogen desorption profile. Foaming experiments were conducted with simultaneous x-ray radiographic monitoring. Two Li-containing blowing agents were found to perform well and can be considered alternatives to TiH2

    Hook effect in radioligand assay for Anti Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Anti-GAD65). Influence of temperature and physicochemical interpretation

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    Background: Radioligand assay is one of the principal methods used for analytical determination of the Anti-GAD65 concentration. We studied the influence of temperature on the calibration curves obtained by such a method Matherial and Methods: We used a commercially available RIA kit for Anti-GAD65 and a gamma counter. Data was analyzed using Statistica software. Results and Discusion: Activities bound to the antibody increase with temperature. There was a decrease in activity for high concentrations attributable to the "hook effect". We propose a simple physicochemical model that justifies satisfactorily the results.Objetivo: El anĂĄlisis por radioligando es uno de los mĂ©todos principales utilizados en la determinaciĂłn analĂ­tica del Anti-GAD65. Se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura sobre las grĂĄficas de calibraciĂłn obtenidas por dicha tĂ©cnica. Material y MĂ©todos: Usamos un kit comercial para Anti-GAD65 y un contador gamma. Los resultados son analizados mediante el programa Statistica. Resultados y DiscusiĂłn: Las actividades ligadas al anticuerpo aumentan con la temperatura. Se observa una disminuciĂłn de la actividad para altas concentraciones atribuible al llamado “efecto anzuelo”. Se propone un sencillo modelo fisicoquĂ­mico que justifica satisfactoriamente los resultado

    Generalised median of a set of correspondences based on the hamming distance.

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    A correspondence is a set of mappings that establishes a relation between the elements of two data structures (i.e. sets of points, strings, trees or graphs). If we consider several correspondences between the same two structures, one option to define a representative of them is through the generalised median correspondence. In general, the computation of the generalised median is an NP-complete task. In this paper, we present two methods to calculate the generalised median correspondence of multiple correspondences. The first one obtains the optimal solution in cubic time, but it is restricted to the Hamming distance. The second one obtains a sub-optimal solution through an iterative approach, but does not have any restrictions with respect to the used distance. We compare both proposals in terms of the distance to the true generalised median and runtime

    Possible involvement of the inhibition of NF-kÎČ factor in anti_inflammatory actions that melatonin exert on mast cells

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    Melatonin is a molecule endogenously produced in a wide variety of immune cells, including mast cells (RBL-2H3). It exhibits immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties. The physiologic mechanisms underlying these activities of melatonin have not been clarified in mast cells. This work is designed to determine the anti-inflammatory effect and mechanism of action of melatonin on activated mast cells. RBL-2H3 were pre-treated with exogenous melatonin (MELx) at physiological (100nM) and pharmacological (1mM) doses for 30 min, washed and activated with PMACI (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate plus calcium ionophore A23187) for 2h and 12h. The data shows that pre-treatment of MELx in stimulated mast cells, significantly reduced the levels of endogenous melatonin production (MELn), TNF-alpha and IL-6. These effects are directly related with the MELx concentration used. MELx also inhibited IKK/NF-kB signal transduction pathway in stimulated mast cells. These results indicate a molecular basis for the ability of melatonin to prevent inflammation and for the treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases through the down-regulation of mast cell activation

    Pseudo-Jahn-Teller origin of the low barrier hydrogen bond in N2H7+

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    The microscopic origin and quantum effects of the low barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) in the proton-bound ammonia dimer cation N2H7+ were studied by means of ab initio and density-functional theory(DFT) methods. These results were analyzed in the framework of vibronic theory and compared to those obtained for the Zundel cation H5O2+. All geometry optimizations carried out using wavefunction-based methods [Hartree–Fock, second and fourth order Möller–Plesset theory (MP2 and MP4), and quadratic configuration interaction with singles and doubles excitations (QCISD)] lead to an asymmetrical H3N–H+⋯NH3 conformation (C3v symmetry) with a small energy barrier (1.26kcal/mol in MP4 and QCISD calculations) between both equivalent minima. The value of this barrier is underestimated in DFT calculations particularly at the local density approximation level where geometry optimization leads to a symmetric H3N⋯H+⋯NH3 structure (D3d point group). The instability of the symmetric D3d structure is shown to originate from the pseudo-Jahn–Teller mixing of the electronic A1g1ground state with five low lying excited states of A2u symmetry through the asymmetric α2u vibrational mode. A molecular orbital study of the pseudo-Jahn–Teller coupling has allowed us to discuss the origin of the proton displacement and the LBHB formation in terms of the polarization of the NH3 molecules and the transfer of electronic charge between the proton and the NH3 units (rebonding). The parallel study of the H5O2+ cation, which presents a symmetric single-well structure, allows us to analyze why these similar molecules behave differently with respect to proton transfer. From the vibronic analysis, a unified view of the Rudle–Pimentel three-center four-electron and charge transfer models of LBHBs is given. Finally, the large difference in the N–N distance in the D3d and C3v configurations of N2H7+ indicates a large anharmonic coupling between α2u-α1g modes along the proton-transfer dynamics. This issue was explored by solving numerically the vibrational Schrödinger equation corresponding to the bidimensional E[Q(α2u),Q(α1g)] energy surface calculated at the MP4/6-311++G** level of theory
